Diversity is not strength


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Just because you keep repeating something, doesn't make it true. In this case, just saying "diversity is strength" or diversity is good, or whatever, doesn't make it so. Diversity is one of those words that people just throw about without thinking about it.

A little bit of diversity is good. Otherwise things get boring, and you don't get alternative opinions that come from different groups. But too much diversity, then nobody can agree on anything, leading to disunity.

Any nation has to have a core of people, that form the majority, that share the basic ethnic and cultural ties. As a nation becomes more diverse, people become anxious, hunkered down, and splinter into different groups. As a result, even more authoritarian government is needed to keep the thing whole together.

In the case of America, America will not survive the loss of the white majority. The issue is not whether you think whites are good or bad, or other groups are good or bad. The issue is simply that the country is no longer America, by any historical standard. If all of the world's people can come to America and become "Americans" then being American doesn't mean anything.

All of you people who disagree, do you want every nation across this planet to lose its core? Do you think all of the people of the world have a right to move anywhere, and that nations should no longer exist? It seems that is what you actually believe.
I,think you're asking the wrong questions. It's not that every nation 'loses its core' whoever that might be. The question should be do you want every nation to lose its core culture. Do you want to return to a point in our evolution as a society where Whites not only make up a majority, but dominate the culture as well? Have other cultures contributed to the contemporary experience of being American?

Would we be better off without the influence immigrants have had on American culture? Care to give up pizza or jazz or Taco Bell?

And yes, every citizen of every nation should have the right to immigrate to the place he or she believes opportunities are more abundant. What bit of our American culture forbids that? Our nation was built by immigrants.

Nations must exist to provide the scaffolding for culture to be built. Nations must provide security and freedoms. Freedoms of movement, freedoms of choice, freedom from repression.

Every successive generation of low skill Whites have lived in dread of the low skill,immigrant surplanting him on the farm, in the shop, at the factory. It's more common than not to hear laments about the withering White dominated culture. And those laments are most commonly heard from the very people who have failed to appreciate the gifts to our ever evolving culture brought by immigrants.
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Immigrants have done amazing and wonderful things. The helicopter was invented by an immigrant. The Apollo space program would have never gotten off the ground without immigrants. The core of scientists were former Nazi's.

Chinese and Irish Immigrants made up the core of the labor force building the Trans Continental Railroad.

To this day the legacy of those immigrants are found in cities around the nation. New York and San Francisco are the most famous but not the only Chinatowns in the nation.

To say they adapted to America is laughable. Chinese Triads, Irish and Italian Mobs, and many other ethnic organizations for good as well as ill.

Even today the hard work ethic of the ethnic Asian population is throwing some university admissions departments into chaos. The Whites are grumbling that it isn't fair. Suddenly Diversity is supposed to be used to limit the Asian population at California universities just like it is at the Ivy League schools.

Asian Students at UCLA, UCSD and UC Berkeley: The Price of Success?

For the record I am opposed to illegal immigration. I also believe that the limits should be raised to allow more legal immigrants into the nation.
Just because you keep repeating something, doesn't make it true. In this case, just saying "diversity is strength" or diversity is good, or whatever, doesn't make it so. Diversity is one of those words that people just throw about without thinking about it.

A little bit of diversity is good. Otherwise things get boring, and you don't get alternative opinions that come from different groups. But too much diversity, then nobody can agree on anything, leading to disunity.

Any nation has to have a core of people, that form the majority, that share the basic ethnic and cultural ties. As a nation becomes more diverse, people become anxious, hunkered down, and splinter into different groups. As a result, even more authoritarian government is needed to keep the thing whole together.

In the case of America, America will not survive the loss of the white majority. The issue is not whether you think whites are good or bad, or other groups are good or bad. The issue is simply that the country is no longer America, by any historical standard. If all of the world's people can come to America and become "Americans" then being American doesn't mean anything.

All of you people who disagree, do you want every nation across this planet to lose its core? Do you think all of the people of the world have a right to move anywhere, and that nations should no longer exist? It seems that is what you actually believe.

Another one who doesn't understand America. ^^^^

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