This is what all parents need to do with their kids

That's call psychology.

Not quite. I authored a book on a branch of Applied Psychology. Imagining that you are some flaky made-up gender is your IMAGINATION. Psychology is a tool, a very inexact science which might be used to try to study and explain how people come up with crap like this:

Sexual Types.png
You would think that a 12 y/o student in middle school would have such rights, as are listed in the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Not so.

Students are only accorded the rights granted to them by the school.
We abolished our dress code when I was in 10th grade. I know that they came back quite a while ago, but they don't pass Constitutional scrutiny.
Yes, it is fact for every human being. Either you're a male or female, sometimes one is born with both parts. That does make them either male or female, but that still makes only two genders.
It is also scientific fact that it is impossible for virgins to conceive and for dead victims of ancient Roman crucifiction to magically and mysteriously "rise" from their graves.
Yet that hasn't stopped Christians from shoving this ridiculous mythology down people's throats for the past 2,000 years up to and including MURDERING people for not believing it!

Look, I find transgenderism comical and (at times) mildly annoying for all the culrure war press it is getting.

All I am saying is that anybody who has swallowed the Christian dogma bullshit has absolutely ZERO right lecturing others on biology.
Hardly, due to whiny liberal fantasies of victimhood and pathetically low self-esteem issues, anything liberals don't like is labeled as hate and bullying directed at them.
Meanwhile back in reality, seldom does an hour go by without a right wing loon such as yourself posting some nonsense about how conservatives are being persecuted.
What group was TARGETED by simply stating the scientific fact that we are either born male or female---- TWO FUCKING GENDERS.

This kid's family wins big. School takes a thumping.
Since this is where the democrats are pushing us I would love to see the court trial where the school has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt there are more than two genders.
This is part of the write up: "According to Whiting, the school said that the message on Morrison's T-shirt qualifies as bullying and harassment, and the staff told Morrison that his shirt was targeting a "protected class" of students in the school."

Why are only some kids protected and not all of them? Why do only some get to wear whatever they want and act however they want to, but the rest of the kids can not?

God bless you and that boy always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, to me, there shouldn't be ANY special treatment which is why perhaps a school uniform should be issued. Of course, we all know what will happened with those who identify as females whether they truly are or not. They will want dresses instead of pants.
no surrender,,
it just makes me sick to my stomach to talk to people like you that support pedophiles and child molesters,,,

so go away pervert,,,,
I don’t support pedophiles and child molesters by saying that this is a school policy issue.

Your inability to address what I said is your surrender.
you think I care what you have to say or questions you ask??

very dumb of you to think such a thing,,
I don’t care about what you care about. I simply said that you failed to address what I said, because you failed to address what I said, and that I accept your surrender.
I don’t care about what you care about. I simply said that you failed to address what I said, because you failed to address what I said, and that I accept your surrender.
you obviously do care or you would fuck off,,,

sorry but your reputation precedes you and I dont care to participate,,

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