took away the red x's and replaced them with blue circles?

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Apparently some believe there's a new "Disagree" and get all weepy when they feel its lash. Madness, of course, but then not unexpected.

HBH, there is no neg or red-ex. You are free, You are free, You are free, at last.

Give me a blue I if you feel like it: I can take it!!

Why do people feel the need to be so abrasive for no reason?

Shut the fuck up!

There were a couple of posters that were engaging in red check abuse, and they would never be reprimanded so they just took away everybody's ability to use it.

How can it be abused? You either agree with a post, or disagree, or have no opinion either way. The red x was for disagreement. What's the abuse of red xing a post you disagree with?

What about abuse of the 'agree' buttons?

Agree that its not possible to "abuse" this system. Its simply the statement of one's opinion.

So, there were two ways to approve of a post and one to disapprove and being disapproved of was all just too much for some people to bear?


Next we will be awarding and subtracting teddy bears.

Says the douche who turned off his rep cause it was so bad

Because it was stupid and childish - and compeltely one sided.

New system had checks and balances until the RWs whined and got the RED X turned off.
Don't give me one sided you ass. The FIRST DAY I joinded I had a neg from ravi in the first 2 posts. Sent me straight into the red hell. Like my job I worked hard to be relevant to the forum and slowly made it work. Foreign concept I know. Funny thing was as soon as my rep equalled hers the negs stopped.

Awwwwwwwwww ... I had no idea how bad it has been for you.

Get them to reinstate the RED X and I'll get you some pay back.

Okay, not really cuz dudette, you're just getting a sample of what you hand out. But, keep whining ... maybe somebody is taking you seriously.
Typical moron, can't tell the difference between constructive criticism & whining.

That my loser friend is why you had the red star of David.
Why do people feel the need to be so abrasive for no reason?

Shut the fuck up!

There were a couple of posters that were engaging in red check abuse, and they would never be reprimanded so they just took away everybody's ability to use it.

How can it be abused? You either agree with a post, or disagree, or have no opinion either way. The red x was for disagreement. What's the abuse of red xing a post you disagree with?

What about abuse of the 'agree' buttons?

Agree that its not possible to "abuse" this system. Its simply the statement of one's opinion.

So, there were two ways to approve of a post and one to disapprove and being disapproved of was all just too much for some people to bear?


Next we will be awarding and subtracting teddy bears.

Says the douche who turned off his rep cause it was so bad

Because it was stupid and childish - and compeltely one sided.

New system had checks and balances until the RWs whined and got the RED X turned off.
Why do people feel the need to be so abrasive for no reason?

Shut the fuck up!

There were a couple of posters that were engaging in red check abuse, and they would never be reprimanded so they just took away everybody's ability to use it.

How can it be abused? You either agree with a post, or disagree, or have no opinion either way. The red x was for disagreement. What's the abuse of red xing a post you disagree with?

What about abuse of the 'agree' buttons?

Agree that its not possible to "abuse" this system. Its simply the statement of one's opinion.

So, there were two ways to approve of a post and one to disapprove and being disapproved of was all just too much for some people to bear?


Next we will be awarding and subtracting teddy bears.

Says the douche who turned off his rep cause it was so bad

Because it was stupid and childish - and compeltely one sided.

New system had checks and balances until the RWs whined and got the RED X turned off.

I never complained when you nailed me three times in one sitting, LN.....nor did I return da luv..:lol:
Why do people feel the need to be so abrasive for no reason?

Shut the fuck up!

There were a couple of posters that were engaging in red check abuse, and they would never be reprimanded so they just took away everybody's ability to use it.

How can it be abused? You either agree with a post, or disagree, or have no opinion either way. The red x was for disagreement. What's the abuse of red xing a post you disagree with?

What about abuse of the 'agree' buttons?

Agree that its not possible to "abuse" this system. Its simply the statement of one's opinion.

So, there were two ways to approve of a post and one to disapprove and being disapproved of was all just too much for some people to bear?


Next we will be awarding and subtracting teddy bears.

Says the douche who turned off his rep cause it was so bad

Because it was stupid and childish - and compeltely one sided.

New system had checks and balances until the RWs whined and got the RED X turned off.
Don't give me one sided you ass. The FIRST DAY I joinded I had a neg from ravi in the first 2 posts. Sent me straight into the red hell. Like my job I worked hard to be relevant to the forum and slowly made it work. Foreign concept I know. Funny thing was as soon as my rep equalled hers the negs stopped.
Ravi is a cowardly chickenshit so no surprise she did that. And backed off when your rep got bigger than hers. Fucking coward that she is.
Without the oh so feared and dreaded RED X, its one sided.

My question for the admin is - can we oopt out of the new thumbs up, check mark, blue circle thingy?
Waiting for the "No negative statements" policy next. Instead of disagreeing with a poster you can only say some good and positive that will lift their self-esteem.

