Top answer from Tea Party of why they don't like the President.

They just dont like him. I wonder what that means?

Just kidding, I know. And so do you.

Tea Party Supporters: Who They Are and What They Believe - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

welcome. Tea Party Lunacy is alive and well at USMB :eusa_shhh:

not quite accurate, what you should have said is that the lunacy ABOUT the tea party is alive and well at USMB.

you libtards know nothing about what real tea party members believe and advocate. How about individual freedom and responsibility? how about smaller, less intrusive federal government? like the original tea party in boston harbor, its about FREEDOM from oppressive government.

But I guess that concept is too tough for you who want to be slaves to the government in exchange for "free" phones and medical care. BTW, it isn't free.
Obama isn't black, he has a WHITE MOTHER

And a half-Arab father. Obama is one quarter black.

that's shoots their they hate him because he is black all to hell

I don't care if he was pink, I can't stand him as a man or a President

Ole CBS and the left are sure Obsessed over the Tea Party they proclaimed is insignificant or dead

It's not like we all love Joe Biden. you know?

I detest Biden more than I do Obama.
CBS surveyed 1,500 people but only 880 identified themselves as Tea Party members and they think they know "what they believe"? Why is this important to CBS? Their guy won the election. Why don't they ask people what they think about scandals like Benghazi or operation Fast/Furious?

They can't; CBS has never reported on these...
CBS surveyed 1,500 people but only 880 identified themselves as Tea Party members and they think they know "what they believe"? Why is this important to CBS? Their guy won the election. Why don't they ask people what they think about scandals like Benghazi or operation Fast/Furious?

They can't; CBS has never reported on these...

Six months later, where are the Benghazi survivors? - CBS News

Fast and Furious: What did AG Holder know? - CBS News Video

While I doubt your post was meant to be intellectually honest, here you go.
Correct, because they’re actually republicans; the ‘tea party’ was a myth created to hide the fact that opposition to Obama was purely partisan.

And they cleverly started the Tea Party in 2005 to mask the fact that they exist only to oppose Obama.

You Bolsheviks caught us...

Indeed, where was the ‘tea party’ between 2001 and 2007 when Bush and a republican Congress were creating a massive deficit and expanding the size of government? Deficits and the size of government didn’t become an issue until a democrat was president.

Forming and storming. You just didn't grasp the Tea Party and thought we were your fellow BOOOOOOSSHHH haters.

We rallied for Ramos and Compean, we rallied against the McCain/Kennedy amnesty and open border scheme.
They just dont like him. I wonder what that means?

Just kidding, I know. And so do you.

Tea Party Supporters: Who They Are and What They Believe - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

welcome. Tea Party Lunacy is alive and well at USMB :eusa_shhh:

not quite accurate, what you should have said is that the lunacy ABOUT the tea party is alive and well at USMB.

you libtards know nothing about what real tea party members believe and advocate. How about individual freedom and responsibility? how about smaller, less intrusive federal government? like the original tea party in boston harbor, its about FREEDOM from oppressive government.

But I guess that concept is too tough for you who want to be slaves to the government in exchange for "free" phones and medical care. BTW, it isn't free.

see above: Exhibit A
Nope.............just simple observation.

I have an observation - you're a racist.

Most of the GOP is older white men, and well...........

And you hate whites.

You might be white, but the party programmed you to hate whites, and you do.

even if they introduced something into Congress, the second Obama gets behind it, they disavow it and try to distance themselves as far as they can, even if they were the ones sponsoring the bill.

Let's test that, Comrade? Have your god propose a repeal to fascist care - see if the Republicans "distance themselves?"

See, you're full of shit - and a racist. You project your racism onto others.

I also find it very interesting that around 4 years ago, McConnell was saying that the whole purpose of the GOP was to make Obama a 1 term president,

I should fucking hope so.

You communists wanted to make Bush a one term president.

But you piss yourself because the opposition opposes you? You're really going to freak when you go to make Obama "president for life" and we oppose you.

and now, after members of the GOP have been invited to dinner and lunch with Obama, they're saying that it's about time he started to reach out.

When the fuck did the GOP ever reach out to Obama? And.............fwiw............I seem to remember Obama inviting Boehner out for a beer, but Boehner refused and insisted on merlot.

How dare he? God drinks beer, Boehner must drink beer...
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The Tea Party is angry, because they can not, and never will, win any significant elections, thus relagating themselves to the roll as "spoilers" for the republican party. Don't think that us democrats are not grateful!
Having a college education may mean that you're better educated in one field of study, but you can still be as dumb as a bag of hammers in almost everything else.

That's possible; yet I look in this microcosm of USMB and see a different tale. Most of the right here are college educated, whilst most of the left in this forum are not.

In this forum, there is a definite and irrefutable tie between intellect and politics. The lower the intellect, the further to the left the poster will be.

How many Harvard graduates do you really think could re-build an engine? Or grow crops? How about raise animals for food?

How many Obamabots could design an engine? Or write application code? Or balance a general ledger?

Like I said, just because you've got a degree, it doesn't make you smarter than everyone else, it just means that you had the means to go to school.

Every person in the USA has the means to go to school. The question is of the ambition to do so.
The tea party is made up primarily of older white voters.

And you hate whites, per orders of your shameful party.

Both shrinking demographics.

Whites are still the majority in the country. The open persecution of whites by you Bolsheviks could turn around an bite you.

Speaks volumes of their potential for change in this country.

Seriously, why don't you just move to North Korea and live your dream?

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