Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

Except it doesn’t say the universe is flat. And even if it did, how did they come up with this knowledge before telescopes?

It just goes to show sealybobo has no idea about the Bible. First and foremost, it is God's word so that is the ultimate knowledge. It says the universe is like a scroll. Ancient peoples would understand this just like we do today. A scroll is flat, curved at the top and bottom edges and is bounded. Science showed that the universe is flat when many thought it was saddle shaped. The creation scientists are waiting for the curved edges to be shown as the curvature of space time and the bounded universe with edges at the boundary. It means that our galaxy is at the center and not centerless.

I can only hope that sealybobo believes in God one day and realizes that if God created the universe and everything in it, then this isn't the real world. It's God's world that is the real world and this is just an illusion. This is all in the mind.
The Bible is gods word? That’s not true but shows how delusional you are. The Bible was written by men who never even met jesus
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.
If the original Bible says the earth is a oblate spheroid, why did Christians in the year 100 ad, 200ad, 800ad, 1200ad, etc.....all thought the earth was flat.

First of all did people 2000 years ago know the term oblate spheroid?
/——-/ Why yes indeed. Now prove they didn’t

Isaac Newton first proposed that Earth was not perfectly round. Instead, he suggested it was an oblate spheroid—a sphere that is squashed at its poles and swollen at the equator.

No religion first proposed this. It was Isaac Newton. The year 1643.

And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on earth or sea or against any tree.
Then I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds so they did not blow on the earth or the sea, or even on any tree.
Except it doesn’t say the universe is flat. And even if it did, how did they come up with this knowledge before telescopes?

It just goes to show sealybobo has no idea about the Bible. First and foremost, it is God's word so that is the ultimate knowledge. It says the universe is like a scroll. Ancient peoples would understand this just like we do today. A scroll is flat, curved at the top and bottom edges and is bounded. Science showed that the universe is flat when many thought it was saddle shaped. The creation scientists are waiting for the curved edges to be shown as the curvature of space time and the bounded universe with edges at the boundary. It means that our galaxy is at the center and not centerless.

I can only hope that sealybobo believes in God one day and realizes that if God created the universe and everything in it, then this isn't the real world. It's God's world that is the real world and this is just an illusion. This is all in the mind.
The Bible is gods word? That’s not true but shows how delusional you are. The Bible was written by men who never even met jesus
/-----/ "The Bible was written by men who never even met jesus "
Most biographers never met the person they write about. What's your point?
BTW Jesus is a proper noun and should be capitalized regardless if you believe in him.
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Non sequitur by Hawking. If the Big Bang created the Universe from nothing, there was NOTHING. No space, no time. Nothing.

I saw this on a feed and wondered what Hawking was talking about, it makes no sense. Many people think the Big Bang happened in empty space. The theory is that the universe came into existence from nothing. This is a very hard concept for humans to imagine as they always picture empty space or some 'space' where things had to happen. No, there was not even empty space, nothing means the absolute value of nothing.
What Hawking actually said directly from the link,"He tells physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson that amid the almost infinitely small quantum foam of the singularity before the Big Bang, time existed in a 'bent'" state.
It was distorted along another dimension — always getting fractionally closer to, but never becoming, nothing.
So there never was a Big Bang that created something from nothing."

The real theory is there is no such thing as nothing!
Except it doesn’t say the universe is flat. And even if it did, how did they come up with this knowledge before telescopes?

It just goes to show sealybobo has no idea about the Bible. First and foremost, it is God's word so that is the ultimate knowledge. It says the universe is like a scroll. Ancient peoples would understand this just like we do today. A scroll is flat, curved at the top and bottom edges and is bounded. Science showed that the universe is flat when many thought it was saddle shaped. The creation scientists are waiting for the curved edges to be shown as the curvature of space time and the bounded universe with edges at the boundary. It means that our galaxy is at the center and not centerless.

I can only hope that sealybobo believes in God one day and realizes that if God created the universe and everything in it, then this isn't the real world. It's God's world that is the real world and this is just an illusion. This is all in the mind.
The Bible is gods word? That’s not true but shows how delusional you are. The Bible was written by men who never even met jesus

That's disengenuous. The entire Old Testament was written before He assumed human form as Messiah. There are actually only a few books written by those who met him.
I am aware of the multiverse theory. I personally think super or ultra massive black holes may be involved but we don't know.

