This is what's coming to America

Degenerate, meet your voice.
What gravity got yo brain, you don't like it when I act the liberal part, do ya moron...:2up:

Your still whining? You've stated your vomitus succinctly, maybe your dog hasn't been kicked enough this week, check into that and then stop back by.
Well if you were here I'd kick you until you started whining, moron...

Ah, internet tough. LOL Go threaten someone else Pinky.
Only lefties are pinkies, now jump. Your my new dog, every time I post you'll jump, lol you probably have your email notify you when there's post, poor you. The only way to get away, ignore...rolmao
oh no another christ stained martyr
"This is what's coming to America"

What's already in America is this sort of ignorance and hate common to many on the right, posing a much greater threat than 'Muslims.'
So you think it is a good idea to bring in thousands of muslim immigrants that can't or haven't been vetted? Do you realize how utterly stupid that is? Oh wait, you are one of those touchy, feely libruls.

You really think these people won't be vetter.

Typical dumber-than-Palin con.

Gads, you're a fool.

"FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday that the federal government does not have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the U.S."
Liberals/Progressives/Democrats "Mitigate, Apologize For, Excuse, or rationalize the actions of the seventh century savages."
Proof of a Progressive-Islamist Alliance.

"Mitchell D. Silber, a former director of intelligence analysis for the NYPD whose groundbreaking 2007 report warned of the growing threat posed by “home-grown” militant Islamic terrorists, said in an interview and in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that, while the U.S. has fewer disaffected Muslims prone to ISIS’s “toxic ideology,” a significant threat persists because “the number is not zero.”

Indeed, FBI director Comey testified that the FBI now has over 900 active investigations—at least one in every state—of individuals possibly linked to ISIS."
America the Vulnerable by Judith Miller, City Journal November 23, 2015

Yet they constantly post their "is not, is nooottttttt" brain-dead denials.

Obama promises a cure for cancer 'once and for all'

By Rick Moran
January 13, 2016

Forty-five years ago, the U..S landed a man on the Moon and brought him home safely. The effort cost, in today's dollars, around $135 billion spent over ten years.

Ever since then, whenever government wants to spend a lot of money solving a problem, the moon program is cited as an example that we can do anything we put our minds – and dollars – to.

Last night, the president invoked the Moon landing to announce his initiative to cure cancer – "once and for all." But someone should have whispered into the president's ear that the idea we can eradicate all cancer is a myth and that despite the government spending more than $200 billion on cancer research since the 1970s, the rate of cancer deaths overall has not fallen in 50 years.


Read more:
What gravity got yo brain, you don't like it when I act the liberal part, do ya moron...:2up:

Your still whining? You've stated your vomitus succinctly, maybe your dog hasn't been kicked enough this week, check into that and then stop back by.
Well if you were here I'd kick you until you started whining, moron...

Ah, internet tough. LOL Go threaten someone else Pinky.
Only lefties are pinkies, now jump. Your my new dog, every time I post you'll jump, lol you probably have your email notify you when there's post, poor you. The only way to get away, ignore...rolmao
oh no another christ stained martyr

Beats being a shit stained liberal, why don't you go back to your liberal butt chugging...
European Leftists Want to Seize Homes to House Muslim Migrants

Never let a crisis go to waste

September 25, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Never let a crisis go to waste is the theme of the left. Every crisis must be used to seize power, money and property for the agendas of the left. The Muslim migrant crisis in Europe is no different.
The arrival of huge numbers of Muslim illegal aliens has created housing issues. Refugees may be housed in places known for pure evil, like Buchenwald or the Frizl house. But that's not enough. A natural target for leftist activists were the summer homes, those symbols of bourgeois indulgence. Let the Muslim migrants have your summer homes has become the clarion call.
As Ingrid Carlqvist at Gatestone reports from Sweden


It's gone further than that in Germany where the mayor of at least one small town has discussed forcing residents to give up property to refugees and there have been reports, since denied, that the German government wanted to force rentals.


Sweden has already seen such talk earlier.


It's more than just talk in Germany.


It's a shame that the Muslim migrant crisis is pushing Germany toward fascism.
And the property war may even hit religious organizations.


It used to be that it was radical leftist governments, like the one in France, that wanted to seize Catholic properties to house the homeless. Now apparently that same message is coming from the Vatican.

European Leftists Want to Seize Homes to House Muslim Migrants

Do you really want a one world government...
Istanbul Bomber Another "Syrian Refugee"
January 13, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


All those activists promoting total open borders for so-called Syrian refugees have blood on their hands. Aside from the mass assaults on women in Cologne and other cities, there are multiple terror attacks now involving Syrian refugees or other Muslims pretending to be Syrian refugees.

