Trump caves on vaccine: Tells Americans to get it

The moron Fauci has been on 14 sides of everything regarding the China Flu.

Fauci knows more about this than Trump. Trump needed to listen to Fauci.

Instead, Trump politicized this all to the point where uneducated hillbillies like yourself actually think you know than our leading medical experts.

And that’s why he lost.
Trump followed Fauci’s advice.

Unfortunately, that advice changed daily.
“My fellow Americans. My health officials inform me that the coronavirus is spreading faster than expected and it is time for us to take extra precautions to keep ourselves safe from this global pandemic. Don’t be alarmed - we have some of the best minds working on this. Please take simple precautions and listen to the CDC’s advice. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions.”

You know, poster Chaos, THAT paragraph that you just posted could have won Don Trump a second term in office.

First, let me admit that I have been a long-time skeptic of Don Trump, well before he ran for office.

Back when his 'Art of the Deal' was popular I had speed-read through it, and I read a profile in Fortune, or Money, or some financial/business slick magazine. He was being touted as this 'ace negotiator'. That intrigued me, as that is what I did for a living.

But what struck me with the 'Ick'-factor in both treatments was his bold statement that he intentionally didn't pay his vendors for the total amount of their invoice. As a business 'tactic'. He intentionally shorted 'em. As an MO. Figuring that they wouldn't want to go through the cost and bother of suing him.

I was in business at the time. I negotiated with clients, vendors, landlords, staff, every day in a 30 year career. I never...ever....went into a negotiation with the avowed intent to 'screw-em'. To be sure, both sides were willing and often did play hard-ball. But, on my side it was good faith hard-ball. Meaning, if they didn't perform to the contract, then they didn't earn the contract amount.....and hence we sat down.

So, in my eyes, Don Trump's approach to good-faith negotiating was 180-degrees different than mine.
I found it repellant.
Not to mention his racist attacks on those 5 black teenagers in the rape case in NYC.
Not to mention his racist 'birther' attack on Barack Obama.
Not to mention the serial bankruptcies.
So that set the stage for Don Trump as a presidential candidate in my view.

And then, when I saw him flailing and failing as my president, I so feared that he would switch gears....flip a switch.....and go to the teleprompter and read out a statement akin to what poster Chaos offered in the above quote.

I was convinced then, and remain so, that such a message could swing the Independt but skeptical voters. After all, the economy was good.....Trump hadn't screwed up the Obama wave he rode into office on. So he had that as big 'Mo'.....momentum. But his personality, style, narcissism, and play-to-the-lowest-denominator tactics was clearly detracting from that Big Mo.
I strongly felt he could lose this thing.

But he wouldn't lose.....if he channeled our poster Chaos.
He could salvage it.
But, as Corey Lewandowski used to say......'Let Trump be Trump'.
And so he was.....Trump was Trump. And America rejected him.
Rejected him as untrustworthy.
Rejected him as incompetent.

He, and his enablers would have been better served to have hired poster Chaos.


100% in agreement.

He wouldn’t have earned MY vote because I also did not like the way he conducted himself particularly with business dealings.

But with the shape of the economy at the time, I think he would have won enough of the independents if he hadn’t botched the covid response.

And the thing would have been so incredibly easy for him not to botch it. I just gave a perfectly reasonable response for him and that’s all he had to say. All he had to do is defer to the experts. I think reasonable people would have given him the benefit of the doubt if he let the medical expert community lead the charge on this.

If Fauci and team do a good job, then he gets praised for his leadership. If Fauci and team mess it up, then he throws Fauci under the bus. Either way, he ends up winning if he just lets them drive the bus for their area of expertise.
The moron Fauci has been on 14 sides of everything regarding the China Flu.

Fauci knows more about this than Trump. Trump needed to listen to Fauci.

Instead, Trump politicized this all to the point where uneducated hillbillies like yourself actually think you know than our leading medical experts.

And that’s why he lost.
Trump followed Fauci’s advice.

Unfortunately, that advice changed daily.

How long did it take for Trump to promote wearing masks?

