Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida ra

Trump’s comments left some Swedish politicians scratching their heads.

“Sweden? Terrorist Attack? What has he been smoking?” former prime minister Carl Bildt wondered on Twitter following the speech.

Sweden’s official Twitter account @Sweden, which is handed over to a private citizen each week, kept busy reassuring followers that there wasn’t a terrorist incident in the country.

Trump never said there was a terrorist attack in Sweden. The former PM is smoking something.

And yet the mass rapes in Köln and Hamburg did happen. Sweden has the highest rates of rape in Europe, all thanks to Muslims. Germany isn't far behind in rapes.
Trump never said there was a terrorist attack in Sweden. The former PM is smoking something.
LOL only 4000 law suit Trump who paid out $25 million to folks he defrauded can be believed that your story:badgrin:

'Nothing particularly nefarious happened in Sweden on Friday — or Saturday, for that matter — and Swedes were left baffled.

“Sweden? Terror attack? What has [Trump] been smoking? Questions abound,” Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter.


Henrik Selin, political scientist and deputy director of the Swedish Institute, a state agency dedicated to promoting Sweden globally, said he was puzzled by Mr. Trump’s remarks.

“I do not have a clue what he was referring to,” he said in a telephone interview. “Obviously, this could be connected to the fact that there has been a lot of negative reporting about Sweden, since Sweden has taken in a lot of refugees.”'

Yet another ridiculous Trump lie, and yet again his reprehensible supporters ignore Trump’s lies.

Let's start with this.

Quote exactly what Trump said about Sweden.
HEY!! What am I? Chopped liver?
Maybe I'm on ignore...

I got nobody on ignore. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but as you can see, and I assume you can, I was clearly responding to OP and asking him to back the claims used to open another ridiculous thread.
And yet the mass rapes in Köln and Hamburg did happen. Sweden has the highest rates of rape in Europe, all thanks to Muslims. Germany isn't far behind in rapes.

Trump is not a reliable source...he lies all the time

Sanders: Trump a 'pathological liar'
Source: MSN/The Hill

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) hit President Trump on Saturday for his frequent attacks on the news media, calling the president a "pathological liar."

"In Trump's view people should ignore all the news except what comes directly from him. That is what totalitarianism is all about. Good thing we have Donald Trump, a pathological liar, to tell us the 'truth,'" Sanders wrote in a series of tweets.

Sanders' message appeared to be in response to tweets by the president Friday night that called news outlets "the enemy of the American people."

Trump has frequently hit news outlets for "fake news" and has been the subject of backlash for his numerous tweets against CNN, The New York Times and other news groups.

Read more: Sanders: Trump a 'pathological liar'
Its not just the latest Sweden Bull shit by Trump ..its a 24/7/365 thing for the Trump Rubes

Hunters charged in Texas shooting had blamed immigrants
Source: Associated Press

SUNDAY, FEB 19, 2017 11:00 AM EST

PRESIDIO, Texas (AP) — Two hunters accused in a shooting on a Texas ranch near the Mexican border had told authorities they were shot by immigrants who had entered the U.S. illegally.

Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez told Odessa television KOSA (Hunting guides charged in connection to Presidio County ranch shooting ) that a grand jury indicted Michael Bryant and Walker Daugherty on charges of using deadly conduct by discharging firearms in the direction of others.

The charges stem from a Jan. 6 incident where police found Daugherty and another hunter, Edwin Roberts, with gunshot wounds. Dominguez says an investigation found that Daugherty shot Roberts and Bryant shot Daugherty.

The hunters’ claim that immigrants shot them became fodder for a Facebook post by Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller. He wrote the attack was another reason why a wall must be built along the border.


Read more: Hunters charged in Texas shooting had blamed immigrants
Sweden is a disaster and the future of the rest of Western civilization unless the Muslim cheap labor migration is stopped.

It's bad enough that you read Stormfront, and watch Info-Wars. What makes you pathetic is that you believe these people. And sadly, so does your orange-faced a$$hat President.

You fkn idiots don't even know wtf FACIST is. You are about as Brainy as ANTIFA the stupid dumbasses can't even answer wtf a facist is, and they are consider COMMUNIST ASSHOLES.... you fit in you should sign up.
They are all nothing but cowardly little bitches too.
here's a nice demonstration of one
Social media users troll Trump over Sweden incident

Social media users quickly responded to Trump’s comments
Social media users trolled President Trump after he referred to an incident in Sweden to defend his travel ban that has baffled Swedes.

During his campaign-style rally on Saturday in Florida, Trump pointed to incidents in Germany and Sweden in defense of his executive order on immigration and refugees — specifically referring to what happened “last night” in Sweden.

