Threatening the President! Maxine Waters Suggests “Knocking Off” Trump Then “Going After” Pence

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Where the hell is the Secret Service? If it was anyone but a high ranking black THUG DemonRAT. With an IQ the same as her shoe size, she would be arrested... A blatant disregard for civility and promoted violence and unrest!

Legal Insurrection ^ | September 17, 2018

“There are those who say, ‘What if we get rid of him? Then we’ve got that Vice President and he’ll be worse.’ I say knock off the first one and then go after the second one. We have the power.”

You can always count on Rep. Maxine Waters to give away the plans to destroy Trump’s presidency and administration.

The latest of which occurred Friday and included a suggestion to “knock off” Trump, which was greeted with applause and cheers.

The National Newspaper Publishers Association gave Waters a National Leadership Award and Waters used her platform to trash Trump.



And the transcript:

“There are those who say, ‘What if we get rid of him? Then we’ve got that Vice President and he’ll be worse.’ I say knock off the first one and then go after the second one. We have the power. We have the numbers But we’ve got to understand our power and we’ve got to use our power. Not only do we have individual power, but just think about the readers that you have. The people who look forward to getting your newspapers.

…That’s all power. Let’s use it. Let’s have this president understand in ways that we have not done before, that we are the patriots of this country. We are the ones that have stood by this country no matter what has happened to us. No matter that this country has not always embraced us. We fought in wars, came home and oftentimes didn’t have a house to live in and didn’t have a job, but we stayed with America, we fought for Democracy, we believe in the Constitution.”

As Fox News pointed out, it’s no secret that Waters and Trump don’t get alone. She’s always running her mouth about destroying the presidency and he suggested her IQ was somewhere in the 60s.

Waters and Trump have taken shots at one another for months, with Waters repeatedly calling for Trump’s impeachment. In June, Waters encouraged protesters to confront Trump Cabinet members publicly to shame them over the administration’s policies.

Meanwhile, Trump has repeatedly blasted Waters and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, both California Democrats, and sought to cast them as the face of the party.

“The face of the Democrats is now Maxine Waters who, together with Nancy Pelosi, have established a fine leadership team,” Trump tweeted in June. “They should always stay together and lead the Democrats, who want Open Borders and Unlimited Crime, well into the future….and pick Crooked Hillary for Pres.”

Trump took another dig at Waters in July, again calling her “the new leader” of the Democratic Party and mocking her as a “low-IQ individual.”

“Honestly, she’s somewhere in the mid-60s, I believe,” Trump added.

“No, I don’t like him. Yes, I have worked against him. No, I didn’t go to his inauguration. No, I didn’t go to his State of the Union. No, I do not go to the White House. No, I do not engage with him,” Waters said as the NNPA crowd erupted with applause. “All I want for him and about him is to be impeached and get him out of the White House.”

Buuuuut, if we play, “Just imagine if a Republican Congreout.pman had said this about Obama”, said Congresswoman would be shamed into resignation for suggesting we “knock off” the president.

The Waters’ and others afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome are not bound by their hypocrisy, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be here to point it out.

SEDITION at the highest level. LOCK HER UP.

Couldn’t be a starker choice this election... Keep making America great or vote for the insurrectionusts and violent Bolsheviks. God save our country!!!!!
Sure, and all the time that you fucks were hoping, specifically to see Obama dead, that was just fine. Waters obviously meant the impeachment process. You know, Mueller is a very careful and closed mouth investigator. It would not surprise me to see him bring charges against both Trump and Pence at the same time. And then, we would have President Pelosi. LOL
Sure, and all the time that you fucks were hoping, specifically to see Obama dead, that was just fine. Waters obviously meant the impeachment process. You know, Mueller is a very careful and closed mouth investigator. It would not surprise me to see him bring charges against both Trump and Pence at the same time. And then, we would have President Pelosi. LOL
After being told he was not a target of the investigstion?
Where the hell is the Secret Service? If it was anyone but a high ranking black THUG DemonRAT. With an IQ the same as her shoe size, she would be arrested... A blatant disregard for civility and promoted violence and unrest!

