Zone1 Transgenderism DEBATE: Michael Knowles vs Brad Polumbo (full debate)

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Jul 7, 2022

Transgenderism DEBATE: Michael Knowles vs Brad Polumbo (full debate)​

Should transgenderism be banned by the government? That’s what Daily Wire host Michael Knowles and BASED Politics podcast co-host Brad Polumbo debated at this University of Pittsburgh event. Protestors tried to shout down the speakers, set an effigy of Michael Knowles on fire, and caused chaos in the streets, but the full debate went ahead anyway. What do you think? Who do you agree with?

I shouldn't even have to mention the insidiousness of supporting the act of manipulating children to think of themselves as the opposite gender.
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Transgenderism DEBATE: Michael Knowles vs Brad Polumbo (full debate)​

Should transgenderism be banned by the government? That’s what Daily Wire host Michael Knowles and BASED Politics podcast co-host Brad Polumbo debated at this University of Pittsburgh event. Protestors tried to shout down the speakers, set an effigy of Michael Knowles on fire, and caused chaos in the streets, but the full debate went ahead anyway. What do you think? Who do you agree with?

Transgenders should be treated in mental facilities instead of given a platform to display their problem.
Transgenders should be treated in mental facilities instead of given a platform to display their problem.
Underlying much of it are various b-type personality disorders. Not only do they go untreated, but actually encouraged by idiot virtue signalers who latch on to the symptoms and reinforce them.

Take one drama queen girl with a histrionic personality disorder, shower her with the attention she seeks when she acts out by telling you she is a boy because that is just so hip these days, keep rewarding and reinforcing the notion and voila'!
Nobody even cared about these people until they started shoving their shit down our throats and involving children. Sure, many thought they were weirdos but nobody really gave a shit.
Its different now and its their fault.
I think the Right wing getting hysterical about transgenders is silly, because they've run out of other people they can politely hate.
I think that the sterilization of children to treat mental disorders is crazy wrong. "Gender Affirming Care" leads down the path of sterilization and body mutilation. If adults decide to do this to themselves, then have at it; however, don't expect the sane people in society to affirm their delusions about themselves.

Also, transgenderism has become a social contagion much like anorexia.

Transgenderism DEBATE: Michael Knowles vs Brad Polumbo (full debate)​

Should transgenderism be banned by the government? That’s what Daily Wire host Michael Knowles and BASED Politics podcast co-host Brad Polumbo debated at this University of Pittsburgh event. Protestors tried to shout down the speakers, set an effigy of Michael Knowles on fire, and caused chaos in the streets, but the full debate went ahead anyway. What do you think? Who do you agree with?

No time to watch the debate here, but no, the government should not ban transgendering. There is no constitutional basis by which they can legitimately get involved in that.

However, in the interest of providing the general welfare, the government SHOULD ban transgendering of children, i.e. minors below the age of 18. It should be illegal to groom them, prescribe transgendering meds, perform transgendering surgeries.

And as is the case with ALL medical substances and procedures with possibility of significant damaging or dangerous side effects, those adults who want to transgender should have ALL the downsides, physical, mental and psychological, fully explained to them the same as with any other medical procedures.
But most of you are. You're like a bunch of old women who can't keep their goddamn noses out of everyone's business. Basically your all crybaby Karen's who can't let people live the way they want. Nope, kids should not be doing it until 18 but you all are in everyone's business and if one of you fucking goddamn Karen's came on my property and told me how I could and could not live you would not leave my property. Just look at how many fucking threads are on tranny's on USMB and why? Because you people think other's should live like you.
Most of these conservatives don't give a shit how you live your life, they just believe certain healthy boundaries should be established, protecting the rights of women and allowing children to reach adulthood before they transition. You will never force these religious conservatives to agree with your gay lifestyle, but why would that be your objective? If they leave you alone and let you do whatever you want, provided you're not violating anyone else's rights, then there should be peace. Everyone can co-exist peacefully.
Most of these conservatives don't give a shit how you live your life, they just believe certain healthy boundaries should be established, protecting the rights of women and allowing children to reach adulthood before they transition. You will never force these religious conservatives to agree with your gay lifestyle, but why would that be your objective? If they leave you alone and let you do whatever you want, provided you're not violating anyone else's rights, then there should be peace. Everyone can co-exist peacefully.
You make quite an assumption when you cast those who oppose grooming children to be transexuals as being religious conservatives.
You make quite an assumption when you cast those who oppose grooming children to be transexuals as being religious conservatives.
I often refer to conservatives as religious because most of the ones I interact with here on the forum and face to face are Evangelicals, but you're correct, all conservatives aren't religious.
Nobody is hysterical about it.
You guys launched a major boycott against a national beer brand because some nitwit in marketing sent some novelty cans to a trans person.
I agree, that the transgender issue is exaggerated by the right, but they do have some legitimate concerns.

Not really.

I think that the sterilization of children to treat mental disorders is crazy wrong. "Gender Affirming Care" leads down the path of sterilization and body mutilation. If adults decide to do this to themselves, then have at it; however, don't expect the sane people in society to affirm their delusions about themselves.

Um, let's get real here. People do all sorts of fucked up things to their bodies, such as breast augmentations, eye rounding, facelifts, liposuctions, and so on.

While I think any treatment given to a child should be treated with caution (unlike let's say the hundreds of thousands of kids put on SSRI's because their parents and teachers can't handle them) there are probably some cases where it is medically necessary.

Also, transgenderism has become a social contagion much like anorexia.
Or maybe we are just talking about it more.

Do you think there was no anorexia until people started talking about it? Judy Garland was probably anorexic, but they didn't have a cool name for it. Or Karen Carpenter.
But most of you are. You're like a bunch of old women who can't keep their goddamn noses out of everyone's business. Basically your all crybaby Karen's who can't let people live the way they want. Nope, kids should not be doing it until 18 but you all are in everyone's business and if one of you fucking goddamn Karen's came on my property and told me how I could and could not live you would not leave my property. Just look at how many fucking threads are on tranny's on USMB and why? Because you people think other's should live like you.

You're better than this, the problem is simple. Keep it out of our faces, keep it away from schools and our children. The problems you progs is that you want to force EVERYTHING down throats. Just stop it.
Affirming and cheering children towards a state of mind that has 40% suicide rate and aggressively higher depression rates is bad by those who do it and definitely grooming a child towards harm.

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