Here's the latest tragic Syrian refugee terrorist.


A little thank you to Germans for the hospitality. The Paris attacker was another "Syrian refugee". And we just had refugee terror busts in America. Who's afraid of a few widows and orphans again?

Istanbul Bomber Another "Syrian Refugee"
What gravity got yo brain, you don't like it when I act the liberal part, do ya moron...:2up:

Your still whining? You've stated your vomitus succinctly, maybe your dog hasn't been kicked enough this week, check into that and then stop back by.
Well if you were here I'd kick you until you started whining, moron...

Ah, internet tough. LOL Go threaten someone else Pinky.
Only lefties are pinkies, now jump. Your my new dog, every time I post you'll jump, lol you probably have your email notify you when there's post, poor you. The only way to get away, ignore...rolmao
oh no another christ stained martyr

An he is quite the oddball no question. And angry as a rapist, which is ironic.
Your still whining? You've stated your vomitus succinctly, maybe your dog hasn't been kicked enough this week, check into that and then stop back by.
Well if you were here I'd kick you until you started whining, moron...

Ah, internet tough. LOL Go threaten someone else Pinky.
Only lefties are pinkies, now jump. Your my new dog, every time I post you'll jump, lol you probably have your email notify you when there's post, poor you. The only way to get away, ignore...rolmao
oh no another christ stained martyr

An he is quite the oddball no question. And angry as a rapist, which is ironic.
Hey look my mutts awake, what bitch dogs did you rape today mutt, did you snort any ass...:bye1:
Cologne: Welcome party for migrants turned into mass groping
January 15, 2016 4:02 pm
By Robert Spencer

Uncovered meat.” And “the council official responsible for integration matters, Coletta Manemann, who helped organise the ‘Refugees Welcome’ event, did not report the incidents and has now been accused of a cover-up attempt.” No wonder — this is just more of the growing mountain of evidence that Europe’s refugee policies are a disaster, and one that is just going to grow.


“MIGRANT SEX ATTACK ‘COVER-UP’: Welcome party for Cologne refugees turned into mass groping,” by Nick Gutteridge, Express, January 15, 2016:

Police and victims have furiously demanded to know why organisers did not warn them that refugees had committed abhorrent sexual harassment amid speculation such information could have helped avert the sickening attacks on New Year’s Eve.

Young women had to flee the welcome event in terror after being groped by gangs of migrant men, even though organisers repeatedly interrupted the music with messages in Arabic urging them to stop their harassment.

The revelations have raised the ugly prospect that some of those refugees were free to go on and commit the twisted sex crimes on New Year’s Eve because politically correct council officials did not report them to the police.

Angela Merkel’s government is under increasing pressure to come clean over the true numbers of sex crimes linked to migrants after it emerged that authorities deliberately withheld the nationalities of the Cologne attackers for several days.

They also “covered up” similar incidents in other cities including Dusseldorf and Hamburg, Munich and Berlin.

Today the council official responsible for the integration of refugees in the Cologne region admitted organisers knew about the sex attacks at the event but did not want to make a fuss.

She also shockingly said she “cannot remember” whether she advised the women who were attacked to go to the police, but added she felt the event’s student organisers “had learned from the situation”.

The appalling incident, on November 7, 2015, only became known of at all because one of the victims bravely decided to go to the police in the aftermath of the Cologne sex attacks.

She told the city’s Express newspaper how she and her friend were surrounded by migrants at the party, which was held on a boat, and were repeatedly groped despite asking the men to stop.

She said: “I guess there were about 100 to 150 asylum seeker men there. I’d only been there a few minutes, and I got the first hand on my breast.”

Soon the fondling increased even further until there were “up to four men were pressing themselves on me and my friend at the same time”, according to the victim.

She said one migrant then grabbed her and kissed her, at which point she managed to break free and run off with another friend.

The Cologne police force today furiously demanded to know why it was not alerted to the crimes by the organisers, even though the situation was so bad they had to make repeated pleas to the migrant men to stop sexually harassing young women.


You are being redirected...
Muslim refugee in Texas: “I want to blow myself up…I am against America”

January 14, 2016 7:38 am
By Robert Spencer

“An Iraqi refugee who is facing charges that he tried to help the Islamic State group wanted to set off bombs at two Houston malls and was learning to make electronic transmitters that could be used to detonate explosive devices.” Solution: bring in more refugees! Anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist, bigoted Islamophobe.


