This Is Not The Way Marines Should Act


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
US Marine being probed over song on killing Iraqis

1.00pm Thursday June 15, 2006
By Will Dunham

WASHINGTON - The US Marine Corps is investigating whether a Marine did anything wrong by singing an obscenity laced song to a laughing and cheering crowd of fellow US troops in Iraq making light of killing Iraqis.

A four-minute video of the performance, posted on the internet, showed Cpl. Joshua Belile, who returned home from Iraq in March, singing lyrics about encountering an Iraqi woman and her family. [Watch video]

He sings, "I grabbed her little sister and put her in front of me. As the bullets began to fly, the blood sprayed from between her eyes, and then I laughed maniacally." In the background, laughing, clapping and cheers can be heard.

Marine Corps officials said today their preliminary inquiry will focus on whether Belile broke military law or rules in writing and singing a song with offensive lyrics to an audience of other troops. Another concern, they said, was maintaining "good order and discipline" in the ranks.

The Marines have called the song "clearly inappropriate".

"I cannot say if there is a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice or the law of armed conflict. Lawyers have looked at it and they're kind of scratching their heads, which is why we're doing this preliminary inquiry," said Lt. Col. Scott Fazekas, a US Marine Corps spokesman at the Pentagon.

Maj. Shawn Haney, spokeswoman at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point in North Carolina, said the preliminary inquiry is expected to last a couple of days. The military will then decide whether to move to a more formal investigation that potentially could lead to discipline.

Belile, who is stationed at Marine Corps Air Station New River in North Carolina and is a member of a band called the Sweater Kittenz, told a local newspaper the song was "supposed to be funny," with lyrics based on lines from the 2004 satirical movie Team America: World Police.

"It's a song that I made up and it was nothing more than something supposed to be funny, based off a catchy line of a movie," Belile told the Daily News in Jacksonville, North Carolina. "I apologise for any feelings that may have been hurt in the Muslim community. This song was written in good humour and not aimed at any party, foreign or domestic."

The video's existence comes to light at a time when the military is investigating the role of Marines in the deaths of 24 civilians in the city of Haditha in November.

"We welcome Corporal Belile's apology and will leave it to military authorities to determine whether any disciplinary action is warranted," said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington-based civil rights group that had called for an investigation.

Video of Belile's performance in Iraq was posted on the website, but was recently removed. CAIR has posted the video on its website,
jillian said:

1. Haditha is unraveling
2 It was satire, you do know what satire is?
3. Last I knew, even marines have first amendment rights, at least on their downtime
4. Check this out, lots of links:
By Michelle Malkin · June 14, 2006 09:04 PM

The witch hunt against the Marine who performed "Hadji Girl" continues. Look at this "fair and balanced" headline from our "friends" at the London Times:


Your mandatory Andrew Sullivan hyperventilation is here.

LGF and Allah keep you updated.

Before I post the full lyrics of "Hadji Girl," there's a point about the military musical double standards at play here that no one in the MSM has acknowledged. The apparent crackdown on Cpl. Joshua Belile over his fictitious song blowing off steam jogged my memory about another set of soldiers who made headlines for their war music. Last June, a group of soldiers won lavish praise from the MSM for their rap albums. See here. And here. And here. These soldiers were heralded for their raw, fresh, candid portrayals of war. The 4th 25th garnered positive reviews from critics. Here are the lyrics to one of their songs:



I hear is momma cryin
But I still scream fuckem
Unload my magazine on this buster
That’s how I say fuckem
You know we don’t trust em

Let them all lie dead in a dirt bed
With a bullet in his head
Rest in peace to all my soldiers
Got a lot on my head

Now turn the combinations
To release my thoughts
Im fed up with all this
Save the word talk

Right heres were the fuckem starts
And the piece stops

If he aint got no food

If he aint got no shoes
Cause I
Got everything to live for
He got nothing to lose… fuckem

I know my thoughts are not fair
But im fighting for my country
And I, wonder sometimes
If my country even cares

But fuckem

If he pull that trigger once
Man he’ll do it again
So when he ran out a bullets put the weapon down
He must a thought the violence was gon end


Killem alls what my heart say
So my finger gladly replies
With a 5.56, or a 7.62
Right between his eyes fuckem

5 to 55 (what) my bullets don’t discriminate
so if you think that im wrong
get me outta here
you can gladly take my place fuckem

this is war round here
when we see um fuckem
everybody on the streets
when we see um fuckem

they callin cease fires
but they keep firin fuckem
I got no love for them
Pussy niggaz here fuckem

They trying to see us all dead over here fuckem
But I aint trying to get bled over here fuckem
They even look like they bout to do something
Lay em down put 50 rounds in they stomach fuckem

Started off kinda professional
But now this shit is personal
Niggaz learn when red crosses
And sirens come to they rescue

And its always getting serious
When hot barrels get pointed at you
Don’t give a fuck about yalls lives
Now that im guarding mine more careful

Treat everyday just the like the first day
Examples can be made out you
And any day could be your last day
And experience wont help you

