Three More Convicted In Witmer Plot

It's comical to see the attempted, but failed SPIN.
You guys are one-trick ponies.

Deny everything,
Cast Blame upon others,
Scream witch hunt,
Attack Valued Organizations, but kiss trumps ASS.
KKKult, KKKult, KKKult.
I disagree.

Pissing yourself in fear is a good look for you. Could you use a fresh Depends?

Please refer to post #38.

The attack in which Scalise was shot is closer to the attack in which Gabby Gifford got shot.

This PLOT is a lot more similar to the Jan 6 attack or Little Timmie McVeigh's Omaha City bombing
The attack in which Scalise was shot is closer to the attack in which Gabby Gifford got shot.

This PLOT is a lot more similar to the Jan 6 attack or Little Timmie McVeigh's Omaha City bombing
I disagree.

And once again, Lesh cannot respond to a post and goes wandering off into the weeds, trying to find something cogent to say.
Translation of "cult" -- Things that scare Lesh

12 days
A violent PLOT that included a mass murder event to distract LE...a plot to kidnap and execute a sitting Governor of a US state...SHOULD scare everyone.

That it doesn't bother creeps like the above speaks to the fact that these right wing freaks don't value law and order and certainly don't value democracy
A violent PLOT that included a mass murder event to distract LE...a plot to kidnap and execute a sitting Governor of a US state...SHOULD scare everyone.

That it doesn't bother creeps like the above speaks to the fact that these right wing freaks don't value law and order and certainly don't value democracy

Lesh believes that "democracy" means "total rule by democrats"

Lesh wants a one-party government.

Lesh has zero credibility.

Remember Lesh when you vote, folks, in 12 days. Everyone like Lesh needs to be arrested and locked in mental institutions until they become human again.
QBoy is serious
Do you ever get tired of being laughed at? You just can't seem to stay away from this board where, for the most part, intelligent people just laugh at your stupid bullshit. You've got a self esteem problem if you enjoy being laughed at.
Do you ever get tired of being laughed at? You just can't seem to stay away from this board where, for the most part, intelligent people just laugh at your stupid bullshit. You've got a self esteem problem if you enjoy being laughed at.
Sure troll.

By the way...can you address the thread topic ?

no? You're a troll?


This was a very real and VERY dangerous plot.

Wing nuts will say that because it was thwarted that it was never real. It was
In real survival, no sane male would follow Prog women for long. In fact, Prog women can only exist in a richer well insulated environment. Their views condemn people. They do not see it for they are the empowered and everything is right form those no-good men. The stupidity of men is that they screw with each other.

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