“Federal agent says Iraqi refugee wanted to bomb Texas malls,” by Juan A. Lozano, Associated Press, January 14, 2016:

HOUSTON — An Iraqi refugee who is facing charges that he tried to help the Islamic State group wanted to set off bombs at two Houston malls and was learning to make electronic transmitters that could be used to detonate explosive devices, a federal agent testified.

Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan, who came to Houston from Iraq in 2009, was indicted last week on three charges, including attempting to provide support to a designated terrorist organization. He pleaded not guilty to all three charges during a court appearance on Wednesday.

U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes denied granting Al Hardan a bond, ruling that there would be a serious risk that the Iraqi refugee would flee if released from federal custody.

Hughes made his decision after listening to testimony from Homeland Security Special Agent Herman Wittliff, who said that in addition to Al Hardan wanting to set off bombs at the two Houston malls, including the popular Galleria mall, the Iraqi man was also learning how to make electronic transmitters that could be used to detonate improvised explosive devices. Al Hardan wanted use cellphones — a collection of which were found in his apartment — to detonate the transmitters, Wittliff said.

“He wanted to build them (the transmitters) for ISIL,” Wittliff said.
“For what purpose?” asked prosecutor Ralph Imperato.

“So he could kill people,” Wittliff replied.

Al Hardan’s arrest prompted criticism of the Obama administration’s refugee policies from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has been a leader among Republican governors calling for a halt to resettlement of Syrian refugees in their states. Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas called for a retroactive review of all refugees who have come to the U.S.


You are being redirected...
There Are 653 Cologne Victims of the Muslim Rape Mob

January 15, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The breakdown for robbery and sexual assault complaints is around half and half, so there would appear to be some 300 female victims of the Muslim rape mob. And the numbers may still go higher as more complaints continue to come in.

Beyond Cologne, there are hundreds of other complaints. And all from New Year's Eve.

These are truly horrifying numbers. And some things are being discussed, which could not be discussed before.


There Are 653 Cologne Victims of the Muslim Rape Mob

January 17, 2016

Daniel Greenfield


Some interesting tidbits from Pope Francis' statement on migrants and refugees. Via Andrew Stuttaford at the National Review.

"Migration movements are now a structural reality, and our primary issue must be to deal with the present emergency phase by providing programmes which address the causes of migration and the changes it entails, including its effect on the makeup of societies and peoples."

"At this moment in human history, marked by great movements of migration, identity is not a secondary issue. Those who migrate are forced to change some of their most distinctive characteristics and, whether they like or not, even those who welcome them are also forced to change."

"The presence of migrants and refugees seriously challenges the various societies which accept them. Those societies are faced with new situations which could create serious hardship unless they are suitably motivated, managed and regulated. How can we ensure that integration will become mutual enrichment, open up positive perspectives to communities, and prevent the danger of discrimination, racism, extreme nationalism or xenophobia?"

"Public opinion also needs to be correctly formed, not least to prevent unwarranted fears and speculations detrimental to migrants."There is little to no acknowledgement of the inherent religious consequences of huge numbers of Muslims invading and settling in Europe. The words "Islam" and "Muslim" are never even mentioned.


There is little to no acknowledgement of the inherent religious consequences of huge numbers of Muslims invading and settling in Europe. The words "Islam" and "Muslim" are never even mentioned.

Pope Francis: Countries that Take in Refugees Must Change

Refugees, Terrorists, Illegals and Cop Killers

The Unholy Alliance cements its links in California.

January 19, 2016
Lloyd Billingsley


Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, 23, came to the United States in October, 2012. He left in 2014, as he explained, to visit his grandmother in Turkey. On that trip, however, he rejoined the armed struggle in Syria, in company with terrorists. In his first court appearance in Sacramento, Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab drew some good press as a hip young man fond of fast cars and posing before the Golden Gate Bridge. On January 15, a somewhat different portrait emerged.

A Sacramento Bee report cited documents that emerged during the refugee’s January 15 indictment. On his overseas adventure, the refugee praised acts of violence against Americans and took part in the execution of three Syrian soldiers. Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab boasted of using silencers in the attacks. Friends on the refugee’s Facebook page included supporters of Ansar Al-Islam and ISIS. The FBI found that he corresponded with a site ISIS used to distribute propaganda and communicate with terrorist organizations.

Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab also posted a photo of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bomber, and praised him as a Muslim who humiliated the United States, belongs to God’s nation and enjoyed divine protection. According to the Bee report, Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab also praised a deadly 2009 suicide attack against CIA analysts in Afghanistan.

