Time to re-think public restrooms and showers

Since when did a business have a choice.

What, you 12?

Businesses meet code, if the code separates people based on privacy and safety issues (which by the way, is the reason they do), they have no choice.

Grow up kid, the worlds leaving you behind.

Your response was childish as can be, and you're calling me a kid?

There is no safety issue!

You just want to be able to read a sign that has " No Gays or Lesbians allow! "!

So at your house put up those signs, but in the general society it will never happen...

Gays have been using that bathroom all this time before same sex marriage, and lesbian teenagers have been showering all this time before same sex marriage ruling, so the so call safety issue you claim is bogus and pure bullshit by you!

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Curious HUH?

Again, if you fear this then Home School your daughter...

The answer is really simple, and why would you want your daughter in a Liberal School, and if she is going to a private school then you need to ask those that run the School why they are letting Teenage Lesbians in and if they answer does not suit you then pull your daughter out, and HOME SCHOOL her and that end all your fears...

How do you know there is a Lesbian in the shower at the same time with your daughter?

Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.



Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?

You keep indicating that gays would violate this simple solution.

That speaks volumes
Your response was childish as can be, and you're calling me a kid?

There is no safety issue!

You just want to be able to read a sign that has " No Gays or Lesbians allow! "!

So at your house put up those signs, but in the general society it will never happen...

Gays have been using that bathroom all this time before same sex marriage, and lesbian teenagers have been showering all this time before same sex marriage ruling, so the so call safety issue you claim is bogus and pure bullshit by you!

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Curious HUH?

Again, if you fear this then Home School your daughter...

The answer is really simple, and why would you want your daughter in a Liberal School, and if she is going to a private school then you need to ask those that run the School why they are letting Teenage Lesbians in and if they answer does not suit you then pull your daughter out, and HOME SCHOOL her and that end all your fears...

How do you know there is a Lesbian in the shower at the same time with your daughter?

Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.



Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?

A lot of things were taken for granted, now it appears this is an appropriate time to bring to light what millions of people have thought for years.

So why do you fear answering the question?

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?


Again, why does this subject even matter to you when the fact is you did not care enough about it before same sex marriage ruling?

Also how do you know a Lesbian is in the same shower room with your daughter?

Also how do you enforce anti-gay laws and rules when you can not tell if that straight looking guy or that beautiful lesbian are those you fear?

Not every Gay look like Elton John and not every Lesbian look like Rosie, so how will you know the girl in the shower room with your daughter is straight or gay?

As far as two girls showering together your daughter can request the other girl to wait until she is done because her father fear a lesbian might get her or as i wrote HOME SCHOOL her if that is not going to work for you!
Your response was childish as can be, and you're calling me a kid?

There is no safety issue!

You just want to be able to read a sign that has " No Gays or Lesbians allow! "!

So at your house put up those signs, but in the general society it will never happen...

Gays have been using that bathroom all this time before same sex marriage, and lesbian teenagers have been showering all this time before same sex marriage ruling, so the so call safety issue you claim is bogus and pure bullshit by you!

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Curious HUH?

Again, if you fear this then Home School your daughter...

The answer is really simple, and why would you want your daughter in a Liberal School, and if she is going to a private school then you need to ask those that run the School why they are letting Teenage Lesbians in and if they answer does not suit you then pull your daughter out, and HOME SCHOOL her and that end all your fears...

How do you know there is a Lesbian in the shower at the same time with your daughter?

Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.



Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?

You keep indicating that gays would violate this simple solution.

That speaks volumes

I would violate your solution!

I am not gay nor have I ever been in a gay like relationship but if I need to piss or shit I will use their bathroom, and you will not stop me!

Your solution is moronic as can be and invokes visions of the time when WASP's like you denied people that were not white the right to eat, sleep, drink, or crap in the same places you did all that and denied them the right to go to the same school your kid went to!

I bet you would object if your daughter brought a non-white boyfriend home, am I correct?

Also if you met me in person you would think I am a White Conservative Bible beater without knowing I have Lebanese in me because I have Blonde Hair and Hazel eyes, and I am whiter than Casper the Ghost!

So you are truly ignorant if you believe Gays or Lesbians would obey such bigoted rules and I would support them if they defied such bullshit!
So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Curious HUH?

Again, if you fear this then Home School your daughter...

