Traffic cameras use AI to spy on drivers inside their cars


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Enslaving of humanity by satanists is going on
And stupid sheeple still keeping silence

UK drivers will be the first in the world to be spied on by AI, following the launch of a controversial new speed camera.
The speed camera, which has been nicknamed ‘Big Brother’s cash machine’ by motorist advocates, uses AI and ‘4D’ radar to spy on drivers inside their cars.
That means it won’t just be able to catch out speeding drivers but anyone who uses their phone or fails to wear a seatbelt while sat behind the wheel.
The Redspeed Sentio camera was first installed on the A23 in Lambeth, South London, where it was trialled on unsuspecting drivers.
The AI camera is capable of keeping an eye on up to six lanes of traffic and can ‘talk’ to other cameras on route to check for your average speed.
They can even check your car for insurance and tax.
However, the cameras have already been criticised for being a ‘step too far’.
Nick Freeman, a lawyer who specialises in motoring, said: “As drivers we are all becoming sitting ducks. This could just be a step too far.
“It could help alleviate the lack of police on our roads. But we will always be missing something when we don’t have that human element.”
Meanwhile, Jake Hurfurt, head of Big Brother Watch, said: “This kind of intrusive and creepy surveillance which treats every passer-by as a potential suspect is excessive and normalising.

“It poses a threat to everyone’s privacy. People should be free to go about their lives without being analysed by faceless AI systems.”

Just to make sure I'm interpreting this correctly .. AI can assist law enforcement to target drivers who are not compliant. This would include:
  • Speeding
  • Traffic violations - like running a red light or stop sign
  • compliance issues: no insurance, lapsed insurance
and other scenarios that protect others?

What's wrong with that?
Just to make sure I'm interpreting this correctly .. AI can assist law enforcement to target drivers who are not compliant. This would include:
  • Speeding
  • Traffic violations - like running a red light or stop sign
  • compliance issues: no insurance, lapsed insurance
and other scenarios that protect others?

What's wrong with that?
Because it never, and I mean never, stays with just that. It will inevitably be used for other purposes that have nothing to do with safety, such as gathering intel on what is in the car, who is traveling with you, etc. The point is, once government gains the ability to invade your privacy, it will only invade MORE, not less.
Because it never, and I mean never, stays with just that. It will inevitably be used for other purposes that have nothing to do with safety, such as gathering intel on what is in the car, who is traveling with you, etc. The point is, once government gains the ability to invade your privacy, it will only invade MORE, not less.
There are already cameras in most major metropolitan areas, capturing and filming individuals doing every day things: walking, driving, running, etc.
There are already cameras in most major metropolitan areas, capturing and filming individuals doing every day things: walking, driving, running, etc.
And, once people become accustomed to being observed every moment they step outside, there will be a push to put cameras in every dwelling. You know, to catch crime even earlier and "protect" everyone even more. It may not happen in my lifetime, but it would not surprise me at all if one day it will be illegal to evade observation.
The reason for this is that many drivers were blaming their speeding offences on their spouses to evade he points on their licenses

I think you get 3 points per offence an a ban after reaching 9 points.
Its difficult to do this when there is photographic evidence to the contrary.

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