This is what's coming to America

What kind of degenerate 'hopes' that any woman would get raped.

If your politics has you that f#$ked up in the head I only pity you.
STFU moron, If you let them in I hope it's your family that pays the price, not mine. You want them here deal with the consequence, it's on you...
Pity on you and your politics and your family...
California Capital Hosts Refugee Case
Iraqi refugee lied about activities abroad.
January 12, 2016
Lloyd Billingsley


The question of refugees and their links to terrorism got a showcase last Friday in California, a state where on December 2 in San Bernardino Islamic terrorists Syed Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik gunned down 14 people. The recent case centers on Iraqi refugee Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, 23, who came to the United States in 2012 and drew a rather favorable review in the Sacramento Bee.

Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab “appears to be a typical young man trying to make it in America,” said the January 9 piece by Sam Stanton, Stephen Magagnini and Denny Walsh. The American River College student had hopes of studying computer science and held a job at the Ramada Inn. Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, “evidently likes sleek, fast cars, judging from the many photos he posted on Facebook, and has a penchant for posing before the Golden Gate Bridge and elsewhere wearing the chic clothing you might see young hipsters wearing at any American shopping mall.” But according to the feds, the Iraqi refugee “has another, darker side.”

In 2014 Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab told everybody he was going to visit his grandmother in Turkey but really went “to join up and fight with terror groups in Syria before returning to this country and settling in Sacramento.” The refugee is charged with lying about what he did while abroad. As the Bee writers had it, he was “marched into an eighth-floor courtroom at the federal courthouse,” with his arms and legs shackled.

Judge Carolyn Delaney ordered the refugee held without bail. His lawyer Benjamin Galloway told the court there was no indication that Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab planned any acts of terror in this country or sought to harm anyone. A statement by U.S. Attorney Ben Wagner described the Iraqi refugee as a “potential safety threat.”

Local CAIR director Basim Elkarra told reporters he had surveyed local mosques and “no one recognizes this guy.” Neither did anyone at the Salam Islamic Center know Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, who had participated in local Muslim festivities. Basim Elkarra is now the Islamic spokesman of choice in Sacramento. The previous incumbent was Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez, spiritual leader of the Sacramento Area League of Associated Muslims (SALAM). In 2009 the FBI gave Abdul Azeez its Community Leadership Award for “preventing violence, creating understanding, bringing people together,” FBI special agent Drew Parenti said at the time.


California Capital Hosts Refugee Case
What kind of degenerate 'hopes' that any woman would get raped.

If your politics has you that f#$ked up in the head I only pity you.
STFU moron, If you let them in I hope it's your family that pays the price, not mine. You want them here deal with the consequence, it's on you...
Pity on you and your politics and your family...

Degenerate, meet your voice.
Well, this story was obviously IGNORED by the pathetic, evil, hypocritical fucking left wing media from a few weeks ago.

ISIS Has Released A Fatwa On How To Rape Women Slaves And It's Outrageous

The fatwa was released in response to a question on unspecified “violations” by Isis fighters owning female slaves and gives very explicit details on how the slaves should be treated before they start their menstruations, during their menstrual cycle, if they are pregnant and if the slave has a daughter who is of age to have intercourse.



That is right folks. Nothing reported by our beloved pathetic media. Could you imagine if a group of white people claiming to be Christian issued guidelines on how to rape women? Could you imagine what the pathetic propaganda pushers on the left who love everything not Christian, love everything anti-Israel (especially American Jews), would do?

What did the left report about this story from a few weeks ago? Nothing.

Now, all of a sudden there are systematic rapes and murders going on from these poor little refugees that the left want to come here. They all blindly support the entrance of these fucking smelly refugees into this country and they have the gall to use the tragedy of the Jews from Europe being turned away by FDR in the 30s to compare when people like me say fuck no to these fucking scumbags.

Can you believe what we are dealing with? Can you believe how far the left will go to push their fucking American hating, Christian hating, white people hating, Israel hating agenda?

