Today's kids say “Fun for boys should never include trauma for girls”. Republicans should listen!!!!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Boys will be boys? As Kavanaugh debate rages, teens are saying some adults still don’t get it

“I had a situation like this happen to me,” O’Connor told her 16-year-old daughter, Brynn, as they sat together in their Bethesda kitchen this week. She had also been a student at an all-girls prep school in the 80s when she had been at a party picking up her belongings and the door unexpectedly locked behind her.

“I didn’t think it was a crime,” Cheryl O’Connor said. “We weren’t taught that.”

But she and other teens wish the adults commenting on Kavanaugh and Ford would take the problem as seriously as they do.

“Excusing the behavior of Brett Kavanaugh is going to teach young boys that they can get away with things. Excusing this behavior just says that they can still be successful.”

“Maybe he didn’t mean it and maybe he was a kid,” Anjali said of Kavanaugh. “But saying it’s okay means some other girl is going to be sexually assaulted in a basement because that’s okay as long as he turns out to be a successful adult. “

“We are fifteen year old girls,” the letter from Charlotte, Layla and Jessica was titled. “We are with you, Christine Blasey Ford, PhD.”

“I think every teenager goes through a phase,” Beverly said, but there’s a major difference “between getting drunk and partying and sexually assaulting a woman.”

“If he had been in a drunken accident and left someone crippled,” she added, “he would have to take responsibility for his actions. Why is this any different?”

A boy being a boy.
He's just having "fun".
He'll grow out of it.
What you do as a kid doesn't count.

No matter the bad behavior, it seems Republicans always have an excuse.
Whether it's Trump assaulting women
the Republican's tax cuts for billionaires
because he was black while wearing a "hoodie"
boys will be boys
she dressed like she wanted it.

Republicans ALWAYS have an excuse. Remember when they used to be pretend to be the moral party? The party of God? Those days are gone. They don't even try to pretend to have morals anymore.

Cheat as much as you want, it you win, it's worth it.

Clean air and clean water costs rich people money. Abolish the EPA.

Lie? So what? If you get people to believe it, and you're rich, then it's OK.

And now Republicans are trying to rush through a man with questionable morals and a checkered past into the United State Supreme Court.
There is only one reason why. It's to hurt those they hate.

Republican Party on the Issues
  • Constitutionally define marriage as one man & one woman.
  • 2005: Southern Strategy was wrong; move to Hispanic Strategy.
  • Marriage is legal union of one man and one woman.
  • Homosexuality is incompatible with military service.
  • States should not recognize gay marriage from other states.
  • Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage.
  • Strong support for traditional definition of marriage.
  • Let Boy Scouts exercise free speech (ok to ban gays).
  • Women exempt from combat; “candid analysis” of military gays.
I know USMB Republicans love to scream LIAR! in all caps.

That's why I link to the Republican Party Platform. Anything past page 31 is an eye opener.

With this platform, we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite us in a common purpose

Don't believe me. Believe them. Besides, we are both saying the same things.
The children should get informed and then take a stance. It's obvious they haven't

Ford's tale is full of holes
Boys will be boys? As Kavanaugh debate rages, teens are saying some adults still don’t get it

“I had a situation like this happen to me,” O’Connor told her 16-year-old daughter, Brynn, as they sat together in their Bethesda kitchen this week. She had also been a student at an all-girls prep school in the 80s when she had been at a party picking up her belongings and the door unexpectedly locked behind her.

“I didn’t think it was a crime,” Cheryl O’Connor said. “We weren’t taught that.”

But she and other teens wish the adults commenting on Kavanaugh and Ford would take the problem as seriously as they do.

“Excusing the behavior of Brett Kavanaugh is going to teach young boys that they can get away with things. Excusing this behavior just says that they can still be successful.”

“Maybe he didn’t mean it and maybe he was a kid,” Anjali said of Kavanaugh. “But saying it’s okay means some other girl is going to be sexually assaulted in a basement because that’s okay as long as he turns out to be a successful adult. “

“We are fifteen year old girls,” the letter from Charlotte, Layla and Jessica was titled. “We are with you, Christine Blasey Ford, PhD.”

“I think every teenager goes through a phase,” Beverly said, but there’s a major difference “between getting drunk and partying and sexually assaulting a woman.”

“If he had been in a drunken accident and left someone crippled,” she added, “he would have to take responsibility for his actions. Why is this any different?”

A boy being a boy.
He's just having "fun".
He'll grow out of it.
What you do as a kid doesn't count.

No matter the bad behavior, it seems Republicans always have an excuse.
Whether it's Trump assaulting women
the Republican's tax cuts for billionaires
because he was black while wearing a "hoodie"
boys will be boys
she dressed like she wanted it.

Republicans ALWAYS have an excuse. Remember when they used to be pretend to be the moral party? The party of God? Those days are gone. They don't even try to pretend to have morals anymore.

Cheat as much as you want, it you win, it's worth it.

Clean air and clean water costs rich people money. Abolish the EPA.

