This Republican Party is on the wrong side of history.

Every freaking war in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Wilson said he would never send Americans to fight in a foreign war and then he sent Americans to fight in the trenches to save France from the Huns. Twenty years after that we had to send Americans to save France again. Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Bill. If you polled the political affiliation of the KKK you would have found that they were all card carrying democrats. Now the radicals on the left want to offer the same social courtesies to men who pretend to be women as we used to offer to ....well....women and they think the Catholic Church is on "the wrong side of history" when it refuses to finance the sexual promiscuity of coeds.
Every freaking war in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Wilson said he would never send Americans to fight in a foreign war and then he sent Americans to fight in the trenches to save France from the Huns. Twenty years after that we had to send Americans to save France again. Democrats voted against the Civil Rights Bill. If you polled the political affiliation of the KKK you would have found that they were all card carrying democrats. Now the radicals on the left want to offer the same social courtesies to men who pretend to be women as we used to offer to ....well....women and they think the Catholic Church is on "the wrong side of history" when it refuses to finance the sexual promiscuity of coeds.

You might want to review your "history". It's not about "Republicans" and "Democrats", but about "Conservatives" and "Liberals". In the Middle 60's, the Conservatives, those that started the KKK fled the Democratic Party and joined the Republican Party. They were fleeing blacks who were joining the Democratic Party.

I think it sickening that Republicans try to blame liberals for what conservatives in the Democratic Party did and take credit for what liberals in the Republican Party did. Only a true fool could possibly believe that Conservatives would have freed the slaves. That is retarded and sickening beyond belief. This is why the the Republican Party today is 90% white and why the KKK feels they are not needed because the GOP has adopted their positions.

I admit, it makes me angry that Republicans could be so dishonest and disingenuous. But then, these are the same people who believe science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. They will believe anything not true, no matter how far fetched.

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