Transgender kids should allowed to play sports like all other children!!!

When you say, " The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City! ", that ignores the fact most of the world can't be inhabited. It is too rocky, dry, hot, cold, etc. And we can't occupy it, because we need it, to grow food, to produce oxygen, etc.
what the fk are you sputtering on about here. if everyone lived in texas, who cares about the rest of the global boundaries, right? you simply don't have it in you.
As far as US population the USA produces So Much Food that the government does and has for decades paid farmers to Not grow to avoid price dropping oversupply
dude, like everything else in life a demofk has no clue about the world.
I identify as a trans Martian
Do I get all sorts of special treatment with people constantly sidestepping to avoid me encountering reality?
No. You get to be thrown in the back ward of the state hospital

Who the fuck are YOU to decide one identification is "you know your own truth" and another is "back ward of the state hospital?
Actually the harm is altering little kids bodies before they are an adult. All the while when these children grow up, they will realize they screwed up. That's the harm you support.
they hate children.

Here's proof:

"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You |

Well there is just no way to refute the simple fact this country probably has over twice the population we can sustain.
If we keep that up, species extinction is the only possible result eventually.
Humans have way too abnormally high of a reproduction rate.
It evolved when we were prey.
Like rabbits.
But now that we have enough technology so we are the predators instead of prey, we need a much lower rate of reproduction, like all other predators.
This is compounded by the increasing lifespan, and huge increase of the rate of consumption of each individual.

Just think about what we are doing.
It takes hundreds of millions of years for plants to concentrate sunlight into fossil fuels.
So then we are using up billions of years worth of concentrated solar energy, as if there was an unlimited supply.
People who say we should just switch over to wind and photovoltaic, just don't get it.
We would need to almost pave the entire planet with photovoltaic and batteries, in order to replace what we get out of fossil fuels.
We only have between 50 and 400 years of fossil fuels left, and a huge tragedy looms as that time approaches.
We really should reduce the population to put that off as long as possible.
The USA produces such an abundance of foods that the government has paid farmers for decades to not grow to avoid a glut and price suppression
We are all gonna starve is liberal cartoon bullshit and yet Another hoax
"Flintstones Vitamins Now Available With Puberty Blockers
April 30th, 2021 -

WHIPPANY, NJ—Bayer AG, the multinational pharmaceutical corporation, has announced a brand new line of trans-friendly Flintstones vitamins laced with puberty-blocking hormones. To help normalize early childhood transition, the vitamins will be on sale over the counter without restriction.
"Yes, zis seems all very ethical," said Bayer CEO Hans Von Himmler while stroking his pet cat-pig hybrid. "Ve simply give ze little girl-child ze hormones, and then ze beard grows. Ve always on ze right side of history."
Flintstones vitamins' new girl-to-boy chewables will be made of anabolic steroids with vitamins and delicious fruit flavors added in. The vitamins will be completely organic and hormone-free-- except, of course, for the synthetic hormones which are the active ingredient.
Some politicians expressed alarm at the thought of giving synthetic hormones to young children, but they quickly fell silent after Bayer threatened to pull campaign donations and business from their states."
The laws aren't banning transgender kids from sports.

Merely forcing them to play on the team of their sex, not their 'gender'.
Wrong,. Merely forcing them to play on a team based on their hormones.
Face it......athletic men have a physical advantage over athletic women. It is what it is. Yeah, I know...thats a chauvinistic statement. Blah Blah Blah. Its truth, reality and live with it. AND accept it.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
LOLOL.....You typed all that for me. Fuck you and drop dead.LOLOLOLOL

God Damned purple haired freaks...............LOLOLOLOLOL
And don't flatter yourself in thinking that I wrote that for you. I wrote in what is proboblt a hopeless attempt to raise the level of discourse to something above that of a special ed. grade
when the team realizes they have to compete against boys, just get back on the bus and go home...enough schools do that and the issue goes away

That's cute, how you think the schools are the least bit interested in protecting women.
Might as well do away with all gender distinctions and let young athletes play wherever they
feel like they belong. Megan Rapinoe is a a back stabbing bitch who will put a trap door under the
feet of all young females to better serve her political ideology which is sick and makes second class citizens
out of females.
I just don't know why it's so difficult to acknowledge that boys and girls are different physically.
no one is saying that they are not different. I am saying that there might be ways to accomodate trans kids rather than simply bann them from sports See post 17 and try to comprehend the concept
Why are kids being able to make a major life decision that can't be reversed, before they turn eighteen? Anyone who lets them do it, should be imprisoned. Use common sense and you don't have a problem that liberals created.

