Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.
And who taught you all of that? The Bible, or science? Easy answer.
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.
And who taught you all of that? The Bible, or science? Easy answer.
He’s using science he likes.
Hawking though would now have to explain if there is something outside of our universe.
Hawking is saying: maybe yes. Maybe no. And that it may make no difference, to what we observe. But it may.

He is saying that there does exist a mathematical solution that can result in boundless spacetime, even when there is the appearance that it "began" to those within.
Except it doesn’t say the universe is flat. And even if it did, how did they come up with this knowledge before telescopes?

It just goes to show sealybobo has no idea about the Bible. First and foremost, it is God's word so that is the ultimate knowledge. It says the universe is like a scroll. Ancient peoples would understand this just like we do today. A scroll is flat, curved at the top and bottom edges and is bounded. Science showed that the universe is flat when many thought it was saddle shaped. The creation scientists are waiting for the curved edges to be shown as the curvature of space time and the bounded universe with edges at the boundary. It means that our galaxy is at the center and not centerless.

I can only hope that sealybobo believes in God one day and realizes that if God created the universe and everything in it, then this isn't the real world. It's God's world that is the real world and this is just an illusion. This is all in the mind.
And who taught you all of that? The Bible, or science? Easy answer.

It was in the Bible first. My theory is the low brow internet atheists made up "flat earthers" to describe their parents. We know that even in Columbus' day that people didn't believe the Earth was flat.

At least the flat earthers are only wrong about the Earth being flat. The atheists are wrong about practically everything else and will lose everything in the end and you Fort Fun Indiana will know what a billion years is watching to see if abiogenesis happens.
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Hawking though would now have to explain if there is something outside of our universe.
Hawking is saying: maybe yes. Maybe no. And that it may make no difference, to what we observe. But it may.

He is saying that there does exist a mathematical solution that can result in boundless spacetime, even when there is the appearance that it "began" to those within.

Why is atheist science the complete opposite of creation science? It's 180 degrees different. The Bible states that it is a bounded universe and spacetime curves at the edges of the two sides. This means the universe is bounded and has the Milky Way as the center (galactocentric). It means only one of us can be right and so far God through his Bible is 100% right. We know Hawking died not being right and now he's being contradicted by others atheist scientists since he's dead.
Why is atheist science the complete opposite of creation science? It's 180 degrees different. The Bible states that it is a bounded universe and spacetime curves at the edges of the two sides. This means the universe is bounded and has the Milky Way as the center (galactocentric). It means only one of us can be right and so far God through his Bible is 100% right. We know Hawking died not being right and now he's being contradicted by others atheist scientists since he's dead.

Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.

You must have one of those new-fangled, new-wave bibles because none of the other versions identify an oblate spheroid.

That, of course, begs the question; why didn’t the gods get editing rights to the Bible’s that we know were written by men who obviously did think the earth was flat?

Were the gods just too busy with their administrative duties?
/———/ God was preoccupied at the time. The Devil had made up a story about God colluding with Budda to gain control of the universe. Anyway the special prosecutor came up empty handed and God was not impeached as our creator. I think it was in the Book of CNN.
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Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.
If the original Bible says the earth is a oblate spheroid, why did Christians in the year 100 ad, 200ad, 800ad, 1200ad, etc.....all thought the earth was flat.

First of all did people 2000 years ago know the term oblate spheroid?
/——-/ Why yes indeed. Now prove they didn’t
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.

You must have one of those new-fangled, new-wave bibles because none of the other versions identify an oblate spheroid.

That, of course, begs the question; why didn’t the gods get editing rights to the Bible’s that we know were written by men who obviously did think the earth was flat?

Were the gods just too busy with their administrative duties?
Funny because Christians before Christopher Columbus swore the earth was flat.
/——-/ Wrong again Cupcake.
Answer: It has actually been known that the Earth was round since the time of the ancient Greeks. I believe that it was Pythagoras who first proposed that the Earth was round sometime around 500 B.C. As I recall, he based his idea on the fact that he showed the Moon must be round by observing the shape of the terminator...
And who taught you all of that? The Bible, or science? Easy answer.

It was in the Bible first. My theory is the low brow internet atheists made up "flat earthers" to describe their parents. We know that even in Columbus' day that people didn't believe the Earth was flat.

At least the flat earthers are only wrong about the Earth being flat. The atheists are wrong about practically everything else and will lose everything in the end and you Fort Fun Indiana will know what a billion years is watching to see if abiogenesis happens.
You will lose everything in the end too.
Well scientists have discovered our universe, on a grand scale, is flat. That suggests a lot. Can you tell us what a flat universe might mean?

It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.
If the original Bible says the earth is a oblate spheroid, why did Christians in the year 100 ad, 200ad, 800ad, 1200ad, etc.....all thought the earth was flat.

First of all did people 2000 years ago know the term oblate spheroid?
/——-/ Why yes indeed. Now prove they didn’t
After you prove jesus was more than just a man.

The Jews saw him and dont buy the story why should we? When jews convert so will I.
It means science backs up the Bible. The universe is described as a scroll. Thus, it has a boundary or edges and curves (up is my opinion) and space time curves at the boundary.

The Bibles also suggest a flat Earth. Clearly that was a prominent view by many at the time.

That would suggest that your use of the Bibles as science texts leaves you lacking.
/——-/ My bible says the is Earth is not round but oblate spheroid. Earth's shape also changes over time due to a menagerie of other dynamic factors. Mass shifts around inside the planet, altering those gravitational anomalies. Mountains and valleys emerge and disappear due to plate tectonics. Occasionally meteors crater the surface.

You must have one of those new-fangled, new-wave bibles because none of the other versions identify an oblate spheroid.

That, of course, begs the question; why didn’t the gods get editing rights to the Bible’s that we know were written by men who obviously did think the earth was flat?

Were the gods just too busy with their administrative duties?
Funny because Christians before Christopher Columbus swore the earth was flat.
/——-/ Wrong again Cupcake.
Answer: It has actually been known that the Earth was round since the time of the ancient Greeks. I believe that it was Pythagoras who first proposed that the Earth was round sometime around 500 B.C. As I recall, he based his idea on the fact that he showed the Moon must be round by observing the shape of the terminator...
Yes and religion took over and said he was crazy.

Same way they did giordano Bruno who said we were not the center of the universe.

This is insane. Younuts are just nuts
Howard stern sent a guy to the flat earth convention. Like the nuts here those nuts have their “facts” down. They are hard to argue with.
There will be much discussion of this.

Time did not begin with the Big Bang - Stephen Hawking

"The boundary condition of the universe ... is that it has no boundary," Hawking tells the National Geographic's Star Talk show this weekend.

In other words, there is no time before time began as time was always there.

Time is just a human construct. It doesn’t actually exist
If no humans existed on earth the earth would still take 24 to go around the sun. Other animals wouldn’t be smart enough to do the math but the math still exists

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