Time for a New Declaration of Independence?


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Monday, July 4, 2011 will be the 235th anniversary of the Declaration of Indpendence. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, most Americans still agree with the basic principles in that historical document, and most (77%) still embrace the concept that a free people govern themselves.

Friday, July 01, 2011

The Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, asserts that “governments derive their only just powers from the consent of the governed.” A new Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 66% of American Adults agree with that statement, up 10 points from three years ago. Sixteen percent (16%) disagree. Another 18% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

But just 23% of Likely U.S. Voters think the government currently has the consent of the governed. Sixty-nine percent (69%) are at least somewhat angry with the current policies of the federal government, including 38% who are Very Angry.

Forty-five percent (45%) of voters agree with the following statement: The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians who want to rule over them is now as big as the gap between the American colonies and England during the 18th Century.
Americans Still Agree With Ideals Set Forth in the Declaration of Independence - Rasmussen Reports™
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So the question is:

Do you agree with the strong majority that a free people govern themselves?

Or do you agree with the political class that a strong central government is necessary to govern the people?
I believe that at this time a Strong Central Government IS necessary. The American people do not have the courage to embrace the morals, values, ethics, and ideals which are needed to allow people to properly self-determine.
I believe that at this time a Strong Central Government IS necessary. The American people do not have the courage to embrace the morals, values, ethics, and ideals which are needed to allow people to properly self-determine.

So the great American experiment is dead? It failed? You trust professional politicians that have become a quasi king/dictator to have superior morals, values, ethics, and ideals to those of the people they govern?
So the great American experiment is dead? It failed? You trust professional politicians that have become a quasi king/dictator to have superior morals, values, ethics, and ideals to those of the people they govern?

Yes, it has failed and it is dead. In fact TODAY, July 3rd marks the 148th Anniversary of that death. It died on a small rise of land known as Cemetary Ridge in the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania when Union soldiers repulsed the Confederate attack which has come to be known as Pickett's Charge. In the decisive moments of that battle the fate of America hung in the balance, and with the Union victory the American Civil War was all but LOST for True Americans and the True America WAS LOST for all eternity more than likely. Pickett's Charge is the turning point in American history, and it turned out to be a turn for the WORST.
So the question is:

Do you agree with the strong majority that a free people govern themselves?

Or do you agree with the political class that a strong central government is necessary to govern the people?

I don't agree with either statement.

The failure of the Articles of Confederation resulted in our Constitution, a document which balanced a federal government with checks and balances to prevent the tyranny of a majority or an absolute ruler.

I support the representative democracy which exists and reject efforts by demagogues and radicals whose subjective opinions are often based on avarice, bigotry, a callous disregard for their fellow citizens and ignorance.
So the question is:

Do you agree with the strong majority that a free people govern themselves?

Or do you agree with the political class that a strong central government is necessary to govern the people?

I don't agree with either statement.

The failure of the Articles of Confederation resulted in our Constitution, a document which balanced a federal government with checks and balances to prevent the tyranny of a majority or an absolute ruler.

I support the representative democracy which exists and reject efforts by demagogues and radicals whose subjective opinions are often based on avarice, bigotry, a callous disregard for their fellow citizens and ignorance.

In the OP, the poll says 77% of the people don't believe we have a representative democracy.
ill say this, if there was a group of citizens wanting to take the country back to the foundation of liberty for all and limited self government, i would join them.
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In the OP, the poll says 77% of the people don't believe we have a representative democracy.

I would count myself among that 77%. We have elections but they mean NOTHING. Most people simply choose between the lesser of two evils. We allow people who were never intended to be involved in the governmental process to begin with to have significant influence on the outcome of these elections. Then the individuals we elect go off and do whatever the hell they want, regardless of what they promised to do during their campaigns. That is NOT Representative Democracy.
So the great American experiment is dead? It failed? You trust professional politicians that have become a quasi king/dictator to have superior morals, values, ethics, and ideals to those of the people they govern?

Yes, it has failed and it is dead. In fact TODAY, July 3rd marks the 148th Anniversary of that death. It died on a small rise of land known as Cemetary Ridge in the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania when Union soldiers repulsed the Confederate attack which has come to be known as Pickett's Charge. In the decisive moments of that battle the fate of America hung in the balance, and with the Union victory the American Civil War was all but LOST for True Americans and the True America WAS LOST for all eternity more than likely. Pickett's Charge is the turning point in American history, and it turned out to be a turn for the WORST.

