Top Priorities

What Issues Should the President Focus On While Others Can Wait?

  • Economy and jobs

    Votes: 41 80.4%
  • Healthcare Reform

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Cap & Trade

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Free Trade Agreements/Relations with other countries

    Votes: 5 9.8%
  • Energy Security

    Votes: 8 15.7%
  • Education Reform

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Student Loan Reform

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Hurrican Preparedness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Environmental Protection

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • Other (I'll explain in my posts)

    Votes: 13 25.5%

  • Total voters
We stayed in Germany and Japan for five years following their surrender in WWII. As a result, we left them with stable, functioning governments and as allies and friends of the USA and as countries equipped and able to prosper and become productive and peaceful nations in the world community.

The German and Japanese people were up to the task. It remains to be seen whether the Iraqi people are up to the task. But don't confuse the willingness of the victor to leave their foe in a better place as being the same thing as nation building. It isn't.

It is only nation building when we attempt to do it without first defeating the enemy.
We stayed in Germany and Japan for five years following their surrender in WWII. As a result, we left them with stable, functioning governments and as allies and friends of the USA and as countries equipped and able to prosper and become productive and peaceful nations in the world community.

The German and Japanese people were up to the task. It remains to be seen whether the Iraqi people are up to the task. But don't confuse the willingness of the victor to leave their foe in a better place as being the same thing as nation building. It isn't.

It is only nation building when we attempt to do it without first defeating the enemy.

You can't compare WWII with what we've done in Iraq. We completely screwed up there. The Iraqi people are not better off then they were with Saddam, and we have mushrooming terrorism.
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We stayed in Germany and Japan for five years following their surrender in WWII. As a result, we left them with stable, functioning governments and as allies and friends of the USA and as countries equipped and able to prosper and become productive and peaceful nations in the world community.

The German and Japanese people were up to the task. It remains to be seen whether the Iraqi people are up to the task. But don't confuse the willingness of the victor to leave their foe in a better place as being the same thing as nation building. It isn't.

It is only nation building when we attempt to do it without first defeating the enemy.

You can't compare WWII with what we've done in Iraq. We completely screwed up there. The Iraqi people are not better off then they were with Saddam, and we have mushrooming terrorism.

Yeah... much better off under a dictator and a system that promoted state sponsored rape, murder, etc... :rolleyes:

And what we are doing in Iraq after the war is no different that what were did for other countries like Germany, Korea, etc.... the fucked up actions of the terrorists and insurgents throw a monkey wrench in the system, but it does not take away from the efforts put in
Let's imagine that the GOP sweeps the House races this autumn. Do you suppose their "top priority" will be job creation, or subpoena power?

The GOP top priority, if they achieve majorities in both houses, will once again be failure, as it was when they had the majorities last time.
We stayed in Germany and Japan for five years following their surrender in WWII. As a result, we left them with stable, functioning governments and as allies and friends of the USA and as countries equipped and able to prosper and become productive and peaceful nations in the world community.

The German and Japanese people were up to the task. It remains to be seen whether the Iraqi people are up to the task. But don't confuse the willingness of the victor to leave their foe in a better place as being the same thing as nation building. It isn't.

It is only nation building when we attempt to do it without first defeating the enemy.

You can't compare WWII with what we've done in Iraq. We completely screwed up there. The Iraqi people are not better off then they were with Saddam, and we have mushrooming terrorism.

Yeah... much better off under a dictator and a system that promoted state sponsored rape, murder, etc... :rolleyes:

And what we are doing in Iraq after the war is no different that what were did for other countries like Germany, Korea, etc.... the fucked up actions of the terrorists and insurgents throw a monkey wrench in the system, but it does not take away from the efforts put in

We imposed an unnecessary war on the Iraqi people. They are not better off. The country is in chaos.
We stayed in Germany and Japan for five years following their surrender in WWII. As a result, we left them with stable, functioning governments and as allies and friends of the USA and as countries equipped and able to prosper and become productive and peaceful nations in the world community.

The German and Japanese people were up to the task. It remains to be seen whether the Iraqi people are up to the task. But don't confuse the willingness of the victor to leave their foe in a better place as being the same thing as nation building. It isn't.

It is only nation building when we attempt to do it without first defeating the enemy.

You can't compare WWII with what we've done in Iraq. We completely screwed up there. The Iraqi people are not better off then they were with Saddam, and we have mushrooming terrorism.

Yeah... much better off under a dictator and a system that promoted state sponsored rape, murder, etc... :rolleyes:

And what we are doing in Iraq after the war is no different that what were did for other countries like Germany, Korea, etc.... the fucked up actions of the terrorists and insurgents throw a monkey wrench in the system, but it does not take away from the efforts put in

Thanks Dave. I went to some effort to point that out what Iraq was like before we got there. Such as that is usually ignored by those on the Left who won't allow anything to interfere with the leftist talking points though.
We stayed in Germany and Japan for five years following their surrender in WWII. As a result, we left them with stable, functioning governments and as allies and friends of the USA and as countries equipped and able to prosper and become productive and peaceful nations in the world community.

