Time To Put The Cliff Behind Us


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

No. We don't take out more debt to pay for the interest on the debt we already have. That's precisely why raising the debt sealing will never fix the problem.

See, what we do is

1) Cut our expenses
2) Produce more income

Government can easily cut its expenses. Producing income, however, is another matter all together. Unfortunately, most politicians have no idea how to actually generate revenue.
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And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

Just think Mid-Terms :lol::lol:
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

Did you fall and get a concussion too?

Blood clot perhaps..?
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

Well, Cammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpbell, I see you've already received your marching orders to try and deflect away from your dear leader punishing the rich.

But that's ok, because the economy is now on it's way into the shitter, and you fucking socialists own it, all of it.

That's the business of democrats today.... SOCIALISM.
Behind us? What planet are you living on? Your boys just moved it further in front of us.
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

No. We don't take out more debt to pay for the interest on the debt we already have. That's precisely why raising the debt sealing will never fix the problem.

See, what we do is

1) Cut our expenses
2) Produce more income

Government can easily cut its expensese. Producing income, however, is another matter all together. Unfortunately, most politicians have no idea how to actually generate revenue.

Sure can.

Clinton proved it.

Our "leaders" (cough) gave us precisely what they could have been expected to give us: A weak, milquetoast, nondescript bill that adds four trillion to the debt, but far more importantly, that allows them to do what really matters to them:
  • Preen before the cameras
  • Tell their constituents what they want to hear for the next election cycle
  • Tell their fundraisers what they want to hear for the next election cycle
Because it ain't about us, folks, it's about them.


Our "leaders" (cough) gave us precisely what they could have been expected to give us: A weak, milquetoast, nondescript bill that adds four trillion to the debt, but far more importantly, that allows them to do what really matters to them:
  • Preen before the cameras
  • Tell their constituents what they want to hear for the next election cycle
  • Tell their fundraisers what they want to hear for the next election cycle
Because it ain't about us, folks, it's about them.



Actually..this surprised me.


Our "leaders" (cough) gave us precisely what they could have been expected to give us: A weak, milquetoast, nondescript bill that adds four trillion to the debt, but far more importantly, that allows them to do what really matters to them:
  • Preen before the cameras
  • Tell their constituents what they want to hear for the next election cycle
  • Tell their fundraisers what they want to hear for the next election cycle
Because it ain't about us, folks, it's about them.


^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dead on accurate!
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

No. We don't take out more debt to pay for the interest on the debt we already have. That's precisely why raising the debt sealing will never fix the problem.

See, what we do is

1) Cut our expenses
2) Produce more income

Government can easily cut its expenses. Producing income, however, is another matter all together. Unfortunately, most politicians have no idea how to actually generate revenue.

You bet. They just spend the money.

Cut spending?? The Dems aren't to good at honoring agreements as Reagan and Bush I found out.

They will get the revenue but hope no one is holding their breath for those paltry spending cuts. I sure ain't.
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

No. We don't take out more debt to pay for the interest on the debt we already have. That's precisely why raising the debt sealing will never fix the problem.

See, what we do is

1) Cut our expenses
2) Produce more income

Government can easily cut its expenses. Producing income, however, is another matter all together. Unfortunately, most politicians have no idea how to actually generate revenue.

I wish I thought it was that simple. The ignorant bastards on both sides worry a whole lot more about their re election than they do what's good for the American people.
It takes about $40 million to re elect a senator, half that for a representative and it grows with each subsequent race. We should all be paying attention to where that money comes from and examine their voting records to tie the connection.

“Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” ~Mark Twain~
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

No. We don't take out more debt to pay for the interest on the debt we already have. That's precisely why raising the debt sealing will never fix the problem.

See, what we do is

1) Cut our expenses
2) Produce more income

Government can easily cut its expensese. Producing income, however, is another matter all together. Unfortunately, most politicians have no idea how to actually generate revenue.

Sure can.

Clinton proved it.

AGAIN, you idiot.. more taxation did not cause more prosperity, nor more revenue.. nor did it cause the tech boom that brought it all about.. but nice try... it is good to see you can still repeat the same shit over and over again.. you now are proven to have at least the same brain function as a goldfish
Cammmpbell is ignorant enough to think he received a tax cut. :confused:Here's how a "Cammmpbell" reasons.

Taxes "would have gone up" had a deal not been reached. BUT...since one was...we all get a "tax break". Win-win

That's how this robot thinks.


Guess who else will sell it that way...
No. We don't take out more debt to pay for the interest on the debt we already have. That's precisely why raising the debt sealing will never fix the problem.

See, what we do is

1) Cut our expenses
2) Produce more income

Government can easily cut its expensese. Producing income, however, is another matter all together. Unfortunately, most politicians have no idea how to actually generate revenue.

Sure can.

Clinton proved it.

AGAIN, you idiot.. more taxation did not cause more prosperity, nor more revenue.. nor did it cause the tech boom that brought it all about.. but nice try... it is good to see you can still repeat the same shit over and over again.. you now are proven to have at least the same brain function as a goldfish

LMAO!!! Bill Clinton raised taxes while the Republicans were screaming to high heaven that the whole goddam country would collapse if he did. Then his administration created 22 million new jobs, generated surpluses and had the entire debt on a path to be completely paid off by 2012. He left an unemployment rate of 4%. You people are so goddamned blind that I suspect it's not just not seeing, it's that you don't have the mental capacity to analyze the data.
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

we were discussing this issue the other day and it was veryu clear they didnt even know what the debt ceiling really was
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

Yes, I don't borrow money to pay debt... that's fucking stupid.
And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

we were discussing this issue the other day and it was veryu clear they didnt even know what the debt ceiling really was

Nor care as long as their representatives will be sure the money spent can be funneled to their constituency and special interests. Watch the Republican congress closely.....they will hold the debt ceiling hostage while they try to undo the tax increases they've agreed to and be sure the cuts to the defense budget don't happen. That's about all they stand for these days. The rest of it is about growling and bitching for months about four people getting killed in an area which they knew in advance of volunteering for duty and drawing hazardous pay for the service was similar to a war zone. They completely ignore 20 small children getting mowed down in their elementary school class rooms because they don't want to piss the NRA off and bitch and moan and investigate and hold hearings etc. for political reasons on the Benghazi issue. It's OK....most folks have wised up. They can't win an election with White men and folks over 65 which is the only two demographics they carried on November 6th.
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And time for the do nothing Republicans to start squawking about the debt ceiling. The ignorant bastards will vote against paying the interest on debts we've already made. I wonder if that's the way they run their personal business.

No on the dept ceiling..Obama's new taxes are suppose to go for paying towards the dept, or did he LIE there also?..he doesn't need the ceiling RAISED

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