Lie? So what? If you get people to believe it, and you're rich, then it's OK.

And now Republicans are trying to rush through a man with questionable morals and a checkered past into the United State Supreme Court.
There is only one reason why. It's to hurt those they hate.

Republican Party on the Issues
  • Constitutionally define marriage as one man & one woman.
  • 2005: Southern Strategy was wrong; move to Hispanic Strategy.
  • Marriage is legal union of one man and one woman.
  • Homosexuality is incompatible with military service.
  • States should not recognize gay marriage from other states.
  • Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage.
  • Strong support for traditional definition of marriage.
  • Let Boy Scouts exercise free speech (ok to ban gays).
  • Women exempt from combat; “candid analysis” of military gays.
I know USMB Republicans love to scream LIAR! in all caps.

That's why I link to the Republican Party Platform. Anything past page 31 is an eye opener.

With this platform, we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite us in a common purpose

Don't believe me. Believe them. Besides, we are both saying the same things.

Yea we know the liberal indoctrination going on , participation trophy's and turning boys into Sissy's , that's what the uproar was about with Wyoming University saying the world needed more cowboys..

Faggots ...

download (1).jpeg

If it doesn't include some sort of trauma for someone, it ain't fun.
Boys will be boys? As Kavanaugh debate rages, teens are saying some adults still don’t get it

“I had a situation like this happen to me,” O’Connor told her 16-year-old daughter, Brynn, as they sat together in their Bethesda kitchen this week. She had also been a student at an all-girls prep school in the 80s when she had been at a party picking up her belongings and the door unexpectedly locked behind her.

“I didn’t think it was a crime,” Cheryl O’Connor said. “We weren’t taught that.”

But she and other teens wish the adults commenting on Kavanaugh and Ford would take the problem as seriously as they do.

“Excusing the behavior of Brett Kavanaugh is going to teach young boys that they can get away with things. Excusing this behavior just says that they can still be successful.”

“Maybe he didn’t mean it and maybe he was a kid,” Anjali said of Kavanaugh. “But saying it’s okay means some other girl is going to be sexually assaulted in a basement because that’s okay as long as he turns out to be a successful adult. “

“We are fifteen year old girls,” the letter from Charlotte, Layla and Jessica was titled. “We are with you, Christine Blasey Ford, PhD.”

“I think every teenager goes through a phase,” Beverly said, but there’s a major difference “between getting drunk and partying and sexually assaulting a woman.”

“If he had been in a drunken accident and left someone crippled,” she added, “he would have to take responsibility for his actions. Why is this any different?”

A boy being a boy.
He's just having "fun".
He'll grow out of it.
What you do as a kid doesn't count.

No matter the bad behavior, it seems Republicans always have an excuse.
Whether it's Trump assaulting women
the Republican's tax cuts for billionaires
because he was black while wearing a "hoodie"
boys will be boys
she dressed like she wanted it.

Republicans ALWAYS have an excuse. Remember when they used to be pretend to be the moral party? The party of God? Those days are gone. They don't even try to pretend to have morals anymore.

Cheat as much as you want, it you win, it's worth it.

Clean air and clean water costs rich people money. Abolish the EPA.

Lie? So what? If you get people to believe it, and you're rich, then it's OK.

And now Republicans are trying to rush through a man with questionable morals and a checkered past into the United State Supreme Court.
There is only one reason why. It's to hurt those they hate.

Republican Party on the Issues
  • Constitutionally define marriage as one man & one woman.
  • 2005: Southern Strategy was wrong; move to Hispanic Strategy.
  • Marriage is legal union of one man and one woman.
  • Homosexuality is incompatible with military service.
  • States should not recognize gay marriage from other states.
  • Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage.
  • Strong support for traditional definition of marriage.
  • Let Boy Scouts exercise free speech (ok to ban gays).
  • Women exempt from combat; “candid analysis” of military gays.
I know USMB Republicans love to scream LIAR! in all caps.

That's why I link to the Republican Party Platform. Anything past page 31 is an eye opener.

With this platform, we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite us in a common purpose

Don't believe me. Believe them. Besides, we are both saying the same things.
Hey deany, when are you going to start a thread on self admitted child rapist Cory Booker and demand he resign?
“The best thing for that girl would be to be tied down and screwed” - Cory Booker.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #8
Boys will be boys? As Kavanaugh debate rages, teens are saying some adults still don’t get it

“I had a situation like this happen to me,” O’Connor told her 16-year-old daughter, Brynn, as they sat together in their Bethesda kitchen this week. She had also been a student at an all-girls prep school in the 80s when she had been at a party picking up her belongings and the door unexpectedly locked behind her.

“I didn’t think it was a crime,” Cheryl O’Connor said. “We weren’t taught that.”

But she and other teens wish the adults commenting on Kavanaugh and Ford would take the problem as seriously as they do.

“Excusing the behavior of Brett Kavanaugh is going to teach young boys that they can get away with things. Excusing this behavior just says that they can still be successful.”

