Trump accuses Manhattan judge of rigging 2024 election (an hour ago)

We’ll see Sonny boy horses ass, he isn’t. Because, he’s still saying exactly what he wants. A legal gag is very specific, this is a very general “don’t talk”
He’s talking as much as his wants to and despite your deceit filled rhetoric, the judge can’t do shit and Knows That.
So, so foolish, are you, yoda. Watch and learn.
When Trump gets hauled away over gag violation they you would be correct
Precedent is you are Never correct
He played golf over 300 times. Remember he had 6 hours a day of executive time to tweet, do his hair and make-up. Trump is extremely lazy.
That’s about once every 5/6 days
Mist golfers do that
You can’t do physical things so now you know how golf playing goes for the first time
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Can't argue, a gag order so you can't campaign?

it is what it is.

There are plenty of real political issues for Trump to discuss.

Of course, since Trump & his minions think he is the center of the Universe and the only thing that matters, he has nothing else to talk about.

What a fucking clown he is!
I guess that poster meant that Trump thinks the 12 jurors are nobodies?

Trump used to treat his construction workers with respect, ask them how they were doing and etc. He didn't act like royalty. I'm sure he's the same with "nobodies" today.

But the left don't know that bc they don't know ANYTHING good about Trump at all.

They watch cnn who essentially calls him Satan (ironically).

Me? I don't watch it. I like FACTS and reality and common sense.

Trump stiffed his vendors and contractors. That's why he's been sued 3500 times. That's why there's so many liens against his properties. He's always been a cheat.
There are plenty of real political issues for Trump to discuss.

Of course, since Trump & his minions think he is the center of the Universe and the only thing that matters, he has nothing else to talk about.

What a fucking clown he is!

Each trip to Mar-a-Lago costs $3.4 million flying Trump, his staff and the vehicles needed for his motorcade on Air Force One and a number of cargo planes, as well as the expenses incurred by the Coast Guard to patrol both the Intracoastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean adjacent to his for-profit resort.

Trump has also made 23 trips to his course in Bedminster, New Jersey, at a cost of $1.1 million each as well as trips to his courses in Palos Verdes, California; Doral, Florida; Turnberry, Scotland; and Doonbeg, Ireland.

The trip to Scotland cost taxpayers an extra $3 million over what it would have cost for Trump to remain in London an extra two days before flying to Helsinki, Finland, for his meeting with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. A Mar-a-Lago visit over Thanksgiving 2019 cost taxpayers an additional $5.3 million because of all the extra expenses of flying both modified Boeing 747s across the Atlantic and back necessitated by Trump’s decision to visit Afghanistan from Florida, rather than leaving from Washington, D.C.has arrived at his Palm Beach, Florida, resort for the 31st golf vacation there of his presidency, raising the taxpayer-funded travel and security total for his hobby to $151.5 million.
There are plenty of real political issues for Trump to discuss.

Of course, since Trump & his minions think he is the center of the Universe and the only thing that matters, he has nothing else to talk about.

What a fucking clown he is!
You don't think the lawfare your cult is waging against Trump is valid political issue worthy of discussion in the campaign.
No. The Justice System enforcing the law is not a political issue.
LOL 250 years of our country's history and you can't name a A SINGLE person other than Trump that has ever face four simultaneous criminal prosecutions in four different jurisdictions on four different sets of charges
Doing what? Looking over curtain swatches fo his shitty motels? Playing with himself? Plotting treason? Thnking of another grift to fleece the rubes?
Nope. You and your leftard thumbs up pals are lying to yourselves. I enjoy every moment.
LOL 250 years of our country's history and you can't name a A SINGLE person other than Trump that has ever face four simultaneous criminal prosecutions in four different jurisdictions on four different sets of charges

What’s absolutely stunning is your post shows exactly why these are leftist political attacks.
LOL 250 years of our country's history and you can't name a A SINGLE person other than Trump that has ever face four simultaneous criminal prosecutions in four different jurisdictions on four different sets of charges

Endless Trump melodrama... Tiresome.
Of course it's 100% political. None of them have the integrity to acknowledge it though

He also lost the election.

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