Trump: Compared To Chopping Off Heads, 'Waterboarding Doesn't Sound Very Severe'


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Do you hear all those muffled POPS in the background?....That FAGERALS HEADS EXPLODING all over the country with Trump being a MAN, and NOT A PUSSY as we currently have in the White House! Trump LEADING with the SECURITY and PROTECTION of our citizens!

From ABC's This Week:

KARL: Would President Trump authorize waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques, even torture?

TRUMP: I would be inclined to be very strong. When people are chopping off other people's heads and then we're worried about waterboarding and we can't, because I have no doubt that that works. I have absolutely no doubt.

KARL: You'd bring back waterboarding?

TRUMP: mention waterboarding, which was such a big subject. I haven't heard that term in a year now, because when you see the other side chopping off heads, waterboarding doesn't sound very severe.
Yep, he's a loon alright, and just became an apologist for torture and war crimes. Oh well.

Is it just me, or are our crazies getting crazier since trump has been in the spotlight?
He seems to have brought out a new kind of insanity. They are very excited, about a loudmouth jackass who can't get elected and is threatening to split the GOP if he doesn't get his way. Trump might just make it cakewalk for Hillary.
Yep, he's a loon alright, and just became an apologist for torture and war crimes. Oh well.

Is it just me, or are our crazies getting crazier since trump has been in the spotlight?
He seems to have brought out a new kind of insanity. They are very excited, about a loudmouth jackass who can't get elected and is threatening to split the GOP if he doesn't get his way. Trump might just make it cakewalk for Hillary.

The hero they have been waiting for.
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College kids "hazing" each other is worse than waterboarding. Only a dumb liberal would call it torture.
Or the US and the Japanese soldiers we executed for doing it to our soldiers, when the US had morals that is.

waterboarding torture method

Ex-CIA agent: Waterboarding 'saved lives' -
Breaking News U.S. World Weather Entertainment Video News -
Dec 11, 2007 · Ex-CIA agent John Kiriakou says he underwent waterboarding in training and cracked in a few seconds. - Waterboarding Saves Lives...... - Redefining the Media/view?i=d66_1240595377
Video embedded · What's next? I'll tell you what's next... Barack Obama is going to get us all killed! I don't care if you're are liberal, conservative, republican or a democrat.

Waterboarding Success Stories: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and ...
The waterboarding of ... has been essentially to stop the torture ... Khaled Sheikh Mohammed could not have "provided valuable information and saved lives" when ...

Ex-CIA chief defends waterboarding of al Qaeda leader ...
CBS News - Breaking News U.S. World Business Entertainment Video/news/ex-cia-chief-defends-waterboarding-of-al...
Jul 19, 2015 · Ex-CIA chief defends waterboarding of al ... "I am very secure in what we did and am very confident that what we did saved American lives," says ...

Yes, FAGERAL KILL the UNBORN, but when it comes to saving the BORN, they are ethically morons!
Yep, he's a loon alright, and just became an apologist for torture and war crimes. Oh well.

Is it just me, or are our crazies getting crazier since trump has been in the spotlight?
He seems to have brought out a new kind of insanity. They are very excited, about a loudmouth jackass who can't get elected and is threatening to split the GOP if he doesn't get his way. Trump might just make it cakewalk for Hillary.
That's if she's not indicted first.... Between the two...I'll take honesty...Trump.
Yep, he's a loon alright, and just became an apologist for torture and war crimes. Oh well.

Has anyone arrested any Muslim terrorist and charged them with "war crimes"? If not then "war crimes" do not exist and I'm all for doing a little head lopping (burning alive, mass drowning, etc.) of our own. What's good for the goose...

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