The answer is really simple, and why would you want your daughter in a Liberal School, and if she is going to a private school then you need to ask those that run the School why they are letting Teenage Lesbians in and if they answer does not suit you then pull your daughter out, and HOME SCHOOL her and that end all your fears...

How do you know there is a Lesbian in the shower at the same time with your daughter?

Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.



Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?

You keep indicating that gays would violate this simple solution.

That speaks volumes

I would violate your solution!

I am not gay nor have I ever been in a gay like relationship but if I need to piss or shit I will use their bathroom, and you will not stop me!

Your solution is moronic as can be and invokes visions of the time when WASP's like you denied people that were not white the right to eat, sleep, drink, or crap in the same places you did all that and denied them the right to go to the same school your kid went to!

I bet you would object if your daughter brought a non-white boyfriend home, am I correct?

Also if you met me in person you would think I am a White Conservative Bible beater without knowing I have Lebanese in me because I have Blonde Hair and Hazel eyes, and I am whiter than Casper the Ghost!

So you are truly ignorant if you believe Gays or Lesbians would obey such bigoted rules and I would support them if they defied such bullshit!

Then simply answer the question

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

It's actually really simple. Here, I'll go first


Now you
Again, if you fear this then Home School your daughter...

The answer is really simple, and why would you want your daughter in a Liberal School, and if she is going to a private school then you need to ask those that run the School why they are letting Teenage Lesbians in and if they answer does not suit you then pull your daughter out, and HOME SCHOOL her and that end all your fears...

How do you know there is a Lesbian in the shower at the same time with your daughter?

Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.



Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?

You keep indicating that gays would violate this simple solution.

That speaks volumes

I would violate your solution!

I am not gay nor have I ever been in a gay like relationship but if I need to piss or shit I will use their bathroom, and you will not stop me!

Your solution is moronic as can be and invokes visions of the time when WASP's like you denied people that were not white the right to eat, sleep, drink, or crap in the same places you did all that and denied them the right to go to the same school your kid went to!

I bet you would object if your daughter brought a non-white boyfriend home, am I correct?

Also if you met me in person you would think I am a White Conservative Bible beater without knowing I have Lebanese in me because I have Blonde Hair and Hazel eyes, and I am whiter than Casper the Ghost!

So you are truly ignorant if you believe Gays or Lesbians would obey such bigoted rules and I would support them if they defied such bullshit!

Then simply answer the question

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

It's actually really simple. Here, I'll go first


Now you

Again, how do you know if the girl showering in the shower with your daughter is a Lesbian?

Also seeing the issue did not matter to you before the USSC ruling to tell me you do not really care about this issue, and just want some way to be a bigot against Gays and Lesbians.

Finally, if a Lesbian girl is in the shower with your daughter and make unwanted advances toward your daughter what is the right thing to do?

Hell I have showered with a good amount of women in my life, and the sex was great in the shower, and I am a male, and i did it in the High School shower too with a few girls...

So your strawman is just bogus nonsense and you know it...
Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.



Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?

You keep indicating that gays would violate this simple solution.

That speaks volumes

I would violate your solution!

I am not gay nor have I ever been in a gay like relationship but if I need to piss or shit I will use their bathroom, and you will not stop me!

Your solution is moronic as can be and invokes visions of the time when WASP's like you denied people that were not white the right to eat, sleep, drink, or crap in the same places you did all that and denied them the right to go to the same school your kid went to!

I bet you would object if your daughter brought a non-white boyfriend home, am I correct?

Also if you met me in person you would think I am a White Conservative Bible beater without knowing I have Lebanese in me because I have Blonde Hair and Hazel eyes, and I am whiter than Casper the Ghost!

So you are truly ignorant if you believe Gays or Lesbians would obey such bigoted rules and I would support them if they defied such bullshit!

Then simply answer the question

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

It's actually really simple. Here, I'll go first


Now you

Again, how do you know if the girl showering in the shower with your daughter is a Lesbian?

Also seeing the issue did not matter to you before the USSC ruling to tell me you do not really care about this issue, and just want some way to be a bigot against Gays and Lesbians.

Finally, if a Lesbian girl is in the shower with your daughter and make unwanted advances toward your daughter what is the right thing to do?