Remember, the scumbags claim to be on the side of womens rights and gay rights etc etc. They then support all of the countries that rape women, stone women for being raped and execute gays against Israel who does not do any of those things.

Is there any reason, any at all, for you to treat fucking liberals with any respect? Any reason?
Last edited:
What kind of degenerate 'hopes' that any woman would get raped.

If your politics has you that f#$ked up in the head I only pity you.
STFU moron, If you let them in I hope it's your family that pays the price, not mine. You want them here deal with the consequence, it's on you...
Pity on you and your politics and your family...

Degenerate, meet your voice.
What gravity got yo brain, you don't like it when I act the liberal part, do ya moron...:2up:
What kind of degenerate 'hopes' that any woman would get raped.

If your politics has you that f#$ked up in the head I only pity you.
STFU moron, If you let them in I hope it's your family that pays the price, not mine. You want them here deal with the consequence, it's on you...
Pity on you and your politics and your family...

Degenerate, meet your voice.
What gravity got yo brain, you don't like it when I act the liberal part, do ya moron...:2up:

Your still whining? You've stated your vomitus succinctly, maybe your dog hasn't been kicked enough this week, check into that and then stop back by.
Multiculturalism Trumps Protecting Women from Rape
In the competition between multiculturalism and one of the most elementary instincts and obligations of higher civilization, higher civilization lost.
January 13, 2016
Dennis Prager


Since the scores of New Year’s Eve sexual attacks on German women by hundreds of men identified as Arab or North African, the left in Germany has faced a dilemma: which to fight for first — women’s human rights or multiculturalism?

This was the same dilemma that faced British authorities between 1997 and 2013. During those six years at least 1,400 girls from the age of 11 in just one English city (Rotherham, population 275,000) were raped by gangs of men, nearly all of whom were immigrants (mostly from Pakistan) or their sons.

But British authorities kept silent. Why?

In 2014, the reason finally was revealed: The perpetrators were Muslim, and British authorities were therefore afraid to publicize — or often even investigate — the crimes. They feared being branded Islamophobic and racist. Politicians on the left and right acknowledged this fact.

As I wrote in a column in 2014:

“In 2002, a Labor Party MP from nearby Keighley, Ann Cryer, complained to the police about ‘young Asian lads’ raping girls in her constituency. In her words, she ‘was shunned by elements of her party.’ And note, that as is demanded by the left in the UK, she didn’t even mention that the rapists were Pakistani, lest Muslims be blamed for this evil. They were ‘Asian lads.'”

The British Home Secretary, Theresa May, told Parliament that “institutionalized political correctness” was responsible for the lack of attention given to the mass rape.

In other words, between protecting over a thousand girls from repeated gang rape and protecting Muslims from being identified as the rapists, British authorities chose to protect multiculturalism and “diversity.” In the competition between multiculturalism and one of the most elementary instincts and obligations of higher civilization — the protection of girls and women from sexual violence — higher civilization lost.

The U.K. is of course not alone in having multiculturalism and the fear of being branded racist or Islamophobic take precedence over protecting girls and women. Some German authorities’ reaction to the events of New Year’s Eve in Cologne exemplified this.

After the attacks in Cologne, the mayor of Cologne suggested, in the words of The New York Times, “that women can protect themselves from men on the streets by keeping them more than an arm’s length away.”


As with multiculturalism, a left-wing priority — in this case destroying the right — has distorted the left’s moral compass. How could anyone in his right mind write that right-wing platforms and chat rooms are “at least as awful” as women being sexually attacked and even raped by gangs of men? The answer is that you cannot be in your right mind; you have to be in your left mind.

Multiculturalism Trumps Protecting Women from Rape
What kind of degenerate 'hopes' that any woman would get raped.

If your politics has you that f#$ked up in the head I only pity you.
STFU moron, If you let them in I hope it's your family that pays the price, not mine. You want them here deal with the consequence, it's on you...
Pity on you and your politics and your family...