And I’ll be damned if im scared
Cause me runnin is not an issue
And just think
Somebody at the crib might miss you

Wish your wife and children
Wishin For you stepped they woulda kissed you
When all that be said is daddy died
Bein a damn fool

If you got nothing to lose
Take a chance when convoys ride thru
50 cals and 240’s
like 360’s and quarter miles dude

and its, always getting serious
just thought I would remind you
niggaz thought process delirious
not chancing what the next might do

and I still don’t think yall hearin
even though yall should find time to
you can love us and never hate us
and that’s the bottom line dude

just puttem on the same block with me
im poppin off till all 7
of these magazines is empty
no, they will not get me

though they’ve come close to hittin me
so far they missed me
only managed to piss me off
now I react more quickly

and I will never lay down
nor will anybody with me
keep my boots laced up
tighter than fuck… lets go

till we dead in the street
or its time to come home
yeah we don held down the block
4 mofuckers strong

and we don popped off a few times
new we was dead wrong
wish they’d let god judgem
cause my judgement is off

and though I try not to playem
they hand me his role
so in his image I judgem
fuckem they got to go

no I aint trying to be they jury
but this is all they’ll give me
so in return all I can givem
is a verdict of guilty

and carry out they sentence of death
for they kill me they self
they trying to dance with the devil
but I only dance by myself… fuckem

Unless I'm mistaken, there has been no uproar over the rappers' lyrics. No investigation. No apology. No condemnation. In fact, they received promotional help like this: "The sound may be raw, but the lyrics tell a story from Iraq that you don't often hear—from the soldiers on the streets." And nice BBC profiles like this:


Now compare: Here are the lyrics of "Hadji Girl" that have the Marine brass bowing and scraping to CAIR (thanks to Jim and Jason and several other readers)...

Hadji Girl
I was out in the sands of Iraq
And we were under attack
And I, well, I didn't know where to go.
And the first think I could see was
Everybody's favorite Burger King
So I threw open the door and I hit the floor.
Then suddenly to my surprise
I looked up and I saw her eyes
And I knew it was love at first sight.
And she said

Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
Hadji girl I can't understand what you're saying.
And she said
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
Hadji girl I love you anyway.

Then she said that she wanted me to see.
She wanted me to meet her family
But I, well, I couldn't figure out how to say no.
Cause I don't speak Arabic.
So, she took me down an old dirt trail.
And she pulled up to a side shanty
And she threw open the door and I hit the floor.
Cause her brother and her father shouted

Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
They pulled out their AKs so I could see
And they said
Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah

So I grabbed her little sister and pulled her in front of me.
As the bullets began to fly
The blood sprayed from between her eyes
And then I laughed maniacally
Then I hid behind the TV
And I locked and loaded my M-16
And I blew those little f***ers to eternity.
And I said

Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad
Sherpa Sherpa Bak Allah
They should have known they were f***ing with a Marine
Cpl. Belile is being railroaded. The MSM dupes are playing into CAIR's hands. And p.c. military leaders are rolling over.

Support Belile and the Sweater Kittenz here. If you are a talent agent and want to support the troops, go contact them now.

Like Jim at Blackfive, I'm disgusted. Here's his letter to a USMC official:

Dear Maj. Chapin,

I am concerned by the reaction of the USMC to the clearly humorous video Hadji Girl by CPL Belle. I wonder if anyone there bothered to watch and listen to the lyrics, I don’t think so because they hardly match the lies spread in the media and by CAIR which you appear to have swallowed whole. They are available here and clearly demonstrate none of the reprehensible sentiments claimed. And yet we get this:

“Corps officials responded to the group’s concerns and contacted administrators of the Web site on which it had been anonymously posted to ask that it be removed.”

I am curious why the Marine Corps would ask that any video be removed from a private website. I am curious why the Marine Corps would spend tax dollars harassing a private group about a private individual’s exercise of freedom of speech. I am disgusted by your statement here.

“The video … is clearly inappropriate and contrary to the high standards expected of all Marines,” said Marine Maj. Gabrielle Chapin in a prepared statement. “The video is not reflective of the tremendous sacrifices and dedication demonstrated, on a daily basis, by tens of thousands of Marines who have assisted the Iraqi people in gaining their freedom.”

Are you concerned with his vocal ability, or his guitar playing skills, or his songwriting? I didn’t know the Marine Corps kept track of what troops do in their off time and much less that you graded them on it. The video is reflective of the idea enshrined in the Bill of Rights, that speech is free. I assume you can locate a copy of the document, and perhaps you might spend some time reading it rather than embarrassing the Corps and America by caving in to the jihadi apologists at CAIR.

If the freedoms military folks are fighting and dying to provide for the Iraqis and Afghanis are not available to our own troops then why should they risk their lives? This is a sorry day for the Corps and you owe CPL Belle, all Marines and the US people an explanation as to why the USMC has seen fit to revoke freedom of speech for it’s members.

