Time for another "U" Turn

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Unemployment numbers are down creating another new opportunity for those who hate Obama. Remember when they whined Government couldn't create jobs, then the story become Obama is not creating jobs? Now that jobs are being created and the economy is finally in recovery from the Great Bush Recession, the aforementioned drones will put on the breaks and with unseemly hysteria seek another avenue of attack.

Is it time to dust off the hysterical issue of our national debt? Will they double down on their claim that the chaos in Iraq is Obama's fault; is a new dominio theory in the works, this time Latin America is ready to storm our beaches?

Curious people want to know, what will the Ministry of Truth within the GOP do? Watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh for updates on their 'new' strategy.
No, we'll simply point out the truth, Catcher...unemployment numbers don't capture the reality of the "Obama Recovery" because so many people have either given up looking for work or have settled for a part time job because that's all there is.

You on the other hand, will continue to polish a turd...
Lowering unemployment because people give up and leave the work force,...yeah...awesome

4 more years of Obama we'll have 200 million people leaving the labor force and 5% unemployment.
Unemployment numbers are down creating another new opportunity for those who hate Obama. Remember when they whined Government couldn't create jobs, then the story become Obama is not creating jobs? Now that jobs are being created and the economy is finally in recovery from the Great Bush Recession, the aforementioned drones will put on the breaks and with unseemly hysteria seek another avenue of attack.

Is it time to dust off the hysterical issue of our national debt? Will they double down on their claim that the chaos in Iraq is Obama's fault; is a new dominio theory in the works, this time Latin America is ready to storm our beaches?

Curious people want to know, what will the Ministry of Truth within the GOP do? Watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh for updates on their 'new' strategy.

They found it, these numbers reflect "those leaving the work force'.
I don't know how any liberal can post this kind of propaganda and expect anyone to ever take them seriously.. What a fucking joke..
A month ago, we joked when we said that for Obama to get the unemployment rate to negative by election time, all he has to do is to crush the labor force participation rate to about 55%. Looks like the good folks at the BLS heard us: it appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that's not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one month! So as the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9 million. Which means that the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment calculation. As for the quality of jobs, as withholding taxes roll over Year over year, it can only mean that the US is replacing high paying FIRE jobs with low paying construction and manufacturing. So much for the improvement.
Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low | Zero Hedge
Do liberals ever worry about their own integrity? To come on here day in and day out with lies , lies, and damn lies.. is so beyond the scope of what normal people do.. What is it like to live in a world of lies and make believe continually?
It is their mission to try to discredit and undermine POTUS with every breath.

In order to fulfill that mission, they have to gin up some pretty deep B.S. at times.

Which undermines their credibility. So when a legitimate concern is raised - and yes there are plenty of legitimate concerns - they are actually helping POTUS brush off their legitimate complaints because they've made so many stupid ones.

"Oh, you can't take these idiots seriously. Look at the kind of crap they complain about," the POTUS defense says. And the intelligent, no-indoctrinated observer has to agree. "Yes, they raised some pretty ignorant stuff."

If you swing at EVERY pitch - you're easy to strike out. If you wait for a good pitch, you hit a lot more homers.
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It is their mission to try to discredit and undermine POTUS with every breath.

In order to fulfill that mission, they have to gin up some pretty deep B.S. at times.

Which undermines their credibility. So when a legitimate concern is raised - and yes there are plenty of legitimate concerns - they are actually helping POTUS brush off their legitimate complaints because they've made so many stupid ones.

"Oh, you can't take these idiots seriously. Look at the kind of crap they complain about," the POTUS defense says. And the intelligent, no-indoctrinated observer has to agree. "Yes, they raised some pretty ignorant stuff."

If you swing at EVERY pitch - you're easy to strike out. If you wait for a good pitch, you hit a lot more homers.

I love how leftists like yourself always pretend to be Independents yet continually put your foot in your mouth.. So provide some statistics instead of just telling us about the voices in your head, regarding "THE POTUS" and his economic policy. I'll be waiting.
It is their mission to try to discredit and undermine POTUS with every breath.

In order to fulfill that mission, they have to gin up some pretty deep B.S. at times.

Which undermines their credibility. So when a legitimate concern is raised - and yes there are plenty of legitimate concerns - they are actually helping POTUS brush off their legitimate complaints because they've made so many stupid ones.

"Oh, you can't take these idiots seriously. Look at the kind of crap they complain about," the POTUS defense says. And the intelligent, no-indoctrinated observer has to agree. "Yes, they raised some pretty ignorant stuff."