Degenerate, meet your voice.
What gravity got yo brain, you don't like it when I act the liberal part, do ya moron...:2up:

Your still whining? You've stated your vomitus succinctly, maybe your dog hasn't been kicked enough this week, check into that and then stop back by.
Well if you were here I'd kick you until you started whining, moron...
What kind of degenerate 'hopes' that any woman would get raped.

If your politics has you that f#$ked up in the head I only pity you.
STFU moron, If you let them in I hope it's your family that pays the price, not mine. You want them here deal with the consequence, it's on you...
Pity on you and your politics and your family...

Degenerate, meet your voice.
What gravity got yo brain, you don't like it when I act the liberal part, do ya moron...:2up:

Your still whining? You've stated your vomitus succinctly, maybe your dog hasn't been kicked enough this week, check into that and then stop back by.
Well if you were here I'd kick you until you started whining, moron...

Ah, internet tough. LOL Go threaten someone else Pinky.
You can thank obama and the left, I hope it's the left's mothers, daughters, sisters and partners that get raped. To hear it from the left is that none of this is happening and your a racist, bigot or an islamophobe, well fuck you...

The Muslim War On Women Comes To Germany
The only way for European women to have a future is to fight Muslim migration.
January 7, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


The city of Cologne’s website tells tourists that spending New Year’s there is “something to write home about.” It certainly is after the German city took in 10,000 mostly Muslim refugees last year. There are 120,000 Muslims already in the city making them more than 10% of the population. It has been estimated that Cologne will become a majority Muslim city by the last New Year’s Eve of the century.

When the anti-Islamist group Pegida came out to protest last year, the Cologne cathedral turned out its lights to condemn them while pro-migrant activists smugly held up signs reading, “Refugees welcome”.

But for this New Year’s Eve, the crowd outside the Cologne Cathedral was dominated by young Muslim men who threw fireworks at police and sexually assaulted women and girls trapped in the crowd.

In a crowd of 1,000 men, hundreds of Muslim refugees prowled, assaulting and robbing any woman they could find. A police officer described seeing crying women stumble toward him after midnight. He managed to rescue one woman whose clothes had been torn off her body from a group of her attackers, but could not save her friends because the mob had begun hurling fireworks at him.

The eight men he arrested carried asylum papers. They were among the mob of refugees welcomed by the people of Cologne.

Mayor Henriette Reker, the refugee activist whose victory had been greeted with cheerful headlines from the pro-refugee press and shouts of Allahu Akbar by the locals, was forced to declare it a crisis.

Desperate efforts were made to suppress the crimes that had been committed, but too many women had been assaulted. More than 90 complaints had been filed. There was no telling how many more women had been too ashamed to go to the police. Or how many thought that there was no point because the authorities would not be on their side, but on the side of the Muslim refugee rapists.

A man spoke of being unable to protect his wife or teenage daughter from the mob. A British tourist fought against being forced into a car. A 17-year-old girl described being brutally violated and seeing other girls in the police station in the same condition. A 22-year-old woman recalled, “When I called for help, they laughed.” Even a volunteer policewoman had been molested.

Katia remembered walking through a “tunnel” made up only of “foreign men” who assaulted her on all sides. “Although we shouted and hit them, the men didn’t stop.” Instead they insulted and taunted her.

The provost of the Cologne Cathedral had warned anti-Islamist protesters, “You're supporting people you really don't want to support.” But it was the provost and pro-refugee activists who had supported people they really didn’t want to support. There is no way to know whether any of the smiling young people holding, “I Love Immigration” banners had fallen victim to those refugees they loved so much.

The over 1 million migrants brought to Germany by Merkel had already inflicted trauma on many women and girls while the offenders received little more than a slap on the wrist from the authorities.

