Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government
This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

What's considered liberalism in this day and age is really a mental disorder.
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This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

What's considered liberalism in this day and age and is really a mental disorder.

It's not liberalism at all. Liberalism is fine. Social Marxism and globalism are not.

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government
I’m convinced that had Nazi plans for the holocaust been nixed, today’s conservatives would fully embrace Nazi ideology.
So-called 'right' and 'left' each instantly hijack every event, every news item and define what can be said and who can say it. Others, those not of either 'wing', get ganged up on from both sides.
Nazis killed for foolish racial notions. Bolsheviks killed for foolish ideological notions. We don't want either of those. We need to learn from them and avoid any future wanderings their way.

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government
The media got this one confused. It was snowing.
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This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government

Dime to a dollar those protestors were paid.

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government

You HATE my nation you NEVER ONE TIME post ANYTHING POSITIVE about my nation you are an Enemy who HATES this nation. I read the CRAP you post here in this OP and the link to I have and so I go to that and on the SAME PAGE as the CRAP you posted AGAIN another NEGATIVE thing from a MINORITY of Leftists that YOU decide to post I have the below.

The long Honeymoon of Austria's right-wing alliance

So INSTEAD of posting your HATE OP WHY did you NOT post this read below this Government has the Approval rating of 59% that is the majority of our peoples SUPPORT this Government and YOU HATER of my nation instead post about a MINORITY of your Leftist ilk protesting.

The long Honeymoon of Austria's right-wing alliance

Buoyed by healthy polls and a booming economy, Austria's right-wing coalition is riding high on an extended political honeymoon a year after joining forces to push their anti-immigration agenda.

With the opposition weakened, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz's centre-right People's Party (OeVP) and its far-right Freedom Party (FPOe) partner have suffered few domestic setbacks since being sworn in December 2017.

But the government has faced criticism abroad -- notably for its perceived closeness to Russia -- and it may yet face some roadblocks at home as divisions emerge and policies risk fraying support among the working-class part of its base.

Kurz's People's Party won 31.5 percent of the vote in last year's elections, but now scores around 35 percent in the opinion polls.

The Freedom Party, led by Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache, has slipped only slightly from the 26 percent of the vote it won last year to around 24 percent.

"A real asset has been that they have been able to continue with their campaign messages in government," said political analyst Thomas Hofer, in contrast to horse-trading that characterised previous right-left "grand

"The effort that they've made to appear as united as possible is very popular with the public," said political scientist Fritz Plasser.

Kurz's polished style and the self-restraint shown by Strache have also helped the two men.

Part of that popularity is due to the economy. With growth of 3 percent expected for this year and one of the eurozone's lowest unemployment rates at 5.6 percent, the government rode a wave of European economic growth.

Despite generous tax break for families and pension rises, this year the government looks set to eliminate its budget deficit, a year earlier than planned.

Civil servants can also look forward to a pay rise of 2.8 percent, with most other workers receiving rises of more than 2.5 percent -- even up to 3.5 percent for metalworkers.

The long Honeymoon of Austria's right-wing alliance

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government

Dime to a dollar those protestors were paid.

longknife SUPPORTS that crowd, if he was not old he would get on the plane from America so he could assist his fellow Leftist ilk in protesting a VERY VERY POPULAR Government with VERY VERY POPULAR policy on situations.

If someone CONSTANTLY posted NEGATIVE OPs about America would you from this think they did not HATE America and that the choice have with a POSITIVE news item to post and a NEGATIVE news item to post on the SAME PAGE and they decide on the NEGATIVE and IGNORE the POSITIVE then this you would TWO TIMES think that correct and this person HATES that nation.
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This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government

Dime to a dollar those protestors were paid.

longknife SUPPORTS that crowd, if he was not old he would get on the plane from America so he could assist his fellow Leftist ilk in protesting a VERY VERY POPULAR Government with VERY VERY POPULAR policy on situations.

No way! Longknife doesn't support NWO globalist bullshit protesting AFAIK. He's a Catholic! He even did an in-depth study on Catholic missions in the SouthWest n stuff.
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This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government

Dime to a dollar those protestors were paid.

