To hate Jews is to hate God.

Christians know that Jews are the Synagogue of Satan. Those who love Jews are Satan worshipers.

Well, that's unbiblical nonsense. I love Jews. Especially my Savior Jesus Christ, who is a Jew.

Shithead, it was Jesus who called Jews the Synagogue of Satan.

Wrong,he did not mean All Jews. There were many sects of Jews at the time of Jesus. Jesus was a Jew he was strongly against the jews that had power of the Jewish religion. He was really against the sadducees and the Pharisees.

Mat 16:11 How is it that you do not understand that I did not speak to you about loaves, but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?

One of the groups of Jews that accepted Christ was the Nazarenes. So you really think Christ was against the Jews ? :cuckoo: NOT ALL JEWS BELIEVED IN JUDAISM !
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what about hatin fags or Muslims is that cool with your god ??

No but it sure is with the Christian God.
He does not do well with women either and demands that men rule over them.

The Jews pushing for Jesus' crucifixion were fulfilling their role in God's plan.

If Jesus were to come to Earth for the first time today, he'd be crucified in downtown Berkeley.

If Jesus is the O. T. God then a have some nails to contribute.
I do not like genocidal son murdering Gods.


Jews have a few different views because they don't believe in the NT.

Not sure where you get the idea the Christian right hate Jews. Most Christians are very loyal to Israel that has been my experience. I agree to hate Jews or any people is to hate God,we are all his children. We don't have the ability to judge ones heart only our creator has that ability.

If to hate people is to hate God, then does God hate himself as he seems to hate many people otherwise he would not have created a hell for what he says will be most of us?

First you have to believe that God has a Master Plan, Predestination, if you will. Written in stone and nothing can be done to change it. If you believe that God gave us a free will. than that means we have the ability to make our own decisions in life and that these decisions will undoubtedly affect our lives in some way. so in essence, we are responsible for all of our actions. and these actions will have consequences.
So if you believe that God has a Master Plan than not only are the Jews God’s tools in carrying out God’s plan but so is every evil dictator or murderer. Then every sinner should be venerated because as you say: They were all doing God’s will and not their own.

That is the logic trail and correct.


Jews have a few different views because they don't believe in the NT.

Not sure where you get the idea the Christian right hate Jews. Most Christians are very loyal to Israel that has been my experience. I agree to hate Jews or any people is to hate God,we are all his children. We don't have the ability to judge ones heart only our creator has that ability.

If to hate people is to hate God, then does God hate himself as he seems to hate many people otherwise he would not have created a hell for what he says will be most of us?


You have no clue what hell is and yet you think it's an act of hate to be there?

I can guarantee you that to be in the presence of a Just and Holy God with a full knowledge of your sins is far more torture than recieving justice at God's hand.

why would we believe in the new testament?

jews have different views because most of us aren't fundamentalists. we have been taught to question everything...

So have Christians but of course, they do not.

"Test all things"
1 Thessalonians. 5:21

Gnostics and Jews do and that is why they are brighter than most literalist and fundamental Christians.


Jews have a few different views because they don't believe in the NT.

Not sure where you get the idea the Christian right hate Jews. Most Christians are very loyal to Israel that has been my experience. I agree to hate Jews or any people is to hate God,we are all his children. We don't have the ability to judge ones heart only our creator has that ability.

If to hate people is to hate God, then does God hate himself as he seems to hate many people otherwise he would not have created a hell for what he says will be most of us?


He does not hate people he hates sin. He is a just God and will punish sin.

why would we believe in the new testament?

jews have different views because most of us aren't fundamentalists. we have been taught to question everything...

So have Christians but of course, they do not.

"Test all things"
1 Thessalonians. 5:21

Gnostics and Jews do and that is why they are brighter than most literalist and fundamental Christians.


To test all things is to make sure things are correct,and they originate from God not satan.

Look--If the Jews are receiving funds from those that hate them, then they happily use such enemies!
Wouldn't you?

Yes. I would likely do so. It would not be my fault that those giving were giving for the wrong reasons.

Also, the the point about which interpretation of the OT is superior, I say it has to be the Jewish interpretation. Think about it for a second. What is the OT about--the history of a people--the Jewish people. Now tell me, how would some one that does not live in according to their ways, experience their culture, or face the hardships the Jews face become an expert over their text. The outsider don't!

Simply put--If you want the most correct interpretation of the OT, seek a Rabbi. If you want the most correct interpretation of the NT, seek a Priest.

On this we agree.

Strange then that Christians see a fall in Eden while the Jews see an elevation from ignorant bliss to knowledge of most things as most things and issues are subject to good or evil.

Hard to see how Christians can be reading their bibles in the right way when they do not get the beginning right.

I wonder if that is why Jews and Gnostics always seem brighter in their theology than literalist Christians.

To love Jews is to hate God. Jews=children of Satan, Christ-killers, supremacists.

God used the evil of Jews to produce good, which doesn't make the Jews any less contemptible.

Yet if they had not killed Christ, you would have to rely on yourself for your salvation instead of lining up to take advantage and profit from God's murder of his innocent son.

That would mean you taking the responsibility for yourself and that is definitely not the Christian way.

Who on earth said they hate jews? Im incredibly grateful for what my brethen who are the sons and daughter so Judah have done in bringing Salvation to the world. God remembers the covenants He has made with them as much as with the other tribes of Israel and the world.

Without them we wouldn't have the scriptures. We'd have no knowledge of the covenants God has made with man both individually and nationally. We wouldnt know His commandments.

Why on earth would anyone hate jews if they know God?

Then why did your religion persecute them from day one?

As to his great covenant. If the first one had been worthy and lacking defects, then he would not have needed his second one.

[ame=]God on Trial: The Verdict - YouTube[/ame]


Jews have a few different views because they don't believe in the NT.

Not sure where you get the idea the Christian right hate Jews. Most Christians are very loyal to Israel that has been my experience. I agree to hate Jews or any people is to hate God,we are all his children. We don't have the ability to judge ones heart only our creator has that ability.

If to hate people is to hate God, then does God hate himself as he seems to hate many people otherwise he would not have created a hell for what he says will be most of us?


You have no clue what hell is and yet you think it's an act of hate to be there?

I can guarantee you that to be in the presence of a Just and Holy God with a full knowledge of your sins is far more torture than recieving justice at God's hand.

Actually, I do have a clue as to what hell is.

[ame=]'Hell' as an invention of the church - YouTube[/ame]

Better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity in heaven watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone. That is why God would not do such because then, heaven would be hell.
If those in heaven did not go insane then they could not have once been human or good.

You should think of hell just a bit and recognize that God would not create such an immoral construct. Lose your barbaric tribal mentality. We are in 2012, not 112.

[ame=]Satan and God: who is the good guy? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]God is not Good - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Hell: an excessive punishment - YouTube[/ame]


Jews have a few different views because they don't believe in the NT.

Not sure where you get the idea the Christian right hate Jews. Most Christians are very loyal to Israel that has been my experience. I agree to hate Jews or any people is to hate God,we are all his children. We don't have the ability to judge ones heart only our creator has that ability.

If to hate people is to hate God, then does God hate himself as he seems to hate many people otherwise he would not have created a hell for what he says will be most of us?


He does not hate people he hates sin. He is a just God and will punish sin.

Punish sin by with the torture of human souls.

Back to your bubble friend. You do not know how to think.


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