There was clearly tension between Trump and Fauci that you’re pretending you don’t know about.
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
Jesus christ himself could pull up a chair next to me look me dead in the eye and urge me to get the vaccine


Not that I give a tinker's dam, but why do you refuse to take the vaccine?
Markle, I know that your reply wasn't directed at me, but allow me to answer?
Covid-19 is a virus, there is no antibiotic cure shot you can take to prevent you from getting it. There are 48 different strains of what is commonly known as the "flu". The last time I got the flu was in 2000 when I was told that this particular strain was really bad and so I paid for a flu shot. I got deadly sick.....I mean "flat out on my back, wish that I was dead" sick. It was a month after I no longer had the affects of that flu before I felt normal. Ringing in the ears, drained of energy kind of sickness. COVID has an Achilles heel and that is heat of over 140 degrees. Sitting in a sauna for 15 minutes will kill it.

Your ignorance on this subject is ALMOST unbelievable. You are 100% right, there is no ANTIBIOTIC that will cure COVID-19. It is a VIRUS. Do you know the difference between a bacteria and a virus?

Simply sitting in a sauna for 15 minutes will cure COVID-19? PLEASE show us the reliable source and working link supporting this outrageous pearl of wisdom. You need to inform the CDC, the World Health Organization, and especially China that all they have to do is build a fleet of portable saunas and in a short time it will be eradicated from the face of the earth.

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The stats show that there is a pretty big difference between Republicans and Democrats attitudes toward getting the vaccine.

"Partisan differences, which have long characterized views about the outbreak, are increasingly seen in vaccine intent. Democrats are now 27 percentage points more likely than Republicans to say they plan to get, or have already received, a coronavirus vaccine (83% to 56%). This gap is wider than those seen at multiple points in 2020."

I don't think Trump has been very vocal about pushing people to take the vaccine. He was also not very consistent on wearing masks. I think Trump's actions on the vaccine and the virus itself are the biggest reason why there is such a partisan divide regarding taking this vaccine.

In this age of hyper politicization of everything, are you surprised?

Not surprised, just disappointed that our health of all things has been politicized.

And that’s 100% on Trump in my opinion.

oh? Interesting.
How long did it take for Trump to promote wearing masks?

There was clearly tension between Trump and Fauci that you’re pretending you don’t know about.

Might that be because President Trump did accept the science and knows that the cloth masks worn by our citizens have no effect, whatsoever?

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.


Europe's Top Health Officials Say Masks Aren't Helpful in Beating COVID-19

The top medical experts in the world can’t decide if masks are helpful in reducing the spread of COVID-19 or just make things worse.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Denmark boasts one of the lowest COVID-19 death rates in the world. As of August 4, the Danes have suffered 616 COVID-19 deaths, according to figures from Johns Hopkins University.

That’s less than one-third of the number of Danes who die from pneumonia or influenza in a given year.

Despite this success, Danish leaders recently found themselves on the defensive. The reason is that Danes aren’t wearing face masks, and local authorities for the most part aren’t even recommending them.


CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
OCTOBER 12, 2020 By Jordan Davidson

A Centers for Disease Control report released in September shows that masks and face coverings are not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19, even for those people who consistently wear them.

A study conducted in the United States in July found that when they compared 154 “case-patients,” who tested positive for COVID-19, to a control group of 160 participants from health care facilities who were symptomatic but tested negative, over 70 percent of the case-patients were contaminated with the virus and fell ill despite “always” wearing a mask.


Difference between a virus and bacteria.


1/25/2021 Masking the Science


In truth, we wish masks worked. If they did, it would be a cheap, and easy way to control the spread of Covid. The idea that they protect not only their wearer, but also those people around them seems noble. We wished masks worked because citizens are spending billions of dollars on them.

We wish masks worked because most Americans wear them now. Telling them it was unnecessary will not make them happy. We wish masks worked because they have become a symbol for virtue and social responsibility. Anyone who doubts their utility is personally attacked; as though they don’t believe the viral pandemic is real, or don’t care about those who die from it.


Post | efmproject


Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing

Whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci says today may be different from what he says tomorrow, but he might come back to what he said yesterday in a day or two if he feels like it.

by Carl Durrek February 1, 2021 in Healthcare

If there’s one thing that’s certain about the coronavirus, it’s that Dr. Anthony Fauci reserves the right to change whatever he’s said in the past to fit whatever narrative he needs to push forward in the present. His reversals have become so common that it’s almost impossible to keep up with his current agenda at any given moment.

