Trump Budget

So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).
You assume that the EPA isn't just another agency used by Democrats to carry out their political agenda and actually cares about any of those things but you are of course wrong.
I have news. Clean air & water is only a political agenda in Whiner World. Fossil fuel duped you into think such.

Big Oil, Big Coal wants you to hate the EPA so it can make money while it kills your children./ And you fell for it.
So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).
You assume that the EPA isn't just another agency used by Democrats to carry out their political agenda and actually cares about any of those things but you are of course wrong.
I have news. Clean air & water is only a political agenda in Whiner World. Fossil fuel duped you into think such.

Big Oil, Big Coal wants you to hate the EPA so it can make money while it kills your children./ And you fell for it.
You guys need some new talking points. We've been hearing that Dooms Day crap since the 60s and none of it is true.
So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).

Then the EPA should stick to pollution, and not try to tell me what type of gas can to use, or that the drain down a gully is a "Waterway of the Untied States"
But the gas you want pollutes more or that "gully" flows into a major waterway. What sense does it make to enforce pollution laws on the rivers if we let polluted streams flow into them.

Where does it stop? Do you get a hard on when some government flunky tells you what to do? Do you find cold comfort in letting your betters think for you, and tell you how to live down to how you wipe your ass?

And the new gas cans are so annoying, they cause more spills than they prevent because people can't get them to work right.

Patterico's Pontifications » Government-Designed Gas Cans Surprisingly Suck
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.

Well you can move to Venezuela, your ideal government, but good luck finding dinner.
Wow, let's drag out the Venezuela example like every other fricken right wing loser.

Truth hurts, doesn't it. Government controlled paradise.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.

Well you can move to Venezuela, your ideal government, but good luck finding dinner.
Wow, let's drag out the Venezuela example like every other fricken right wing loser.

Truth hurts, doesn't it. Government controlled paradise.

No truth in your post. Just Trump BS.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
This is typical BS coming from the right. They hate education. Back when Republicans actually gave a shit about this country they thought it was important enough to help kids go to college with National Defense loans. Now Trump wants to take public money to fund religious schools.

The EPA is what keeps corporations from polluting. Evidently, you & Trump think that the only way a corp can survive is if they can pollute.

All States have a DEP/DEC organization. If the EPA would have stuck to pollution, and not delved into taking people's land, fighting power production, and calling a drainage ditch a stream, it would not be so hated by so many.

The number one source of pollutants is coal fired generation plants. That pollution crosses State lines.

What land did the EPA take? Would that be similar to the land taken by the XL Pipeline or Trump's wall?

When it crosses State lines the EPA can come into play, with pollution controls. Carbon dioxide, however is not a pollutant under normal understandings. Keep them out of it.

When you tell people what they can or cannot do with their own property, you are taking it.

EPA expands powers over land use in bid to control water pollution

The new rule runs 297 pages long and goes to great lengths to define what is now a regulated waterway: anything affected by the tides was already included under the previous rules. However, the new proposal extends EPA’s oversight to anything that flows into those tidal waters, any waters “adjacent” to the waters that flow into tidal waters and wetlands and floodplains where water could flow into those bodies.

They were nice enough to exclude puddles, but technically the runoff from your rain gutter could require a federal permit, if it flowed into a ditch, and then into a stream, and then into a navigable waterway.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.

Well you can move to Venezuela, your ideal government, but good luck finding dinner.
Wow, let's drag out the Venezuela example like every other fricken right wing loser.

Truth hurts, doesn't it. Government controlled paradise.

No truth in your post. Just Trump BS.

Venezuela has been a socialist shithole well before Trump came to office.

You idiots would LOVE the power Chavez and his cronies had. Pesky constitution....
So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).

Then the EPA should stick to pollution, and not try to tell me what type of gas can to use, or that the drain down a gully is a "Waterway of the Untied States"
But the gas you want pollutes more or that "gully" flows into a major waterway. What sense does it make to enforce pollution laws on the rivers if we let polluted streams flow into them.

Where does it stop? Do you get a hard on when some government flunky tells you what to do? Do you find cold comfort in letting your betters think for you, and tell you how to live down to how you wipe your ass?

And the new gas cans are so annoying, they cause more spills than they prevent because people can't get them to work right.

Patterico's Pontifications » Government-Designed Gas Cans Surprisingly Suck
Where does a government person tell me what to do?

OMG I can't burn a 100 foot tall pile of tires?