Hell I have showered with a good amount of women in my life, and the sex was great in the shower, and I am a male, and i did it in the High School shower too with a few girls...

So your strawman is just bogus nonsense and you know it...

Your reluctance to answer is proof enough you think it's ok to allow someone who finds females attractive to shower in a gym shower room with a 14 year old girl.

Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?

You keep indicating that gays would violate this simple solution.

That speaks volumes

I would violate your solution!

I am not gay nor have I ever been in a gay like relationship but if I need to piss or shit I will use their bathroom, and you will not stop me!

Your solution is moronic as can be and invokes visions of the time when WASP's like you denied people that were not white the right to eat, sleep, drink, or crap in the same places you did all that and denied them the right to go to the same school your kid went to!

I bet you would object if your daughter brought a non-white boyfriend home, am I correct?

Also if you met me in person you would think I am a White Conservative Bible beater without knowing I have Lebanese in me because I have Blonde Hair and Hazel eyes, and I am whiter than Casper the Ghost!

So you are truly ignorant if you believe Gays or Lesbians would obey such bigoted rules and I would support them if they defied such bullshit!

Then simply answer the question

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

It's actually really simple. Here, I'll go first


Now you

Again, how do you know if the girl showering in the shower with your daughter is a Lesbian?

Also seeing the issue did not matter to you before the USSC ruling to tell me you do not really care about this issue, and just want some way to be a bigot against Gays and Lesbians.

Finally, if a Lesbian girl is in the shower with your daughter and make unwanted advances toward your daughter what is the right thing to do?

Hell I have showered with a good amount of women in my life, and the sex was great in the shower, and I am a male, and i did it in the High School shower too with a few girls...

So your strawman is just bogus nonsense and you know it...

Your reluctance to answer is proof enough you think it's ok to allow someone who finds females attractive to shower in a gym shower room with a 14 year old girl.


The fact that you did not care about this issue before the Same Sex ruling tell me that your thread is a strawman and bogus bullshit, but what is new?
Answer the question, it's really quite simple.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

You do understand you make an argument against public accommodations? Right?

Because the baker does not want to bake the cake, the gay couple could just go elsewhere. But that's bigoted, right?

But dig this

Because the customer does not want their 14 year old sharing a shower room with someone that finds that sex attractive, THEY MUST EITHER GO HOME, NOT GO AT ALL, or WAIT TILL THEY GET HOME TO SHOWER.



Again, how do you know that there is a Lesbian showering with your daughter?

Also how will you know if the girl showering at the same time as your daughter is a Lesbian?

It seem to me you are butt hurt over the same sex marriage, and now you let be known about the anti-gay baker too...

The reality is you will never get " No Gay or Lesbians " allow signs that will prevent them from using the same restrooms as you and your daughter use.

Also the so-call safety issue you claim is the issue has been there all this time, so why care now?

You keep indicating that gays would violate this simple solution.

That speaks volumes

I would violate your solution!

I am not gay nor have I ever been in a gay like relationship but if I need to piss or shit I will use their bathroom, and you will not stop me!

Your solution is moronic as can be and invokes visions of the time when WASP's like you denied people that were not white the right to eat, sleep, drink, or crap in the same places you did all that and denied them the right to go to the same school your kid went to!

I bet you would object if your daughter brought a non-white boyfriend home, am I correct?

Also if you met me in person you would think I am a White Conservative Bible beater without knowing I have Lebanese in me because I have Blonde Hair and Hazel eyes, and I am whiter than Casper the Ghost!

So you are truly ignorant if you believe Gays or Lesbians would obey such bigoted rules and I would support them if they defied such bullshit!

Then simply answer the question

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

It's actually really simple. Here, I'll go first


Now you

Again, how do you know if the girl showering in the shower with your daughter is a Lesbian?

Also seeing the issue did not matter to you before the USSC ruling to tell me you do not really care about this issue, and just want some way to be a bigot against Gays and Lesbians.

Finally, if a Lesbian girl is in the shower with your daughter and make unwanted advances toward your daughter what is the right thing to do?

Hell I have showered with a good amount of women in my life, and the sex was great in the shower, and I am a male, and i did it in the High School shower too with a few girls...

So your strawman is just bogus nonsense and you know it...


Good lord, you drew the picture and are still blind!
You keep indicating that gays would violate this simple solution.

