Trump Becomes 1st POTUS to Speak at Right For Life

The woman's body is her own. Women have a constitutional right to privacy, and undue interference from government.

Who speaks for the infant?
It's a cold reality but the mother. She sits down and thinks of her options of bringing the fetus (part of her body) to term or have an elective abortion. As long as the growing membrane is in her body, it's her right to decide.
Pandering to his base.

Nothing wrong with pandering on behalf of the unborn.
Except it's not your body ....

What’s not?
The woman's body is her own. ...

And another person’s body is their own.
Sure is, in most abortion's what is vacuumed out is membrane. I mean you can't bury that membrane before 24 weeks. Anyway it's all covered on another thread tonight
Roe v. Wade will be overturned soon, and then abortion will be outlawed in most states...
Pandering to his base.

Nothing wrong with pandering on behalf of the unborn.
Except it's not your body and you really shouldn't have a say in the matter.
Blow it out your ass.

PRO LIFE. Don't want to get pregnant close your legs.
God wouldn't it be nice if life was that easy. Yes Pro Life more women than your standard run of the mill floozy have abortions.
The woman's body is her own. Women have a constitutional right to privacy, and undue interference from government.

Who speaks for the infant?
It's a cold reality but the mother. She sits down and thinks of her options of bringing the fetus (part of her body) to term or have an elective abortion. As long as the growing membrane is in her body, it's her right to decide.

So for you, no one speaks for the infant. Then you placate your conscience by saying, oh well, it's ONLY A MEMBRANE.

If that is true, then how is this possible? The tissue logs show that of the 69 aborted babies used for their parts, 37 were first-trimester and 32 were second-trimester babies. At least $18,750 was charged to researchers for the parts listed.
Planned Parenthood has sold baby body parts for at least 20 years | God Reports

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The woman's body is her own. Women have a constitutional right to privacy, and undue interference from government.

Who speaks for the infant?
It's a cold reality but the mother. She sits down and thinks of her options of bringing the fetus (part of her body) to term or have an elective abortion. As long as the growing membrane is in her body, it's her right to decide.

Sounds like the mother needed early intervention, meaning someone should have discussed with her the option of abortion before her child was viable. Most abortions occur long before 7 1/2 months. Early intervention is key, a lot of doctors are restricted in what they can say about abortion. Doctors Say Federal Rules On Discussing Abortions Inhibit Relationships With Patients
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I think that President Trump deserves reelection, but his words at the rally disappointed me.

He said something to the effect of every life being worthwhile.

I really wish that the individual who led Germany during World War II had been aborted.

I really wish that the many individuals who commit heinous crimes of violence on our streets every day had been aborted.

He said something to the effect of how happy a man and a woman were when they had a baby. The way many parents treat (or actually mistreat or ignore) their children seems to belie that generalization.
Pandering to his base.

Nothing wrong with pandering on behalf of the unborn.
Except it's not your body ....

What’s not?
The woman's body is her own. Women have a constitutional right to privacy, and undue interference from government.
CLOSE YOUR LEGS if you don't want children.

Simple common sense

Another one who hates the fact that women are sexual creatures just like men are. Why do you limit yourself to hating women's sexuality? Are you ready to tell men to keep it in their pants if they don't want children? This means that you must be ready to admonish men about such things as "locker-room talk" and "scoring."

Do you want to destroy heterosexual relationships? If you are so into this "closing your legs" thing, which is pretty sick, do tell us what you would say to a man who blames his wife or girlfriend for refusing to have sex with him because she doesn't want to have a child at the moment, since she would not be to blame for her refusal and his lack of sex. You are aware that some religions require a wife to submit to sex whenever her husband wants it, aren't you?

You also must be aware that sexual intimacy expresses an emotional bond between the two people participating it. What is it about heterosexuality that bothers you so much?
For all his personality flaws he has stood for the major moral issues of our time more than any other.

Trump becomes first president to speak at March for Life: 'Every life brings love'
Our president is doing EVERYTHING right. It's funny to see the liberal lunatics that post on here get angry over each and every good thing he does. Hilarious AND pathetic.
Actually he's not. That's why he has been impeached. Talk is cheap.
Nothing wrong with pandering on behalf of the unborn.
Except it's not your body ....

What’s not?
The woman's body is her own. Women have a constitutional right to privacy, and undue interference from government.
CLOSE YOUR LEGS if you don't want children.

Simple common sense

Another one who hates the fact that women are sexual creatures just like men are. Why do you limit yourself to hating women's sexuality? Are you ready to tell men to keep it in their pants if they don't want children? This means that you must be ready to admonish men about such things as "locker-room talk" and "scoring."

