Top 10 Federal Government autrocities


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
#10: Tax withholdings from paycheck - Hides true cost of government, people should have to actually write a check to know what government costs

#9: Progressive income tax - Instrument of political power, a tool for politicians to set classes against each other for the same reason Marxists use it

#8: New London (Supreme Court) - government can confiscate land for it's own interest and not the people's, dramatically undercuts right to property

#7: Roe v. Wade - Crown jewel of legislating from Bench and making up rights

#6: No Child Gets Ahead - Government not going to be challenged by itself, critical to the success of the other atrocities

#5: Direct election of Senators - Killed State rights

#4: Elimination of the 9th and 10th Amendments - Constitutional Authority no longer required

#3: Creation of Federal Reserve/Leaving Gold Standard - License to steal from the American People

#2: Income Tax/War on Drugs - End of privacy and instrument of unbridled government power, and both come with the assumption of guilt.

And the #1 Federal Government atrocity...

Social Security/Medicare/Obamacare - Make all Americans dependent on government for their basic needs, they got you by the gonads after this, people.
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#10: Tax withholdings from paycheck (FDR) - Hides true cost of government, people should have to actually write a check to know what government costs


#9: Progressive income tax - Instrument of political power, a tool for politicians to set classes against each other for the same reason Marxists use it.


#8: New London (Supreme Court) - government can confiscate land for it's own interest and not the people's, dramatically undercuts right to property


#7: Roe v. Wade (Supreme Court) - Crown jewel of legislating from Bench and making up rights


Women own their bodies. Neither the states nor the federal government has authority to nationalize women's uterus.

#6: No Child Gets Ahead - Government not going to be challenged by itself, critical to the success of the other atrocities


#5: Direct election of Senators - Killed State rights


#4: Elimination of the 9th and 10th Amendments - Constitutional Authority no longer required


#3: Creation of Federal Reserve/Leaving Gold Standard - License to steal from the American People


#2: Income Tax/War on Drugs - End of privacy and instrument of unbridled government power, and both come with the assumption of guilt.


And the #1 Federal Government atrocity...

Social Security/Medicare/Obamacare - Make all Americans dependent on government for their basic needs, they got you by the gonads after this, people.


You're lamenting Roe v. Wade, and the "elimination of the 9th amendment " and the "end of privacy" in a single thread?

Absolutely, I'm intellectually consistent. Where in the Constitution is the right to an abortion? I specifically stated "Federal" atrocities, and this was one of those reasons. Just because it's "privacy" doesn't mean you can make up a right. If you want a Federal right to abortion then amend the Constitution, don't make up a right there. This is such a perfect example of the trap that leads to our destruction. Once we start taking shortcuts and creating new rights by 5 of 9 vote, then the door is open, which is exactly what happened.

Now I agree that States banning abortion is a violation of our privacy and I support the right to an abortion. But making up a Federal right is far more destructive. I personally think States should decide. If you get 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4 then I'm OK with a Constitutional Amendment. I'm not OK with just making up a right because we want it. It's game over then, everything else is justified by the same 5/9 vote.

Women own their bodies. Neither the states nor the federal government has authority to nationalize women's uterus

Murder is State law, not Federal. It is in fact the 9th and 10th Amendments that give us the right to privacy. Decisions like Roe v. Wade come about specifically because since we eliminated the requirement for Constitutional Authority, suddenly some rights we wanted to keep became in play. For the left, re-instituting the 9th and 10th were not an option because too much government power would be lost. So then making up rights became necessary. Privacy is ensured by limiting Federal power to enumerated Federal powers, it's not granting all power except rights that are excepted from that Federal power. Which is why making up rights at the Federal level with no Constitutional authority is just as dangerous as ignoring limits on power, it removes the Constitution from being the ruler and opens the door to making up powers that aren't enumerated.