Flip-flop Fauci reverses—again—on double-mask-wearing


Many Studies Find That Cloth Masks Do Not Stop Viruses Like COVID
By Lisa Mair
NOVEMBER 23, 2020

A thorough marketing campaign for the use of low-quality masks has convinced millions of people that masks will reduce COVID-19 spread, but do they really?

Much Recent Pro-Mask Research Is Deeply Flawed

The only statistically significant data on preventing viral spread is for N95 masks worn indoors when one can’t socially distance, which is not the type of mask required nor typically worn by the general public.


CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don’t Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All – Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks
By Joe Hoft
Published March 7, 2021 at 8:15am

The CDC recommends wearing masks after their study showed that related to COVID, the results of wearing masks were statistically the same as the results when not wearing masks.

CDC Claims Mask Mandates Don't Have Statistically Improved Impact on Spread of COVID Than No Masks At All - Will Therefore Continue Pushing Masks
The moron Fauci has been on 14 sides of everything regarding the China Flu.

Fauci knows more about this than Trump. Trump needed to listen to Fauci.

Instead, Trump politicized this all to the point where uneducated hillbillies like yourself actually think you know than our leading medical experts.

And that’s why he lost.
Trump followed Fauci’s advice.

Unfortunately, that advice changed daily.

How long did it take for Trump to promote wearing masks?

There was clearly tension between Trump and Fauci that you’re pretending you don’t know about.
The same amount of time it took Fauci.
Unfortunately, that advice changed daily.

Well, poster Nostra, the following message is not intended for your avatar.
Rather I'm using your 'observation' in the quote above to offer a message to a larger audience.
So, believe me, no disrespect intended.

What is contained in the quote above is, of course, nonsense.
It is a Fringie-Right shift the Administration's incompetence onto the skinny shoulders of one guy. One guy who is not Don Trump. Any guy who is not Don Trump.
The Fringie-Right trumpets Fauci's re-tracement on masks wearing as proof he was a frequent and consistent flip-flopper.

However, Fauci in a 60-Minute (I think it was 60-M) clearly stated the context of his re-tracement. It was early in the pandemic when mask supplies were critically low. He was concerned that the inventory of the gold-standard of disposable masks, the N-95 version, would be sucked-up in a nano-second by a scared and desperate public. Thus leaving health-care workers and first responders with no acceptable alternative. So he de-emphasized masks until supply could be assured for the most indispensable health-workers. He accomplished that. So kudos to Fauci.

Remember too, this was early in the emergence of the pandemic. Dr.Fauci and other professionals were just beginning to comprehend the ginormous scope of the Covid problem. They were reacting to new issues and problems daily. Or, as has been said.....they were building the airplane while flying it.

And any 'changes' in emphasis or in detail, was driven by new information. By learning new things. Which, in my world, is a good thing. Adapt to new information. New circumstances. New facts.

But, as said above.....the Fringie-Right desperately seeks to lay blame for those 550,000 corpses on any suspect they can conjure up......just to avoid addressing the reality of the incompetence of Don Trump.

And I don't mean that pejoratively.
How long did it take for Trump to promote wearing masks?

There was clearly tension between Trump and Fauci that you’re pretending you don’t know about.

Might that be because President Trump did accept the science and knows that the cloth masks worn by our citizens have no effect, whatsoever?

Dr. Fauci Masks don’t work.

So let's make sure we're all caught up.

Fauci originally disputed the effectiveness of masks. Then he flipped and said to wear masks. Trump stubbornly didn't promote the mask thing until much later. So no, Trump didn't follow Fauci. He just held up his earlier comments as an excuse not to be in lock-step with his own health advisor.

Fauci knows better. Go with what Fauci says. If Fauci flips, then go with his new input. It's that simple. Instead, Trump politicized the entire thing, went against Fauci, made people like you distrust our health experts, and THEN much later finally told people to wear masks. By that time, it was so politicized anyway that Trump supporters weren't going to wear masks regardless of what anyone says.
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
Please quote Trump telling people to NOT get the Trump Vaccines.

Got anything Lakhota
The moron Fauci has been on 14 sides of everything regarding the China Flu.

Fauci knows more about this than Trump. Trump needed to listen to Fauci.

Instead, Trump politicized this all to the point where uneducated hillbillies like yourself actually think you know than our leading medical experts.

