This Is Why You Don't Give Democrats Money / Allow Them To Add To National Security-Threatening Debt - Backdoor Marxist CRT / Anti-Racist Training


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Co-founder of ‘anti-racist’ education group promoted by Biden admin declares: ‘I want us to be feared'

Co-founder of ‘anti-racist’ education group promoted by Biden admin declares: ‘I want us to be feared'

Biden is encouraging States to use Deficit Dollars intended to help Defeat COVID-19 and the Pandemic on CRT / 'anti-racist' training.

Biden admin promotes radical group pushing critical race theory in schools

The Biden administration's guidance for school reopening promoted a radical activist group’s handbook that advocates for educators to "disrupt Whiteness and other forms of oppression."

The Department of Education linked to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s "Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning" in its handbook intended to help schools reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic and recommend how they should spend billions of dollars they collectively received through the American Rescue Plan.

The Abolitionist Teaching Network’s website includes links to various materials and media that include language often associated with critical race theory, though the group avoids using the exact phrase.

"Abolitionist Teachers" should "uild a school culture that engages in healing and advocacy. This requires a commitment to learning from students, families, and educators who disrupt Whiteness and other forms of oppression," the group states in its guide.

1. Money never seems to go where Democrats say its going.
- If money is designated for COVID-19 it should go to COVID-19 or not used at all (I would say 'returned', but since we are talking about non-existent debt / deficit-dollars you can't really return what doesn't technically exist)

2. Legislation was not passed allocating money to Marxist-based 'anti-racist' / CRT education / indoctrination in schools, so it should be illegal - using money from other legislation for another issue to fund a completely separate issue.
- COVID-19 funding passed as part of a COVID-19 relief bill should only be allowed to be used for COVID-19. If Democrats want to fund 'anti-racist' training / CRT then they should have to pass a completely separate 'anti-racist' training / CRT bill that has to have its own funding.

What Biden and Democrats are doing is stealing money from another piece of legislation's funding to pay for a radical Marxist ideology agenda item that was not voted on/ agreed on by all of Congress. It's like 'Bait & Switch' - You fund 'THIS Project' everyone agrees on, then you steal money from that project to pay for your own pet project supported my a minority and NOT officially funded through the legal legislative process.

After IMMEDIATE backlash from Joe promoting this crap, Joe is now saying, "OOPS, MY BAD!"

Biden admin blames  ‘error’ after promoting radical activist group in handbook on reopening schools

Biden admin blames ‘error’ after promoting radical activist group in handbook on reopening schools


WTF?! Ummm....yeah, about that.....Imade a mistake & didn't mean any of that earlier.


What a clusterf*...

Biden marks 6 months in office on Instagram, gets shredded in comments
What Biden and Democrats are doing is stealing money from another piece of legislation's funding to pay for a radical Marxist ideology agenda item that was not voted on/ agreed on by all of Congress. It's like 'Bait & Switch' - You fund 'THIS Project' everyone agrees on, then you steal money from that project to pay for your own pet project supported my a minority and NOT officially funded through the legal legislative process.

If *biden was up front and honest about his/the left's agenda, they wouldn't stand a chance at being elected. Their beliefs are not popular among most Americans.
If *biden was up front and honest about his/the left's agenda, they wouldn't stand a chance at being elected. Their beliefs are not popular among most Americans.
Not...because Americans are completely against what Marxist, communist-supporting, Open Borders, 'Defund-The-Police', domestic terrorist Antifa/BLM-supporting, K-12 'anti-racist'/CRT-pushing, Conservative-Censoring/silencing Democrats and a President proven to have taken CCP and Russian money during his campaign and one who refuses to hold either nation accountable for microwave weapons attacks, cyber attacks, the pandemic, holding Americans hostage, etc....believe and stand for.
The Democrat Party is a dangerous cult.
They use race as their main political weapon.
Their "anti-racism" curriculum is about as racist as it gets.
They are actually teaching children to hate themselves and to hate each other.
They are incapable of introspection.
Co-founder of ‘anti-racist’ education group promoted by Biden admin declares: ‘I want us to be feared''

Co-founder of ‘anti-racist’ education group promoted by Biden admin declares: ‘I want us to be feared'

Biden is encouraging States to use Deficit Dollars intended to help Defeat COVID-19 and the Pandemic on CRT / 'anti-racist' training.

Biden admin promotes radical group pushing critical race theory in schools

The Biden administration's guidance for school reopening promoted a radical activist group’s handbook that advocates for educators to "disrupt Whiteness and other forms of oppression."

The Department of Education linked to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s "Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning" in its handbook intended to help schools reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic and recommend how they should spend billions of dollars they collectively received through the American Rescue Plan.