Instead of saying "You're such a fucking tool warped AGWCultist" you must say "I admire your dedication to reducing our carbon footprint"

I like how you forecast a simple policy change to an absurd end. :clap2:
179 posts and Frank is suppose to care about what you think? LOL

I'll vouch for RiceChickie, she's good people.
Nahh.. she's not..
Let us look at it this way. Now we can play dodge ball without the ball :D

Or fight wars without guns, you know kinda like obama does
Why do people feel the need to be so abrasive for no reason?

Shut the fuck up!

There were a couple of posters that were engaging in red check abuse, and they would never be reprimanded so they just took away everybody's ability to use it.

How can it be abused? You either agree with a post, or disagree, or have no opinion either way. The red x was for disagreement. What's the abuse of red xing a post you disagree with?

What about abuse of the 'agree' buttons?

Agree that its not possible to "abuse" this system. Its simply the statement of one's opinion.

So, there were two ways to approve of a post and one to disapprove and being disapproved of was all just too much for some people to bear?


Next we will be awarding and subtracting teddy bears.

Says the douche who turned off his rep cause it was so bad

Because it was stupid and childish - and compeltely one sided.

New system had checks and balances until the RWs whined and got the RED X turned off.
Why do people feel the need to be so abrasive for no reason?

Shut the fuck up!

There were a couple of posters that were engaging in red check abuse, and they would never be reprimanded so they just took away everybody's ability to use it.

How can it be abused? You either agree with a post, or disagree, or have no opinion either way. The red x was for disagreement. What's the abuse of red xing a post you disagree with?

What about abuse of the 'agree' buttons?

Agree that its not possible to "abuse" this system. Its simply the statement of one's opinion.

So, there were two ways to approve of a post and one to disapprove and being disapproved of was all just too much for some people to bear?


Next we will be awarding and subtracting teddy bears.

Says the douche who turned off his rep cause it was so bad

Because it was stupid and childish - and compeltely one sided.

New system had checks and balances until the RWs whined and got the RED X turned off.

I never complained when you nailed me three times in one sitting, LN.....nor did I return da luv..:lol:

I don't keep track, don't count, don't care. I just calls 'em how I sees 'em and 'spect others do the same.

And, what's with the miles-long quotes that have nothing to do with the post?
Funny, the old rep system was tilted against the morons but somehow the new one isn't. Like the makeup of the board changed or something.

The old system was far better. It exposed the useless trolls for what they were.

Particularly the dozen or so on the far right, Grampa.

Those days have gone, so get over it.
Yes Stat and Yurt have their own little mutual admiration society, but isn't a red x for disagreement with a post preferable to threads filled with -

Goddam you are about a stupid motherfucker!
Last edited:
Do you suppose statist will object if he gets hundreds of "informatives"?
Why do people feel the need to be so abrasive for no reason?

Shut the fuck up!

There were a couple of posters that were engaging in red check abuse, and they would never be reprimanded so they just took away everybody's ability to use it.

How can it be abused? You either agree with a post, or disagree, or have no opinion either way. The red x was for disagreement. What's the abuse of red xing a post you disagree with?

What about abuse of the 'agree' buttons?

Agree that its not possible to "abuse" this system. Its simply the statement of one's opinion.

So, there were two ways to approve of a post and one to disapprove and being disapproved of was all just too much for some people to bear?


Next we will be awarding and subtracting teddy bears.

Says the douche who turned off his rep cause it was so bad

Because it was stupid and childish - and compeltely one sided.

New system had checks and balances until the RWs whined and got the RED X turned off.
Why do people feel the need to be so abrasive for no reason?

Shut the fuck up!

There were a couple of posters that were engaging in red check abuse, and they would never be reprimanded so they just took away everybody's ability to use it.

How can it be abused? You either agree with a post, or disagree, or have no opinion either way. The red x was for disagreement. What's the abuse of red xing a post you disagree with?

What about abuse of the 'agree' buttons?

Agree that its not possible to "abuse" this system. Its simply the statement of one's opinion.

So, there were two ways to approve of a post and one to disapprove and being disapproved of was all just too much for some people to bear?


Next we will be awarding and subtracting teddy bears.

Says the douche who turned off his rep cause it was so bad

Because it was stupid and childish - and compeltely one sided.

New system had checks and balances until the RWs whined and got the RED X turned off.

I never complained when you nailed me three times in one sitting, LN.....nor did I return da luv..:lol:

I don't keep track, don't count, don't care. I just calls 'em how I sees 'em and 'spect others do the same.

And, what's with the miles-long quotes that have nothing to do with the post?
You don't care? Then why did you turn off your rep coward? Apparently you cared a lot.
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