Legal Insurrection ^ | September 17, 2018

“There are those who say, ‘What if we get rid of him? Then we’ve got that Vice President and he’ll be worse.’ I say knock off the first one and then go after the second one. We have the power.”

You can always count on Rep. Maxine Waters to give away the plans to destroy Trump’s presidency and administration.

The latest of which occurred Friday and included a suggestion to “knock off” Trump, which was greeted with applause and cheers.

The National Newspaper Publishers Association gave Waters a National Leadership Award and Waters used her platform to trash Trump.



And the transcript:

“There are those who say, ‘What if we get rid of him? Then we’ve got that Vice President and he’ll be worse.’ I say knock off the first one and then go after the second one. We have the power. We have the numbers But we’ve got to understand our power and we’ve got to use our power. Not only do we have individual power, but just think about the readers that you have. The people who look forward to getting your newspapers.

…That’s all power. Let’s use it. Let’s have this president understand in ways that we have not done before, that we are the patriots of this country. We are the ones that have stood by this country no matter what has happened to us. No matter that this country has not always embraced us. We fought in wars, came home and oftentimes didn’t have a house to live in and didn’t have a job, but we stayed with America, we fought for Democracy, we believe in the Constitution.”

As Fox News pointed out, it’s no secret that Waters and Trump don’t get alone. She’s always running her mouth about destroying the presidency and he suggested her IQ was somewhere in the 60s.

Waters and Trump have taken shots at one another for months, with Waters repeatedly calling for Trump’s impeachment. In June, Waters encouraged protesters to confront Trump Cabinet members publicly to shame them over the administration’s policies.

Meanwhile, Trump has repeatedly blasted Waters and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, both California Democrats, and sought to cast them as the face of the party.

“The face of the Democrats is now Maxine Waters who, together with Nancy Pelosi, have established a fine leadership team,” Trump tweeted in June. “They should always stay together and lead the Democrats, who want Open Borders and Unlimited Crime, well into the future….and pick Crooked Hillary for Pres.”

Trump took another dig at Waters in July, again calling her “the new leader” of the Democratic Party and mocking her as a “low-IQ individual.”

“Honestly, she’s somewhere in the mid-60s, I believe,” Trump added.

“No, I don’t like him. Yes, I have worked against him. No, I didn’t go to his inauguration. No, I didn’t go to his State of the Union. No, I do not go to the White House. No, I do not engage with him,” Waters said as the NNPA crowd erupted with applause. “All I want for him and about him is to be impeached and get him out of the White House.”

Buuuuut, if we play, “Just imagine if a Republican Congreout.pman had said this about Obama”, said Congresswoman would be shamed into resignation for suggesting we “knock off” the president.

The Waters’ and others afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome are not bound by their hypocrisy, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be here to point it out.

SEDITION at the highest level. LOCK HER UP.

Couldn’t be a starker choice this election... Keep making America great or vote for the insurrectionusts and violent Bolsheviks. God save our country!!!!!

