This Is Why Colored People Aren't Taken Seriously

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Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.

I guess it depends on the person being called colored or negro?

Was downstairs talking to my buddy. She is a caregiver here. LOVE that gal. Anyway..she is black. We were having a break, she and I, her from caregiving her client, me from just wanting to be outside, and the discussion we had was what is the proper term most blacks want to hear. She said BLACK. Her skin is BLACK. Yep. It sure is. Beautiful skin she has. In her 50's and looks 20. Bitch. LOL. Anyway....she said colored divides. Negro just sounds icky. Black is preferred to her and most of those she affiliates with that are black as well.

We wondered why whites aren't called FleshyPink. Or Beige. Sometimes referred to FishBellyWhite. (eww).

So I guess it depends on the person, the mindset of that person, how that person was raised in their community or parents on what is acceptable to THEM. For most blacks and whites....its pretty stupid to add a color at all, we agreed upon. Then we finished our cigs and went back to either work (her) and me (tv).
I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.
If you're going to say 'some' blacks and not all 'blacks' then you are at least barely onside to make the point. I'll leave aside getting into any details on why I suspect that your intention is less than honourable, and instead get right to the point.

You're in fact quite correct to discuss the failings of 'some' black people. But you have to also accept that white America created the problems. It didn't have to be that way and it wouldn't be if blacks were treated as equals after the attempts of racial equality reform in the 60's.

The less than desirable 'race' issues were guaranteed to become 'racism' issues.

Were your intentions honourable when you started this topic?
I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.

Inferiated isn't a word.
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