This warm winter we're having

Now Silly Billy, you are a liar. The temperatures are not 15 degrees below normal. In fact, after the warm spell, they went right back to normal. Here is the weather for Montreal from Mid-December to present. At no time in this period is the weather even 5 degrees below normal.

Montreal December Weather 2015 - AccuWeather Forecast for Quebec Canada

4° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
0° Lo -9°


Actual Temp
4° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
0° Lo -9°


Actual Temp
5° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -9°


Actual Temp
1° Lo 0°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
8° Lo 0°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
8° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
2° Lo -4°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
0° Lo -6°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
4° Lo -3°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
5° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
10° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
17° Lo 3°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
8° Lo 3°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
4° Lo 0°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
2° Lo -4°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
-4° Lo -11°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -12°


Actual Temp
-7° Lo -12°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°

Yesterday 30

Actual Temp
-5° Lo -9°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°

Tonight 31

Mostly cloudy with flurries
Lo -5°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°

Jan 1

Cloudy, a bit of snow; cold
0° Lo -6°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°


A bit of afternoon snow
-1° Lo -4°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°
Now Silly Billy, you are a liar. The temperatures are not 15 degrees below normal. In fact, after the warm spell, they went right back to normal. Here is the weather for Montreal from Mid-December to present. At no time in this period is the weather even 5 degrees below normal.

Montreal December Weather 2015 - AccuWeather Forecast for Quebec Canada

4° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
0° Lo -9°


Actual Temp
4° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
0° Lo -9°


Actual Temp
5° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -9°


Actual Temp
1° Lo 0°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
8° Lo 0°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
8° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
2° Lo -4°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
0° Lo -6°
Hist. Avg.
-1° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
4° Lo -3°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -10°


Actual Temp
5° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
10° Lo 1°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
17° Lo 3°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
8° Lo 3°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
4° Lo 0°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
2° Lo -4°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -11°


Actual Temp
-4° Lo -11°
Hist. Avg.
-2° Lo -12°


Actual Temp
-7° Lo -12°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°

Yesterday 30

Actual Temp
-5° Lo -9°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°

Tonight 31

Mostly cloudy with flurries
Lo -5°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°

Jan 1

Cloudy, a bit of snow; cold
0° Lo -6°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°


A bit of afternoon snow
-1° Lo -4°
Hist. Avg.
-3° Lo -12°
So how can this be attributed to AGW?
No, it is not. An ad hominem would be an appeal to prejudice making use of alleged characteristics that are meaningless or irrelevant to the topic under discussion and often appeal to common prejudices or biases.

That most definitely makes appeal to the biases of Alarmists. Such a meme is characterizing them as ignorant or clueless. It demeans those who disagree.

Is that because you have some reason to believe they are all stupid?

No. People can be easily manipulated. Scientists included. Money is a factor in all of it.

An actual consensus of opinion among actual experts on a given subject DOES increase the odds of that opinion being correct.

LOL. So, they all agree, therefore they must be correct. How blind.
Mann's graph has been confirmed by more than a dozen studies by independent researchers using different methods. That you silly asses still try to deny the evidence provided by what are now hundreds of scientists just demonstrates that you will do anything to maintain your willfull ignorance.


The NASA global temperature data, separated into Northern and Southern Hemisphere curves. Note the greater variation in the North. (Warming was especially pronounced in the Arctic, as predicted.)

For latest figures see the NASA-GISS site


The 1999 "hockey stick" reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere temperaturesfor the past 1000 years (relative to the average of 1961-90); the dark line shows mean values and the gray band, often overlooked, shows the range of uncertainty:

The Modern Temperature Trend

The American Institute of Physics seems to think differently concerning the work of Dr. Mann. Bet they wouldn't be nearly as impressed with the drivel you post, Silly Billy.
They have a hockey stick shape because temperatures have risen precipitously in the 20th century and beyond.