That speaks volumes

I would violate your solution!

I am not gay nor have I ever been in a gay like relationship but if I need to piss or shit I will use their bathroom, and you will not stop me!

Your solution is moronic as can be and invokes visions of the time when WASP's like you denied people that were not white the right to eat, sleep, drink, or crap in the same places you did all that and denied them the right to go to the same school your kid went to!

I bet you would object if your daughter brought a non-white boyfriend home, am I correct?

Also if you met me in person you would think I am a White Conservative Bible beater without knowing I have Lebanese in me because I have Blonde Hair and Hazel eyes, and I am whiter than Casper the Ghost!

So you are truly ignorant if you believe Gays or Lesbians would obey such bigoted rules and I would support them if they defied such bullshit!

Then simply answer the question

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

It's actually really simple. Here, I'll go first


Now you

Again, how do you know if the girl showering in the shower with your daughter is a Lesbian?

Also seeing the issue did not matter to you before the USSC ruling to tell me you do not really care about this issue, and just want some way to be a bigot against Gays and Lesbians.

Finally, if a Lesbian girl is in the shower with your daughter and make unwanted advances toward your daughter what is the right thing to do?

Hell I have showered with a good amount of women in my life, and the sex was great in the shower, and I am a male, and i did it in the High School shower too with a few girls...

So your strawman is just bogus nonsense and you know it...

Your reluctance to answer is proof enough you think it's ok to allow someone who finds females attractive to shower in a gym shower room with a 14 year old girl.


The fact that you did not care about this issue before the Same Sex ruling tell me that your thread is a strawman and bogus bullshit, but what is new?

Where did I say I didn't care prior to?

Provide the damn link
I would violate your solution!

I am not gay nor have I ever been in a gay like relationship but if I need to piss or shit I will use their bathroom, and you will not stop me!

Your solution is moronic as can be and invokes visions of the time when WASP's like you denied people that were not white the right to eat, sleep, drink, or crap in the same places you did all that and denied them the right to go to the same school your kid went to!

I bet you would object if your daughter brought a non-white boyfriend home, am I correct?

Also if you met me in person you would think I am a White Conservative Bible beater without knowing I have Lebanese in me because I have Blonde Hair and Hazel eyes, and I am whiter than Casper the Ghost!

So you are truly ignorant if you believe Gays or Lesbians would obey such bigoted rules and I would support them if they defied such bullshit!

Then simply answer the question

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

It's actually really simple. Here, I'll go first


Now you

Again, how do you know if the girl showering in the shower with your daughter is a Lesbian?

Also seeing the issue did not matter to you before the USSC ruling to tell me you do not really care about this issue, and just want some way to be a bigot against Gays and Lesbians.

Finally, if a Lesbian girl is in the shower with your daughter and make unwanted advances toward your daughter what is the right thing to do?

Hell I have showered with a good amount of women in my life, and the sex was great in the shower, and I am a male, and i did it in the High School shower too with a few girls...

So your strawman is just bogus nonsense and you know it...

Your reluctance to answer is proof enough you think it's ok to allow someone who finds females attractive to shower in a gym shower room with a 14 year old girl.


The fact that you did not care about this issue before the Same Sex ruling tell me that your thread is a strawman and bogus bullshit, but what is new?

Where did I say I didn't care prior to?

Provide the damn link

Provide a link showing you wrote about it before the same sex ruling, and if not then enjoy your strawman nonsense...
Then simply answer the question

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

It's actually really simple. Here, I'll go first


Now you

Again, how do you know if the girl showering in the shower with your daughter is a Lesbian?

Also seeing the issue did not matter to you before the USSC ruling to tell me you do not really care about this issue, and just want some way to be a bigot against Gays and Lesbians.

Finally, if a Lesbian girl is in the shower with your daughter and make unwanted advances toward your daughter what is the right thing to do?

Hell I have showered with a good amount of women in my life, and the sex was great in the shower, and I am a male, and i did it in the High School shower too with a few girls...

So your strawman is just bogus nonsense and you know it...

Your reluctance to answer is proof enough you think it's ok to allow someone who finds females attractive to shower in a gym shower room with a 14 year old girl.


The fact that you did not care about this issue before the Same Sex ruling tell me that your thread is a strawman and bogus bullshit, but what is new?