And that’s why he lost.
Trump followed Fauci’s advice.

Unfortunately, that advice changed daily.

How long did it take for Trump to promote wearing masks?

There was clearly tension between Trump and Fauci that you’re pretending you don’t know about.
The same amount of time it took Fauci.

Well that's a lie.

Trump wasn't promoting it until July.


Several months after the CDC and Fauci were telling people to cover up.

Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.
Run right down and get yours!
The moron Fauci has been on 14 sides of everything regarding the China Flu.

Fauci knows more about this than Trump. Trump needed to listen to Fauci.

Instead, Trump politicized this all to the point where uneducated hillbillies like yourself actually think you know than our leading medical experts.

And that’s why he lost.
Trump followed Fauci’s advice.

Unfortunately, that advice changed daily.

How long did it take for Trump to promote wearing masks?

There was clearly tension between Trump and Fauci that you’re pretending you don’t know about.
The same amount of time it took Fauci.

Well that's a lie.

Trump wasn't promoting it until July.

View attachment 469273

Several months after the CDC and Fauci were telling people to cover up.

Try April 3, liar.

Unfortunately, that advice changed daily.

Well, poster Nostra, the following message is not intended for your avatar.
Rather I'm using your 'observation' in the quote above to offer a message to a larger audience.
So, believe me, no disrespect intended.

What is contained in the quote above is, of course, nonsense.
It is a Fringie-Right shift the Administration's incompetence onto the skinny shoulders of one guy. One guy who is not Don Trump. Any guy who is not Don Trump.
The Fringie-Right trumpets Fauci's re-tracement on masks wearing as proof he was a frequent and consistent flip-flopper.

However, Fauci in a 60-Minute (I think it was 60-M) clearly stated the context of his re-tracement. It was early in the pandemic when mask supplies were critically low. He was concerned that the inventory of the gold-standard of disposable masks, the N-95 version, would be sucked-up in a nano-second by a scared and desperate public. Thus leaving health-care workers and first responders with no acceptable alternative. So he de-emphasized masks until supply could be assured for the most indispensable health-workers. He accomplished that. So kudos to Fauci.

Remember too, this was early in the emergence of the pandemic. Dr.Fauci and other professionals were just beginning to comprehend the ginormous scope of the Covid problem. They were reacting to new issues and problems daily. Or, as has been said.....they were building the airplane while flying it.

And any 'changes' in emphasis or in detail, was driven by new information. By learning new things. Which, in my world, is a good thing. Adapt to new information. New circumstances. New facts.

But, as said above.....the Fringie-Right desperately seeks to lay blame for those 550,000 corpses on any suspect they can conjure up......just to avoid addressing the reality of the incompetence of Don Trump.

And I don't mean that pejoratively.
And you don't assign any blame to Cuomo, Inslee or Newsom just to name the three governors who are responsible for the vast majorority of thos 550K fatalities. Take off the blinders moron.
lalalala generic.gif
Former President Donald Trump said that he recommends that people get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as a poll shows that about half of Republican men are reluctant to be inoculated.

A Fox News host on Tuesday asked the former president, who called in, whether he would “recommend to our audience that they get the vaccine,” noting that Trump himself had been vaccinated.

Trump and his wife, Melania, quietly received the vaccine while at the White House in January, according to reports earlier this month. Other political leaders have been vaccinated in public settings in order to encourage more people to get the shot once they’re eligible.

It's about time. Better late than never, I guess.


Really? Who was it that made effective vaccines available before the year 2021, just as he promised?

Are you naturally ignorant on this subject or do you work at it intentionally?
Try April 3, liar.

Watch your own video link, moron.

In that video, he specifically stated that this was a recommendation from the CDC and one that he personally does not want to follow.

That is what you're going to use as evidence of Trump promoting masks? Really?

"Hey guys our health officials think we should do this, so do it if you want, I guess, but I'm not going to and I'm doing fine."
Try April 3, liar.

Watch your own video link, moron.

In that video, he specifically stated that this was a recommendation from the CDC and one that he personally does not want to follow.

That is what you're going to use as evidence of Trump promoting masks? Really?

"Hey guys our health officials think we should do this, so do it if you want, I guess, but I'm not going to and I'm doing fine."
Trumps CDC, Moron.
"........responsible for the vast majorority (sic) of thos (sic) 550K fatalities."