View image on Twitter

Paul Joseph Watson

“When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden – Sweden!” he said. “Who would believe this? Sweden! They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never thought possible.”.......................................

Social media users troll Trump over Sweden incident

This is what I like about Paul they take information and tell the truth unlike other idiots including on here who post the perfect spun out of context bs lies as if they think it is the truth.

It is stomach turning how vindictive Trump hating mental cases are. They will not stop at anything just to destroy this Nation. If they only knew the hatred they are creating for themselves.

The weak will fall and if only we could all watch them implode

Anyone who trashes our leader is only digging a hole for themselves because what they choose to put out there will only make him dig his heels in even further. The man obviously has a vision and if the way it looks makes certain people that sick enough, the Delta flight is all ready for take off when ever them certain people are.

God bless you and our leader always!!!


P.S. I learned this lesson from what happened with the Dixie Chicks. That lead girl only became more intolerable the more that people trashed her. To me, she should have appreciated the fact that people cared at all about what she had to say or do because not everyone was as lucky as she was to garner so much attention.
Hey Swedish Government (because it's very likely not the same opinion as the rank and file Swedes):

View attachment 113180

Yes, and the murder rate in the US is the highest it's been in 47 years. You people are cowering under your beds in fear. Over NOTHING. What the alt-right tells you is happening, is a lie.

Stormfront, Alex Jones, Breitbart, are stoking the hatred and the fear to control you, and it's working. You're all terrified of Muslims, and the crime statistics just don't back you up.

When told they're lying, they claim some global conspiracy. Put your tin foil hat on and hide or they'll get you.
'Nothing particularly nefarious happened in Sweden on Friday — or Saturday, for that matter — and Swedes were left baffled.

“Sweden? Terror attack? What has [Trump] been smoking? Questions abound,” Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter.


Henrik Selin, political scientist and deputy director of the Swedish Institute, a state agency dedicated to promoting Sweden globally, said he was puzzled by Mr. Trump’s remarks.

“I do not have a clue what he was referring to,” he said in a telephone interview. “Obviously, this could be connected to the fact that there has been a lot of negative reporting about Sweden, since Sweden has taken in a lot of refugees.”'

Yet another ridiculous Trump lie, and yet again his reprehensible supporters ignore Trump’s lies.
Keep the lies flowing.
I knew the Trumpsters would find a way to justify this and belittle the normal people left in this country who wondered what in hell he was talking about.
OH YES!!! It has been done again, like his HUUUGE inauguration crowd and the MILLIONS of illegal voters who all voted for Hillary. He is always right, even when he's spouting horseshit which never happened.
.....of course Swede's have no idea what Agent Orange is talking about, but this is still just fake news, Trump re-routing the Obama birth certificate team to Stockholm and get to the bottom of this shit...........

LONDON Swedes reacted with confusion, anger and ridicule on Sunday to a vague remark by President Trump that suggested that something terrible had occurred in their country.

During a campaign-style rally on Saturday in Florida, Mr. Trump issued a sharp if discursive attack on refugee policies in Europe, ticking off a list of places that have been hit by terrorists.

You look at whats happening, he told his supporters. Weve got to keep our country safe. You look at whats happening in Germany, you look at whats happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?

Not the Swedes. Nothing particularly nefarious happened in Sweden on Friday or Saturday, for that matter and Swedes were left baffled. Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound, Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter.

Sweden is a disaster and the future of the rest of Western civilization unless the Muslim cheap labor migration is stopped.

It's bad enough that you read Stormfront, and watch Info-Wars. What makes you pathetic is that you believe these people. And sadly, so does your orange-faced a$$hat President.
You clueless liars cannot post the truth about anything can you?
'Nothing particularly nefarious happened in Sweden on Friday — or Saturday, for that matter — and Swedes were left baffled.

“Sweden? Terror attack? What has [Trump] been smoking? Questions abound,” Carl Bildt, a former prime minister and foreign minister, wrote on Twitter.


Henrik Selin, political scientist and deputy director of the Swedish Institute, a state agency dedicated to promoting Sweden globally, said he was puzzled by Mr. Trump’s remarks.

“I do not have a clue what he was referring to,” he said in a telephone interview. “Obviously, this could be connected to the fact that there has been a lot of negative reporting about Sweden, since Sweden has taken in a lot of refugees.”'

Yet another ridiculous Trump lie, and yet again his reprehensible supporters ignore Trump’s lies.

Dumb ass.......he isn't a smooth talking liar like Obama...but his point s are true....... Sweden is a mess because of Muslim immigrants...........and idiots like you refuse to accept it...

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