Treasonous Democrats Begin 1st Step in Trump Impeachment...Despite Having NO Evidence Against Trump

How is it treasonous?

Impeachment is a constitutional process in the House of Representative.

As a member his is allow to draft something right?


Exactly. They are able to draft up articles for impeachment, but it must still be proven and voted on by Congress. Drafting up articles for impeachment is basically nothing more than bringing up charges. If there is nothing there, impeachment won't happen. If there IS something there, then they vote to impeach.

Well first it has to go to committee. Where it will likely die.
Massive snowflake meltdown in the works. Another one anyway.

There's going to be a made for TV miniseries about the left's meltdown, who will play Hillary?

Only one choice

How is it treasonous?

Impeachment is a constitutional process in the House of Representative.

As a member his is allow to draft something right?


Exactly. They are able to draft up articles for impeachment, but it must still be proven and voted on by Congress. Drafting up articles for impeachment is basically nothing more than bringing up charges. If there is nothing there, impeachment won't happen. If there IS something there, then they vote to impeach.

Evidently the OP has no clue what the word "treason" means.

His whole tinfoil-wrapped OP is a hoot. Piling all over itself like the bottom of a porta-potty.

During the election Democrats Rioted, destroyed property, engaged in terrorism, perpetrated arson, looted, engaged in terrorism - the DNC's candidate's (HILLARY's) campaign financed violence against Trump supporters


They attempted to silence Constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech. They called for military coups. They called for the assassination of the President.

:lol: :dig:

Barak [sic] Obama took the nation Un-Constitutionally, illegally to war in Libya to help the very terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on US soil on 9/11/01

:lmao: :dig:

Lowe's musta had a sale on shovels.
2 witnesses......and the left got nothing.....

I'll take the Nothing Burger with fries, with a large glass of liberal go.

2 witnesses......and the left got nothing.....
Reminds me of 17 intelligence agencies......and the they also got nothing.....
This thread, so far, is remarkable for its lack of Liberal Turds yapping about something, anything.

No bobs, no weaves, no dodges, no deflections, no calling anyone rubes, bigots, homophobes, xenophobes, deplorables etc.

I didn't listen to the testimony, but it must have been a bust for the Bolsheviks...they seem to have gone to ground.

Fuck them and their New York Media ginned up Fake Fairy Tales.

Lets get on with the business of putting some of Obama's Lying Traitors in jail.
You guys have become desperate loons.

  • 18 Months of illegal surveillance not just on Trump and his campaign team but on other GOP candidates like Graham and Paul.
  • 8 months of investigations by 4 different investigative bodies
  • Obama Sycophants committing Treason and Espionage over trivial and meaningless Intel in an attempt to disrupt democracy and take this country and president down.
  • Illegal Unmasking by Susan Rice who is eventually going to get bounced to The Federal Pen and hard.
  • 17 intelligence agencies and OBAMA's HEAD OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE stating there is no evidence of Russian Collusion.
  • Comey himself stating that he DID INDEED tell President Trump 3 times that he was not under investigation.


Exactly what kind of phucked up Hail Mary do you think you are going to need to take down a President that has committed No Crimes?

Just move to CUBA.

You People are becoming disgusting and abhorrent.

Exactly what is the "Independent Counsel" going to find that all of the above could not?

The World Is Laughing At You.

You are going to get destroyed at the polls in 2018.
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With her getting charged for leaking a document, it obviously was legit. At least I would think.
I am ready to get to the bottom of this. If he did it, get rid of his ass. If he didn't, shut the hell up.
we know there is nothing he'll find. you can't even tell us what he's looking for? so why would we need to be concerned something might be found? too funny. again, what did the russians do exactly? waiting.
You guys have become desperate loons.

18 Months of illegal surveillance not just on Trump and his campaign team but on other GOP candidates like Graham and Paul.
8 months of investigations by 4 different investigative bodies
17 intelligence agencies and the head of national intelligence stating there is no evidence of Russian Collusion.
Comey himself stating that he DID INDEED tell President Trump 3 times that he was not under investigation.

Exactly what kind of phucked up Hail Mary do you think you are going to need to take down a President that has committed No Crimes?
Just move to CUBA.
You People are becoming disgusting and abhorent.

Exactly what is the "Independent Counsel" going to find that all of the above could not?

The World Is Laughing At You.

You are going to get destroyed at the polls in 2018.

They're in their death throes.
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.
Many important questions haven't even been asked yet in these investigations. Might not be tomorrow, next week, next month or 2 years from now. But Mueller will get to the truth which is why Trump is walking around the WH all night, furious.
HE knows how dirty he is which is why he's tried so hard to thwart these investigations. An innocent man doesn't act like this.
I know, like exactly what did the russians do?
we know there is nothing he'll find. you can't even tell us what he's looking for? so why would we need to be concerned something might be found? too funny. again, what did the russians do exactly? waiting.
Still sitting in the dark wondering why he can't see anything.
Too damn funny.
Turn on your TV, bombshell after bombshell going down.
No, we "Trumpbots" are simply puzzled by the fact that liberals are (to use an FMJ insult) the type of people who would fuck a person in the asshole and not even have the goddamned common courtesy to give him a reach-around.
Would you go stick your head back up Obamas ass and give it a rest with the trolling?
Feeling the heat I see.
That's what you get for supporting a slimeball.
I feel no heat, I sense desperation from your side! That's what you get for losing! :)
You confuse desperation with jubilation.
Comey's testimony has been released today and it's all horrible news for the Liar in Chief.
Keep playing ostrich.
we know there is nothing he'll find. you can't even tell us what he's looking for? so why would we need to be concerned something might be found? too funny. again, what did the russians do exactly? waiting.
Still sitting in the dark wondering why he can't see anything.
Too damn funny.
Turn on your TV, bombshell after bombshell going down.
so you have no idea about what the russians did? dude too special.

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