Troops Taking Pics With The Dead. So What?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
In today's headlines: Photos revealed of US troops posing with corpses

I'm getting tired of the media making a big deal of soldiers taking souvenir photos. That's the nature of war. It has always been done, it comes with the territory. I've seen much worse war souvenirs.

Is it unseemly? Maybe. But it's WAR!

Is it a little weird? Sure. But so is WAR!

Is it disrespectful? Yeah. But so is WAR!

Is it inciteful? Probably. But so is WAR!

I'm sure some thin-skinned, empathic, namby-pamby will ask, "What if the dead person were your son/brother/dad"?

To that I say, we have already seen what these animals do to our dead, and it isn't any nicer.

War is hell. If you didn't know that going in, wake the fuck up.
Pretty much my reaction too, but political correctness infiltrated the military some time ago.
People are talking about how bad it was to take pictures with dead SUICIDE BOMBER body parts! Give me an fucking break. Bad taste and disgusting, but you know what is worse? A suicide bomber walking into a civilian crowded area and blowing himself and everyone else up!

Yo Muslim hypocrites, BE MADER ABOUT THAT!!!
I supported abu graib,and as far as i am concerned,terrorists have no rights. Do you think they have regard for human life?NO
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In political speak a "probe" means an investigation and possible criminal charges. The question is whether the president is deliberately trying to undermine the morale of the Troops like he did when he was a senator and the rest of the treasonous democrat party did for the last decade, or is he so stupid that he thinks the enemy is gong to admire him for prosecuting Soldiers for taking pictures of the jihad slime who blew themselves up trying to kill them? Either way he is a fool.
Since none of you cheerleaders are THERE, it is easy to forget this may cause loss of MORE troops lives!
These people need a message.
the frontliners arent weak.
letem do their job.
let god pick up the pieces.
its their own fault,their culture brought it on themselves.
if they didnt attack us first,we would have just let them kill themselves off.
These people need a message.
the frontliners arent weak.
letem do their job.
let god pick up the pieces.
its their own fault,their culture brought it on themselves.
if they didnt attack us first,we would have just let them kill themselves off.

Says vamp, safely in the US.......................................:mad:
Since none of you cheerleaders are THERE, it is easy to forget this may cause loss of MORE troops lives!

1)I don't see anyone cheer-leading....2) would it sound better coming from a vet with trigger time? ok then- this rates a 9 on my 1-10 outrage meter, 1 being hair on fire pissed...this trophy and picture thing is as old as wine and whoring...
The Military showed some balls? Is that why the Army has started a criminal investigation? The pictures weren't authorized by the Army.
Like it or not, most "in the know" feel this hurts out intelligence efforts as it will hinder help from the Afghani people as far as identifying any terrorist and any plans by the terrorist.
This is an unconventional war,and we need to continue this show of force versus the enemy.
Los Angeles Times - California, national and world news -
anyone complaining about it supports the enemy in my eyes.

How many soldiers will be put in danger over this latest incident? Calling me an enemy because I want soldiers of MY country to respect people - yes, even suspected terrorists - and their country? Fuck you. I'd call you an enemy, but I don't throw that word around lightly. You're an insane and possibly dangerous person; I have no respect for you or your kind.
This is an unconventional war,and we need to continue this show of force versus the enemy.
Los Angeles Times - California, national and world news -
anyone complaining about it supports the enemy in my eyes.

How many soldiers will be put in danger over this latest incident? Calling me an enemy because I want soldiers of MY country to respect people - yes, even suspected terrorists - and their country? Fuck you. I'd call you an enemy, but I don't throw that word around lightly. You're an insane and possibly dangerous person; I have no respect for you or your kind.

The LA times employees that authorized the printing need to meet with military legal staff also.
Oh dear me! Have we offended the Muslims again? We shall have to go to confess our sins! We should apologize and beg forgiveness! Yeah...right!

I really can't imagine anyone with half a brain having any sympathy for a goddamned suicide bomber. I think that their mutilated body parts (mutilated by their own actions) should be mounted in glass cases and distributed for display at all mosques. Maybe it will deter some of the idiots from following the cause.

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