The refugee’s public defender said his client planned no acts of violence in the United States and will plead not guilty to charges of lying to U.S. officials and participating in international terrorism. The January 16 Sacramento Bee report included no quotations from local CAIR director Basim Elkarra, who previously told reporters that nobody in local mosques recognized the Iraqi refugee. The day of his indictment, the FBI released more information on the December 2 San Bernardino attack.

As the Los Angeles Times reported, FBI investigators now believe that Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik attempted to detonate a pipe bomb hidden inside a bag at the Inland Regional Center. Investigators were unsure of the timing to detonate the bomb, but as reporters Richard Winton and James Queally noted, “the idea that Farook wanted to attack in waves bears an eerie resemblance to his aborted plans for a terror attack on a nearby school or freeway in 2012.”

The FBI has been unable to locate the hard drive from the Muslim couple’s home, and an 18-minute gap remains in the timeline. The FBI’s David Bowdich told reporters: “Until we know what happened in those 18 minutes, I am uncomfortable and my investigators are uncomfortable. Because you just don’t know if they met with someone, and that is disconcerting.”
Also on the day of Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab’s indictment, a Sacramento judge found Luis Enriquez Monroy Bracamontes competent to stand trial. In October 2014, Bracamontes, a Mexican national in the United States illegally, gunned down Danny Oliver, 47, a Sacramento County Sheriff’s deputy. Bracamontes shot Oliver in the head with a 9mm handgun but the killer and his wife Janelle Marquez Monroy also packed an AR-15 rifle. After killing Danny Oliver, Bracamontes and Monroy shot Anthony Holmes, a motorist who refused to give up his car. Holmes survived the shooting but later Bracamontes killed police detective Michael Davis with the AR-15 and wounded Jeff Davis, a deputy.


Refugees, Terrorists, Illegals and Cop Killers
This is what the left would do here, make excuses for the Islamic beasts...

Guardian Feminist: Muslim Rapists are the Real Victims in Cologne
January 19, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


You had to know it was only a matter of time until the left patiently explained to us that the Muslim rape mobs in Cologne were really the "oppressed" and the women they assaulted need to admit their privilege. That's the theme of this little essay in The Guardian by Gaby Hinsliff, a feminist and the daughter of an actor.

"The New Year’s Eve attacks are shocking at least partly because they’re confusing. If they were primarily sexually motivated, done for kicks or fuelled by assumptions about western women’s sexual availability, then surely there would be no reason to steal the victims’ valuables. Rapists seek power, not money."

Except when you know, they do both. The Muslim rape mobs had not been informed ahead of time that they needed to make their crimes less confusing by confining them to simple categories that fit the preconceived notions of Western leftists who have decided that if a sexual offender robs someone, it really isn't rape.

But Gaby is working herself up to her thesis of explaining the "confusing" attacks in traditional class warfare terms.

Liberals shouldn’t be afraid to ask hard questions. Young German women thankfully enjoy historically unprecedented economic and sexual freedom, with their expensive smartphones and their right to celebrate New Year’s Eve however they want. The same isn’t always true of young male migrants exchanging life under repressive regimes, where they may at least have enjoyed superiority over women, for scraping by at the bottom of Europe’s social and economic food chain.

It is not madness to ask if this has anything to do with attacks that render confident, seemingly lucky young women humiliated and powerless.

In the real world, the poor oppressed migrants "scraping by" have their own "expensive smartphones". They even routinely stage protests in Italy because they're not getting free WiFi.


Liberals shouldn't ask any hard questions about Islam. But they should ask hard questions about why those "lucky young women" had it coming from the poor, oppressed migrants.

Guardian Feminist: Muslim Rapists are the Real Victims in Cologne
We Could Have Seen Europe's Muslim Rape Crisis Coming
January 21, 2016
Abigail R. Esman


Reprinted from

In the aftermath of New Year's Eve's mass rapes of European women by Muslim refugees, the questions have been repeated: Should we have known this kind of thing would happen? Could we have known? And from local bars to parliaments, from family dinners to the nightly news, the answers keep coming back: Yes; we could. Yes, we should.

But interestingly, the people who say this with the most conviction are not right-wing Muslim-bashers, or activists opposed to the settling of Syrian refugees in Europe. They are Muslims, and mostly Muslim women.

