Tribal culture and conservatism is what is holding down africa


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Tribal culture and conservatism is what is holding down Africa...They don't value science, education or anything that goes against their "old world view of the world". They think by following something like the witch doctor(someone that believes in really old shit and doesn't care about thinking for themselves) or putting paint on their faces is the end all and be all to how life should be. They don't better themselves because they limit themselves right out of the gate, and the very most backwards of our society point out how stupid they're for living that live, but then argue our own form of the same fucking thing as they pound their chest. Think about it....The people that criticize such want the same thing here in America but modeled in their own colors and culture...
We look at conservatives here in America and what we see is a world view that is stuck in the fucking stone age: Hatred of education, hatred of science and hatred of new ideas. In one way conservatives are like a tribe as they also don't value these things. They don't want to educate our children, they don't want to work as one society(civilization) to get things done and they sure as fuck see don't see the use to modern society in general! They scream about the individual but what they really mean is I don't value civilization and would rather live a backwards simple savage life.

What does this life normally entitle? Lets just say anything and everything that helps other people and promotes the advancement of our nation. These people if they could get away from such would also be showering with cow piss or putting giant mouth rings in their mouth as they crave the backwards savage life and that is all conservatism is.
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Tribal culture and conservatism is what is holding down Africa...They don't value science, education or anything that goes against their "old world view of the world". They think by following something like the witch doctor(someone that believes in really old shit and doesn't care about thinking for themselves) or putting paint on their faces is the end all and be all to how life should be. They don't better themselves because they limit themselves right out of the gate, and the very most backwards of our society point out how stupid they're for living that live, but then argue our own form of the same fucking thing as they pound their chest. Think about it....The people that criticize such want the same thing here in America but modeled in their own colors and culture...
We look at conservatives here in America and what we see is a world view that is stuck in the fucking stone age: Hatred of education, hatred of science and hatred of new ideas. In one way conservatives are like a tribe as they also don't value these things. They don't want to educate our children, they don't want to work as one society(civilization) to get things done and they sure as fuck see don't see the use to modern society in general! They scream about the individual but what they really mean is I don't value civilization and would rather live a backwards simple savage life.

What does this life normally entitle? Lets just say anything and everything that helps other people and promotes the advancement of our nation. These people if they could get away from such would also be showering with cow piss or putting giant mouth rings in their mouth as they crave the backwards savage life and that is all conservatism is.
So? Leftism is holding down the entire world.
Their tribal culture is one of one race riding horses, living on large farms, killing freely anyone that insults you and getting drunk.

While they laugh at anyone that disagrees.
I've never ridden a horse, lived on a large farm, killed anyone and rarely get drunk (anymore), but I am laughing at you, bigly!
Tribal culture and conservatism is what is holding down Africa...They don't value science, education or anything that goes against their "old world view of the world". They think by following something like the witch doctor(someone that believes in really old shit and doesn't care about thinking for themselves) or putting paint on their faces is the end all and be all to how life should be. They don't better themselves because they limit themselves right out of the gate, and the very most backwards of our society point out how stupid they're for living that live, but then argue our own form of the same fucking thing as they pound their chest. Think about it....The people that criticize such want the same thing here in America but modeled in their own colors and culture...
We look at conservatives here in America and what we see is a world view that is stuck in the fucking stone age: Hatred of education, hatred of science and hatred of new ideas. In one way conservatives are like a tribe as they also don't value these things. They don't want to educate our children, they don't want to work as one society(civilization) to get things done and they sure as fuck see don't see the use to modern society in general! They scream about the individual but what they really mean is I don't value civilization and would rather live a backwards simple savage life.

What does this life normally entitle? Lets just say anything and everything that helps other people and promotes the advancement of our nation. These people if they could get away from such would also be showering with cow piss or putting giant mouth rings in their mouth as they crave the backwards savage life and that is all conservatism is.

You smoking crack again?

Speaking of "tribal cultures"....
Actually the Negro race is holding Africa back. Whites made wonderful societies in South Africa AND Rhodesia but under Negro's they have gone to hell because the negro is a lower developed being than Whites and Asians.
Tribal culture and conservatism is what is holding down Africa...They don't value science, education or anything that goes against their "old world view of the world". They think by following something like the witch doctor(someone that believes in really old shit and doesn't care about thinking for themselves) or putting paint on their faces is the end all and be all to how life should be. They don't better themselves because they limit themselves right out of the gate, and the very most backwards of our society point out how stupid they're for living that live, but then argue our own form of the same fucking thing as they pound their chest. Think about it....The people that criticize such want the same thing here in America but modeled in their own colors and culture...
We look at conservatives here in America and what we see is a world view that is stuck in the fucking stone age: Hatred of education, hatred of science and hatred of new ideas. In one way conservatives are like a tribe as they also don't value these things. They don't want to educate our children, they don't want to work as one society(civilization) to get things done and they sure as fuck see don't see the use to modern society in general! They scream about the individual but what they really mean is I don't value civilization and would rather live a backwards simple savage life.

What does this life normally entitle? Lets just say anything and everything that helps other people and promotes the advancement of our nation. These people if they could get away from such would also be showering with cow piss or putting giant mouth rings in their mouth as they crave the backwards savage life and that is all conservatism is.
Africa is extremely conservative.

Conservatives in America barely have the right to identify themselves as such.
Their tribal culture is one of one race riding horses, living on large farms, killing freely anyone that insults you and getting drunk.

While they laugh at anyone that disagrees.


How many times do we have to ask you not to drink and post ?
Their tribal culture is one of one race riding horses, living on large farms, killing freely anyone that insults you and getting drunk.

While they laugh at anyone that disagrees.


How many times do we have to ask you not to drink and post ?
Hopefully it is just alcohol talking, because anyone sober and this stupid might indicate a mental illness.

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