Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The timing is transparent: the week prior to Brett Kavanaugh committee vote; the outlet is transparent: the intelligence ‘resistance’ apparatus, The Washington Post; the accuser is transparent: a far-left California liberal professor, Christine Ford Blasey, anti-Trump ‘resistance activist’ with an anti-policy background, including recently. The accusation is transparent: 35-year-old harassment claim/accusation, from high school intended to activate the “Me Too” activists. The motive is transparent: block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

Today the Washington Post announces the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh has stepped forward to tell her story.

Ms. Christine Ford, aka Christine Blasey, a registered democrat and political activist, claims she attended a high school party where Kavanaugh forcibly groped her over her clothes. [Story Here]

[…] While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house. (read more)

After carefully deleting her social media profile; and after carefully selecting left-wing attorney Debra Katz to represent her political interests; and after carefully scripting some dubious and sketchy supportive material including a lie-detector test and vague notes from a 2012 couples-therapy session, the 51-year-old academic psychologist steps forward.

JUST IN: Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Judge Kavanaugh's nomination will take place next Thursday as scheduled, despite last-minute accusation by left-wing activist

— Wired Sources (@WiredSources) September 16, 2018

More at Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations…

While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

The first thing to do I see smear the messenger. The next thing to do is deny it ever happened. Then present the 'alternative facts'. Get them out on Fox and Rush and Breitbart because that's where the base gets their opinions. Send out Sarah and Rudy and Raj to spread the word. Then wait.
The first thing to do I see smear the messenger. The next thing to do is deny it ever happened. Then present the 'alternative facts'. Get them out on Fox and Rush and Breitbart because that's where the base gets their opinions. Send out Sarah and Rudy and Raj to spread the word. Then wait.
And Juanita Broderick's RAPE claim against Clinton?
The timing is transparent: the week prior to Brett Kavanaugh committee vote; the outlet is transparent: the intelligence ‘resistance’ apparatus, The Washington Post; the accuser is transparent: a far-left California liberal professor, Christine Ford Blasey, anti-Trump ‘resistance activist’ with an anti-policy background, including recently. The accusation is transparent: 35-year-old harassment claim/accusation, from high school intended to activate the “Me Too” activists. The motive is transparent: block the Supreme Court nomination of Justice Kavanaugh.

Today the Washington Post announces the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh has stepped forward to tell her story.

Ms. Christine Ford, aka Christine Blasey, a registered democrat and political activist, claims she attended a high school party where Kavanaugh forcibly groped her over her clothes. [Story Here]

[…] While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house. (read more)

After carefully deleting her social media profile; and after carefully selecting left-wing attorney Debra Katz to represent her political interests; and after carefully scripting some dubious and sketchy supportive material including a lie-detector test and vague notes from a 2012 couples-therapy session, the 51-year-old academic psychologist steps forward.

JUST IN: Senate Judiciary Committee vote on Judge Kavanaugh's nomination will take place next Thursday as scheduled, despite last-minute accusation by left-wing activist

— Wired Sources (@WiredSources) September 16, 2018

More at Transparent Political Hit Job – Kavanaugh Accuser, Christine Ford-Blasey, Activated To Advance 35-year-old Accusations…

While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.


Left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporting college professor.....looking to make her bones with the democrat party.....

For conservatives...... this should cement in your minds that if the democrats take the House, they will impeach Trump....they will then impeach Pence..... then, the democrats in the senate will get the Never Trump republicans like jeff flake, the ass hat, and squish republicans, like lindsey graham and corker, to refuse to confirm Trump nominees since he is under impeachment.....

The only way to stop this shit is to vote in in vast numbers so that the democrats lose seats in the House and Senate...... it won't matter to the democrats, since they no longer care about elections and their outcomes..... but if the republicans have majorities in both houses, they will be less likely to side with democrats....and then we primary those Never Trump republicans and squishes out of office......and anyone who votes in a way that allows democrats to get away with this shit....deserves the destruction the democrats will wreak on the country....
The first thing to do I see smear the messenger. The next thing to do is deny it ever happened. Then present the 'alternative facts'. Get them out on Fox and Rush and Breitbart because that's where the base gets their opinions. Send out Sarah and Rudy and Raj to spread the word. Then wait.

