Time to once again re-educate idiot libs. The Civil War was NOT about slavery


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
How could it be about slavery when

1. There were four UNION states that practiced slavery throughout the war. KY MD MO DE. Had 300,000 slaves total.

2. There were many UNION generals who were slave owners. Even Grant had a slave and his wife had a bunch of them.

3. Lincoln asked slave owner Robert E Lee to be commander of all UNION forces.

The idea that the CW was about freeing the slaves is not only wrong, it is preposterous. It's fake news the media has been feeding us for 150 years.
How could it be about slavery when

1. There were four UNION states that practiced slavery throughout the war. KY MD MO DE. Had 300,000 slaves total.

2. There were many UNION generals who were slave owners. Even Grant had a slave and his wife had a bunch of them.

3. Lincoln asked slave owner Robert E Lee to be commander of all UNION forces.

The idea that the CW was about freeing the slaves is not only wrong, it is preposterous. It's fake news the media has been feeding us for 150 years.

Thomas Jefferson / George Washington had slaves too. The war was about taxes and slaves I read somewhere that the south was going to be taxed. Here I looked this up:

The Northern and Southern sections of the United States developed along different lines. The South remained a predominantly agrarian economy while the North became more and more industrialized. Different social cultures and political beliefs developed. All of this led to disagreements on issues such as taxes, tariffs and internal improvements as well as states rights versus federal rights.

The states of the North, meanwhile, one by one had gradually abolished slavery. A steady flow of immigrants, especially from Ireland and Germany during the potato famine of the 1840s and 1850s, insured the North a ready pool of laborers, many of whom could be hired at low wages, diminishing the need to cling to the institution of slavery.

Causes Of The Civil War | HistoryNet

The master mind of the so-called Republican party, Senator Seward, has in a recent speech at Rochester, announced the purpose of his party to dislodge the Democracy from the possession of the federal Government, and assigns as a reason the friendship of that party for what he denominates the slave system. He declares the Union between the States having slave labor and free labor to be incompatible, and announces that one or the other must disappear. He even asserts that it was the purpose of the framers of the Government to destroy slave property, and cities as evidence of it, the provision for an amendment of the Constitution. He seeks to alarm his auditors by assuring them of the purpose on the part of the South and the Democratic to force slavery upon all the States of the Union. Absurd as all this may seem to you, and incredulous as you may be of its acceptance by any intelligent portion of the citizens of the United States, I have reason to believe that it has been inculcated to no small extent in the Northern mind.

It requires but a cursory examination of the Constitution of the United States; but a partial knowledge of its history and of the motives of the men who formed it, to see how utterly fallacious it is to ascribe to them the purpose of interfering with the domestic institutions of any of the States. But if a disrespect for that instrument, a fanatical disregard of its purposes, should ever induce a majority, however large, to seek by amending the Constitution, to pervert it from its original object, and to deprive you of the quality which your fathers bequeathed to you, I say let the star of Mississippi be snatched from the constellation to shine by its inherent light, if it must be so, through all the storms and clouds of war.

The same dangerously powerful man describes the institution of slavery as degrading to labor, as intolerant and inhuman, and says the white laborer among us is not enslaved only because he cannot yet be reduced to bondage. Where he learned his lesson, I am at a loss to imagine; certainly not by observation, for you all know that by interest, if not by higher motive, slave labor bears to capital as kind a relation as can exist between them anywhere; that it removes from us all that controversy between the laborer and the capitalist, which has filled Europe with starving millions and made their poorhouses an onerous charge. You too know, that among us, white men have an equality resulting form a presence of a lower caste, which cannot exist where white men fill the position here occupied by the servile race. The mechanic who comes among us, employing the less intellectual labor of the African, takes the position which only a master-workman occupies where all the mechanics are white, and therefore it is that our mechanics hold their position of absolute equality among us.

I say to you here as I have said to the Democracy of New York, if it should ever come to pass that the Constitution shall be perverted to the destruction of our rights so that we shall have the mere right as a feeble minority unprotected by the barrier of the Constitution to give an ineffectual negative vote in the Halls of Congress, we shall then bear to the federal government the relation our colonial fathers did to the British crown, and if we are worthy of our lineage we will in that event redeem our rights even if it be through the process of revolution. And it gratifies me to be enabled to say that no portion of the speech to which I have referred was received with more marked approbation by the Democracy there assembled than the sentiment which has just been cited. I am happy also to state that during the past summer I heard in many places, what previously I had only heard from the late President Pierce, the declaration that whenever a Northern army should be assembled to march for the subjugation of the South, they would have a battle to fight at home before they passed the limits of their own State, and one in which our friends claim that the victory will at least be doubtful.

Speech of Jefferson Davis before the Mississippi Legislature, Nov. 16, 1858," where he advocates secession if an abolitionist is elected president.

Jefferson Davis quite clearly states here that slavery is, indeed, the cause of the Civil War. I think his words carry far more weight than your silly rants.
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Jefferson Davis quite clearly states here that slavery is, indeed, the cause of the Civil War. I think his words carry far more weight than your silly rants.

I gave facts - you gave political speeches. I can do that too. Grant once said "if i thought this war was about freeing the slaves, i would resign immediately."
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The Civil War happened because eleven slave states seceded. They seceded because of slavery.

Therefore, slavery caused the Civil War.

HAHAHA. So why did lincoln allow 4 slave states to remain in the Union?? THINK, white-hating racist.
The secession documents of almost every state list slavery as the reason for leaving the union.