Where did I say I didn't care prior to?

Provide the damn link

Provide a link showing you wrote about it before the same sex ruling, and if not then enjoy your strawman nonsense...

God you are loony, you run like a scared rabbit.

You must be 12
Again, how do you know if the girl showering in the shower with your daughter is a Lesbian?

Also seeing the issue did not matter to you before the USSC ruling to tell me you do not really care about this issue, and just want some way to be a bigot against Gays and Lesbians.

Finally, if a Lesbian girl is in the shower with your daughter and make unwanted advances toward your daughter what is the right thing to do?

Hell I have showered with a good amount of women in my life, and the sex was great in the shower, and I am a male, and i did it in the High School shower too with a few girls...

So your strawman is just bogus nonsense and you know it...

Your reluctance to answer is proof enough you think it's ok to allow someone who finds females attractive to shower in a gym shower room with a 14 year old girl.


The fact that you did not care about this issue before the Same Sex ruling tell me that your thread is a strawman and bogus bullshit, but what is new?

Where did I say I didn't care prior to?

Provide the damn link

Provide a link showing you wrote about it before the same sex ruling, and if not then enjoy your strawman nonsense...

God you are loony, you run like a scared rabbit.

You must be 12

No link as usual...

So as i wrote and stand by what I wrote and that is the issue did not matter to you until the Same Sex ruling because if it did you would have provided a link showing your concern.

Now let see the next childish response you give to me because I did not run off nor will I...
Your reluctance to answer is proof enough you think it's ok to allow someone who finds females attractive to shower in a gym shower room with a 14 year old girl.


The fact that you did not care about this issue before the Same Sex ruling tell me that your thread is a strawman and bogus bullshit, but what is new?

Where did I say I didn't care prior to?

Provide the damn link

Provide a link showing you wrote about it before the same sex ruling, and if not then enjoy your strawman nonsense...

God you are loony, you run like a scared rabbit.

You must be 12

No link as usual...

So as i wrote and stand by what I wrote and that is the issue did not matter to you until the Same Sex ruling because if it did you would have provided a link showing your concern.

Now let see the next childish response you give to me because I did not run off nor will I...

No link as usual, therefor proving Bruce T loony is afraid to discuss the issue, that being.......

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Run Forrest Run
The fact that you did not care about this issue before the Same Sex ruling tell me that your thread is a strawman and bogus bullshit, but what is new?

Where did I say I didn't care prior to?

Provide the damn link

Provide a link showing you wrote about it before the same sex ruling, and if not then enjoy your strawman nonsense...

God you are loony, you run like a scared rabbit.

You must be 12

No link as usual...

So as i wrote and stand by what I wrote and that is the issue did not matter to you until the Same Sex ruling because if it did you would have provided a link showing your concern.

Now let see the next childish response you give to me because I did not run off nor will I...

No link as usual, therefor proving Bruce T loony is afraid to discuss the issue, that being.......

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Run Forrest Run

Awww, now you're playing with my name because you're butt hurt about the fact you did not care about this so-call issue until after the USSC ruling on Same Sex Marriage.

You write about how someone is twelve and then play the childish games as usual.

Now provide a link showing you cared about this so-call issue or is the truth bothering you?

Also it is kind of creepy that you want to know the sexuality of the girls showering with your daughter, and make me wonder are you that type of guy that believe a twelve year old girl is old enough to get wed?
Where did I say I didn't care prior to?

Provide the damn link

Provide a link showing you wrote about it before the same sex ruling, and if not then enjoy your strawman nonsense...

God you are loony, you run like a scared rabbit.

You must be 12

No link as usual...

So as i wrote and stand by what I wrote and that is the issue did not matter to you until the Same Sex ruling because if it did you would have provided a link showing your concern.

Now let see the next childish response you give to me because I did not run off nor will I...

No link as usual, therefor proving Bruce T loony is afraid to discuss the issue, that being.......

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Run Forrest Run

Awww, now you're playing with my name because you're butt hurt about the fact you did not care about this so-call issue until after the USSC ruling on Same Sex Marriage.

You write about how someone is twelve and then play the childish games as usual.

Now provide a link showing you cared about this so-call issue or is the truth bothering you?