Yes....let us trust a left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter who is also a radical college professor..... no reason to doubt her credibility...just ask the Duke Lacrosse team.....
The first thing to do I see smear the messenger. The next thing to do is deny it ever happened. Then present the 'alternative facts'. Get them out on Fox and Rush and Breitbart because that's where the base gets their opinions. Send out Sarah and Rudy and Raj to spread the word. Then wait.
And Juanita Broderick's RAPE claim against Clinton?
I forgot the most important point from the playbook! Deflect everything back on the Clintons! Why? Because Donald J. Trump is a paragon of high moral comportment!
The first thing to do I see smear the messenger. The next thing to do is deny it ever happened. Then present the 'alternative facts'. Get them out on Fox and Rush and Breitbart because that's where the base gets their opinions. Send out Sarah and Rudy and Raj to spread the word. Then wait.
And Juanita Broderick's RAPE claim against Clinton?
I forgot the most important point from the playbook! Deflect everything back on the Clintons! Why? Because Donald J. Trump is a paragon of high moral comportment!
Compared to Blow Job Billy. He is!

The first thing to do I see smear the messenger. The next thing to do is deny it ever happened. Then present the 'alternative facts'. Get them out on Fox and Rush and Breitbart because that's where the base gets their opinions. Send out Sarah and Rudy and Raj to spread the word. Then wait.
And Juanita Broderick's RAPE claim against Clinton?
I forgot the most important point from the playbook! Deflect everything back on the Clintons! Why? Because Donald J. Trump is a paragon of high moral comportment!
Compared to Blow Job Billy. He is!

I'll see your blow job and raise you a porn star! By the way, I'm holding a straight from a third wife to a Playboy bunny.
The first thing to do I see smear the messenger. The next thing to do is deny it ever happened. Then present the 'alternative facts'. Get them out on Fox and Rush and Breitbart because that's where the base gets their opinions. Send out Sarah and Rudy and Raj to spread the word. Then wait.
And Juanita Broderick's RAPE claim against Clinton?
I forgot the most important point from the playbook! Deflect everything back on the Clintons! Why? Because Donald J. Trump is a paragon of high moral comportment!
Compared to Blow Job Billy. He is!

I'll see your blow job and raise you a porn star! By the way, I'm holding a straight from a third wife to a Playboy bunny.
I don’t understand what you people who are taking this accusation seriously think can even be achieved here. Let’s forget the propensity of the left to do this (I love how Roy Moore passing a polygraph didn’t matter, but apparently this woman’s alleged polygraph does) for a second.

What is the standard by which you demonstrate that either party is telling the truth? If you can’t answer that question, how do you justify taking the claim seriously when she says she told nobody until 30+ years after the incident? There is no potential to gather evidence, as 36 years later there’s certainly no physical evidence.

There’s a reason why we have statutes of limitations in America. It’s not so criminals can run the clock out on charges, it’s because after a certain amount of time evidence which proves innocence may become unavailable. That’s the standard we need to keep in mind in light of this accusation. If there is no evidence, you cannot thrust this matter into a confirmation process.
The first thing to do I see smear the messenger. The next thing to do is deny it ever happened. Then present the 'alternative facts'. Get them out on Fox and Rush and Breitbart because that's where the base gets their opinions. Send out Sarah and Rudy and Raj to spread the word. Then wait.

What we should do is just believe this lib professor because if she said it happened, then it happened.

The left wants us to live in a country where an accusation is just as good as a video tape, as long as the accusation is against a Republican.

And of course it must have happened because Kavanaugh lived such a shady life. He's been in trouble with the police and authorities countless times. Right?
Why didn't the Dems ask Kavanaugh about this during the private meetings they had with him, or during the hearings?

Because it's bullshit.