And as I said we'll have to see what other top physicists say about this.
If you understand the Big Bang happened around 14 billion years ago how hard is it to understand there was a time 29 billion years ago. That time did exist. This universe may not have existed but time as we know it is eternal.

The Big Bang theory is that everything including time came into existence at that moment. Before that there was nothing.
No there was always energy, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so there never was nothing and there never will be nothing.
I am aware of the multiverse theory. I personally think super or ultra massive black holes may be involved but we don't know.

And as I said we'll have to see what other top physicists say about this.
If you understand the Big Bang happened around 14 billion years ago how hard is it to understand there was a time 29 billion years ago. That time did exist. This universe may not have existed but time as we know it is eternal.

The Big Bang theory is that everything including time came into existence at that moment. Before that there was nothing.
No there was always energy, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so there never was nothing and there never will be nothing.

Let's explore that. All the energy of the universe (because there was no matter) was contained in a singularity that had nothing to restrain it from expanding (because none of the forces, including gravity, existed, even time). Is that what you're saying?

That naturally leads to the inevitable question, what put all that energy in that state if forces like gravity didn't exist to pull it together and hold it?

I think it's at least safe to say there was nothing, and no energy, in the universe because the universe itself didn't exist. The energy then had to come from outside the universe. It had to be placed in that singularity so it could expand.

And remember, we cannot allow any intelligence to be guiding any of this.
Except it doesn’t say the universe is flat. And even if it did, how did they come up with this knowledge before telescopes?

It just goes to show sealybobo has no idea about the Bible. First and foremost, it is God's word so that is the ultimate knowledge. It says the universe is like a scroll. Ancient peoples would understand this just like we do today. A scroll is flat, curved at the top and bottom edges and is bounded. Science showed that the universe is flat when many thought it was saddle shaped. The creation scientists are waiting for the curved edges to be shown as the curvature of space time and the bounded universe with edges at the boundary. It means that our galaxy is at the center and not centerless.

I can only hope that sealybobo believes in God one day and realizes that if God created the universe and everything in it, then this isn't the real world. It's God's world that is the real world and this is just an illusion. This is all in the mind.
The Bible is gods word? That’s not true but shows how delusional you are. The Bible was written by men who never even met jesus
/-----/ "The Bible was written by men who never even met jesus "
Most biographers never met the person they write about. What's your point?
BTW Jesus is a proper noun and should be capitalized regardless if you believe in him.
do You think god cares?
Except it doesn’t say the universe is flat. And even if it did, how did they come up with this knowledge before telescopes?

It just goes to show sealybobo has no idea about the Bible. First and foremost, it is God's word so that is the ultimate knowledge. It says the universe is like a scroll. Ancient peoples would understand this just like we do today. A scroll is flat, curved at the top and bottom edges and is bounded. Science showed that the universe is flat when many thought it was saddle shaped. The creation scientists are waiting for the curved edges to be shown as the curvature of space time and the bounded universe with edges at the boundary. It means that our galaxy is at the center and not centerless.

I can only hope that sealybobo believes in God one day and realizes that if God created the universe and everything in it, then this isn't the real world. It's God's world that is the real world and this is just an illusion. This is all in the mind.
The Bible is gods word? That’s not true but shows how delusional you are. The Bible was written by men who never even met jesus

That's disengenuous. The entire Old Testament was written before He assumed human form as Messiah. There are actually only a few books written by those who met him.
What books?
I am aware of the multiverse theory. I personally think super or ultra massive black holes may be involved but we don't know.

And as I said we'll have to see what other top physicists say about this.
If you understand the Big Bang happened around 14 billion years ago how hard is it to understand there was a time 29 billion years ago. That time did exist. This universe may not have existed but time as we know it is eternal.

The Big Bang theory is that everything including time came into existence at that moment. Before that there was nothing.
No there was always energy, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so there never was nothing and there never will be nothing.

Let's explore that. All the energy of the universe (because there was no matter) was contained in a singularity that had nothing to restrain it from expanding (because none of the forces, including gravity, existed, even time). Is that what you're saying?