The secession documents for Georgia for an example mention slavery 36 times.

Mississippi has 7 references to it.

South Carolina 18.

I think it is clear enough. Do we believe the documents they gave when leaving the Union or do we believe some white right winger?
The Civil War happened because eleven slave states seceded. They seceded because of slavery.

Therefore, slavery caused the Civil War.

Except...In the Emancipation Proclamation only the slaves in those 11 states were
freed. The slave owners in Delaware, Missouri, Maryland and New Jersey
got to keep theirs. Plus the 48 western most counties of Virginia who agreed
with the rest of the state on the States Rights issue, but refused to agree to
secede from the Union. Lincoln encouraged them to secede from the
state of Virginia, which they did, and then he allowed them to keep their
slaves also.

9 months after the EP...West Virginia was admitted to the "Union"
as a SLAVE STATE. Yeah, it was fought over slavery, my ass.

The North fought to preserve the Union and the South fought for States

Go back to school, Junior
The Civil War happened because eleven slave states seceded. They seceded because of slavery.

Therefore, slavery caused the Civil War.

HAHAHA. So why did lincoln allow 4 slave states to remain in the Union?? THINK, white-hating racist.

Because the war was fought to restore the Union, BUT, the only reason the Union needed to be restored was because 11 states seceded BECAUSE OF SLAVERY.

Therefore Slavery caused the war.
The Civil War happened because eleven slave states seceded. They seceded because of slavery.

Therefore, slavery caused the Civil War.

Except...In the Emancipation Proclamation only the slaves in those 11 states were
freed. The slave owners in Delaware, Missouri, Maryland and New Jersey
got to keep theirs. Plus the 48 western most counties of Virginia who agreed
with the rest of the state on the States Rights issue, but refused to agree to
secede from the Union. Lincoln encouraged them to secede from the
state of Virginia, which they did, and then he allowed them to keep their
slaves also.

9 months after the EP...West Virginia was admitted to the "Union"
as a SLAVE STATE. Yeah, it was fought over slavery, my ass.

The North fought to preserve the Union and the South fought for States

Go back to school, Junior

Name one state that seceded for a primary reason other than slavery.
You don't think the secession was about slavery???

Read this clause of the Confederate Constitution, one of the clauses that differed from the US Constitution:

(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.

OK the southern states seceded because of Lincoln's election.
Why was Lincoln elected?
How long are you revisionists going to keep attempting to white wash the confederacy? Seriously?

How could it be about slavery when

1. There were four UNION states that practiced slavery throughout the war. KY MD MO DE. Had 300,000 slaves total.

2. There were many UNION generals who were slave owners. Even Grant had a slave and his wife had a bunch of them.

3. Lincoln asked slave owner Robert E Lee to be commander of all UNION forces.

The idea that the CW was about freeing the slaves is not only wrong, it is preposterous. It's fake news the media has been feeding us for 150 years.

So? The issue that led to the civil war was slavery. Specifically the CONTINUATION of slavery. Without slavery there would have been no civil war. The whole "state's rights" thing was over their "right" to continue breeding, owning and selling human beings. It wasn't the only issue but it was a major issue and no scalpel is going to excise that.

If it wasn't about slavery - why did the south want slavery expanded? Why did they have to preserve a balance of slave states vs free states? :dunno:
How could it be about slavery when

1. There were four UNION states that practiced slavery throughout the war. KY MD MO DE. Had 300,000 slaves total.

2. There were many UNION generals who were slave owners. Even Grant had a slave and his wife had a bunch of them.

3. Lincoln asked slave owner Robert E Lee to be commander of all UNION forces.

The idea that the CW was about freeing the slaves is not only wrong, it is preposterous. It's fake news the media has been feeding us for 150 years.
Says the racist troll
The secession documents of almost every state list slavery as the reason for leaving the union.

The secession documents for Georgia for an example mention slavery 36 times.

Mississippi has 7 references to it.

South Carolina 18.

I think it is clear enough. Do we believe the documents they gave when leaving the Union or do we believe some white right winger?

HAHAHA. You're making that up. WTF is a secession document?? And besides, it's just words. Let's stick with facts like the fact that the UNION had 4 slave states. Refute that.
Except...In the Emancipation Proclamation only the slaves in those 11 states were
freed. The slave owners in Delaware, Missouri, Maryland and New Jersey
got to keep theirs.

Yup - lincoln could have freed the slaves in the 4 Union states that had slaves, but he didn't. The EP freed slaves in the CSA only, but that was a foreign country and the EP had no weight there!! The EP was just a PR stunt to keep the french and english out of the war.
If it wasn't about slavery - why did the south want slavery expanded? Why did they have to preserve a balance of slave states vs free states? :dunno:

Hey einstein. No one disputes that the south supported slavery. But that's not what the CW was about. You can't think.
How could it be about slavery when

1. There were four UNION states that practiced slavery throughout the war. KY MD MO DE. Had 300,000 slaves total.

2. There were many UNION generals who were slave owners. Even Grant had a slave and his wife had a bunch of them.

3. Lincoln asked slave owner Robert E Lee to be commander of all UNION forces.

The idea that the CW was about freeing the slaves is not only wrong, it is preposterous. It's fake news the media has been feeding us for 150 years.
Before you say anything else, read the Confederate Constitution.

American Civil War :: Hargrett Rare Book & Manuscript Library :: University of Georgia Libraries

After that, if you want to continue to look like an idiot, it's your choice.

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