This Is What Socialism Looks Like


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Rep. Ritchie Torres’ Big Idea: Create permanent monthly child allowance payments to parents
Rep. Ritchie Torres’ Big Idea:
Create permanent monthly child
allowance payments to parents

"Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., wants to lift children out of poverty by providing parents a monthly child allowance on a permanent basis.

Much like how Social Security and Medicare provide a safety net for American seniors, Torres wants parents to receive regular payments for each child up until age 18. The money would come in the form of an expanded child tax credit that would establish a basic, reoccurring income for families with children in America."

Does Rep. Ritchie 'Rich' Torres plan to pay for this massive spending idea out of his own pocket / salary?

No, the indoctrinated dumbass socialist wants to forcibly reach into the pockets of Americans and take the money that's needed to fund his new socialist govt money give-away plan. 'They' used to say, Socialists love spending money - as long as it is not theirs and until other people's money runs out. Today's Socialists, however, keep proving that they LOVE spending money - as long as its not theirs, and if other people's money run runs out they just keep robbing our children of their future by adding more and more to the deficit.

And where is the money going to come from to pay for it? Oh yeah, taxes.... :rolleyes:
Anything to tax the average American if that Biden $3 Trillion Infrastructure bill wasn't enough. :oops:
Introducing legislation that is bound to fail to become a law is what Socialism looks like?

And here I thought it was forced land confiscation for redistribution among the peasants, reeducation, and death camps? But no, it's our legislative process.

Nice to know. Thanks Red.
You can always find people who propose ways of handling Any situation that step in a direction not to your liking, Then you label it with a negative. Lots of that going on, From Nazi to communist depending on your political point of view. Don't see this as helpful, We are locked in a political nightmare.
Some sort of UBI will certainly be on the table soon.
Probably cut down on abortion rates.

For all the wrong reasons
Hungary pays people to first get married, then have kids, and to stay married....due to low birth rate and since they refused to import refugees.
Of course, and without reading the proposal, this lawmaker probably wants the payments to go to parent(s) with an income under X, so getting married and combing incomes = don't get married, and you don't get the benefit if you make too much. Welfare benefits should be applied across the board.
Rep. Ritchie Torres’ Big Idea: Create permanent monthly child allowance payments to parents
Rep. Ritchie Torres’ Big Idea:
Create permanent monthly child
allowance payments to parents

"Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., wants to lift children out of poverty by providing parents a monthly child allowance on a permanent basis.

Much like how Social Security and Medicare provide a safety net for American seniors, Torres wants parents to receive regular payments for each child up until age 18. The money would come in the form of an expanded child tax credit that would establish a basic, reoccurring income for families with children in America."

Does Rep. Ritchie 'Rich' Torres plan to pay for this massive spending idea out of his own pocket / salary?

No, the indoctrinated dumbass socialist wants to forcibly reach into the pockets of Americans and take the money that's needed to fund his new socialist govt money give-away plan. 'They' used to say, Socialists love spending money - as long as it is not theirs and until other people's money runs out. Today's Socialists, however, keep proving that they LOVE spending money - as long as its not theirs, and if other people's money run runs out they just keep robbing our children of their future by adding more and more to the deficit.

Everything is Free for the Democrat Voters.
Democrat Motto: Working is for Suckers
I am a bit shocked that you dont already have this. We have had this for decades. The payment is paid directly to mothers and its a huge help in alleviating poverty particularly for young couples who always find the early years to be hard work. Only a total arsehole would have a problem with it.

Claim Child Benefit
Rep. Ritchie Torres’ Big Idea: Create permanent monthly child allowance payments to parents
Rep. Ritchie Torres’ Big Idea:
Create permanent monthly child
allowance payments to parents

"Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., wants to lift children out of poverty by providing parents a monthly child allowance on a permanent basis.

Much like how Social Security and Medicare provide a safety net for American seniors, Torres wants parents to receive regular payments for each child up until age 18. The money would come in the form of an expanded child tax credit that would establish a basic, reoccurring income for families with children in America."