Over and over, these women, and other Western women who have worked in the Middle East and North Africa, pointed out the commonality of rape in the Middle East, North Africa and Southeast Asia (the MENASAS region), and noted the oppression of women in most cultures there. (The Kurds form a notable exception.)

Many point to the rapes in Tahrir Square in 2011 and 2013 as cautionary tales, describing the so-called "circle of hell" that women faced then: lone women surrounded by men whose hands groped and pulled, ripped and pressed, and eventually overpowered. A 2013 study conducted after the attacks showed that a stunning 99 percent of Egyptian women had experienced some sort of sexual harassment.

True, these asylum-seekers are not Egyptian, but the signs were there all along. And despite new crackdowns on male asylum-seeker from the region, the problem is likely to continue so long as conservative Muslim men remain among their ranks, finding their way into European cities as new citizens. Observed Brenda Stoter, a reporter and sociologist who has spent several years covering women in the region for Al Jazeera and Dutch newspaper De Groene, in a recent essay, "Anyone who thinks that you can bring the Arabic world to Europe without social inequality, cultural differences, and the influence of religion, ignores the facts."

In fact, one of the most shocking revelations about the attacks in Germany was the authorities' admission that they had had an indication such a thing could and likely would happen. In meetings with police, politicians had been apprised that there were entire gangs of North Africans with "serious" criminal records among the refugees, according to a report in De Welt.


We Could Have Seen Europe's Muslim Rape Crisis Coming
The Cologne Cathedral Under Attack

It wasn’t only infidel women defiled last New Year’s Eve, but Germany’s Christian religion and civilization as well.

January 22, 2016
Stephen Brown



Rossman believes the answer lies with the Cologne Cathedral itself. Acts of sexual violence against women occurred in other German cities on New Year’s, but to a lesser extent. None of these other locations, however, and nowhere else in Germany for that matter, possesses a “more imposing, picture powerful background as this Gothic cathedral.” And the “wire pullers,” Rossman believes, were well aware of this when selecting Cologne for last New Year’s mayhem. They did not have to know “which religious, historical, cultural and political significance is due to it (the cathedral) in order to grasp its importance and the impression it produces…”

“The Cathedral was being used as background scenery, which reflects still other messages: that it concerns a strike against the culture of the European city as a meeting place and individual freedom, and that the attack was directed against the (Catholic) Church …,” Rossman states.

Besides acts of sexual and religious terrorism meant to break down German society, the attacks against the women and the cathedral were also a show of Islamic power. Women and religious minorities can be terrorised by Muslim mobs just like in Islamic countries. Their reach is growing.

But perhaps the most important message the New Year’s Eve events were meant to convey was directed at Muslims living in Germany and the Islamic world. And the message is that Germany cannot protect either its women or its religion. It is weak.

In fact, German Christians are so feeble that one of their greatest cathedrals suffered a humiliating attack during a religious service, presided over by one of Germany’s highest churchmen, without consequences. And by publicly molesting such large numbers of infidel women so boldly and brazenly without retaliation, German men are shown as equally weak.

But, just as important, the women's molestation without retaliation showed that German men were also without ‘honour’. And honour is an esteemed concept among Muslim men, who kill female family members for the slightest sexual impropriety, real or imagined, to restore their ‘honour’.

As a result of this feebleness and lack of honour, Germany deserves and is ready for conquest. It is easy pickings.

Last New Year’s Eve, Ivan Jucevic, a champion kick boxer, worked as a doorman at a five-star hotel right on the square opposite the cathedral. Jucevic said witnessed men shooting rockets at the grand, medieval structure, among other "alarming" events. He didn’t know whether they were refugees, but he said they could speak only English and Arabic.
The almost 7 ft. tall Jucevic knows this because he had to beat some of them up for trying to get at women they had been sexually harassing, but who were now standing behind him for protection. On one occasion, a group of Arabs told Jucevic, in English, to step aside because “…these are our girls.” But their English knowledge didn’t help them in the subsequent confrontation with Jucevic.

Jucevic relates he had to resort to self-defence measures several times over the entire evening to defend “terrified women.” They would approach him, sometimes in tears, asking for his protection and to just be allowed to stand beside him because of the packs of hyenas who were following and sexually harassing and molesting them. Jurcevic recalled:

“Young girls, trembling right in front of me, begging “please, please, can we just stand next to you. We fear these people there. They are chasing us all the time.”

After their defeats at Jucevic’s hands, the Arabs would threaten to come back and kill him, drawing a finger in a slitting motion across their throats. But none ever returned for a second round with the man later dubbed the “Hero of Cologne.”