The German and Japanese people were up to the task. It remains to be seen whether the Iraqi people are up to the task. But don't confuse the willingness of the victor to leave their foe in a better place as being the same thing as nation building. It isn't.

It is only nation building when we attempt to do it without first defeating the enemy.

You can't compare WWII with what we've done in Iraq. We completely screwed up there. The Iraqi people are not better off then they were with Saddam, and we have mushrooming terrorism.

Yeah... much better off under a dictator and a system that promoted state sponsored rape, murder, etc... :rolleyes:

And what we are doing in Iraq after the war is no different that what were did for other countries like Germany, Korea, etc.... the fucked up actions of the terrorists and insurgents throw a monkey wrench in the system, but it does not take away from the efforts put in

Dave, you are one dumb ass. The result of going into Iraq on the basis of lies has been the destruction of the Christian Community that was once viable and vibrant in Iraq. There is far less operable infrastructure now than prior to our invasion. Women have far less rights now than they had under Hussein.

The invasion was a failure in all aspects. It has been nothing but a debacle for our nation, we have gained nothing and lost much because of that peice of idiocy. When we finally leave for good, it will revert to a dictatorship to whatever faction is strong and brutal enough to force their will on the other factions. And that faction will more than likely form an alliance with Iran.
You can't compare WWII with what we've done in Iraq. We completely screwed up there. The Iraqi people are not better off then they were with Saddam, and we have mushrooming terrorism.

Yeah... much better off under a dictator and a system that promoted state sponsored rape, murder, etc... :rolleyes:

And what we are doing in Iraq after the war is no different that what were did for other countries like Germany, Korea, etc.... the fucked up actions of the terrorists and insurgents throw a monkey wrench in the system, but it does not take away from the efforts put in

We imposed an unnecessary war on the Iraqi people. They are not better off. The country is in chaos.

Iraq invades Kuwait... we assist Kuwait... Iraq signs cease-fire agreement... Iraq continually violates cease-fire agreement.. we finally follow thru with the consequences of the violations of the cease-fire agreement

Hardly an 'unnecessary' war

The citizenry and country is better off.. not perfect, not great, but better off... especially in the long run... they will have problems and growing pains and controversies and setbacks, but hey are better off

Maybe if you actually talked to some from there, or to soldiers who have been there numerous times, etc... and not try and ignorantly regurgitate left-wing talking points, you might begin to understand
Our President needs to focus, in the short term, on the economy and jobs. Otherwise, the Republicans will win back control, and make 2008 look like a walk in the park.
Yeah... much better off under a dictator and a system that promoted state sponsored rape, murder, etc... :rolleyes:

And what we are doing in Iraq after the war is no different that what were did for other countries like Germany, Korea, etc.... the fucked up actions of the terrorists and insurgents throw a monkey wrench in the system, but it does not take away from the efforts put in[/QUOTE]

We imposed an unnecessary war on the Iraqi people. They are not better off. The country is in chaos.[/QUOTE] What did I say about Obama screwing up in Afghanistan. And about the foolishness of his announcing a withdrawl before he accomplished anything?

Afghan leader criticizes US withdrawal timeline

KABUL, Afghanistan – President Hamid Karzai said that U.S. plans to start withdrawing troops from Afghanistan next year had boosted the Taliban's spirits, while an insurgent attack killed eight Afghan police in the country's increasingly volatile north Thursday.

Speaking to a visiting U.S. congressional delegation, President Hamid Karzai said the July withdrawal date had provided "morale value" to the insurgency, the presidential office said.

Karzai also told the head of U.S. Central Command, Gen. James Mattis, that terrorism could not be defeated without rooting out terrorist sanctuaries across the border — a likely reference to Pakistan, where the Taliban and other groups are believed to recruit fighters and base their leadership.

The increasingly outspoken Afghan leader's comments echo a common complaint among President Barack Obama's critics that the deadline gives the Taliban motivation to hold out until after next July and then make a new push for power. Obama himself has stressed that any troop withdrawals will be linked to the security situation, and American military leaders have recently been saying it could take much longer to train Afghan forces.

Violence has spiked around the country as the Taliban push back against a new security push by U.S.-led international force — bolstered by 30,000 U.S. troops in the insurgents' southern and eastern strongholds.

more people died under Saddam than do now. we just never heard about them. They are a million times better off now.
You can't compare WWII with what we've done in Iraq. We completely screwed up there. The Iraqi people are not better off then they were with Saddam, and we have mushrooming terrorism.