Republicans had better start playing dirty liek the Dems are, and they had better do it quickly.
The Dems sat on this accusation for MONTHS.


If this was a concern, why not drop it the DAY he was nominated by Trump?

Because it's a bullshit lie and a hail mary. If it was TRULY a concern, it would have been address DURING THE CONFIRMATION PROCESS.

The private meetings with 39 Democratic Senators and the 1000 questions he know? Maybe it comes up then?
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The first thing to do I see smear the messenger. The next thing to do is deny it ever happened. Then present the 'alternative facts'. Get them out on Fox and Rush and Breitbart because that's where the base gets their opinions. Send out Sarah and Rudy and Raj to spread the word. Then wait.
And Juanita Broderick's RAPE claim against Clinton?
I forgot the most important point from the playbook! Deflect everything back on the Clintons! Why? Because Donald J. Trump is a paragon of high moral comportment!
Compared to Blow Job Billy. He is!

I'll see your blow job and raise you a porn star! By the way, I'm holding a straight from a third wife to a Playboy bunny.
I don’t understand what you people who are taking this accusation seriously think can even be achieved here. Let’s forget the propensity of the left to do this (I love how Roy Moore passing a polygraph didn’t matter, but apparently this woman’s alleged polygraph does) for a second.

What is the standard by which you demonstrate that either party is telling the truth? If you can’t answer that question, how do you justify taking the claim seriously when she says she told nobody until 30+ years after the incident? There is no potential to gather evidence, as 36 years later there’s certainly no physical evidence.

There’s a reason why we have statutes of limitations in America. It’s not so criminals can run the clock out on charges, it’s because after a certain amount of time evidence which proves innocence may become unavailable. That’s the standard we need to keep in mind in light of this accusation. If there is no evidence, you cannot thrust this matter into a confirmation process.

No statutes of limitation on serious crimes like murder and copping a cheap feel.
Weird coincidence the accuser is an anti Trump activist.

Lol...I am shocked!!!

Pubs need to tell the Dems to pound sand and get Kavanaugh confirmed.

This is why everyone thinks Washington is crooked.

Because it is.

Let’s change this to Pubs pulling this out of their ass for a liberal appointee.

Now everyone flips their opinions.

It’s bullshit and disgusting politics and it’s why our Constitutional Republic will probably only last another generation going in its current direction.

We are only 80 years removed from the atrocities that Japan committed against China prior to WWII and the Holocaust and Stalin.

These new age liberal and socialist cvnts are either willfully ignorant or just fucking stupid.
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Why didn't the Dems ask Kavanaugh about this during the private meetings they had with him, or during the hearings?

Because it's bullshit.

Republicans had better start playing dirty liek the Dems are, and they had better do it quickly.

Now I understand that she "claims" she can't remember what month it happened, what year, who hosted the party, or where the house was located. How convenient.

I also understand that she had pictures of herself protesting in a pussy hat that she took off of Facebook along with everything else she was involved in.
Why didn't the Dems ask Kavanaugh about this during the private meetings they had with him, or during the hearings?

Because it's bullshit.

Republicans had better start playing dirty liek the Dems are, and they had better do it quickly.

Now I understand that she "claims" she can't remember what month it happened, what year, who hosted the party, or where the house was located. How convenient.

I also understand that she had pictures of herself protesting in a pussy hat that she took off of Facebook along with everything else she was involved in.

It's laughable. This attack is clumsy and obtuse. It's like a 6 year old dreamed it up.
Why didn't the Dems ask Kavanaugh about this during the private meetings they had with him, or during the hearings?

Because it's bullshit.

Republicans had better start playing dirty liek the Dems are, and they had better do it quickly.

Now I understand that she "claims" she can't remember what month it happened, what year, who hosted the party, or where the house was located. How convenient.

I also understand that she had pictures of herself protesting in a pussy hat that she took off of Facebook along with everything else she was involved in.

It's laughable. This attack is clumsy and obtuse. It's like a 6 year old dreamed it up.

And that's the problem because many liberals have minds like 6 year olds and will believe this nonsense.

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