The Abolitionist Teaching Network’s website includes links to various materials and media that include language often associated with critical race theory, though the group avoids using the exact phrase.

"Abolitionist Teachers" should "uild a school culture that engages in healing and advocacy. This requires a commitment to learning from students, families, and educators who disrupt Whiteness and other forms of oppression," the group states in its guide.

1. Money never seems to go where Democrats say its going.
- If money is designated for COVID-19 it should go to COVID-19 or not used at all (I would say 'returned', but since we are talking about non-existent debt / deficit-dollars you can't really return what doesn't technically exist)

2. Legislation was not passed allocating money to Marxist-based 'anti-racist' / CRT education / indoctrination in schools, so it should be illegal - using money from other legislation for another issue to fund a completely separate issue.
- COVID-19 funding passed as part of a COVID-19 relief bill should only be allowed to be used for COVID-19. If Democrats want to fund 'anti-racist' training / CRT then they should have to pass a completely separate 'anti-racist' training / CRT bill that has to have its own funding.

What Biden and Democrats are doing is stealing money from another piece of legislation's funding to pay for a radical Marxist ideology agenda item that was not voted on/ agreed on by all of Congress. It's like 'Bait & Switch' - You fund 'THIS Project' everyone agrees on, then you steal money from that project to pay for your own pet project supported my a minority and NOT officially funded through the legal legislative process.

I can't believe all the crap that my tax money is used for----this isn't what our founders had in mind. This money for any groups even if they were racist and terrorists is not what the government should ever have a right to funnel funds to.
Co-founder of ‘anti-racist’ education group promoted by Biden admin declares: ‘I want us to be feared''

Co-founder of ‘anti-racist’ education group promoted by Biden admin declares: ‘I want us to be feared'

Biden is encouraging States to use Deficit Dollars intended to help Defeat COVID-19 and the Pandemic on CRT / 'anti-racist' training.

Biden admin promotes radical group pushing critical race theory in schools

The Biden administration's guidance for school reopening promoted a radical activist group’s handbook that advocates for educators to "disrupt Whiteness and other forms of oppression."

The Department of Education linked to the Abolitionist Teaching Network’s "Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning" in its handbook intended to help schools reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic and recommend how they should spend billions of dollars they collectively received through the American Rescue Plan.

The Abolitionist Teaching Network’s website includes links to various materials and media that include language often associated with critical race theory, though the group avoids using the exact phrase.

"Abolitionist Teachers" should "uild a school culture that engages in healing and advocacy. This requires a commitment to learning from students, families, and educators who disrupt Whiteness and other forms of oppression," the group states in its guide.

1. Money never seems to go where Democrats say its going.
- If money is designated for COVID-19 it should go to COVID-19 or not used at all (I would say 'returned', but since we are talking about non-existent debt / deficit-dollars you can't really return what doesn't technically exist)

2. Legislation was not passed allocating money to Marxist-based 'anti-racist' / CRT education / indoctrination in schools, so it should be illegal - using money from other legislation for another issue to fund a completely separate issue.
- COVID-19 funding passed as part of a COVID-19 relief bill should only be allowed to be used for COVID-19. If Democrats want to fund 'anti-racist' training / CRT then they should have to pass a completely separate 'anti-racist' training / CRT bill that has to have its own funding.

What Biden and Democrats are doing is stealing money from another piece of legislation's funding to pay for a radical Marxist ideology agenda item that was not voted on/ agreed on by all of Congress. It's like 'Bait & Switch' - You fund 'THIS Project' everyone agrees on, then you steal money from that project to pay for your own pet project supported my a minority and NOT officially funded through the legal legislative process.

More money in circulation will mean more debt. Christs teachings that I talk about will eliminate the debt.

We need to like God who gives good gifts. God, married to our mind. That mind will not think about giving death to anyone.

People will not receive had they not ask. Don't ask amiss to consume whatever, just because you can, like an insatiable devil. Devils will not get a good reward.

We need to obey forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. The debt of death will be forgiven. The catholic church does not want that. They removed forgive us our debts, replacing it with forgive us our trespasses.

Satan says fear me. We need to be like Jesus who is the Father, comforting people, saying, don't be afraid, fear not, and don't worry. Everyone wants to hear those words.

It should be anti Money training. Money is one thing that makes people to beleive a lie.

Biden is teaching people to give guilt. Jesus will not do that. The Unseen Father would have been cast into Satan's prison had he do want what Biden wants. Moron, Biden, you are white skinned.

Jesus healed people without having to do all of this convoluted whatever.

The legal system oppresses people, keeping them from being themselves. The church made that happen. Biden is misdirected in what he is doing. His own damn church caused people to oppress others. He has the audacity to praise the damn church.

Muslims are siphoning the money to themselves. Muslims are working with Biden.
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