She clearly wasn't talking about killing him. She said "we have that power", which doesn't imply the power to kill, but the power to remove.
Sure, and all the time that you fucks were hoping, specifically to see Obama dead, that was just fine. Waters obviously meant the impeachment process. You know, Mueller is a very careful and closed mouth investigator. It would not surprise me to see him bring charges against both Trump and Pence at the same time. And then, we would have President Pelosi. LOL
After being told he was not a target of the investigstion?
Well he is probably a target now since he surrounded himself with criminals.
Sure, and all the time that you fucks were hoping, specifically to see Obama dead, that was just fine. Waters obviously meant the impeachment process. You know, Mueller is a very careful and closed mouth investigator. It would not surprise me to see him bring charges against both Trump and Pence at the same time. And then, we would have President Pelosi. LOL
After being told he was not a target of the investigstion?
Well he is probably a target now since he surrounded himself with criminals.
How about answering my question .... too difficult?
Sure, and all the time that you fucks were hoping, specifically to see Obama dead, that was just fine. Waters obviously meant the impeachment process. You know, Mueller is a very careful and closed mouth investigator. It would not surprise me to see him bring charges against both Trump and Pence at the same time. And then, we would have President Pelosi. LOL
After being told he was not a target of the investigstion?
Well he is probably a target now since he surrounded himself with criminals.
How about answering my question .... too difficult?
I did answer your question. He may not have been a target in the beginning but all the criminals he has surrounded himself with makes the trail lead to him. There is nothing that prohibits Drumpf from becoming a target.
Sure, and all the time that you fucks were hoping, specifically to see Obama dead, that was just fine. Waters obviously meant the impeachment process. You know, Mueller is a very careful and closed mouth investigator. It would not surprise me to see him bring charges against both Trump and Pence at the same time. And then, we would have President Pelosi. LOL
After being told he was not a target of the investigstion?
Well he is probably a target now since he surrounded himself with criminals.
How about answering my question .... too difficult?
I did answer your question. He may not have been a target in the beginning but all the criminals he has surrounded himself with makes the trail lead to him. There is nothing that prohibits Drumpf from becoming a target.
That isn't the question...What has Trump done to make blacks hate him?.... besides lower their unemployment rate to record lows!
Not sure why youre panties are in a bunch?. I thought she threatened to kill him with all the noise you were making.
Ok who pulled the dummies string?
You pulled your own string with your lying assed thread...
Another nubian with a shoe size IQ.... So you tell me brain trust what has Trump done to hurt blacks.... Giving blacks the lowest unemployment rate...EVER?
More white trash with an unearned inflated sense of self worth...
What has trump done to hurt Black people???:
The elimination of the Civil Rights Division of the Dept of Justice.
The gutting of the EPA and instances of poor and racial environmental racism.
The elimination of consent degrees with Police Departments proven to have an unjust and racial animus towards it's Black citizens.
The gutting of credit protection against predatory student and housing loans.
The elimination of fiduciary requirements of Brokers and planners on Wall street.

The list could go on and on but I don't want to overload your primitive brain.
Sure, and all the time that you fucks were hoping, specifically to see Obama dead, that was just fine. Waters obviously meant the impeachment process. You know, Mueller is a very careful and closed mouth investigator. It would not surprise me to see him bring charges against both Trump and Pence at the same time. And then, we would have President Pelosi. LOL
After being told he was not a target of the investigstion?
Well he is probably a target now since he surrounded himself with criminals.
How about answering my question .... too difficult?
I did answer your question. He may not have been a target in the beginning but all the criminals he has surrounded himself with makes the trail lead to him. There is nothing that prohibits Drumpf from becoming a target.
That isn't the question...What has Trump done to make blacks hate him?.... besides lower their unemployment rate to record lows!
I dont hate Drumpf. I think he is an idiot and a racist but he doesnt generate the emotion needed to hate him. Drumpf didnt lower Black unemployment. That went down under Obama and the trend has continued due to Obamas economic policies. Once Drumpfs policies kick in you will see a rise in Black unemployment. My question to white people is why do you think its a good thing that Black unemployment is higher than whites no matter what?
Not sure why youre panties are in a bunch?. I thought she threatened to kill him with all the noise you were making.
Ok who pulled the dummies string?
You pulled your own string with your lying assed thread...
Another nubian with a shoe size IQ.... So you tell me brain trust what has Trump done to hurt blacks.... Giving blacks the lowest unemployment rate...EVER?
More white trash with an unearned inflated sense of self worth...
What has trump done to hurt Black people???:
The elimination of the Civil Rights Division of the Dept of Justice.
The gutting of the EPA and instances of poor and racial environmental racism.
The elimination of consent degrees with Police Departments proven to have an unjust and racial animus towards it's Black citizens.
The gutting of credit protection against predatory student and housing loans.
The elimination of fiduciary requirements of Brokers and planners on Wall street.