Once skeptical of videos showing refugee misbehaviour, thinking they were rightist propaganda, Jucevic is now a true believer after New Year’s. Ominously, he warns that evening was only “a dress rehearsal.”

“I can tell you one thing,” Jucevic said. “I never witnessed anything like this before and it will escalate – by Carnival (Mardi Gras) at the latest. In Cologne, it will really explode.”
But being the fighter and upright man that he is, Jucevic says he definitely intends to be there, providing security and protection. In doing so, he is setting the example, consciously or unconsciously, that Germans urgently need to follow: either fight back or watch your country slowly descend into barbarism with all its attendant horrors. New Year’s was just a sampling.

The Cologne Cathedral Under Attack
Thank God we have guns...

Islam’s Sexual Abuses in Sweden and the “Cultural Challenge”

Sweden and Europe will soon learn, the hard way, why women do not go out alone on the streets of Kabul.

January 22, 2016
Nima Gholam Ali Pour


The sexual abuse incidents in Europe have exposed the logical flaws in the Swedish debate about immigration and they also show how unprepared Sweden and Europe are in facing the challenges that have arisen because of the migration crisis.

After women were assaulted by "asylum seekers" in several places in Europe, it emerged that it also had happened in Sweden. However, in Sweden this had happened in August 2015 at the "We are Sthlm" festival where about 150 girls had been victims of sexual abuse by "refugee youths" from Afghanistan.

The reason that this August 2015 incident was not reported until January 2016, was because one of Sweden's largest newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, and the Swedish police, who had access to the information, did not report these incidents to the public.

Dagens Nyheter is known as a newspaper that romanticizes immigration and multiculturalism but the actions of the police shocked many in Sweden, because the police are one of the institutions in Sweden that many Swedes have great confidence in. The explanation that the police chief Peter Ågren gave for not reporting the sexual abuses in August 2015 was:

“This is a sore point, sometimes, we do not dare to say how things really are because we believe it will play into the hands of the Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats). We have to take responsibility for this within the police.”

The fact that a Swedish police chief was making political considerations came as a shock to a country that never had to think about what political views the police have. In Sweden, the general view is that police chiefs who let their political views affect their job are found in other countries, mostly in dictatorships, and not in Sweden. That the police chief wants to disfavor the third largest party in the Swedish parliament just makes the situation even more uncomfortable. It must also be said that Sweden’s national police commissioner, since 2015, Dan Eliasson, holds openly hostile views against the fastest rising party in Sweden.
One of the famous tweets of the national police commissioner is that he wants to “vomit” over the party-leader of the Sweden Democrats.

At the same time, the Swedish police’s work with newly arrived migrants is completely classified. It is impossible for Swedes to know about the security situation in the homes where "asylum seekers" are staying, or how many of the newly arrived migrants have broken the law.

But this whole situation also reveals much about the important role of culture in the immigration issue. The migration crisis has not only created huge economic costs. Large parts of Sweden and Europe have learned in a furious pace that all migrants coming into Europe have not become feminists or liberals when they crossed the border. Many migrants have brought their cultural framework which includes a clear "non-European" view of women.


Islam’s Sexual Abuses in Sweden and the “Cultural Challenge”
Muslim Refugee "Orphans" Take Over Swedish Train Station, Assault Women
January 26, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


Who's afraid of a few orphans again?

Swedish police warns that Stockholm's main train station has become unsafe after being ‘taken over’ by dozens of Moroccan street children.

The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police.

Stockholm police estimate that at least 200 Moroccan street children move in the area around the main train station in the centre of the capital, sleeping rough, and living off criminal activity.

'These guys are a huge problem for us. They steal stuff everywhere and assault security guards at the central station,' one police officer told SVT.

'They grope girls between their legs, and slap them in the face when they protest. All police officers are aware of this.

'I would never let my children go to the central station. No officer would.'

The gangs are made up of orphans who have grown up on the streets of Casablanca and Tanger in Morocco, where authorities estimate there are around 800,000 homeless 'street children'.

They have all applied for asylum Sweden as unaccompanied minors after travelling through Spain and Germany, a journey which may have taken them years.

How many is Europe supposed to take in? Pro-refugee activists will refer to 17 and 18 year olds as children and with no testing or documentation, even 40-year-old men have been able to get away with claiming to be child refugees.

Meanwhile one of those poor "children", a rather old child at that, is finally being booted, not out of Europe, but out of Sweden, after his assault was caught on camera.


Muslim Refugee "Orphans" Take Over Swedish Train Station, Assault Women

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