You're not wrong. I don't even allow my 12-year-old to make decisions about what to wear in the morning without supervision, because I don't want him to wear the same t-shirt and sweatpants until it can walk to the laundry room on its own.
Actually the harm is altering little kids bodies before they are an adult. All the while when these children grow up, they will realize they screwed up. That's the harm you support.
they hate children.

Here's proof:

"...Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million a year in taxpayer funds, as a GAO report indicated last year."
How Much of Your Tax Money Does Planned Parenthood Get? A New Report Will Tell You |

Well there is just no way to refute the simple fact this country probably has over twice the population we can sustain.
If we keep that up, species extinction is the only possible result eventually.
Humans have way too abnormally high of a reproduction rate.
It evolved when we were prey.
Like rabbits.
But now that we have enough technology so we are the predators instead of prey, we need a much lower rate of reproduction, like all other predators.
This is compounded by the increasing lifespan, and huge increase of the rate of consumption of each individual.

Just think about what we are doing.
It takes hundreds of millions of years for plants to concentrate sunlight into fossil fuels.
So then we are using up billions of years worth of concentrated solar energy, as if there was an unlimited supply.
People who say we should just switch over to wind and photovoltaic, just don't get it.
We would need to almost pave the entire planet with photovoltaic and batteries, in order to replace what we get out of fossil fuels.
We only have between 50 and 400 years of fossil fuels left, and a huge tragedy looms as that time approaches.
We really should reduce the population to put that off as long as possible.

"Well there is just no way to refute the simple fact this country probably has over twice the population we can sustain."

I have rarely seen anyone validate Reagan's statement about Liberals better than you do:

Here is the math that proves you a dunce:. "The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City!

The population of the world we will define as 7 billion. What is the density of a large US city, say New York City as a whole? Well, New York City is 790 square kilometers, and has a population around 8.3 million people, giving us a density of (8.3<EEX>6<ENTER> 790 ÷) about 10,500 people per square kilometer. Now granted, NYC is not the wide-open spaces, but it is a density that millions live with in a space-loving nation like the US, so it shouldn't be considered too packed.

So how much land would we need to house all 7 billion of us if we lived in such density? Well, we would need (7<EEX>9<ENTER> 8.3<EEX>6<ENTER> 790 ÷ ÷) 666,265 square kilometers. A big area, no? Well, let's look further...

Upon examining the US, we find out that Texas fits the bill nicely. In fact, Texas has 261,797.12 square miles of land, and that is (261792.12<ENTER> 1.602<ENTER> 1.602 × ×) 671,877.17 square kilometers! Which is, in fact, more than the area we need to house all 7 billion of us at typical New York City densities. Meaning every man, woman, and child living and breathing on the face of the Earth could fit in relative comfort within the land territory of the State of Texas.

The other 49 states: empty. Canada? A wasteland as empty as the northern extremes of Nunavut. Europe? Empty. Asia? Nobody home. Africa, Australia, South and Central America, all the islands? None left. The entire world outside of Texas contains not a single living, breathing person.

But how realistic is that? Surely water would be a problem wouldn't it? Well, let's find out... It is recommended that 50 liters per person, per day, be used as an adequate amount for consumption, sanitation, and cooking. That works out to (7<EEX>9<ENTER> 50 × 1<EEX>9 ÷) 350 billion liters of fresh water, per day, to keep all of us properly hydrated. That's a lot of water! Given there are 1000 liters per cubic meter, we need 350 million cubic meters of fresh water, every day. Yes, a large volume! But is it really?