That naturally leads to the inevitable question, what put all that energy in that state if forces like gravity didn't exist to pull it together and hold it?

I think it's at least safe to say there was nothing, and no energy, in the universe because the universe itself didn't exist. The energy then had to come from outside the universe. It had to be placed in that singularity so it could expand.

And remember, we cannot allow any intelligence to be guiding any of this.
Not true. We now know that deep dark empty space has charged particles that come in and out of existence. It really is miraculous.
I am aware of the multiverse theory. I personally think super or ultra massive black holes may be involved but we don't know.

And as I said we'll have to see what other top physicists say about this.
If you understand the Big Bang happened around 14 billion years ago how hard is it to understand there was a time 29 billion years ago. That time did exist. This universe may not have existed but time as we know it is eternal.

The Big Bang theory is that everything including time came into existence at that moment. Before that there was nothing.
No there was always energy, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, so there never was nothing and there never will be nothing.

What put all that energy in that state if forces like gravity didn't exist to pull it together and hold it?

I think the answer is we don't know. Do you claim to know?
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Pretty funny. I actually have studied QT and GUT fairly extensively as I have the life and works of Hawking. Of course he's dead now, but he began his career essentially confirming, clarifying and establishing the Big Bang, and now in one of his final moments he is saying it never happened! Of course time had a beginning, it must have, as did the universe, nothing phenomenal can have an infinite quality! But neither does that mean that there was a time before time.
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Pretty funny. I actually have studied QT and GUT fairly extensively as I have the life and works of Hawking. Of course he's dead now, but he began his career essentially confirming, clarifying and establishing the Big Bang, and now in one of his final moments he is saying it never happened! Of course time had a beginning, it must have, as did the universe, nothing phenomenal can have an infinite quality! But neither does that mean that there was a time before time.

What he was saying is that the big bang may just be the start of our observable universe.

You need to watch this episode: New discoveries are causing astronomers to question if the Big Bang really happened, and using the latest science, they investigate if it wasn't just the start of our universe but many mysterious multiverses.

Did the Big Bang Really Happen? | How the Universe Works
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Pretty funny. I actually have studied QT and GUT fairly extensively as I have the life and works of Hawking. Of course he's dead now, but he began his career essentially confirming, clarifying and establishing the Big Bang, and now in one of his final moments he is saying it never happened! Of course time had a beginning, it must have, as did the universe, nothing phenomenal can have an infinite quality! But neither does that mean that there was a time before time.

What he was saying is that the big bang may just be the start of our observable universe.

You need to watch this episode: New discoveries are causing astronomers to question if the Big Bang really happened, and using the latest science, they investigate if it wasn't just the start of our universe but many mysterious multiverses.

Did the Big Bang Really Happen? | How the Universe Works

Well of course the Big Bang was the start of this observable universe! That goes without saying! Before the Big Bang, there was no space and without space you cannot have time.
You will lose everything in the end too.

What good will material wealth do me after I am gone and ready to start my second life? It's only here temporarily for us to do something good and fruitful with it and serve the Lord. God provides us with the advantageous position of knowing the Lord. "17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Pretty funny. I actually have studied QT and GUT fairly extensively as I have the life and works of Hawking. Of course he's dead now, but he began his career essentially confirming, clarifying and establishing the Big Bang, and now in one of his final moments he is saying it never happened! Of course time had a beginning, it must have, as did the universe, nothing phenomenal can have an infinite quality! But neither does that mean that there was a time before time.

What he was saying is that the big bang may just be the start of our observable universe.

You need to watch this episode: New discoveries are causing astronomers to question if the Big Bang really happened, and using the latest science, they investigate if it wasn't just the start of our universe but many mysterious multiverses.

Did the Big Bang Really Happen? | How the Universe Works

Well of course the Big Bang was the start of this observable universe! That goes without saying! Before the Big Bang, there was no space and without space you cannot have time.
You don't know what was before the big bang. Stop making shit up.
You will lose everything in the end too.

What good will material wealth do me after I am gone and ready to start my second life? It's only here temporarily for us to do something good and fruitful with it and serve the Lord. God provides us with the advantageous position of knowing the Lord. "17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17
That's what they tell poor people.

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