It's okay we in the BVT have Lists and so most of this crowd will already be on those Lists, we do like the VERMIN to get on the streets this so we can identify more and cross reference, most of that crowd will not have access to oxygen within a year to 18 months.

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government

Dime to a dollar those protestors were paid.

longknife SUPPORTS that crowd, if he was not old he would get on the plane from America so he could assist his fellow Leftist ilk in protesting a VERY VERY POPULAR Government with VERY VERY POPULAR policy on situations.

No way! Longknife doesn't support NWO globalist bullshit protesting AFAIK. He's a Catholic! He even did an in-depth study on Catholic missions in the SouthWest n stuff.

EVERY thread he post is NEGATIVE about my nation, he weeks ago ATTEMPTED Disinformation Propaganda with an OP design so that Americans think my nation has been taken over by Radical Islamists, this was IN his OP and I could search but decide to not waste my time I could search to find ONE thread EVER he posted that has been POSITIVE about my nation but I know there is no ONE TIME he do this.
It truly saddens me that Lucy continually misinterprets my posts and the reasons behind them. I know this protest was by a bunch of left-wing nuts who want the whole of Europe to take down their borders and let Satan's Sect take over and destroy them.

I am actually pleased that so many Austrians woke up to this threat and elected a government that would fight back against EEU policies.
It truly saddens me that Lucy continually misinterprets my posts and the reasons behind them. I know this protest was by a bunch of left-wing nuts who want the whole of Europe to take down their borders and let Satan's Sect take over and destroy them.

I am actually pleased that so many Austrians woke up to this threat and elected a government that would fight back against EEU policies.
It seems to me that this topic is about how the OP cannot understand why people want to let invading muslims into their country when all they do is bring grief and more problems. I don't get that either.

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government
Sure I'll attempt to explain it. See about 80 years ago the Austrians had someone else claiming their superiority to other people. That someone else also claimed that all the problems in their daily lives were the fault of strangers. To their immense shame they believed that kind of thinking and as a result a humongous war broke out that was brutal, destroyed the country and caused a national trauma that makes some of them react strongly to nationalism and the idea that they need to fear and hate strangers. Hope that helps?

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government
Sure I'll attempt to explain it. See about 80 years ago the Austrians had someone else claiming their superiority to other people. That someone else also claimed that all the problems in their daily lives were the fault of strangers. To their immense shame they believed that kind of thinking and as a result a humongous war broke out that was brutal, destroyed the country and caused a national trauma that makes some of them react strongly to nationalism and the idea that they need to fear and hate strangers. Hope that helps?

Here we go! Who was "Someone else"?

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government
Sure I'll attempt to explain it. See about 80 years ago the Austrians had someone else claiming their superiority to other people. That someone else also claimed that all the problems in their daily lives were the fault of strangers. To their immense shame they believed that kind of thinking and as a result a humongous war broke out that was brutal, destroyed the country and caused a national trauma that makes some of them react strongly to nationalism and the idea that they need to fear and hate strangers. Hope that helps?

Here we go! Who was "Someone else"?

This really surprises me. I cannot understand why anyone would want people to enter their country who want to change everything about the way they live. I really wish someone would explain this to me.

Thousands of protesters in Vienna braved snow and icy temperatures Saturday to protest Austria's ruling coalition between the conservatives and the far-right a year after they came to power.

Some 17,000 people took to the streets of the capital despite the bad weather, according to police estimates, while organisers put turnout at 50,000.

Many were waving banners reading "Fascists out of the government", "Racism gets on my nerves", and "More love, courage, togetherness", as they made their way through Vienna before gathering outside the Hofburg imperial palace.

More @ Thousands protest against far-right party in Austria's government
Sure I'll attempt to explain it. See about 80 years ago the Austrians had someone else claiming their superiority to other people. That someone else also claimed that all the problems in their daily lives were the fault of strangers. To their immense shame they believed that kind of thinking and as a result a humongous war broke out that was brutal, destroyed the country and caused a national trauma that makes some of them react strongly to nationalism and the idea that they need to fear and hate strangers. Hope that helps?
Why do liberals such as yourself want to let muslims come in anywhere they want to when they are not wanted by the majority? They bring crime and they do not assimilate. If we have another world war it will be be against muslims and liberals, hopefully wiping them out.

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