Take the Columbia River, the 4th largest in the US, and the main division between the States of Washington and Oregon. The average outflow of water is 7,500 cubic meters per second. How long would it take the Columbia to give us our 350 million cubic meters of fresh water? Well, it would take (350<EEX>6<ENTER> 7500 ÷) 46,667 seconds. Or (46667<ENTER> 60 ÷) 777.8 minutes. Or (777.8<ENTER> 60 ÷) just under 13 hours.

With just over half the daily average outflow of the Columbia River, we could meet the freshwater needs of the entire world's population. Now, that is a big pipeline to Texas, but if we could get everyone there in the first place, the pipeline is child's play!

To recap: so far, we can put every living person on the planet within the land territory of Texas, with density about equal to New York City (not just Manhattan; all 5 boroughs). And we can give them all adequate water with just over half the water from the Columbia River.

But what about food? Clearly that is of concern! Well, apparently 300 square meters will feed one person for one year. Since a kilometer is 1000 meters, we could feed (1000<ENTER> 1000 × 300 ÷) 3333 people per square kilometer. We'll call it 3000 people per square kilometer to make things even. And that means (7<EEX>9 <ENTER> 3000 ÷) 2,333,333 square kilometers to feed everyone.

The total farmland in the US is about 922,000,000 acres. There are 247.1 acres per square kilometer, so that is (922<EEX>6<ENTER> 247.1 ÷) 3,731,282 square kilometers. Hey, that's more than 2,333,333! In other words, the farmland in the US could feed everyone!

So what have we ended up with? Well, every person in the world could live inside of Texas without overcrowding. We could all have water with just the Columbia River alone. And we could easily feed ourselves with just the farmland within the US as it exists.

Canada. Mexico. Alaska. Central America. South America. Europe. Asia. Africa. Australia. Greenland. All the islands. All the oceans. The Great Lakes. All empty, devoid of people. No need to farm or live there.

Now that we have the numbers, are we really overpopulated? I would argue a resounding "NO" and I think any who say otherwise are simply not adding it up.


When you say, " The entire world population could fit in the state of Texas and it’d only have the population density of New York City! ", that ignores the fact most of the world can't be inhabited. It is too rocky, dry, hot, cold, etc. And we can't occupy it, because we need it, to grow food, to produce oxygen, etc.

If you look at historical populations, it did not rise very much until the industrial revolution. Starvation kept it low until then. And why did the industrial revolution change that? It was because we discovered fossil fuel can be used to greatly increase food production, artificially. We found we could not only artificially fertilize, but also ship food much greater distances. Fossil fuel has increased food production by more than a factor of 100. It was artificial fossil fuel use that allow populations to start increasing around 1800.
But that is not going to last. It is running out. It is not sustainable.

To make you think about how little you understand about it, just consider the oxygen we breath.
The planet has a large buffer, and if its production would stop, we still would have hundreds of years worth to breath.
But that really is not much. Oxygen has to constantly be recycled. And that is done mostly by forests. So if you cut down to many trees, then we run out of oxygen eventually. You did not take into account how complicated the world really is, and how dependent and unaware we really are. Its like ignoring the fact of pollinators like bees were to die off, our food production would drop by more than 50%.

1. I'm never's the main difference between the two of us

2. The math is provided in the post.
And all you can do is "is not, isssssssssssss noooooooootttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!" should immediately ask for a new avi....."MALTHUS"

My feeling has always been that any leftist who screeches about "The world is overpopulated!" and isn't making plans to commit suicide is a hypocrite who should shut up.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
LOLOL.....You typed all that for me. Fuck you and drop dead.LOLOLOLOL

God Damned purple haired freaks...............LOLOLOLOLOL
And don't flatter yourself in thinking that I wrote that for you. I wrote in what is proboblt a hopeless attempt to raise the level of discourse to something above that of a special ed. grade

But your proposal makes no sense.
The reason some do better than others are due to physical parameters.
So if you separate by physical parameters, then you will prevent trans women from being allowed to compete with XX female women.

The mistake is to even assume sports competition is even a good idea for anyone?
It certainly is not necessary.

