Trump commutes Rod Blagojevich prison sentence. He gets to go home

Hey about a little prid pro quo about the Surrender Monkey.....just for OLD TIMES SAKE!....ROTFLMFAO!!!
Pay for play is a very serious crime. People in Fed prisons are expected to do 85% of their time. Bad move to give a free pass to the dirty politician.

Rod Blagojevich: Ex-Illinois governor to get prison break from Trump
It is a serious crime and no one is denying he deserved to go to prison, but eight years in prison is serious prison time and I fail to see what benefit the public would get from him serving another four years.

He was given a light sentence. Why does he deserve a commuted sentence, exactly?
8 years is enough because the POTUS said so.
Yes, cultist, you already said that. Dear Leader said so. Therefore, you say so. No need to go into Rainman mode, I heard ya the first time.

You ignored my reply shithead, why can't you produce a single fucking post on this forum out of 35,000 posts you have that complains about Obama pardoning a single fucking person?

Why? Because to use your words, because the Messiah did it, that's it.
Trump pardoning a fucking Democrat?

Fuck that, he should have gone the other way and executed the POS corrupt Dimm.

Fuck all Dimms.
Blago got sideways with the democrat swamp reptiles....That's the only reason that guys like him and Jim Traficant ever end up in prison.

Yea, how did he actually get punished? Dimms never do. Not even child molestor Menendez
8 years is enough because the POTUS said so.
Yes, cultist, you already said that. Dear Leader said so. Therefore, you say so. No need to go into Rainman mode, I heard ya the first time.

You ignored my reply shithead, why can't you produce a single fucking post on this forum out of 35,000 posts you have that complains about Obama pardoning a single fucking person?

Why? Because to use your words, because the Messiah did it, that's it.

obama pardoned drug dealers and gangsters, Trump commuted the sentence of a corrupt governor and pardoned one of the world’s biggest fraudsters (Michael Milken). I don’t know which one is worse
There’s are no creatures on earth I want serving harsher sentences than corrupt politicians

Sounds to me like a personal problem.

come on BKidd. I’m usually on your side. I mean it’s normal to hate corrupt politicians. Just because Trump does it doesn’t mean it’s good

It's not normal to want undue harsh sentencing just because one is a politician or in a position of power.
For example, if McCabe was charged and found guilty of perjury, how many years would be enough?
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence

Trump commuted the sentence of a man who tried to shake down a children's hospital for campaign contributions, saying his sentence was too "harsh". It wasn't fucking HARSH enough.

The guys he gave pardons to were all rich fat cats who BUILT the fucking swamp. Michael Milliken???? Who stolen billions during the Wall Street shennanigans. Politicians and millionaires get pardons. These people are the dregs of society. The people who used their politican power to line their own pockets, just like Trump.

Donald Trump has now spent $133 million dollars going golfing at his resorts. Trump has been paid millions of dollars by the taxpayers for hotel rooms, meals and golf cart rentals to his formerly failing golf clubs at Bedminster, Virginia, and Mar-A-Lago, bring a large entourage of government workers to his resorts with him each weekend and holiday. He's spent nearly 6 months in the past three years at one of his clubs, where he basks in the glow of the wealthy members who pony up hundreds of thousands of dollars in intiation and membership fees, just to have acces to their President.

Donald Trump charges you the "rack rate" for rooms for his staffers - $650 per room, per night. The highest possible rate before any kind of discount or reduction is applied. No corporate discount, no bulk rate discount, no frequent guest discounts. As someone who travels frequently, can I say that when you bulk book rooms for yourself and an entourage of 20 plus staffers, and return week after week, your hotel should be giving you all three, and as a corporate person, I would not book a hotel who didn't, and neither would you.

So Trump is pardoning people just like him. Greedy, rich people who use their power of wealth to get richer. I'm sure he's saying well this guy is a Democrat. I'll pardon him so that when I pardon Stone, I can say "You didn't complain when I was pardoning Democrats". Yeah the left are complaining that you're pardoning rich asshats who didn't need to abuse power and steal from the American people. Doesn't matter which party they belong to.

TDS in full display.

Thank you.
Repubs strong on crime mentality

convict them then set them free

especially their own or trying to get the black vote
There’s are no creatures on earth I want serving harsher sentences than corrupt politicians

Sounds to me like a personal problem.

come on BKidd. I’m usually on your side. I mean it’s normal to hate corrupt politicians. Just because Trump does it doesn’t mean it’s good

It's not normal to want undue harsh sentencing just because one is a politician or in a position of power.
For example, if McCabe was charged and found guilty of perjury, how many years would be enough?

I would clump in the FBI, politicians and all high level civil servants as people who need to get dealt with harshly when they abuse their power and violate the American people’s trust

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