TONIGHT: Hillary Clinton To Accept Historic Nomination For President


All your I'm for blacks rhetoric is sh** if you can support someone like Hillary who loves to keep you on your urban plantations.
The black church minister settled all that with his fiery sermon earlier today. The Black Vote will be with the DEMs this year again.

Slaves. Dems laughing all the way to the bank.

All your I'm for blacks rhetoric is sh** if you can support someone like Hillary who loves to keep you on your urban plantations.
The black church minister settled all that with his fiery sermon earlier today. The Black Vote will be with the DEMs this year again.

they always do
but doubtful in the number for Papa Obama
after all, she was the white bitch who tried to keep him out of the White House

Must explain her sucking up to hate groups like the BLM
and the Democrats agitating by promoting all the anti-cop talk
Run carli fiorino against her in 2020 then.

Hillary won't be running in 2020. Trump is slamming the door on that sh**. You can thank him later.
GATSBY when the GOP is totally run out of office and power in every branch of government in November you are going to need a very stiff drink -- lots.

You might as well schedule time off now from Nov 1 thru Nov 6 for a good long binge.

You'll need it.
They will keep the house and Paul Ryan will have to work with the democratic Senate and hillary. He couldn't possibly obstruct until 2018 when Republicans will win back the Senate because most americans don't show up to midterms.

Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon
Boy, the NaziCon trolls are really active tonight. They must be scared shitless of Hillary. They should be...

All your I'm for blacks rhetoric is sh** if you can support someone like Hillary who loves to keep you on your urban plantations.
The black church minister settled all that with his fiery sermon earlier today. The Black Vote will be with the DEMs this year again.

Slaves. Dems laughing all the way to the bank.
While everyone in the GOP cries their hearts out and boycotts their own convention. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
They will keep the house and Paul Ryan will have to work with the democratic Senate and hillary. He couldn't possibly obstruct until 2018 when Republicans will win back the Senate because most americans don't show up to midterms.

Midterms are the Republicans secret weapon
Now that ACA has finally been passed into law, I doubt that will be true again 3 times in a row.
Boy, the NaziCon trolls are really active tonight. They must be scared shitless of Hillary. They should be
Check the polls...we are celebrating, Trump has had the biggest bounce ever! He has moved up over 7 points in the latest ratings and leads Clinton. The media will not tell you this. Not even Fox.

All your I'm for blacks rhetoric is sh** if you can support someone like Hillary who loves to keep you on your urban plantations.
If Republicans want to win blacks over stop passing voting laws that even the supreme courts ruled were purposely designed to discriminate against poor blacks.

You lost in court you won't win here

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