I am a former US Army Special Forces Weapons Sergeant and have worked in many countries where building rapport with the local populace was vital to the success of our operations. I realize that a satire like this can, and obviously has been, misinterpreted, and that it may be used by those opposed to our efforts in Iraq, and even harm our relations with some Iraqis. Tough crap Major, deal with it, and not by forgetting that the most basic protections of freedom apply to all of us, even if they hurt the delicate feelings of all the chair-warming appeasers in DC or anyone else’s.


Jim Hanson​

I repeat LGF's question again: What is wrong with Marine brass?

jillian said:

Bullshit. When first enlisted they were all about killing Vietnamese. They're called "ditties," we sing them while running or marching. It takes the mind of what you're putting your body through.

And it is EXACTLY how Marines act, they could give a crap less about the opinions of a bunch of left-wing, politically correct nimrods who are offended by being so much as described by their hair and skin color.

Perhaps you overly-judgemental civilian-type liberals should stop and consider just exactly what you ask Marines, or any other servicemember to do. It all boils down to being a government subsidized mercenary, and there is NO point to putting lipstick on THAT pig.
It wasn't satire. It was disgusting. And if you don't see the difference between the rap and the song -- which describes one of our guys seeking shelter with the girl and then blowing away her family -- then there's not a lot to say.

I also don't think your lyrics are complete because it leaves out the part about him blowing away her father....
Kathianne said:
1. Haditha is unraveling
2 It was satire, you do know what satire is?
3. Last I knew, even marines have first amendment rights, at least on their downtime
4. Check this out, lots of links:

Oh the PC military will roll over. They're absolutely paranoid of bad publicity and will squash just about anything that causes it. In the Marines, when they really started integrating women into units, we were suddenly no longer allowed to sing any of the womanizing/whoring or otherwise portrayed women in anything but a perfectly equal in every aspect songs.

No one takes them seriously -- well, except apparently some lefties -- they are nothing more than amusement.

Oh, and political correctness sucks, and I HATED seeing it invade the minds of my fellow Marines.
jillian said:
It wasn't satire. It was disgusting. And if you don't see the difference between the rap and the song -- which describes one of our guys seeking shelter with the girl and then blowing away her family -- then I can't help you.

I also don't think your lyrics are complete because it leaves out the part about him blowing away her father....

I haven't asked for, nor do I need your help. You need to work on that blindness though. It IS satire.

Now, do we need to compare who was "there" and probably knows better than some lib reading a blog, or what?

Y'all take yourselves WAY too seriously.
GunnyL said:
I haven't asked for, nor do I need your help. You need to work on that blindness though. It IS satire.

Now, do we need to compare who was "there" and probably knows better than some lib reading a blog, or what?

Y'all take yourselves WAY too seriously.

Ummmm...if you note, I'm not the one reading blogs. But thanks.

Good way for our guys to win hearts and minds.

But keep asking why they want us to get out of their country.
Mr. P said:
Been in the Marines, or even the Military, jillian? No? BACK OFF!

No offense, Mr. P, but their behavior was inappropriate. It made the good guys look horrible. Is this really the face that you think our guys should be showing?
jillian said:
Ummmm...if you note, I'm not the one reading blogs. But thanks.

YOU posted the one-sided crap that became this thread. Where exactly it came from is irrelevant other than it came from some left-wing piece of crap.

Good way for our guys to win hearts and minds.

"Our guys" kill shit for a living. Get that basic fundamental into your head. Marines are NOT diplomats. They aren't very politically correct at the troop level.

And if they are sent over there, away from their homes and families and could possibly make the ultimate sacrifice so we can fight a war in THEIR yard rather than yours, who gives a rat's ass what they sing?

But keep asking why they want us to get out of their country.

I never ask it because that statement is just another liberal lie perpetuated by the MSM. The only people that want us out are the religious nutjobs that want to replace Saddam's reign of terror with their own. And people like you who would allow it.
Abbey Normal said:
Gunny, you know me better! :thup:

And btw, I sincerely thank you for your service to this wonderful country of ours.
I'll second that for all our current and past service members. I also note that Jillian the most wise, has yet to respond to my posting of the video...
jillian said:
No offense, Mr. P, but their behavior was inappropriate. It made the good guys look horrible. Is this really the face that you think our guys should be showing?
No offense, jillian but you have no clue what is inappropriate.
It's a world you've never been a part of..a way of life, survival and so many things you can never really understand..So, like I said..BACK OFF!
it is a song....get a f*^% is not like the marines are hijacking iraqi commercial airliners and flying them into mosques during prayer time
Abbey Normal said:
Gunny, you know me better! :thup:

And btw, I sincerely thank you for your service to this wonderful country of ours.

Thanks. I'm sure "others" aren't as appreciative since I dared sing ditties while running in formation!:banana:
jillian said:
Ummmm...if you note, I'm not the one reading blogs. But thanks.

Good way for our guys to win hearts and minds.

But keep asking why they want us to get out of their country.

Jillian did you actually watch the video that Kathianne posted?

Who is asking the US to get out of the country except for terrorists and their sympathizers???

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