“Maybe he didn’t mean it and maybe he was a kid,” Anjali said of Kavanaugh. “But saying it’s okay means some other girl is going to be sexually assaulted in a basement because that’s okay as long as he turns out to be a successful adult. “

“We are fifteen year old girls,” the letter from Charlotte, Layla and Jessica was titled. “We are with you, Christine Blasey Ford, PhD.”

“I think every teenager goes through a phase,” Beverly said, but there’s a major difference “between getting drunk and partying and sexually assaulting a woman.”

“If he had been in a drunken accident and left someone crippled,” she added, “he would have to take responsibility for his actions. Why is this any different?”

A boy being a boy.
He's just having "fun".
He'll grow out of it.
What you do as a kid doesn't count.

No matter the bad behavior, it seems Republicans always have an excuse.
Whether it's Trump assaulting women
the Republican's tax cuts for billionaires
because he was black while wearing a "hoodie"
boys will be boys
she dressed like she wanted it.

Republicans ALWAYS have an excuse. Remember when they used to be pretend to be the moral party? The party of God? Those days are gone. They don't even try to pretend to have morals anymore.

Cheat as much as you want, it you win, it's worth it.

Clean air and clean water costs rich people money. Abolish the EPA.

Lie? So what? If you get people to believe it, and you're rich, then it's OK.

And now Republicans are trying to rush through a man with questionable morals and a checkered past into the United State Supreme Court.
There is only one reason why. It's to hurt those they hate.

Republican Party on the Issues
  • Constitutionally define marriage as one man & one woman.
  • 2005: Southern Strategy was wrong; move to Hispanic Strategy.
  • Marriage is legal union of one man and one woman.
  • Homosexuality is incompatible with military service.
  • States should not recognize gay marriage from other states.
  • Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage.
  • Strong support for traditional definition of marriage.
  • Let Boy Scouts exercise free speech (ok to ban gays).
  • Women exempt from combat; “candid analysis” of military gays.
I know USMB Republicans love to scream LIAR! in all caps.

That's why I link to the Republican Party Platform. Anything past page 31 is an eye opener.

With this platform, we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite us in a common purpose

Don't believe me. Believe them. Besides, we are both saying the same things.
Hey deany, when are you going to start a thread on self admitted child rapist Cory Booker and demand he resign?
Never. Without a link it gets no ink.
This is one of the most concerning issues here. The people who defend this sort of behavior and are more concerned with the futures of the persons who perform these sorts of assaults than they are with the victims of such assaults , and seem to think that the victims of this sort of behavior are some sort of second-class people who have no right to complain: they are some sort of dirt to be used and should shut up about it.

What, actually, did happen to notions of morality and proper behavior?
What's ironic is all those right wingers who believe those boys who were molested 30 years ago by a Catholic priest, but don't believe a woman.
For some reason, for right wingers, boys are believable but girls aren't.

And that is the entire problem.
“The best thing for that girl would be to be tied down and screwed” - Cory Booker.
I see. You are taking it out of context. That's what your kind does.

Here is the link you should have posted:

Cory Booker Defends His 1992 Sexual Assault Encounter as Learning Moment | Shore News Network

Out of context? He admitted to groping a girl against her will. According to your standards, he should be guilty of rape just like you think Kavanaugh is. But we all know the only standards you have are double standards.
This is one of the most concerning issues here. The people who defend this sort of behavior and are more concerned with the futures of the persons who perform these sorts of assaults than they are with the victims of such assaults , and seem to think that the victims of this sort of behavior are some sort of second-class people who have no right to complain: they are some sort of dirt to be used and should shut up about it.

What, actually, did happen to notions of morality and proper behavior?

Well when you don’t report a crime when it happens you lose credibility.
The supposedly traumatized Ford says that she doesn't know when the alleged attack happened,.... how she got there,... or who was there when it happened.

Some victim...... :rolleyes:
This is one of the most concerning issues here. The people who defend this sort of behavior and are more concerned with the futures of the persons who perform these sorts of assaults than they are with the victims of such assaults , and seem to think that the victims of this sort of behavior are some sort of second-class people who have no right to complain: they are some sort of dirt to be used and should shut up about it.

What, actually, did happen to notions of morality and proper behavior?
Read the GOP Party Platform. It's like a Nazi manifesto.

[URL='[1]-ben_1468872234.pdf']With this platform, we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite us in a common purpose[/URL]
Ford says that she doesn't know when the alleged attack happened,.... how she got there,... or who was there when it happen.

Some victim...... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Liar. She said BK's "friend" was there. His friend said it didn't happen, but refuses to testify under oath. Now why wouldn't he testify under oath.

Some people, even a very few Republicans, can't bring themselves to lie under oath.
Liar. She said BK's "friend" was there. His friend said it didn't happen, but refuses to testify under oath. Now why wouldn't he testify under oath
He said during that time period he was a blackout drunk and is unable to remember any details. ... :cuckoo:
dean has never been to a frat party and has never been drunk....hell he aint even allowed to spell fuck right...

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