Three More Convicted In Witmer Plot

Today it seems that a person who is careless enough to log on to weird internet sites can be arrested for agreeing to fantasy plots even if they had no intention of following up . The modern FBI is always watching. Meanwhile nut cases get away with pushing unsuspected tourists off a subway platform.
The cucks here should start their posts off with a disclaimer so the FBI knows that they are nothing but fantasy players. 😄
Today it seems that a person who is careless enough to log on to weird internet sites can be arrested for agreeing to fantasy plots even if they had no intention of following up . The modern FBI is always watching. Meanwhile nut cases get away with pushing unsuspected tourists off a subway platform.
That's NOT what happened here
Nobody believes you . You ate a lying full of shit democrat . That's all you do . Fuck off.
What a reasoned cogent response huh?

Well, poster Lesh, as you no doubt have noticed there are several Trump University students on this site.
You can tell by their vocabulary.....i.e., limited, vulgar, sexually stressed.
But, they paid Don Trump their tuition money and now are....if they are aware enough.....embarrassed by both their misspent money and their unfortunate educations.
It's sad.
We wish them better.

Another win for the good guys!!!
Yeah, it seems so.
And, tho I don't follow that particular governor race closely, I can't help but think this verdict, like the one before it in the case will help the incumbent.....the target victim of these white-nationalist jackasses.

Compared to the Bernie Sanders supporter......
A portentous difference between that ballgame shooter and these jackasses ..... was..... it was one shooter.

This Michigan gig was a 'conspiracy'. Multiple individuals working in concert.

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