The Constitution is changed by 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4, it is not changed by 5/9.
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#10: Tax withholdings from paycheck - Hides true cost of government, people should have to actually write a check to know what government costs

#9: Progressive income tax - Instrument of political power, a tool for politicians to set classes against each other for the same reason Marxists use it

#8: New London (Supreme Court) - government can confiscate land for it's own interest and not the people's, dramatically undercuts right to property

#7: Roe v. Wade - Crown jewel of legislating from Bench and making up rights

#6: No Child Gets Ahead - Government not going to be challenged by itself, critical to the success of the other atrocities

#5: Direct election of Senators - Killed State rights

#4: Elimination of the 9th and 10th Amendments - Constitutional Authority no longer required

#3: Creation of Federal Reserve/Leaving Gold Standard - License to steal from the American People

#2: Income Tax/War on Drugs - End of privacy and instrument of unbridled government power, and both come with the assumption of guilt.

And the #1 Federal Government atrocity...

Social Security/Medicare/Obamacare - Make all Americans dependent on government for their basic needs, they got you by the gonads after this, people.

AKA: The battlelines in the Progressive Jihad on America

Women own their bodies. Neither the states nor the federal government has authority to nationalize women's uterus

Murder is State law, not Federal.

Agree. But not relevant to the discussion.

It is in fact the 9th and 10th Amendments that give us the right to privacy.


As well as the right of self-ownership.

Decisions like Roe v. Wade come about specifically because since we eliminated the requirement for Constitutional Authority, suddenly some rights we wanted to keep became in play.

How so?

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution

The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

For the left, re-instituting the 9th and 10th were not an option because too much government power would be lost. So then making up rights became necessary.

Well, true.

From my standpoint the Ninth Amendment is still the supreme law of the land.

Even though the fascists - liberals and conservatives alike - pretend that it doesn't exist.


Women own their bodies. Neither the states nor the federal government has authority to nationalize women's uterus.

What part of "pregnant women carry live human babies" do you not understand? Did you think they carried watermelon?

"the live human babies" part.

But even if they are, since it is their bodies, they can terminate the relationship an any time.

Not a fucking thing you can do.


Women own their bodies. Neither the states nor the federal government has authority to nationalize women's uterus.

What part of "pregnant women carry live human babies" do you not understand? Did you think they carried watermelon?

It is an atrocity because it's not in the Constitution regardless of your position on abortion. I'm pro-choice, but that fact doesn't make it an enumerated Federal power. I find elimination of Constitutional Authority based on enumerated power used to undermine State and personal freedom to be a greater threat.

But anyone who tells a woman she must carry a baby to term using the power of government guns to enforce their own morality is as intellectually lazy as liberals who want to use the same force to do their charity for them.

Women own their bodies. Neither the states nor the federal government has authority to nationalize women's uterus.

What part of "pregnant women carry live human babies" do you not understand? Did you think they carried watermelon?

It is an atrocity because it's not in the Constitution regardless of your position on abortion. I'm pro-choice, but that fact doesn't make it an enumerated Federal power. I find elimination of Constitutional Authority based on enumerated power used to undermine State and personal freedom to be a greater threat.

But anyone who tells a woman she must carry a baby to term using the power of government guns to enforce their own morality is as intellectually lazy as liberals who want to use the same force to do their charity for them.

What morality are you talking about? Are you saying that ending a human life is okay?

Women own their bodies. Neither the states nor the federal government has authority to nationalize women's uterus

Murder is State law, not Federal.

Agree. But not relevant to the discussion.

As well as the right of self-ownership.

Decisions like Roe v. Wade come about specifically because since we eliminated the requirement for Constitutional Authority, suddenly some rights we wanted to keep became in play.

How so?

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution

The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Right, and abortion is not in the Constitution, so whether it's murder or legal (above) is a State right or the people's right. You realize you're supporting me on this. No mention in the Constitution, therefore, it goes to the States or the people (10th) and is as important as any "right" stated in the Constitution (9th).

Abortion is not in the Constitution, the Federal government has zero authority to say anything about it. They cannot ban it, they cannot enable it. They have no authority any more then I do to decide that you can or cannot have macaroni and cheese for dinner. I have no say either way.
What part of "pregnant women carry live human babies" do you not understand? Did you think they carried watermelon?