OMG, I can't dump my used motor oil in the creek?

We have the EPA & regulations because there are people (like you) who want to pollute. And yes, it should not be legal.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
This is typical BS coming from the right. They hate education. Back when Republicans actually gave a shit about this country they thought it was important enough to help kids go to college with National Defense loans. Now Trump wants to take public money to fund religious schools.

The EPA is what keeps corporations from polluting. Evidently, you & Trump think that the only way a corp can survive is if they can pollute.
We don't hate education, that's just your leftist babble you keep repeating.
I've got a college degree, I have several technical certifications in my career field. I never once needed the Federal government to direct me or interfere in my education.

We don't need the EPA to keep corporations from polluting. Laws should be enforced by the DoJ. The EPA terrorizes private citizens over asinine reasons on their own private property. It's time to shut them down.
So Real Dave doesn't agree with Trump's unwillingness to continue to waste our money on liberal propaganda outlets and pet projects that benefit their political objectives but do nothing to serve the American people? Too fucking bad, try again in 4 years.
Clean are, clean water, clean rivers & streams actually are wanted by all real Americans. I have news, liberals are not the only ones that breathe, we are just the ones smart enough to know breathing pollution will kill you & your kids ( Like you people care about your own kids).

Then the EPA should stick to pollution, and not try to tell me what type of gas can to use, or that the drain down a gully is a "Waterway of the Untied States"
But the gas you want pollutes more or that "gully" flows into a major waterway. What sense does it make to enforce pollution laws on the rivers if we let polluted streams flow into them.

Where does it stop? Do you get a hard on when some government flunky tells you what to do? Do you find cold comfort in letting your betters think for you, and tell you how to live down to how you wipe your ass?

And the new gas cans are so annoying, they cause more spills than they prevent because people can't get them to work right.

Patterico's Pontifications » Government-Designed Gas Cans Surprisingly Suck
Where does a government person tell me what to do?

OMG I can't burn a 100 foot tall pile of tires?

OMG, I can't dump my used motor oil in the creek?

We have the EPA & regulations because there are people (like you) who want to pollute. And yes, it should not be legal.

We need the EPA to tell us not to dump oil in a creek? Sounds like something the local police can handle. Enough with the phony outrage and over the top scenarios.
Obviously most of you Leftists pay absolutely no attention to the news when you trash the goal of more money for our DEFENSE ESTABLISHMENT.

We have ships that break down and can't remain at sea. We have entire squadrons of aircraft that are unfit to fly. We have entire major military units that are not combat ready or able to deploy in the event of their being needed. We are flying B-52 bombers that are older than the vast majority of the posters on this forum. DOD clearly has a bloated bureaucracy but that is due to outdated Civil Service rules and public service unions, And, politicians are doing everything in their power to keep the senior levels of DOD overstaffed and redundant.
Bye bye big bird...

No more NPR and NEA.
Just more fucking dummies like you. Yes, let's do Lysenkoism to a tee. Get rid of all those scientists, after all, what do the know? Replace them with some bucktoothed hillbillies that have never seen a college classroom. That will make our universities world class. LOL

There are plenty of other ways to be schooled in the arts, and to get your info and entertainment.
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.

Hey you fucking stupid mother fucker, we are the only ones trying to keep the U.S from becoming a third-world nation. If we left it up to you goddamn fucking idiots we would not even have borders, and every goddamned third-worlder with their palms out would be allowed in to come in and completely swamp our social services.
Goddamn fucking moron !
The only things we should be spending big money on is the DoD and DoJ/ prisons, and a modest amount for NASA and infrastructure projects. Most of the rest can be drastically reduced or abolished entirely and no one would notice, especially agencies that have overreached like the EPA and Department of Education.
And we can join the third world in less than a decade. You fuckers are so damned stupid. Move to Somalia, please. That is your ideal government.

Hey you fucking stupid mother fucker, we are the only ones trying to keep the U.S from becoming a third-world nation. If we left it up to you goddamn fucking idiots we would not even have borders, and every goddamned third-worlder with their palms out would be allowed in to come in and completely swamp our social services.
Goddamn fucking moron !
Third World is a huge difference in income between rich and poor, which the GOP pushes for by their Trickle Down theory.
In the next budget they'll just requisition poor people for the Pentagon to use in human catapults
Trump's budget cuts 3200 EPA workers but adds 1500 ICE agents.

i call that winning!

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