Yeah... much better off under a dictator and a system that promoted state sponsored rape, murder, etc... :rolleyes:

And what we are doing in Iraq after the war is no different that what were did for other countries like Germany, Korea, etc.... the fucked up actions of the terrorists and insurgents throw a monkey wrench in the system, but it does not take away from the efforts put in

Dave, you are one dumb ass. The result of going into Iraq on the basis of lies has been the destruction of the Christian Community that was once viable and vibrant in Iraq. There is far less operable infrastructure now than prior to our invasion. Women have far less rights now than they had under Hussein.

The invasion was a failure in all aspects. It has been nothing but a debacle for our nation, we have gained nothing and lost much because of that peice of idiocy. When we finally leave for good, it will revert to a dictatorship to whatever faction is strong and brutal enough to force their will on the other factions. And that faction will more than likely form an alliance with Iran.

Your ignorance is frankly amazing, you hyper-partisan winger... try and deal in reality
The US did not learn its lesson from its failure in China and in Vietnam. In China, against Mao Tse Tung’s communists, America supported Chiangkai Shek who ultimately ran out of mainland China and with American support became ruler of Chinese off-share island of Taiwan.

We refused to learn lesson from utter failure for intervention in Vietnam against Ho Chi Minh’s government.

We are making the same mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The US did not learn its lesson from its failure in China and in Vietnam. In China, against Mao Tse Tung’s communists, America supported Chiangkai Shek who ultimately ran out of mainland China and with American support became ruler of Chinese off-share island of Taiwan.

We refused to learn lesson from utter failure for intervention in Vietnam against Ho Chi Minh’s government.

We are making the same mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ooohhh.. somebody likes their textbook

You're are about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market
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Yeah... much better off under a dictator and a system that promoted state sponsored rape, murder, etc... :rolleyes:

And what we are doing in Iraq after the war is no different that what were did for other countries like Germany, Korea, etc.... the fucked up actions of the terrorists and insurgents throw a monkey wrench in the system, but it does not take away from the efforts put in

Dave, you are one dumb ass. The result of going into Iraq on the basis of lies has been the destruction of the Christian Community that was once viable and vibrant in Iraq. There is far less operable infrastructure now than prior to our invasion. Women have far less rights now than they had under Hussein.

The invasion was a failure in all aspects. It has been nothing but a debacle for our nation, we have gained nothing and lost much because of that peice of idiocy. When we finally leave for good, it will revert to a dictatorship to whatever faction is strong and brutal enough to force their will on the other factions. And that faction will more than likely form an alliance with Iran.

Your ignorance is frankly amazing, you hyper-partisan winger... try and deal in reality

So what have we gained? Spell it out. Was it worth 4500 American lives? How about the lives of the Iraqis? 3 trillion dollars would have paid for a very fine health care system here.
The result of the US intervention in Iran was a strengthening of Islamist fundamentalism and a an enmity toward the US in the middle east.

We continue to make things worse because we don't understand Middle Eastern culture or religion. We also think we're omnipotent. Our economy is in the toliet while we pay for two wars we can't afford.
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Dave, you are one dumb ass. The result of going into Iraq on the basis of lies has been the destruction of the Christian Community that was once viable and vibrant in Iraq. There is far less operable infrastructure now than prior to our invasion. Women have far less rights now than they had under Hussein.

The invasion was a failure in all aspects. It has been nothing but a debacle for our nation, we have gained nothing and lost much because of that peice of idiocy. When we finally leave for good, it will revert to a dictatorship to whatever faction is strong and brutal enough to force their will on the other factions. And that faction will more than likely form an alliance with Iran.

Your ignorance is frankly amazing, you hyper-partisan winger... try and deal in reality

So what have we gained? Spell it out. Was it worth 4500 American lives? How about the lives of the Iraqis? 3 trillion dollars would have paid for a very fine health care system here.

What have we gained? The removal of a tyrant dictator... A country with a chance at free rule.... a seed of freedom in an area mainly run by oppressive governments.. the list goes on

And funny... I see where we are constitutionally charged with funding the military for defense (and that would include following up from cease-fire violations)... I don't see where you are owed health care from the government at the expense of those who actually pay taxes... funny that you heath and taking care of yourself was always considered a personal responsibility, until the rise of the 'progressive' and their fucked up concepts of social responsibility for personal needs
The result of the US intervention in Iran was a strengthening of Islamist fundamentalism and a an enmity toward the US in the middle east.

We continue to make things worse because we don't understand Middle Eastern culture or religion.

And this is proven fact where??

This is typical left wing blog sloganeering we see continually... nice try though
We're big on puppet governments and the Iraqi people know it. We lack legitmacy in the Middle East.

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