Do you want to destroy heterosexual relationships? If you are so into this "closing your legs" thing, which is pretty sick, do tell us what you would say to a man who blames his wife or girlfriend for refusing to have sex with him because she doesn't want to have a child at the moment, since she would not be to blame for her refusal and his lack of sex. You are aware that some religions require a wife to submit to sex whenever her husband wants it, aren't you?

You also must be aware that sexual intimacy expresses an emotional bond between the two people participating it. What is it about heterosexuality that bothers you so much?

Right wing men are closet gays. I'm all for women's rights. The happier the ladies are, the happier we are. The puritans are gone.
Except it's not your body ....

What’s not?
The woman's body is her own. Women have a constitutional right to privacy, and undue interference from government.
CLOSE YOUR LEGS if you don't want children.

Simple common sense

Another one who hates the fact that women are sexual creatures just like men are. Why do you limit yourself to hating women's sexuality? Are you ready to tell men to keep it in their pants if they don't want children? This means that you must be ready to admonish men about such things as "locker-room talk" and "scoring."

Do you want to destroy heterosexual relationships? If you are so into this "closing your legs" thing, which is pretty sick, do tell us what you would say to a man who blames his wife or girlfriend for refusing to have sex with him because she doesn't want to have a child at the moment, since she would not be to blame for her refusal and his lack of sex. You are aware that some religions require a wife to submit to sex whenever her husband wants it, aren't you?

You also must be aware that sexual intimacy expresses an emotional bond between the two people participating it. What is it about heterosexuality that bothers you so much?

Right wing men are closet gays. I'm all for women's rights. The happier the ladies are, the happier we are. The puritans are gone.

I can agree with you that many right-wing men are closeted gays. But of the non-closeted gays I've known, they have always said "go for it, lady." They have not been averse to people being heterosexual.

There is another group of men to be considered: those who say that they are heterosexual, but who have no emotional attachments and simply don't know what these attachments are all about. They don't know the value of human intimacy. All that they know is, pardon my French, "fucking," as if humans were all barnyard animals. They have no understanding of how enriched people's lives are when it's cold outside and the snow is falling down, and they can snuggle up to the beating heart of someone they love under the covers.

Excuse me for being so D.H. Lawrency, but it's true. Intimacy plays such a large role in human life.
What’s not?
The woman's body is her own. Women have a constitutional right to privacy, and undue interference from government.
CLOSE YOUR LEGS if you don't want children.

Simple common sense

Another one who hates the fact that women are sexual creatures just like men are. Why do you limit yourself to hating women's sexuality? Are you ready to tell men to keep it in their pants if they don't want children? This means that you must be ready to admonish men about such things as "locker-room talk" and "scoring."

Do you want to destroy heterosexual relationships? If you are so into this "closing your legs" thing, which is pretty sick, do tell us what you would say to a man who blames his wife or girlfriend for refusing to have sex with him because she doesn't want to have a child at the moment, since she would not be to blame for her refusal and his lack of sex. You are aware that some religions require a wife to submit to sex whenever her husband wants it, aren't you?

You also must be aware that sexual intimacy expresses an emotional bond between the two people participating it. What is it about heterosexuality that bothers you so much?

Right wing men are closet gays. I'm all for women's rights. The happier the ladies are, the happier we are. The puritans are gone.

I can agree with you that many right-wing men are closeted gays. But of the non-closeted gays I've known, they have always said "go for it, lady." They have not been averse to people being heterosexual.

There is another group of men to be considered: those who say that they are heterosexual, but who have no emotional attachments and simply don't know what these attachments are all about. They don't know the value of human intimacy. All that they know is, pardon my French, "fucking," as if humans were all barnyard animals. They have no understanding of how enriched people's lives are when it's cold outside and the snow is falling down, and they can snuggle up to the beating heart of someone they love under the covers.

Excuse me for being so D.H. Lawrency, but it's true. Intimacy plays such a large role in human life.

You are 100 percent correct. I can say this because I thought like that until I was around 23-24. "Fucking," "scoring," and all that just felt empty. There is nothing like what you described in your last sentence where you're snuggling like that. Sometime passion goes wild, sometime you just snuggle, but it makes no difference because you're there with the only person you want to be with.
The woman's body is her own. Women have a constitutional right to privacy, and undue interference from government.
CLOSE YOUR LEGS if you don't want children.

Simple common sense

Another one who hates the fact that women are sexual creatures just like men are. Why do you limit yourself to hating women's sexuality? Are you ready to tell men to keep it in their pants if they don't want children? This means that you must be ready to admonish men about such things as "locker-room talk" and "scoring."