And the greatest harm would be if trans women would be allowed to compete with XX women, because no XX women then would ever have any chance of winning at all, and it would rob half the population of being able to compete in sports at all. Your solution would harm the greatest number of people, all XX women, in order to appease the smallest number of people, the trans women.
Just one problem. . It is not as simple as xx vs. xy
So the X and Y chromosomes determine sex, unless a single-gene mutation intervenes and then they don’t. Could gene variants, perhaps specific sets of them, somehow set the stage for the gestation of a transgender individual?

This is a good read, you should indulge yourself. Indeed, everyone here should, especially those who alledege that I am denying science. THIS is science! Bottom line is that those who appear to me male may have biological characterists of females. So, it is you who are wrong when you make the blanket decree that all those who are XY but identifies as female should be banned form women's sports
Last edited:
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
LOLOL.....You typed all that for me. Fuck you and drop dead.LOLOLOLOL

God Damned purple haired freaks...............LOLOLOLOLOL
And don't flatter yourself in thinking that I wrote that for you. I wrote in what is proboblt a hopeless attempt to raise the level of discourse to something above that of a special ed. grade

But your proposal makes no sense.
The reason some do better than others are due to physical parameters.
So if you separate by physical parameters, then you will prevent trans women from being allowed to compete with XX female women.

The mistake is to even assume sports competition is even a good idea for anyone?
It certainly is not necessary.

And the greatest harm would be if trans women would be allowed to compete with XX women, because no XX women then would ever have any chance of winning at all, and it would rob half the population of being able to compete in sports at all. Your solution would harm the greatest number of people, all XX women, in order to appease the smallest number of people, the trans women.
Just one problem. . It is not as simple as xx vs. xy
So the X and Y chromosomes determine sex, unless a single-gene mutation intervenes and then they don’t. Could gene variants, perhaps specific sets of them, somehow set the stage for the gestation of a transgender individual?

No, it really is that simple. Absolutely nothing there changes the fact that a person who has two X chromosomes is a female, and a person who has an X and a Y is a male.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
LOLOL.....You typed all that for me. Fuck you and drop dead.LOLOLOLOL

God Damned purple haired freaks...............LOLOLOLOLOL
And don't flatter yourself in thinking that I wrote that for you. I wrote in what is proboblt a hopeless attempt to raise the level of discourse to something above that of a special ed. grade

But your proposal makes no sense.
The reason some do better than others are due to physical parameters.
So if you separate by physical parameters, then you will prevent trans women from being allowed to compete with XX female women.

The mistake is to even assume sports competition is even a good idea for anyone?
It certainly is not necessary.

And the greatest harm would be if trans women would be allowed to compete with XX women, because no XX women then would ever have any chance of winning at all, and it would rob half the population of being able to compete in sports at all. Your solution would harm the greatest number of people, all XX women, in order to appease the smallest number of people, the trans women.
Just one problem. . It is not as simple as xx vs. xy
So the X and Y chromosomes determine sex, unless a single-gene mutation intervenes and then they don’t. Could gene variants, perhaps specific sets of them, somehow set the stage for the gestation of a transgender individual?

No, it really is that simple. Absolutely nothing there changes the fact that a person who has two X chromosomes is a female, and a person who has an X and a Y is a male.
The point is that it established a biological explaination for the very compelling beliefs that some people have that they are not the gender that they were assigned at birth. The haste of your response indictes to me that you didn't bother to read the whole post, and my guess is that you are too incurious and intellectually limited to allow yourself to be exposed to any information that challeges the faulty beliefs that you cling to inorder o justify your bigotry
I identify as a trans Martian
Do I get all sorts of special treatment with people constantly sidestepping to avoid me encountering reality?
No. You get to be thrown in the back ward of the state hospital

Who the fuck are YOU to decide one identification is "you know your own truth" and another is "back ward of the state hospital?
Look who the fuck is talking! You said: No, "trans girls" are not girls at all. If they were, you wouldn't need the prefix "trans". What a fucking hypocrite! The prefex is only used for imformational reasons when necessary. In general, they are just girls/women
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
LOLOL.....You typed all that for me. Fuck you and drop dead.LOLOLOLOL

God Damned purple haired freaks...............LOLOLOLOLOL
And don't flatter yourself in thinking that I wrote that for you. I wrote in what is proboblt a hopeless attempt to raise the level of discourse to something above that of a special ed. grade

But your proposal makes no sense.
The reason some do better than others are due to physical parameters.
So if you separate by physical parameters, then you will prevent trans women from being allowed to compete with XX female women.

