Three More Convicted In Witmer Plot

Do you remember every word you ever say? If so, you are even more of an anomaly than we've witnessed so far.
The topic was Seattle, and you stated how you moved out after your husband passed.

I stocked me, because I figured you were an 18 year old keyboard warrior, with that foul mouth and constant putdowns.

So carry on, sorry about the passing of your husband.
The topic was Seattle, and you stated how you moved out after your husband passed.

I stocked me, because I figured you were an 18 year old keyboard warrior, with that foul mouth and constant putdowns.

So carry on, sorry about the passing of your husband.

You're funny, for someone who believes that 18-year-olds can't be married or that widows are not allowed to use bad words, Winco

Are you a sexist Winco?

But that was a credible attempt at insulting me, Winco even though it didn't work very well.

12 days

Last edited:
This fails as a red herring fallacy, a pathetic attempt to deflect.

The topic is combating rightwing domestic terrorism.
Because shooting up an open field of Republican Congressional Representatives is not domestic terrorism? The right wing conspiracy was thwarted. The shooting of congressional reps was not….. and then it was deemed “suicide by cop”.
Because shooting up an open field of Republican Congressional Representatives is not domestic terrorism? The right wing conspiracy was thwarted. The shooting of congressional reps was not….. and then it was deemed “suicide by cop”.
Conservatives are dishonest and cowards; they lack the courage to address the topic, hence the failed attempts to deflect.
Conservatives are dishonest and cowards; they lack the courage to address the topic, hence the failed attempts to deflect.
You leftists are very good at being asked a question that requires a simple answer, whereupon you duck and dodge and shuck and jive. You are exceptional at it. Want me to tag you in my response every time I see it happening, so you cannot deny it?
Conservatives are dishonest and cowards; they lack the courage to address the topic, hence the failed attempts to deflect.
This isn’t a deflection. It’s an observation how liberals are maximizing a thwarted attempt at a kidnapping of a public official yet minimize a shooting of several public officials. You people were able to get over if not ignore a mass shooting, surely you can get over or move on from a thwarted kidnapping attempt.
You leftists are very good at being asked a question that requires a simple answer, whereupon you duck and dodge and shuck and jive. You are exceptional at it. Want me to tag you in my response every time I see it happening, so you cannot deny it?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................. I wonder where C_Clayton_Jones went when someone called him out.
did anyone see her debate the other night? she’s losing big…snd what a freaking liar
Well, actually she (incumbent Whitmer) ain't losing big.
In fact, she's been ahead of her challenger all summer and fall.
Today's RCP snapshot of 6 recent polls.......shows the incumbent up ranging from 2% to 6%.



" stated how you moved out after your husband passed.
  • Do you remember every word you ever say?
Ummm, I gotta confess...the above was one of the weirdest exchanges I've witnessed on this gossipboard.

A poster who previously stated she was a can't remember if she is or is not?
That's weird. IMHO

Lemme ask anyone here:......if your partner, your spouse, husband or wife, passed away, well, would you remember that?
But now prolific poster PleaseQuit states she cannot?

Yupper, that's weird.
And that's not going anywhere near questioning the nature of that, ummm, 'partnership'.

Weird, oh yeah!

Well, actually she (incumbent Whitmer) ain't losing big.
In fact, she's been ahead of her challenger all summer and fall.
Today's RCP snapshot of 6 recent polls.......shows the incumbent up ranging from 2% to 6%.



Ummm, I gotta confess...the above was one of the weirdest exchanges I've witnessed on this gossipboard.

A poster who previously stated she was a can't remember if she is or is not?
That's weird. IMHO

Lemme ask anyone here:......if your partner, your spouse, husband or wife, passed away, well, would you remember that?
But now prolific poster PleaseQuit states she cannot?

Yupper, that's weird.
And that's not going anywhere near questioning the nature of that, ummm, 'partnership'.

Weird, oh yeah!
oh i’m sad you still listen to stuff like this

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