Thousands face job loss when part of stimulus expires

A permanent job is the result of a business being successful. Successful businesses do not need constant infusions of government cash (tax dollars or deficit spending).
The "premise" of the stimulus was to put people back to work on things such as infrastructure. I agreed with this premise. Since we have been spending billions of dollars in the previous adminsitration to blow shit up, only to spend even more to rebuild them in OTHER countries, I considered this to be a good investment. I understand why people like you just don't get it, though.

I was interested in this very subject when I read the article in the OP: What exactly are the success stories?

It looks like a Pie Company will keep 11 of 12 workers they hired after the $1,000,000,000stimulous money for subsidizing the hirees expires.

Are you saying that if the program gets another $1,000,000,000 then maybe the American economy will benefit by the hiring of another 11 Pie Makers?

I like Pie like the next guy, but not that much.

I am not saying that at all. I was simply stating my position on the premise of the stimulus.

Perhaps this question will be less complex:

Do you think putting 11 pie makers to work validated the "premise" enough to justify another $1,000,000,000 program?
So.....the jobs that were created by Obama's stimulus (if you had actually read the article you would know this), are not REAL jobs? Or just not REALLY created by the government?

They are not sustainable jobs.. more and more government spending is needed to keep these jobs that were not based on actual demand... not to mention it is not the role of government in the first place to create a job nor to ensure you have one...

Even the private sector jobs that were created by tax cuts to small businesses contained with the stimulus?

How many of those were there? Remind me again? Why didnt they do just do that rather than spend $800B?
Soooooo, 'jobs' can't be sustained without government funds?

Obviously, then those jobs are not making a product nor are they contributing to the GNP.

And, by having jobs that don't make a sustainble product and don't contribute to the GNP, that is 'stimulating' the economy how?
The "premise" of the stimulus was to put people back to work on things such as infrastructure. I agreed with this premise. Since we have been spending billions of dollars in the previous adminsitration to blow shit up, only to spend even more to rebuild them in OTHER countries, I considered this to be a good investment. I understand why people like you just don't get it, though.

I was interested in this very subject when I read the article in the OP: What exactly are the success stories?

It looks like a Pie Company will keep 11 of 12 workers they hired after the $1,000,000,000stimulous money for subsidizing the hirees expires.

Are you saying that if the program gets another $1,000,000,000 then maybe the American economy will benefit by the hiring of another 11 Pie Makers?

I like Pie like the next guy, but not that much.

I am not saying that at all. I was simply stating my position on the premise of the stimulus.

And the premise of the stimulus is bullshit.. it is not the job of government to get you a job... nor to prop up a private business to have a slot for a new job... the stimulus is simply more red tape and wasted monies in the government cogs and additional powers gathered by the government... nothing more, nothing less

We are constitutionally charged on national defense (or as you call it, blowing things up).. we are not constitutionally charged to give Joe SixPack a Pamela PieMaker or Eugene Executive job
Soooooo, 'jobs' can't be sustained without government funds?

Obviously, then those jobs are not making a product nor are they contributionto the GNP.

And, by having jobs that don't make a sustainble product and don't contribute to the GNP, that is 'stimulating' the economy how?

It would be really helpful if the NYT article identified exactly what the 400 or so auto-parts workers were doing as part of the $1,000,000,000 stimulous jobs program.

I wonder why they couldn't, or wouldn't, print this?:eusa_whistle:

Hell, were they clearing paths through national parks? Were they building a damn? Were they building housing for The Poor? WTF is this so difficult to report?

Were they all watching porn like the employees of Barak Hussein's Dept of Interior?
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In rural Perry County, Tenn., the program helped pay for roughly 400 new jobs in the public and private sectors. But in a county of 7,600 people, those jobs had a big impact: they reduced Perry County’s unemployment rate to less than 14 percent this August, from the Depression-like levels of more than 25 percent that it hit last year after its biggest employer, an auto parts factory, moved to Mexico.

Thousands face job loss when stimulus expires - Politics - The New York Times -

Didn't the John Boehner and the GOP just "pledge" to eliminate this stimulus?

So what you are suggesting is that we just keep on spending to keep people in jobs, that otherwise would not exist if not for our spending?

The "premise" of the stimulus was to put people back to work on things such as infrastructure. I agreed with this premise. Since we have been spending billions of dollars in the previous adminsitration to blow shit up, only to spend even more to rebuild them in OTHER countries, I considered this to be a good investment. I understand why people like you just don't get it, though.

I was interested in this very subject when I read the article in the OP: What exactly are the success stories?

It looks like a Pie Company will keep 11 of 12 workers they hired after the $1,000,000,000stimulous money for subsidizing the hirees expires.

Are you saying that if the program gets another $1,000,000,000 then maybe the American economy will benefit by the hiring of another 11 Pie Makers?

I like Pie like the next guy, but not that much.

I am not saying that at all. I was simply stating my position on the premise of the stimulus.