It is an atrocity because it's not in the Constitution regardless of your position on abortion. I'm pro-choice, but that fact doesn't make it an enumerated Federal power. I find elimination of Constitutional Authority based on enumerated power used to undermine State and personal freedom to be a greater threat.

But anyone who tells a woman she must carry a baby to term using the power of government guns to enforce their own morality is as intellectually lazy as liberals who want to use the same force to do their charity for them.

What morality are you talking about? Are you saying that ending a human life is okay?

Have you read the discussion? I'll shout, see if you can hear. I am saying...

It's not in the Constitution, therefore the Federal government has no say

But I have a question for you. You seriously believe that everything that is not okay must be banned by government? Seriously? If you don't understand my answer, re-read your question.
"the live human babies" part.

But even if they are, since it is their bodies, they can terminate the relationship an any time.

Not a fucking thing you can do.


:lol: You don't believe pregnant women carry live human babies. :lol:


Listen Vern, I understand that from the mystic standpoint what the women have done is sacrilegious. Get even in judgment day. Whenever your god almighty determine that day to be.

But if you try to intertwine ecclesiastical with civil constitutional law then I will fight you every step of the way.

Relocate to a country where theocracies are permitted,ie, Afghanistan, Iran, Ireland....esther la vista dude.

It is an atrocity because it's not in the Constitution regardless of your position on abortion. I'm pro-choice, but that fact doesn't make it an enumerated Federal power. I find elimination of Constitutional Authority based on enumerated power used to undermine State and personal freedom to be a greater threat.

But anyone who tells a woman she must carry a baby to term using the power of government guns to enforce their own morality is as intellectually lazy as liberals who want to use the same force to do their charity for them.

What morality are you talking about? Are you saying that ending a human life is okay?

Have you read the discussion? I'll shout, see if you can hear. I am saying...

It's not in the Constitution, therefore the Federal government has no say


Correction: The Federal government does have a say if a murder is a Federal crime.
What part of "pregnant women carry live human babies" do you not understand? Did you think they carried watermelon?

It is an atrocity because it's not in the Constitution regardless of your position on abortion. I'm pro-choice, but that fact doesn't make it an enumerated Federal power. I find elimination of Constitutional Authority based on enumerated power used to undermine State and personal freedom to be a greater threat.

But anyone who tells a woman she must carry a baby to term using the power of government guns to enforce their own morality is as intellectually lazy as liberals who want to use the same force to do their charity for them.

What morality are you talking about? Are you saying that ending a human life is okay?

Sure it is.

I love blow jobs. My BFF loves to swallow. She is killing all those live sperm cells with her gastric juices. Are you saying that she might be arrested , prosecuted and jailed. Say it ain't so, I hate doing it with my left hand.


:lol: You don't believe pregnant women carry live human babies. :lol:


Listen Vern, I understand that from the mystic standpoint what the women have done is sacrilegious. Get even in judgment day. Whenever your god almighty determine that day to be.

But if you try to intertwine ecclesiastical with civil constitutional law then I will fight you every step of the way.

Relocate to a country where theocracies are permitted,ie, Afghanistan, Iran, Ireland....esther la vista dude.


You are way off topic. How do you know if someone is alive? They have a pulse. We're talking about stopping a beating heart. If you want to talk about religion, start another thread.
Murder is State law, not Federal.

Agree. But not relevant to the discussion.

As well as the right of self-ownership.

Decisions like Roe v. Wade come about specifically because since we eliminated the requirement for Constitutional Authority, suddenly some rights we wanted to keep became in play.

How so?

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution

The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Right, and abortion is not in the Constitution, so whether it's murder or legal (above) is a State right or the people's right. You realize you're supporting me on this. .

How the fuck am I supporting you?

The constitution does not mention other rights RETAINED BY THE PEOPLE, ie, the right to take a crap, to take a leak, ad nauseam.

Are you then............constipated?

What morality are you talking about? Are you saying that ending a human life is okay?

Have you read the discussion? I'll shout, see if you can hear. I am saying...

It's not in the Constitution, therefore the Federal government has no say


Correction: The Federal government does have a say if a murder is a Federal crime.

Where in the Constitution does the Federal government have the power to go into a State and prosecute a citizen for murder?

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