Also it is kind of creepy that you want to know the sexuality of the girls showering with your daughter, and make me wonder are you that type of guy that believe a twelve year old girl is old enough to get wed?

Sure, I'll link my entire life you bafoon

Look at the OP idiot. This isn't a marriage thread loony

Now run along

I have no doubt your not gay, but your problem with answering my question leads me to think.....,.,

You do afterall struggle with answering the question.

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive
"Time to re-think public restrooms and showers"

No, it's time for the OP and others on the right who agree with him to re-think refusing to seek out the mental health treatment they so clearly need; the thread premise is paranoid, delusional, and ridiculous.
Provide a link showing you wrote about it before the same sex ruling, and if not then enjoy your strawman nonsense...

God you are loony, you run like a scared rabbit.

You must be 12

No link as usual...

So as i wrote and stand by what I wrote and that is the issue did not matter to you until the Same Sex ruling because if it did you would have provided a link showing your concern.

Now let see the next childish response you give to me because I did not run off nor will I...

No link as usual, therefor proving Bruce T loony is afraid to discuss the issue, that being.......

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Run Forrest Run

Awww, now you're playing with my name because you're butt hurt about the fact you did not care about this so-call issue until after the USSC ruling on Same Sex Marriage.

You write about how someone is twelve and then play the childish games as usual.

Now provide a link showing you cared about this so-call issue or is the truth bothering you?

Also it is kind of creepy that you want to know the sexuality of the girls showering with your daughter, and make me wonder are you that type of guy that believe a twelve year old girl is old enough to get wed?

Sure, I'll link my entire life you bafoon

Look at the OP idiot. This isn't a marriage thread loony

Now run along

I have no doubt your not gay, but your problem with answering my question leads me to think.....,.,

First off it is Buffoon and Mr. Buffoon to you...

I wrote you only care about this issue because of Same Sex Marriage being ruled legal, and did not claim this is a marriage thread.

Also if you really cared about this issue you would have written about it way before now seeing your hatred for Gays and Lesbians is well documented in this thread.

So it make me wonder why you are so CONcern about the sexuality of teen age girls showering with your daughter?

Also it make me wonder do you support your right to marry your twelve year old second cousin in Massachusetts while worrying about if a gay man can shit in the same restroom that you toe tap square dance in?
Why are conservatives so intimidated by homosexuals?

Pop....did you support separate bathrooms for blacks too?
God you are loony, you run like a scared rabbit.

You must be 12

No link as usual...

So as i wrote and stand by what I wrote and that is the issue did not matter to you until the Same Sex ruling because if it did you would have provided a link showing your concern.

Now let see the next childish response you give to me because I did not run off nor will I...

No link as usual, therefor proving Bruce T loony is afraid to discuss the issue, that being.......

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Run Forrest Run

Awww, now you're playing with my name because you're butt hurt about the fact you did not care about this so-call issue until after the USSC ruling on Same Sex Marriage.

You write about how someone is twelve and then play the childish games as usual.

Now provide a link showing you cared about this so-call issue or is the truth bothering you?

Also it is kind of creepy that you want to know the sexuality of the girls showering with your daughter, and make me wonder are you that type of guy that believe a twelve year old girl is old enough to get wed?

Sure, I'll link my entire life you bafoon

Look at the OP idiot. This isn't a marriage thread loony

Now run along

I have no doubt your not gay, but your problem with answering my question leads me to think.....,.,

First off it is Buffoon and Mr. Buffoon to you...

I wrote you only care about this issue because of Same Sex Marriage being ruled legal, and did not claim this is a marriage thread.

Also if you really cared about this issue you would have written about it way before now seeing your hatred for Gays and Lesbians is well documented in this thread.

So it make me wonder why you are so CONcern about the sexuality of teen age girls showering with your daughter?

Also it make me wonder do you support your right to marry your twelve year old second cousin in Massachusetts while worrying about if a gay man can shit in the same restroom that you toe tap square dance in?

You sure ask a lot of questions, but can't answer a simple one:

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Move on little boy
Why are conservatives so intimidated by homosexuals?

Pop....did you support separate bathrooms for blacks too?

You can answer the question then. You won't,

So, please explain why you think its a good idea that a 14 year old girl should be forced to share a gym locker room or shower with a person that find females sexually attractive?

Go ahead

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