I 100%agree with you

That was the day that States Rights were buried.

And the rise of the totalitarian Federal Government was born
we have more of a represenative domocracy than when George Washington was elected by Congress and the states appointed Senators, Women were not allowed to vote and slaves had not rights what so ever.
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I don't think we need to look any farther than the situation in Europe, social democracy failed there and it will fail here if we go down that road. I am totally against a strong central gov't that continually chips away at our individual rights and freedoms. But we've got too many people who aren't paying attention and don't know what's going on. In one sense I can't blame them, it's hard enough making a living and taking care of your family. And the media in this country is biased one way or the oher, so it's difficult to get the truth. But we better get invloved and become more informed or we're going to pay a heavy price. And our children will have to pay it too, which really bothers me. We fucked it up for them, and there's no excuse for that.
we have more of a represenative domcracy than when George Washington was elected by Congress and the states appointed Senators, Women were not allowed to vote and slaves had not rights what so ever.

Most of what you described is exactly the problem (with the exception of the slavery bit). This country was never intended to be run by the Masses, but rather by an Informed and Educated electorate. While I would suggest that the definition of an Informed and Educated electrorate has changed slightly over time, I would say it's much closer to what it was at that time than what it is now.
Friday, July 4, 2011 will be the 235th anniversary of the Declaration of Indpendence. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, most Americans still agree with the basic principles in that historical document, but most (77%) think we still embrace them.

Friday, July 01, 2011

The Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, asserts that “governments derive their only just powers from the consent of the governed.” A new Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 66% of American Adults agree with that statement, up 10 points from three years ago. Sixteen percent (16%) disagree. Another 18% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

But just 23% of Likely U.S. Voters think the government currently has the consent of the governed. Sixty-nine percent (69%) are at least somewhat angry with the current policies of the federal government, including 38% who are Very Angry.

Forty-five percent (45%) of voters agree with the following statement: The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians who want to rule over them is now as big as the gap between the American colonies and England during the 18th Century.
Americans Still Agree With Ideals Set Forth in the Declaration of Independence - Rasmussen Reports™

Given how divided our nation and people have become and given how hostile our Government is to the people I think it might be time to look at dividing this nation. Our Constitution is fine what isn't fine is our elected representatives have figured that they can rule by fiat without the consent of the people.
does it bother you to pay your parents debts? They will leave some behind also, those 30 year Treasury notes don't pay themselves.
Friday, July 4, 2011 will be the 235th anniversary of the Declaration of Indpendence. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, most Americans still agree with the basic principles in that historical document, but most (77%) think we still embrace them.

Friday, July 01, 2011

The Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, asserts that “governments derive their only just powers from the consent of the governed.” A new Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 66% of American Adults agree with that statement, up 10 points from three years ago. Sixteen percent (16%) disagree. Another 18% are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

But just 23% of Likely U.S. Voters think the government currently has the consent of the governed. Sixty-nine percent (69%) are at least somewhat angry with the current policies of the federal government, including 38% who are Very Angry.

Forty-five percent (45%) of voters agree with the following statement: The gap between Americans who want to govern themselves and politicians who want to rule over them is now as big as the gap between the American colonies and England during the 18th Century.
Americans Still Agree With Ideals Set Forth in the Declaration of Independence - Rasmussen Reports™

Given how divided our nation and people have become and given how hostile our Government is to the people I think it might be time to look at dividing this nation. Our Constitution is fine what isn't fine is our elected representatives have figured that they can rule by fiat without the consent of the people.

how can we be operating by(buzz word) fiat? The people that are in charge are elected by the masses
Friday, July 4, 2011 will be the 235th anniversary of the Declaration of Indpendence. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, most Americans still agree with the basic principles in that historical document, but most (77%) think we still embrace them.

Given how divided our nation and people have become and given how hostile our Government is to the people I think it might be time to look at dividing this nation. Our Constitution is fine what isn't fine is our elected representatives have figured that they can rule by fiat without the consent of the people.

how can we be operating by(buzz word) fiat? The people that are in charge are elected by the masses

Obama is now attacking 6 nations without the consent of congress his supporters say that is fine. Congress has driven our nation so far into debt that we will never see the light of day without the consent of the people and when the people step up to put a stop to it they are attacked by the same supporters.

Our nation is a nation of law's not of men today those law are being ignored in fact flaunted before the very people to which they are accountable to.

Our Nation and its Laws can only work if they are enforced and understood today we see these law's being subverted by those whom we hold in charge.

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