"Trump Cut" Discounts starting in 2018


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
"Trump Cut" Discounts starting in 2018

The gist of the Republican tax overhaul is another run at Supply Side Economics on steroids. :eusa_eh:

Only one prediction about the effect of this overhaul going forward is similar no matter if one is facing to the left or facing to the right: The "Cost of Doing Business in America" is dropping like the price of a porn star with a brand-new STD diagnosis.

I think we should all start asking every corporation for a "Trump Cut Discount". :biggrin:

In theory prices in a truly competitive market should just naturally adjust downward in response to such a discount on the cost of doing business in America, eh my Capitalist friends?

Ass-u-me-ing a truly competitive market....


Stupid me :eusa_doh:

I ass-u-me-ed that the last nail had been driven in the coffin of Supply Side Economics when George W and Company drove the fucker to the brink of the abyss back in the fall of 2008, but if America wants to give Supply Side another shot, I'll deal. I made money the last time.

I hope that the republican party and Supply Side Economics are actually betting their mutual relevance on each other this time, but American gullibility continues to shock the shit out of me.

The gist of the Republican tax overhaul is another run at Supply Side Economics on steroids. :eusa_eh:

Only one prediction about the effect of this overhaul going forward is similar no matter if one is facing to the left or facing to the right: The "Cost of Doing Business in America" is dropping like the price of a porn star with a brand-new STD diagnosis.

I think we should all start asking every merchant for a "Trump Cut Discount". :biggrin:

In theory prices in a truly competitive market should just naturally adjust downward in response to such a discount on the cost of doing business in America, eh my Capitalist friends?

Ass-u-me-ing a truly competitive market....



I'm waiting for my Trump dividend hike
Stupid me :eusa_doh:

I ass-u-me-ed that the last nail had been driven in the coffin of Supply Side Economics when George W and Company drove the fucker to the brink of the abyss back in the fall of 2008, but if America wants to give Supply Side another shot, I'll deal. I made money the last time.

I hope that the republican party and Supply Side Economics are actually betting their mutual relevance on each other this time, but American gullibility continues to shock the shit out of me.


I ass-u-me-ed that the last nail had been driven in the coffin of Supply Side Economics when George W and Company drove the fucker to the brink of the abyss back in the fall of 2008,

Tax cuts weren't to blame for the real estate bubble.

American gullibility continues to shock the shit out of me.

Considering Dem losses since 2008, less gullible than before.
The tax cuts are designed to destroy the tax and donor base of the Ds, which it is likely to do based on current progress. The secondary target is to increase physical investment in the Red states. That has already begun, mostly in the building of more plants in the Carolinas. The tertiary target is to attract foreign subsidiaries to the US by the tariffs included in the bill to create more jobs here while running up the expenses of out sourcing. WTO compliance will be added on in the bill to keep the government running.
The tax cuts are designed to destroy the tax and donor base of the Ds, which it is likely to do based on current progress. The secondary target is to increase physical investment in the Red states. That has already begun, mostly in the building of more plants in the Carolinas. The tertiary target is to attract foreign subsidiaries to the US by the tariffs included in the bill to create more jobs here while running up the expenses of out sourcing. WTO compliance will be added on in the bill to keep the government running.
Oh boy :laugh:

Yes punishing targeted groups of Americans and massive tariffs are always a formula for success :rolleyes:
The gist of the Republican tax overhaul is another run at Supply Side Economics on steroids. :eusa_eh:

Only one prediction about the effect of this overhaul going forward is similar no matter if one is facing to the left or facing to the right: The "Cost of Doing Business in America" is dropping like the price of a porn star with a brand-new STD diagnosis.

I think we should all start asking every merchant for a "Trump Cut Discount". :biggrin:

In theory prices in a truly competitive market should just naturally adjust downward in response to such a discount on the cost of doing business in America, eh my Capitalist friends?

Ass-u-me-ing a truly competitive market....



That's a good thing, right? If the cost of doing business is dropping then competition with imported goods gets better, which means prices go down. How is that not a good thing for the American consumer?
It IS a good thing... in theory. In theory and ass-u-me-ing a competitive market to begin with.

The answer is no more "Cut Taxes and Less Government" than it is "Raise Taxes and Grow Government".

The answer is "Fair Taxes and Appropriate Government".

I'm waiting for my Trump dividend hike


I too will be using the next seven years to milk every corporation that I deal with for every discount and dividend that I can afford to find before the wheels fall off again.

I'll bet anyone $1 (U.S. funds) that the bubble will once again come out of the banking and finance industries


:p I'm a VERY conservative gambler.

I'm waiting for my Trump dividend hike


I too will be using the next seven years to milk every corporation that I deal with for every discount and dividend that I can afford to find before the wheels fall off again.

I'll bet anyone $1 (U.S. funds) that the bubble will once again come out of the banking and finance industries


:p I'm a VERY conservative gambler.

Quite possible the muni bubble has been building for nearly three decades in IL and CA.
It IS a good thing... in theory. In theory and ass-u-me-ing a competitive market to begin with.

The answer is no more "Cut Taxes and Less Government" than it is "Raise Taxes and Grow Government".

The answer is "Fair Taxes and Appropriate Government".


I dunno Joe, I'm pretty sure cutting taxes and less gov't is a better answer than raising taxes and more gov't. Although I will also say that sometimes a tax hike is a good idea, such as when the economy is roaring and inflation is rampant. In my view though, that doesn't mean we should grow the gov't, it means we should pay down the debt if we can manage to get a surplus.

Appropriate gov't is good, as is fair taxes but the question becomes what does "appropriate" mean and who decides what "fair taxes" amounts to. Some people want rich people to pay all the way up to 100% of their income over a certain amount, not sure how fair that is. Nor how wise either, at some point the rich guys will sell out and move offshore where they can make more money. Funny thing, you ask a Lefty how much is "fair" when it comes to taxes on the rich and they never answer. Which is because their answer is that it's always more than you're paying now.
Looks like cutting taxes isn't going to work the way that conservatives keep promising. The unemployment rate is almost at zero and wages are on the rise, but without funds to maintain and grow the infrastructure, it's a big house on a weak foundation.

Trump's Swelling Budget Deficits Lead to Record Treasury-Bond Sales

The bill is coming due and the income promised by the tax cuts is lining off-shore corporate accounts, not swelling the employment roles with more and higher income tax payers.

Cutting taxes blindly is no more the answer than is raising them willy-nilly.....

The elusive answer remains Fair and Simple taxes and budgets that are balanced by law.

Why is it that republicans bitch up a storm about deficit spending right up until they get the credit card? :dunno:


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