The list could go on and on but I don't want to overload your primitive brain.
Oh, in other words he put you on an EQUAL GROUND with whites with NO MORE SPECIAL TREATMENT. Yup he made you MORE EQUAL and you don't like that. You want to be a sponge the rest of your life! You THUGS never change.....BLACK PRIVILEGE is a powerful tool !
Not sure why youre panties are in a bunch?. I thought she threatened to kill him with all the noise you were making.
Ok who pulled the dummies string?
You pulled your own string with your lying assed thread...
Another nubian with a shoe size IQ.... So you tell me brain trust what has Trump done to hurt blacks.... Giving blacks the lowest unemployment rate...EVER?
More white trash with an unearned inflated sense of self worth...
What has trump done to hurt Black people???:
The elimination of the Civil Rights Division of the Dept of Justice.
The gutting of the EPA and instances of poor and racial environmental racism.
The elimination of consent degrees with Police Departments proven to have an unjust and racial animus towards it's Black citizens.
The gutting of credit protection against predatory student and housing loans.
The elimination of fiduciary requirements of Brokers and planners on Wall street.

The list could go on and on but I don't want to overload your primitive brain.
Oh, in other words he put you on an EQUAL GROUND with whites with NO MORE SPECIAL TREATMENT. Yup he made you MORE EQUAL and you don't like that. You want to be a sponge the rest of your life! You THUGS never change.....BLACK PRIVILEGE is a powerful tool !
Bullshit. If Drumpf put Blacks on equal ground why is there an income and wealth gap between whites and Blacks?
Not sure why youre panties are in a bunch?. I thought she threatened to kill him with all the noise you were making.
Ok who pulled the dummies string?
You pulled your own string with your lying assed thread...
Another nubian with a shoe size IQ.... So you tell me brain trust what has Trump done to hurt blacks.... Giving blacks the lowest unemployment rate...EVER?
More white trash with an unearned inflated sense of self worth...
What has trump done to hurt Black people???:
The elimination of the Civil Rights Division of the Dept of Justice.
The gutting of the EPA and instances of poor and racial environmental racism.
The elimination of consent degrees with Police Departments proven to have an unjust and racial animus towards it's Black citizens.
The gutting of credit protection against predatory student and housing loans.
The elimination of fiduciary requirements of Brokers and planners on Wall street.

The list could go on and on but I don't want to overload your primitive brain.
Oh, in other words he put you on an EQUAL GROUND with whites with NO MORE SPECIAL TREATMENT. Yup he made you MORE EQUAL and you don't like that. You want to be a sponge the rest of your life! You THUGS never change.....BLACK PRIVILEGE is a powerful tool !
If I were in your shoes and faced with a logical argument that I could not begin to rebut, I would probably excuse your trip down stupid lane and ignorance st. , but I'm better than you.
After being told he was not a target of the investigstion?
Well he is probably a target now since he surrounded himself with criminals.
How about answering my question .... too difficult?
I did answer your question. He may not have been a target in the beginning but all the criminals he has surrounded himself with makes the trail lead to him. There is nothing that prohibits Drumpf from becoming a target.
That isn't the question...What has Trump done to make blacks hate him?.... besides lower their unemployment rate to record lows!
I dont hate Drumpf. I think he is an idiot and a racist but he doesnt generate the emotion needed to hate him. Drumpf didnt lower Black unemployment. That went down under Obama and the trend has continued due to Obamas economic policies. Once Drumpfs policies kick in you will see a rise in Black unemployment. My question to white people is why do you think its a good thing that Black unemployment is higher than whites no matter what?
Your question is a lie you know that, and if anyone Trump wants ALL to succeed!


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