This is what all parents need to do with their kids

Are you seriously confused by this? Let me see if I can give you an experiment on a crayon eaters level.

Stand up to pee. If your thighs are dry afterward you’re a boy. If you need to empty your shoes and dry your cloths you aren’t.
Thanks elementary teacher. That's what they call your biological sex. Gender roles and biological sex are two different things.
Thanks elementary teacher. That's what they call your biological sex. Gender roles and biological sex are two different things.
Yes, gender roles, as in acting or pretending. You can pretend to be the other sex, dress up, put on makeup, pad a bra or even strap on a rubber dick. You’re still the sex you were born as.
Yes, gender roles, as in acting or pretending. You can pretend to be the other sex, dress up, put on makeup, pad a bra or even strap on a rubber dick. You’re still the sex you were born as.
Yes there are only two sexes which is a physical and tangible thing. Generally and for the most part you either have a baby factory or a fuckstick. Gender is not a physical or tangible thing. It's all in the mind, a social construct. Not all people conform to the gender roles assigned to each sex. Most do.
gender and sex are the same thing and there are only two,,,

youve been indoctrinated because you have a weak mind,,
Your kind said Columbus would sail off the edge of the world too.

Your kind said Columbus would sail off the edge of the world too.

sorry your deflection didnt work,,

there are only two genders,,

and columbus had a map with him that showed the earth to be round,, just more proof of your indoctrination,,
It's like an Orwell nightmare. Schools have the right to kidnap kids and castrate them without parental interference but a brave kid who wears a T shirt to protest gets kicked out.
That kid's got balls!!!
To be fair, in order to determine if the dress code was violated we would need to know what is written in the dress code. If the dress code does not allow the shirt to be worn to school it is possible that a court would find the dress code to violate the student's constitutional right to free speech.
If this student's right to express his political belief are restricted--EVERY expression of political belief in the school should be banned including LGBTQ pride flags and statements.

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