Really sounded to me like you were saying if the Republicans get their way we will not keep spending to keep people in jobs. :eek:
Stimulus II

Want to have universal healthcare? Maybe some interest in a month off in the summer, paid? How about being surrounded with foreigh sounding names and scenic views? Join us in Stimulus II where we pack you up @ no charge and send you with a one way ticket to France.
In rural Perry County, Tenn., the program helped pay for roughly 400 new jobs in the public and private sectors. But in a county of 7,600 people, those jobs had a big impact: they reduced Perry County’s unemployment rate to less than 14 percent this August, from the Depression-like levels of more than 25 percent that it hit last year after its biggest employer, an auto parts factory, moved to Mexico.

Thousands face job loss when stimulus expires - Politics - The New York Times -

Didn't the John Boehner and the GOP just "pledge" to eliminate this stimulus?

So what you are suggesting is that we just keep on spending to keep people in jobs, that otherwise would not exist if not for our spending?


I think that's the plan, yeah.

Either that, or send everyone with an SS number a check for $250.00 to help pay their 2010 income tax.:cuckoo:
2010 Tax Return

Line 21 - send $200 to each of six friends and ask them to send $200 to each of the six people listed below. You should receive $1200 back in a week or two. Stimulus II works because of you.

It isn't a job, but it is a living.
In rural Perry County, Tenn., the program helped pay for roughly 400 new jobs in the public and private sectors. But in a county of 7,600 people, those jobs had a big impact: they reduced Perry County’s unemployment rate to less than 14 percent this August, from the Depression-like levels of more than 25 percent that it hit last year after its biggest employer, an auto parts factory, moved to Mexico.

Thousands face job loss when stimulus expires - Politics - The New York Times -

Didn't the John Boehner and the GOP just "pledge" to eliminate this stimulus?

the stimulus by obamas own admission was supposed to help get the ecomony back on track by providing impetus, not by creating discretionary budget line items in perpetuity ....helllo....

Apparently you feel we should just fund these jobs forever by continuing to create more stimulus bills........why again?
Well it's easy to see the leftists wanted to bury this pos thread innit?


I don't expect them to be beating into the thread to respond to their absurdly idiotic notions that anything in the OP might support additional "stimulous" spending.

I did give Yank credit for being brave enough to actually link the NYT article in the OP: It is so poorly reported that it's suspiciously like a parody piece that I'd expect to see on O'Reilly.
The cost per gubmint subsidized job is yet more proof that the government is not an efficient creator of jobs. It just transfers income and wealth from some people to other people. The former would rather keep their money and make their own PIE.

When the stimulus runs out they go on unemployment or welfare. No jobs have been created. It's just another version of a hand out.
Well it's easy to see the leftists wanted to bury this pos thread innit?


I don't expect them to be beating into the thread to respond to their absurdly idiotic notions that anything in the OP might support additional "stimulous" spending.

I did give Yank credit for being brave enough to actually link the NYT article in the OP: It is so poorly reported that it's suspiciously like a parody piece that I'd expect to see on O'Reilly.

the caption to this pic from the OP article, the punchline is priceless...the Times satirical-irony cop must have been out to lunch. No wonder they are laughing.

Marilyn Robach and Joel Brever share a moment in the Work Force Center in Blaine, Minn. Robach will join the others in unemployment at the end of the month because her job was funded by the stimulus package. Brever who lost his job recently updated his skills by studying to be residential energy auditor.
Richard Tsong-Taatarii / Zuma Press


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the caption to this pic from the OP article, the punchline is priceless...the Times satirical-irony cop must have been out to lunch. No wonder they are laughing.

Marilyn Robach and Joel Brever share a moment in the Work Force Center in Blaine, Minn. Robach will join the others in unemployment at the end of the month because her job was funded by the stimulus package. Brever who lost his job recently updated his skills by studying to be residential energy auditor.
Richard Tsong-Taatarii / Zuma Press

Too bad they didn't learn to make pie.

Looks as though they've eaten enough to appreciate a flaky crust.
the caption to this pic from the OP article, the punchline is priceless...the Times satirical-irony cop must have been out to lunch. No wonder they are laughing.

Marilyn Robach and Joel Brever share a moment in the Work Force Center in Blaine, Minn. Robach will join the others in unemployment at the end of the month because her job was funded by the stimulus package. Brever who lost his job recently updated his skills by studying to be residential energy auditor.
Richard Tsong-Taatarii / Zuma Press

Too bad they didn't learn to make pie.

Looks as though they've eaten enough to appreciate a flaky crust.


"residential energy auditor" cannot make this shit up....if he van get through your front door he'll install the new gubermint theromstat monitor....
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I can't imagine the naivete required to think that the government spending hundreds of thousands or millions in order to pay a guy for a few days or weeks work is a judicious use of the people's money OR that it will do anything to fix long term employment.

And I simply don't understand a deaf ear turned to pleas to remedy tax and regulation policy so that employers can know what is coming and can reasonably take calculated risks again. That is the only thing that is every going to pull the economy out of the quagmire.

But they are either unbelievably ignorant or they are intentionally sabotaging a strong recovery.

Neither is reassuring to me.

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