Got numbers to demonstrate you know your onions?
"Vast Majority" words, not something quite a ways north of 300,000.

Saddle up, son. Show us you can manage your pony.
Try April 3, liar.

Watch your own video link, moron.

In that video, he specifically stated that this was a recommendation from the CDC and one that he personally does not want to follow.

That is what you're going to use as evidence of Trump promoting masks? Really?

"Hey guys our health officials think we should do this, so do it if you want, I guess, but I'm not going to and I'm doing fine."
Trumps CDC, Moron.

Right. The CDC was making those recommendations and Trump himself wasn’t pushing them until months later. And even then, wasn’t consistent at recommending them.

What we ended up with is half the country listening to the CDC and half the country refusing to wear masks because Trump’s ACTIONS were clearly not in alignment with the recommendations of the CDC.

This is what made masks a partisan issue. It largely falls along political lines because of Trump.

All caught up now?
“My fellow Americans. My health officials inform me that the coronavirus is spreading faster than expected and it is time for us to take extra precautions to keep ourselves safe from this global pandemic. Don’t be alarmed - we have some of the best minds working on this. Please take simple precautions and listen to the CDC’s advice. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions.”

You know, poster Chaos, THAT paragraph that you just posted could have won Don Trump a second term in office.

First, let me admit that I have been a long-time skeptic of Don Trump, well before he ran for office.

Back when his 'Art of the Deal' was popular I had speed-read through it, and I read a profile in Fortune, or Money, or some financial/business slick magazine. He was being touted as this 'ace negotiator'. That intrigued me, as that is what I did for a living.

But what struck me with the 'Ick'-factor in both treatments was his bold statement that he intentionally didn't pay his vendors for the total amount of their invoice. As a business 'tactic'. He intentionally shorted 'em. As an MO. Figuring that they wouldn't want to go through the cost and bother of suing him.

I was in business at the time. I negotiated with clients, vendors, landlords, staff, every day in a 30 year career. I never...ever....went into a negotiation with the avowed intent to 'screw-em'. To be sure, both sides were willing and often did play hard-ball. But, on my side it was good faith hard-ball. Meaning, if they didn't perform to the contract, then they didn't earn the contract amount.....and hence we sat down.

So, in my eyes, Don Trump's approach to good-faith negotiating was 180-degrees different than mine.
I found it repellant.
Not to mention his racist attacks on those 5 black teenagers in the rape case in NYC.
Not to mention his racist 'birther' attack on Barack Obama.
Not to mention the serial bankruptcies.
So that set the stage for Don Trump as a presidential candidate in my view.

And then, when I saw him flailing and failing as my president, I so feared that he would switch gears....flip a switch.....and go to the teleprompter and read out a statement akin to what poster Chaos offered in the above quote.

I was convinced then, and remain so, that such a message could swing the Independt but skeptical voters. After all, the economy was good.....Trump hadn't screwed up the Obama wave he rode into office on. So he had that as big 'Mo'.....momentum. But his personality, style, narcissism, and play-to-the-lowest-denominator tactics was clearly detracting from that Big Mo.
I strongly felt he could lose this thing.

But he wouldn't lose.....if he channeled our poster Chaos.
He could salvage it.
But, as Corey Lewandowski used to say......'Let Trump be Trump'.
And so he was.....Trump was Trump. And America rejected him.
Rejected him as untrustworthy.
Rejected him as incompetent.

He, and his enablers would have been better served to have hired poster Chaos.


100% in agreement.

He wouldn’t have earned MY vote because I also did not like the way he conducted himself particularly with business dealings.

But with the shape of the economy at the time, I think he would have won enough of the independents if he hadn’t botched the covid response.

And the thing would have been so incredibly easy for him not to botch it. I just gave a perfectly reasonable response for him and that’s all he had to say. All he had to do is defer to the experts. I think reasonable people would have given him the benefit of the doubt if he let the medical expert community lead the charge on this.

If Fauci and team do a good job, then he gets praised for his leadership. If Fauci and team mess it up, then he throws Fauci under the bus. Either way, he ends up winning if he just lets them drive the bus for their area of expertise.
/—-/ Trump didn’t botch the Covid response. Stop drinking the democRAT Kool Aide.

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