Time to ask - Is Trump a RINO?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
His cave on DACA pretty much settles it. Like all the other rinos he no doubt was paid a HUGE corporate bribe to renege on his promise to kick out the criminal invaders who are bankrupting us. Sure trump has billions, but billionaires always want more.
I don't care what he's called as long as he accomplishes most of his promises. And good for him for working with Dems when the GOP is such a mess and cannot be useful in getting anything passed.
His cave on DACA pretty much settles it. Like all the other rinos he no doubt was paid a HUGE corporate bribe to renege on his promise to kick out the criminal invaders who are bankrupting us. Sure trump has billions, but billionaires always want more.

I doubt they get the votes to pass it...If Trump supports this he wont win a second term
His cave on DACA pretty much settles it. Like all the other rinos he no doubt was paid a HUGE corporate bribe to renege on his promise to kick out the criminal invaders who are bankrupting us. Sure trump has billions, but billionaires always want more.
When was he a republican in the first place?
Nobody who voted for him thought he was a Conservative or a Republican. We voted for him because he was a business man.
I think this would not matter to me as much as if there is blanket amnesty for all those who overstayed visas or ran over the border illegally. There are good people working hard and trying to be good citizens. If they have a clean record, follow our laws and can speak English, welcome.
His cave on DACA pretty much settles it. Like all the other rinos he no doubt was paid a HUGE corporate bribe to renege on his promise to kick out the criminal invaders who are bankrupting us. Sure trump has billions, but billionaires always want more.

I doubt they get the votes to pass it...If Trump supports this he wont win a second term
What Trump has done is kicked back to the house where it belongs. The house is NEVER going to pass that bill.
So he can say ya sure and never have to sign it! And he WINS because NOW he has the old laws and the old numbers for standards! So we the people lost nothing!
I think this would not matter to me as much as if there is blanket amnesty for all those who overstayed visas or ran over the border illegally. There are good people working hard and trying to be good citizens. If they have a clean record, follow our laws and can speak English, welcome.
These kids never committed a crime as they were brought here by their parents. .

YOU DON'T KNOW THAT, !!!!!! How many times do we have to say it????. Obozo didn't vet of these dreamers and all illegals have learned to lie and say they were brought here as infants.

They are fraudsters not dreamers,. THINK
I think this would not matter to me as much as if there is blanket amnesty for all those who overstayed visas or ran over the border illegally. There are good people working hard and trying to be good citizens. If they have a clean record, follow our laws and can speak English, welcome.

And how much will that cost?? Vetting all these invaders will cost billions. Let's follow the law and kick them out. THINK
I think this would not matter to me as much as if there is blanket amnesty for all those who overstayed visas or ran over the border illegally. There are good people working hard and trying to be good citizens. If they have a clean record, follow our laws and can speak English, welcome.
English, please...
I took Spanish in high school just to use it on USMB...I said quelle, that's the French version..
I think this would not matter to me as much as if there is blanket amnesty for all those who overstayed visas or ran over the border illegally. There are good people working hard and trying to be good citizens. If they have a clean record, follow our laws and can speak English, welcome.

And how much will that cost?? Vetting all these invaders will cost billions. Let's follow the law and kick them out. THINK
Take away a lot of welfare and give those funds for employment for vetting non citizens. Those who are ilolegal should also pay sizsable fines as well. $5,000 per person at least.
I think this would not matter to me as much as if there is blanket amnesty for all those who overstayed visas or ran over the border illegally. There are good people working hard and trying to be good citizens. If they have a clean record, follow our laws and can speak English, welcome.
English, please...
I took Spanish in high school just to use it on USMB...I said quelle, that's the French version..
I took Latin (I'm very old...) so I'm still lost.
I think this would not matter to me as much as if there is blanket amnesty for all those who overstayed visas or ran over the border illegally. There are good people working hard and trying to be good citizens. If they have a clean record, follow our laws and can speak English, welcome.
English, please...
I took Spanish in high school just to use it on USMB...I said quelle, that's the French version..
I took Latin (I'm very old...) so I'm still lost.
I studied some latin, since I was a lawyer wannabe, but it fell to the side as I became more interested in electronics..But Latin is not far from French so I'll say it in Latin, quid est..
I think this would not matter to me as much as if there is blanket amnesty for all those who overstayed visas or ran over the border illegally. There are good people working hard and trying to be good citizens. If they have a clean record, follow our laws and can speak English, welcome.
English, please...
I took Spanish in high school just to use it on USMB...I said quelle, that's the French version..
I took Latin (I'm very old...) so I'm still lost.
I studied some latin, since I was a lawyer wannabe, but it fell to the side as I became more interested in electronics..But Latin is not far from French so I'll say it in Latin, quid est..
Who is? I once got a "D" in Latin II...(embarrassed)

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