The mistake is to even assume sports competition is even a good idea for anyone?
It certainly is not necessary.

And the greatest harm would be if trans women would be allowed to compete with XX women, because no XX women then would ever have any chance of winning at all, and it would rob half the population of being able to compete in sports at all. Your solution would harm the greatest number of people, all XX women, in order to appease the smallest number of people, the trans women.
Just one problem. . It is not as simple as xx vs. xy
So the X and Y chromosomes determine sex, unless a single-gene mutation intervenes and then they don’t. Could gene variants, perhaps specific sets of them, somehow set the stage for the gestation of a transgender individual?

No, it really is that simple. Absolutely nothing there changes the fact that a person who has two X chromosomes is a female, and a person who has an X and a Y is a male.
The point is that it established a biological explaination for the very compelling beliefs that some people have that they are not the gender that they were assigned at birth. The haste of your response indictes to me that you didn't bother to read the whole post, and my guess is that you are too incurious and intellectually limited to allow yourself to be exposed to any information that challeges the faulty beliefs that you cling to inorder o justify your bigotry

No, the point is that you're trying to use it as an excuse to marginalize women and push your agenda. Piss off.
This is a good read, you should indulge yourself. Indeed, everyone here should, especially those who alledege that I am denying science. THIS is science! Bottom line is that those who appear to me male may have biological characterists of females. So, it is you who are wrong when you make the blanket decree that all those who are XY but identifies as female should be banned form women's sports

The point is that it established a biological explaination for the very compelling beliefs that some people have that they are not the gender that they were assigned at birth. The haste of your response indictes to me that you didn't bother to read the whole post, and my guess is that you are too incurious and intellectually limited to allow yourself to be exposed to any information that challeges the faulty beliefs that you cling to inorder o justify your bigotry

Hard biology trumps the insane delusions of one who is fucked-up in the head. Always.

It truly takes a TheProgressivePatriot level of mentally- and morally-fucked-up to call insane delusions “science”.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame
LOLOL.....You typed all that for me. Fuck you and drop dead.LOLOLOLOL

God Damned purple haired freaks...............LOLOLOLOLOL
And don't flatter yourself in thinking that I wrote that for you. I wrote in what is proboblt a hopeless attempt to raise the level of discourse to something above that of a special ed. grade

But your proposal makes no sense.
The reason some do better than others are due to physical parameters.
So if you separate by physical parameters, then you will prevent trans women from being allowed to compete with XX female women.

The mistake is to even assume sports competition is even a good idea for anyone?
It certainly is not necessary.

And the greatest harm would be if trans women would be allowed to compete with XX women, because no XX women then would ever have any chance of winning at all, and it would rob half the population of being able to compete in sports at all. Your solution would harm the greatest number of people, all XX women, in order to appease the smallest number of people, the trans women.
Just one problem. . It is not as simple as xx vs. xy
So the X and Y chromosomes determine sex, unless a single-gene mutation intervenes and then they don’t. Could gene variants, perhaps specific sets of them, somehow set the stage for the gestation of a transgender individual?

No, it really is that simple. Absolutely nothing there changes the fact that a person who has two X chromosomes is a female, and a person who has an X and a Y is a male.
The point is that it established a biological explaination for the very compelling beliefs that some people have that they are not the gender that they were assigned at birth. The haste of your response indictes to me that you didn't bother to read the whole post, and my guess is that you are too incurious and intellectually limited to allow yourself to be exposed to any information that challeges the faulty beliefs that you cling to inorder o justify your bigotry

No, the point is that you're trying to use it as an excuse to marginalize women and push your agenda. Piss off.
Horseshit! That does not make any damned sense. You are ignoring what I said and just making some shit up. Again, you clearly did not read the post. Rather you just fire off some moronic knee jerrk response.

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