Even pro-refugee activists working in camps in Germany had warned of a “culture of rape and violence” where unaccompanied women are viewed as “fair game” and rapes and sexual assaults are routine. A 16-year-old girl was raped on September 11 near a migrant shelter. Two Iraqis refugees had raped an 18-year-old girl behind a schoolyard. Another Iraqi raped a 17-year-old girl at a festival. A 7-year-old girl was raped in a park not far from where her mother was sitting.


Merkel made this mess. And the only way to undo it is to undo Germany’s asylum policies and likely its membership in the European Union. The migrant wave has fundamentally altered Germany’s demographics in a way that makes the country hostile to women. The only way for women in Europe to have a future is to fight the migration mob. Otherwise what happened outside the Cologne cathedral, what happens to the 99% of women in Egypt and what happens in the Islamic State will be their future.

The Muslim War On Women Comes To Germany

Looks like the global elites are trying to fulfill Albert Pike's idea for the third world war.
  • "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
STFU moron, If you let them in I hope it's your family that pays the price, not mine. You want them here deal with the consequence, it's on you...
Pity on you and your politics and your family...

Degenerate, meet your voice.
What gravity got yo brain, you don't like it when I act the liberal part, do ya moron...:2up:

Your still whining? You've stated your vomitus succinctly, maybe your dog hasn't been kicked enough this week, check into that and then stop back by.
Well if you were here I'd kick you until you started whining, moron...

Ah, internet tough. LOL Go threaten someone else Pinky.
Internet coward, as well.
"This is what's coming to America"

What's already in America is this sort of ignorance and hate common to many on the right, posing a much greater threat than 'Muslims.'
So you think it is a good idea to bring in thousands of muslim immigrants that can't or haven't been vetted? Do you realize how utterly stupid that is? Oh wait, you are one of those touchy, feely libruls.
"This is what's coming to America"

What's already in America is this sort of ignorance and hate common to many on the right, posing a much greater threat than 'Muslims.'
So you think it is a good idea to bring in thousands of muslim immigrants that can't or haven't been vetted? Do you realize how utterly stupid that is? Oh wait, you are one of those touchy, feely libruls.

You really think these people won't be vetted?

Typical dumber-than-Palin con.
Last edited:
STFU moron, If you let them in I hope it's your family that pays the price, not mine. You want them here deal with the consequence, it's on you...
Pity on you and your politics and your family...

Degenerate, meet your voice.
What gravity got yo brain, you don't like it when I act the liberal part, do ya moron...:2up:

Your still whining? You've stated your vomitus succinctly, maybe your dog hasn't been kicked enough this week, check into that and then stop back by.
Well if you were here I'd kick you until you started whining, moron...

Ah, internet tough. LOL Go threaten someone else Pinky.
Only lefties are pinkies, now jump. Your my new dog, every time I post you'll jump, lol you probably have your email notify you when there's post, poor you. The only way to get away, ignore...rolmao
"This is what's coming to America"

What's already in America is this sort of ignorance and hate common to many on the right, posing a much greater threat than 'Muslims.'
So you think it is a good idea to bring in thousands of muslim immigrants that can't or haven't been vetted? Do you realize how utterly stupid that is? Oh wait, you are one of those touchy, feely libruls.

You really think these people won't be vetter.

Typical dumber-than-Palin con.[/QUOTE

What is "vetter", dumb ass? BTW, I am not a neocon and I am party neutral but I fucking HATE pseudo liberals with every fiber of my being. I wouldn't piss on one if they were on fire and I had a full bladder and I had to walk the length of the football field to keep the mist of my piss from dampening the flames. The global elites have not had better useful idiots than the foaming at the mouth liberal POS.....and that is a fact.
"This is what's coming to America"

What's already in America is this sort of ignorance and hate common to many on the right, posing a much greater threat than 'Muslims.'
So you think it is a good idea to bring in thousands of muslim immigrants that can't or haven't been vetted? Do you realize how utterly stupid that is? Oh wait, you are one of those touchy, feely libruls.
so we shouldn't be fooled by your rough exterior?


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