This story is so sad

The least of all the evils is avoiding unwanted pregnancy in the first place, but that takes the kind of brains rarely found in leftist sluts.
Wow, sure not posting like an old person now are we.

How’s the weather in klimovak?
The narrative doesn't make sense. Probably another hoax/
They are REALLY hammering the abortion propaganda and hoaxes -- probably going to keep it coming up until November 8.

I hope so. It's fun watching them spin on their tailbones and make that high-pitched squealing noise.
They are REALLY hammering the abortion propaganda and hoaxes -- probably going to keep it coming up until November 8.

I hope so. It's fun watching them spin on their tailbones and make that high-pitched squealing noise.
Are you sure that you have enough gas in the truck to get vegas?

You should unload the crap in back to save gas.
They are REALLY hammering the abortion propaganda and hoaxes -- probably going to keep it coming up until November 8.

I hope so. It's fun watching them spin on their tailbones and make that high-pitched squealing noise.
Yeah, tell herself that as you skid those BVDs over CRT awareness
if the leftist werent campaigning on abortion up to birth this wouldnt be happening,,,
Ignorance is bliss, eh?

Late term abortions does NOT mean until birth silly one....there is no such medical term by the way....there is late term pregnancy, which is the third trimester, but no abortions are legal, except for saving a life or the baby is deformed and unable to survive.

What y'all have conveniently called late term abortion is 2nd TRIMESTER abortions, NOT third trimester, which is from 13 weeks to 26 weeks. Your lies about abortion until birth crap, are simply religious right, political bull shit.

Elective abortions are illegal in all states after 24 weeks. A pregnancy full term is approximately 38 weeks to 42 weeks


Is there a difference between late-term and second-term abortions?​

“Late-term” and “second-term” abortions both refer to the same thing: abortions that happen after the first term, in the second trimester of a pregnancy.

Pregnancy is often described in three segments called trimesters:

  • First trimester: conception through week 12
  • Second trimester: week 13 to 26 of pregnancy
  • Third trimester: week 27 until the end of pregnancy, anywhere from 38 to 42 weeks for a full-term delivery
“Late-term” is a medical term used to describe the very end of a pregnancy, after it has reached “full term,” from week 41 onward. Abortions can’t and don’t happen in these late stages of pregnancy.

So, you can see how describing second-term abortions as “late-term” abortions is misleading and imprecise. In fact, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) has made it clear that a “late-term abortion” has no medical meaning.

What percentage of abortions are late-term (second-term) abortions?​

According to data from the CDC, the vast majority, or 91%, of abortions take place during the first trimester of pregnancy. Of the remaining 9% of abortions that happen after the first trimester:

  • 7.7% happen between weeks 14 and 20
  • 1.2% happen at or after week 21
Second-term abortions require specialized care, and only 16% of abortion providers in the U.S. offer services up until week 24 of pregnancy. There are 43 states with laws that restrict how far into pregnancy an abortion can be provided.

Abortions in the third trimester are extremely rare and happen only in extreme circumstances, usually when there are fetal problems that aren’t compatible with life.
Ignorance is bliss, eh?

Late term abortions does NOT mean until birth silly one....there is no such medical term by the way....there is late term pregnancy, which is the third trimester, but no abortions are legal, except for saving a life or the baby is deformed and unable to survive.

What y'all have conveniently called late term abortion is 2nd TRIMESTER abortions, NOT third trimester, which is from 13 weeks to 26 weeks. Your lies about abortion until birth crap, are simply religious right, political bull shit.

Elective abortions are illegal in all states after 24 weeks. A pregnancy full term is approximately 38 weeks to 42 weeks


Is there a difference between late-term and second-term abortions?​

“Late-term” and “second-term” abortions both refer to the same thing: abortions that happen after the first term, in the second trimester of a pregnancy.

Pregnancy is often described in three segments called trimesters:

  • First trimester: conception through week 12
  • Second trimester: week 13 to 26 of pregnancy
  • Third trimester: week 27 until the end of pregnancy, anywhere from 38 to 42 weeks for a full-term delivery
“Late-term” is a medical term used to describe the very end of a pregnancy, after it has reached “full term,” from week 41 onward. Abortions can’t and don’t happen in these late stages of pregnancy.

So, you can see how describing second-term abortions as “late-term” abortions is misleading and imprecise. In fact, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) has made it clear that a “late-term abortion” has no medical meaning.

What percentage of abortions are late-term (second-term) abortions?​

According to data from the CDC, the vast majority, or 91%, of abortions take place during the first trimester of pregnancy. Of the remaining 9% of abortions that happen after the first trimester:

  • 7.7% happen between weeks 14 and 20
  • 1.2% happen at or after week 21
Second-term abortions require specialized care, and only 16% of abortion providers in the U.S. offer services up until week 24 of pregnancy. There are 43 states with laws that restrict how far into pregnancy an abortion can be provided.

Abortions in the third trimester are extremely rare and happen only in extreme circumstances, usually when there are fetal problems that aren’t compatible with life.
sorry but I am all full up on stupid for the day so I wont be able to help you with yours,,,
Ignorance is bliss, eh?

Late term abortions does NOT mean until birth silly one....there is no such medical term by the way....there is late term pregnancy, which is the third trimester, but no abortions are legal, except for saving a life or the baby is deformed and unable to survive.

What y'all have conveniently called late term abortion is 2nd TRIMESTER abortions, NOT third trimester, which is from 13 weeks to 26 weeks. Your lies about abortion until birth crap, are simply religious right, political bull shit.

Elective abortions are illegal in all states after 24 weeks. A pregnancy full term is approximately 38 weeks to 42 weeks


Is there a difference between late-term and second-term abortions?​

“Late-term” and “second-term” abortions both refer to the same thing: abortions that happen after the first term, in the second trimester of a pregnancy.

Pregnancy is often described in three segments called trimesters:

  • First trimester: conception through week 12
  • Second trimester: week 13 to 26 of pregnancy
  • Third trimester: week 27 until the end of pregnancy, anywhere from 38 to 42 weeks for a full-term delivery
“Late-term” is a medical term used to describe the very end of a pregnancy, after it has reached “full term,” from week 41 onward. Abortions can’t and don’t happen in these late stages of pregnancy.

So, you can see how describing second-term abortions as “late-term” abortions is misleading and imprecise. In fact, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) has made it clear that a “late-term abortion” has no medical meaning.

What percentage of abortions are late-term (second-term) abortions?​

According to data from the CDC, the vast majority, or 91%, of abortions take place during the first trimester of pregnancy. Of the remaining 9% of abortions that happen after the first trimester:

  • 7.7% happen between weeks 14 and 20
  • 1.2% happen at or after week 21
Second-term abortions require specialized care, and only 16% of abortion providers in the U.S. offer services up until week 24 of pregnancy. There are 43 states with laws that restrict how far into pregnancy an abortion can be provided.

Abortions in the third trimester are extremely rare and happen only in extreme circumstances, usually when there are fetal problems that aren’t compatible with life.
So, russian bots have an abortion "information" site?
The least of all the evils is avoiding unwanted pregnancy in the first place, but that takes the kind of brains rarely found in leftist sluts.
Not really an factor in this case is it so you have to move the goalposts? But I understand, your blind allegiance to an ideology won't allow you to admit that in this case, choosing to have an abortion is the right thing to do and Texas is not doing the right thing.

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