If you swing at EVERY pitch - you're easy to strike out. If you wait for a good pitch, you hit a lot more homers.

I love how leftists like yourself always pretend to be Independents yet continually put your foot in your mouth.. So provide some statistics instead of just telling us about the voices in your head, regarding "THE POTUS" and his economic policy. I'll be waiting.

statistics - on my post?

I love how extremists always try to invent someone to argue with rather than address the person's post directly.
It is their mission to try to discredit and undermine POTUS with every breath.

In order to fulfill that mission, they have to gin up some pretty deep B.S. at times.

Which undermines their credibility. So when a legitimate concern is raised - and yes there are plenty of legitimate concerns - they are actually helping POTUS brush off their legitimate complaints because they've made so many stupid ones.

"Oh, you can't take these idiots seriously. Look at the kind of crap they complain about," the POTUS defense says. And the intelligent, no-indoctrinated observer has to agree. "Yes, they raised some pretty ignorant stuff."

If you swing at EVERY pitch - you're easy to strike out. If you wait for a good pitch, you hit a lot more homers.

I love how leftists like yourself always pretend to be Independents yet continually put your foot in your mouth.. So provide some statistics instead of just telling us about the voices in your head, regarding "THE POTUS" and his economic policy. I'll be waiting.

statistics - on my post?

I love how extremists always try to invent someone to argue with rather than address the person's post directly.

I'm still waiting for a link to your statistics..
If they can crap on killing Bin Laden because they have have vowed to bitch about EVERYTHING, then they can certainly try to get people to swallow their "unskewing" of encouraging unemployment figures.

I don't blame them for trying. I blame people for swallowing their B.S.

There are far too many real concerns about this POTUS to waste one minute or one ounce of credibility trying to gin up B.S.
Well, thus far only the dumber members of the echo chamber (a shout out to CF and LGS) have responded, and in the usual manner. The Dow is up, unemployment is down and still they whine and complain. I guess they're convinced (..."you can fool some of the people all of the time...") that the UE rate is worse than the numbers in Obama's first year (of course, they don't realize that was all on the prior administration's policies).
Well, thus far only the dumber members of the echo chamber (a shout out to CF and LGS) have responded, and in the usual manner. The Dow is up, unemployment is down and still they whine and complain. I guess they're convinced (..."you can fool some of the people all of the time...") that the UE rate is worse than the numbers in Obama's first year (of course, they don't realize that was all on the prior administration's policies).

Gee, thanks.
Wry rates rich people getting richer as to some great MAGICAL compass for that Idiot in office.. Unemployment is not down-- the real numbers are shown in the UNDEREMPLOYED.. Now try to keep lying and spreading your propaganda.. it's no longer working.. Americans have finally awoken and seen that your messiah is nothing more than a used car salesman and a bad one at that.
Wow, blah blah blah.. As I thought.. nothing but lies and whining..

Here, I'll help you out..

USDA ERS - Food Price Outlook: Summary Findings

The gubmints numbers on food prices , inflation

There are liars ^^^, damn liars ^^^ and statistics (attributed to Mr. Mark Twain) and those who post non sequiturs.

There are reasons (plural) beyond the control of the POTUS and the Federal Govt. for food and fuel prices to rise. If Obama by Executive Order put in price controls (as did Nixon) the fools on the right would scream "SOCIALISM.
It is their mission to try to discredit and undermine POTUS with every breath.

In order to fulfill that mission, they have to gin up some pretty deep B.S. at times.

Which undermines their credibility. So when a legitimate concern is raised - and yes there are plenty of legitimate concerns - they are actually helping POTUS brush off their legitimate complaints because they've made so many stupid ones.

"Oh, you can't take these idiots seriously. Look at the kind of crap they complain about," the POTUS defense says. And the intelligent, no-indoctrinated observer has to agree. "Yes, they raised some pretty ignorant stuff."

If you swing at EVERY pitch - you're easy to strike out. If you wait for a good pitch, you hit a lot more homers.

I love how leftists like yourself always pretend to be Independents yet continually put your foot in your mouth.. So provide some statistics instead of just telling us about the voices in your head, regarding "THE POTUS" and his economic policy. I'll be waiting.

statistics - on my post?

I love how extremists always try to invent someone to argue with rather than address the person's post directly.

Calling people "extremists" isnt very helpful or accurate.
The truth is the labor force participation rate is at levels not seen since the 1970s. Fewer people in the labor force means a lower UE rate. Has there been some job growth? Yes. But the UE numbers reflect more people dropping out than people getting jobs.
Are you going to admit this or will you deflect to "Bush started two illegal wars", which is what libs always do?

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