Does Rep. Ritchie 'Rich' Torres plan to pay for this massive spending idea out of his own pocket / salary?

No, the indoctrinated dumbass socialist wants to forcibly reach into the pockets of Americans and take the money that's needed to fund his new socialist govt money give-away plan. 'They' used to say, Socialists love spending money - as long as it is not theirs and until other people's money runs out.

Today's Socialists, however, keep proving that they LOVE spending money - as long as its not theirs, and if other people's money run runs out they just keep robbing our children of their future by adding more and more to the deficit.

Why not invest in US citizens and the next generation?

Even Saudi Arabia does that.

Look how how Spain hoarded their gold from the New World, caused inflation and drove themselves into 300 years of poverty by NOT investing in the Spanish people.
I am a bit shocked that you dont already have this. We have had this for decades. The payment is paid directly to mothers and its a huge help in alleviating poverty particularly for young couples who always find the early years to be hard work. Only a total arsehole would have a problem with it.

Claim Child Benefit

If you destroy the Middle Class, you become Venezuela.. Maybe these pinheads actually want socialism.
I am a bit shocked that you dont already have this. We have had this for decades. The payment is paid directly to mothers and its a huge help in alleviating poverty particularly for young couples who always find the early years to be hard work. Only a total arsehole would have a problem with it.

Claim Child Benefit

If you destroy the Middle Class, you become Venezuela.. Maybe these pinheads actually want socialism.
They drivel on about life is sacred but it is until it might add a penny on their taxes. Conservatives are just selfish bastards wherever they lurk.
I am a bit shocked that you dont already have this. We have had this for decades. The payment is paid directly to mothers and its a huge help in alleviating poverty particularly for young couples who always find the early years to be hard work. Only a total arsehole would have a problem with it.

Claim Child Benefit

If you destroy the Middle Class, you become Venezuela.. Maybe these pinheads actually want socialism.
They drivel on about life is sacred but it is until it might add a penny on their taxes. Conservatives are just selfish bastards wherever they lurk.
why not try working and earning money...shocking idea Im sure chairman mao
I am a bit shocked that you dont already have this. We have had this for decades. The payment is paid directly to mothers and its a huge help in alleviating poverty particularly for young couples who always find the early years to be hard work. Only a total arsehole would have a problem with it.

Claim Child Benefit

If you destroy the Middle Class, you become Venezuela.. Maybe these pinheads actually want socialism.
They drivel on about life is sacred but it is until it might add a penny on their taxes. Conservatives are just selfish bastards wherever they lurk.
why cant we all be loser communist like you
I am a bit shocked that you dont already have this. We have had this for decades. The payment is paid directly to mothers and its a huge help in alleviating poverty particularly for young couples who always find the early years to be hard work. Only a total arsehole would have a problem with it.

Claim Child Benefit
Welfare creates poverty. It doesn't "alleviate" it.
I am a bit shocked that you dont already have this. We have had this for decades. The payment is paid directly to mothers and its a huge help in alleviating poverty particularly for young couples who always find the early years to be hard work. Only a total arsehole would have a problem with it.

Claim Child Benefit

If you destroy the Middle Class, you become Venezuela.. Maybe these pinheads actually want socialism.
They drivel on about life is sacred but it is until it might add a penny on their taxes. Conservatives are just selfish bastards wherever they lurk.
I don't believe life is sacred. I certainly don't give a crap about yours.

I am a selfish bastard. This world would be a better place if everyone was as selfish as me.
I am a bit shocked that you dont already have this. We have had this for decades. The payment is paid directly to mothers and its a huge help in alleviating poverty particularly for young couples who always find the early years to be hard work. Only a total arsehole would have a problem with it.

Claim Child Benefit
Women have their emancipation there Tommy. Its time for them to tough it up. Its equality now equity. Meanwhile the Chinese women who work in Chinese near sweat shops are more educated then many of us in the West.

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