The 400ky-800ky models dispute that. You are taking a roughly 100 year sample of that time scale and saying "See? Humans ARE warming the planet! Look at the drastic rise in temperature in the 20th Century!" When, in fact, through the Vostok Core, GISP2, and EPICA Dome C, it shows no such correlation. Temperature variations on such a scale cannot possibly be influenced by human activity. In fact, the Hockey Stick seems to underestimate the true magnitude of NATURAL climate variability.

Mann and Hughes' hockey stick is dead. Jan Esper et. al. noted in 2004 that MBH99 showed no Medieval warming period. Soon and Baliunas in 2003 also took an axe to the MBH98/99 also. And don't cry about the controversy surrounding the Soon paper, all alarmists will resort to that as a rebuttal instead of disputing the claims made by it.

So, right now, don't give me your spiel. One notable case against the hockey stick was when Micheal Mann sued Mark Steyn a few years back for defamation when he, for the prior 15 years denounced the hockey stick as "fraudulent" in multiple publications and occasions. However, a court pleading by Micheal Mann himself in 2014 denounced any notion that "the hockey stick" was a product of his.

Anywho, let's just leave it at this, shall we?

World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years
Last edited:


The NASA global temperature data, separated into Northern and Southern Hemisphere curves. Note the greater variation in the North. (Warming was especially pronounced in the Arctic, as predicted.)

For latest figures see the NASA-GISS site


The 1999 "hockey stick" reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere temperaturesfor the past 1000 years (relative to the average of 1961-90); the dark line shows mean values and the gray band, often overlooked, shows the range of uncertainty:

The Modern Temperature Trend

The American Institute of Physics seems to think differently concerning the work of Dr. Mann. Bet they wouldn't be nearly as impressed with the drivel you post, Silly Billy.

Hansen Et AL... REALLY?

My gawd man its been torn to shreds so many times its pointless to show you again the lie..
2015 Will Go Down as Warmest Year on Record

It'll be a few more days before it's official, but 2015 will go down in the record books as the warmest year since those books were first kept 135 years ago.

In parts of the U.S., this year will be remembered for unusually warm weather when the season typically brings snow and ice. On much of the East Coast, December has felt like spring, complete with early blooming flowers and sprouting daffodils.

But the warming trend also has brought more extreme weather in other parts of the country, with severe storms causing tornadoes across the Midwest and snowstorms in Texas and New Mexico.

Read more at Scenes from the severe holiday storms

Last month brought the highest monthly temperature, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, with the average global surface temperature running 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.0 degrees Celsius) warmer than the 135-year average.

The difference was even greater in the northern hemisphere, where much of the developed world lives. Despite those who reject mainstream climate science, the majority of the world's climate scientists attribute the warming trend to increased man-made carbon dioxide.

"Global climate is changing and this is apparent across the United States in a wide range of observations," according to the third U.S. National Climate Assessment. "The global warming of the past 50 years is primarily due to human activities, predominantly the burning of fossil fuels."

As we enter 2016, we will have seen two record years back to back, with a probable third in a row coming up. But that doesn't represent a warming according to our wingnuts.


The NASA global temperature data, separated into Northern and Southern Hemisphere curves. Note the greater variation in the North. (Warming was especially pronounced in the Arctic, as predicted.)

For latest figures see the NASA-GISS site


The 1999 "hockey stick" reconstruction of Northern Hemisphere temperaturesfor the past 1000 years (relative to the average of 1961-90); the dark line shows mean values and the gray band, often overlooked, shows the range of uncertainty:

The Modern Temperature Trend

The American Institute of Physics seems to think differently concerning the work of Dr. Mann. Bet they wouldn't be nearly as impressed with the drivel you post, Silly Billy.

Hansen Et AL... REALLY?

My gawd man its been torn to shreds so many times its pointless to show you again the lie..
Oh doodness, our resident Atmospheric Physicist and Certified Meterologist is once again flapping his yap. LOL

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