Do you want to destroy heterosexual relationships? If you are so into this "closing your legs" thing, which is pretty sick, do tell us what you would say to a man who blames his wife or girlfriend for refusing to have sex with him because she doesn't want to have a child at the moment, since she would not be to blame for her refusal and his lack of sex. You are aware that some religions require a wife to submit to sex whenever her husband wants it, aren't you?

You also must be aware that sexual intimacy expresses an emotional bond between the two people participating it. What is it about heterosexuality that bothers you so much?

Right wing men are closet gays. I'm all for women's rights. The happier the ladies are, the happier we are. The puritans are gone.

I can agree with you that many right-wing men are closeted gays. But of the non-closeted gays I've known, they have always said "go for it, lady." They have not been averse to people being heterosexual.

There is another group of men to be considered: those who say that they are heterosexual, but who have no emotional attachments and simply don't know what these attachments are all about. They don't know the value of human intimacy. All that they know is, pardon my French, "fucking," as if humans were all barnyard animals. They have no understanding of how enriched people's lives are when it's cold outside and the snow is falling down, and they can snuggle up to the beating heart of someone they love under the covers.

Excuse me for being so D.H. Lawrency, but it's true. Intimacy plays such a large role in human life.

You are 100 percent correct. I can say this because I thought like that until I was around 23-24. "Fucking," "scoring," and all that just felt empty. There is nothing like what you described in your last sentence where you're snuggling like that. Sometime passion goes wild, sometime you just snuggle, but it makes no difference because you're there with the only person you want to be with.

If you have never read Lady Chatterley's Lover, I urge you to do so. Despite the long diatribes against the English social caste system, in which none of the "lower born" could ever aspire to more, so that game keeper Mellors, the son of coal miners, could never have been the lover of Lady Chatterley, wife of his disabled, demanding (and sexually impotent) employer, Mellors writes a beautiful letter to her when they are separated and waiting for his divorce to come though (Lady Chatterley's husband has sworn that he will never give her a divorce), Mellors writes that he is okay with being solo because his thoughts of her keep him company, and if he could just be with her, "the ink could stay in the bottle."
For all his personality flaws he has stood for the major moral issues of our time more than any other.

Trump becomes first president to speak at March for Life: 'Every life brings love'
Our president is doing EVERYTHING right. It's funny to see the liberal lunatics that post on here get angry over each and every good thing he does. Hilarious AND pathetic.
Actually he's not. That's why he has been impeached. Talk is cheap.

He was impeached by the left-wing loonies with no evidence and no crime. The adults in the Senate will set matters straight.
For all his personality flaws he has stood for the major moral issues of our time more than any other.

Trump becomes first president to speak at March for Life: 'Every life brings love'
Our president is doing EVERYTHING right. It's funny to see the liberal lunatics that post on here get angry over each and every good thing he does. Hilarious AND pathetic.
Actually he's not. That's why he has been impeached. Talk is cheap.

He was impeached by the left-wing loonies with no evidence and no crime. The adults in the Senate will set matters straight.

the problem is that there is lots of evidence that he committed crimes. The other problem is, as stated in the second article of impeachment, that he tried to block Congress. Where are the witnesses and documents that have been subpoenaed by Congress?
For all his personality flaws he has stood for the major moral issues of our time more than any other.

Trump becomes first president to speak at March for Life: 'Every life brings love'
Our president is doing EVERYTHING right. It's funny to see the liberal lunatics that post on here get angry over each and every good thing he does. Hilarious AND pathetic.
Actually he's not. That's why he has been impeached. Talk is cheap.
There are many black leaders who do the talk but not the walk.
For all his personality flaws he has stood for the major moral issues of our time more than any other.

Trump becomes first president to speak at March for Life: 'Every life brings love'
Our president is doing EVERYTHING right. It's funny to see the liberal lunatics that post on here get angry over each and every good thing he does. Hilarious AND pathetic.
Actually he's not. That's why he has been impeached. Talk is cheap.

He was impeached by the left-wing loonies with no evidence and no crime. The adults in the Senate will set matters straight.

the problem is that there is lots of evidence that he committed crimes. The other problem is, as stated in the second article of impeachment, that he tried to block Congress. Where are the witnesses and documents that have been subpoenaed by Congress?

Yes, and Trump exercised executive privilege, like Obama did with regards to Fast and Furious. The Democrats could have taken that to court, but they chose not to, likely because even if they got the documents, much like the call transcript, they would have been proven wrong again. They would rather NOT get them so they can make up wild and crazy stories about what Trump did. If you recall, they did this at the beginning but had to walk it back after Trump shocked them by releasing the transcript of the call. They have since backed of everything and gone with the trusty process crimes stuff(obstruction of justice) which is how they convicted the vast majority of the Trump associates during the Mueller probe. They simply want an excuse to start probing and they hope something comes out of all the stuff they get. It's sad really.

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