This Rolling Stone article is literally giving the Prime Minister of Canada a blow job...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Justin Trudeau: Canadian Prime Minister, Free World's Best Hope? - Rolling Stone

Justin Trudeau: The North Star
He was raised in jet-set privilege but overcame tragedy to become Canada's prime minister. Is he the free world's best hope?

Let's begin by synchronizing our watches. We are in the Eastern time zone.

The legislative session is over, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is about to give his wrap-up press conference. The reporters trudge into the gallery, grumbling, as reporters like to do, about traffic and editors. Someone gives the "10 seconds" signal, and Trudeau strides to the podium. He gives a nod and starts ticking off his accomplishments. The first is self-praise for cutting taxes on the middle class and raising them on the one percent. "We've given nine out of 10 families more money each month to help with the costs of raising their kids," Trudeau says.

It's strange to witness: He speaks in a modulated, indoor voice. His dark hair is a color found in nature. At home, there is a glamorous wife and three photogenic children, still not old enough to warm his seat at next week's G-20 summit or be involved in an espionage scandal.

When Trudeau moves on to his feminist bona fides (women and minorities make up more than half of his Cabinet), he pauses for a moment, but does not lose his train of thought. His words are coherent and will not need to be run through Google Translate when he is done (except if you want to translate his French into English).

It's like the reporter is suckiing the guy's dick and eating his cum.

What the hell is going on here?

He's not black, so that's not the reason.

What did Trudeau do to deserve this kind of blow my dick coverage?
Where can we find truthful news articles that don't either give the guy a blow job or attack him with a knife like a homocidal maniac?
Nothing. I can honestly say Trudeau has done jack shit except bankrupt the country after the Conservatives balanced the books. He just throws money at shit and has broken so many promises especially to First Nations.

But he's a globalist. Maybe that's why they love him.
The fact that Rolling Stone is giving the guy this kind of stroke his dick treatment makes me think he's a guy I don't like.
Well, if you're going to suck a man's dick you might as well eat his cum. Anything less is just half-assing it.

Eat your heart out Trump, intelligent and young.
Justin Trudeau: Canadian Prime Minister, Free World's Best Hope? - Rolling Stone

Justin Trudeau: The North Star
He was raised in jet-set privilege but overcame tragedy to become Canada's prime minister. Is he the free world's best hope?

Let's begin by synchronizing our watches. We are in the Eastern time zone.

The legislative session is over, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is about to give his wrap-up press conference. The reporters trudge into the gallery, grumbling, as reporters like to do, about traffic and editors. Someone gives the "10 seconds" signal, and Trudeau strides to the podium. He gives a nod and starts ticking off his accomplishments. The first is self-praise for cutting taxes on the middle class and raising them on the one percent. "We've given nine out of 10 families more money each month to help with the costs of raising their kids," Trudeau says.

It's strange to witness: He speaks in a modulated, indoor voice. His dark hair is a color found in nature. At home, there is a glamorous wife and three photogenic children, still not old enough to warm his seat at next week's G-20 summit or be involved in an espionage scandal.

When Trudeau moves on to his feminist bona fides (women and minorities make up more than half of his Cabinet), he pauses for a moment, but does not lose his train of thought. His words are coherent and will not need to be run through Google Translate when he is done (except if you want to translate his French into English).

It's like the reporter is suckiing the guy's dick and eating his cum.

What the hell is going on here?

He's not black, so that's not the reason.

What did Trudeau do to deserve this kind of blow my dick coverage?
I read no slurping...
He's turning Canada into Germany and being praised for it by idiotic loons that have no clue what is waiting for them.
Justin's really cute, so I'm not surprised the staff of RS would want to do him; what's really surprising is that you seem to respect "Rolling Stone."
Justin Trudeau: Canadian Prime Minister, Free World's Best Hope? - Rolling Stone

Justin Trudeau: The North Star
He was raised in jet-set privilege but overcame tragedy to become Canada's prime minister. Is he the free world's best hope?

Let's begin by synchronizing our watches. We are in the Eastern time zone.

The legislative session is over, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is about to give his wrap-up press conference. The reporters trudge into the gallery, grumbling, as reporters like to do, about traffic and editors. Someone gives the "10 seconds" signal, and Trudeau strides to the podium. He gives a nod and starts ticking off his accomplishments. The first is self-praise for cutting taxes on the middle class and raising them on the one percent. "We've given nine out of 10 families more money each month to help with the costs of raising their kids," Trudeau says.

It's strange to witness: He speaks in a modulated, indoor voice. His dark hair is a color found in nature. At home, there is a glamorous wife and three photogenic children, still not old enough to warm his seat at next week's G-20 summit or be involved in an espionage scandal.

When Trudeau moves on to his feminist bona fides (women and minorities make up more than half of his Cabinet), he pauses for a moment, but does not lose his train of thought. His words are coherent and will not need to be run through Google Translate when he is done (except if you want to translate his French into English).

It's like the reporter is suckiing the guy's dick and eating his cum.

What the hell is going on here?

He's not black, so that's not the reason.

What did Trudeau do to deserve this kind of blow my dick coverage?

There's already a thread on this --- although to be fair you would never have found it from its bizarro title: "They Lost Obama"

-- but having already read the article, I'm pretty sure it mentions nothing about "blow jobs". Matter of fact it makes no allusions to "blow my dick" at all. Perhaps you got your reading material mixed up. Oooopsie.
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Speaking of slurping and swallowing for your leaders..................anyone catch the new press secretary "the Mooch" last Friday? Not only was he telling us how great Trump was and that he had the best political instincts of any president ever, but then he went to tell us how Trump can make swish shots from the top of the key in basketball, and that he can sink 3 ft putts on the golf course?

To tell you the truth, what the Mooch said on Friday sounded more like press that would come from N. Korea about Kim Jong Un.
Justin's really cute, so I'm not surprised the staff of RS would want to do him; what's really surprising is that you seem to respect "Rolling Stone."

Yep, same thing happened in the first thread --- posters came in to poison the well rather than deal with the content.

Like post 2 did.
Like post 5 did.
in the article, it says Trudeau admits that he smoked pot AFTER being elected to Parliament

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