This is how we end it! (solution)

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How many peace treaties have the Palestinian terrorists broken now? Every single one.

Israel isn’t going to fall for it anymore.

Gaza was the end of appeasement. THAT was the end point of giving land to folks who were not READY to govern and value the peace, well being and prosperity of their people..
You can buy women's lingerie/sex toys in one and not in the others. That's why there's never been a UNIFIED Palestine in the 1st place.
With all due respect, you cannot even imagine how stupid this sounds. I mean, it can't have anything to do with living under a military occupation for generations, Right?
Gaza was the end of appeasement. THAT was the end point of giving land to folks who were not READY to govern and value the peace, well being and prosperity of their people..
That was not giving land. That was leaving a minute percentage of the land that was stolen.
Gaza was the end of appeasement. THAT was the end point of giving land to folks who were not READY to govern and value the peace, well being and prosperity of their people..
That was not giving land. That was leaving a minute percentage of the land that was stolen.

It was a test, abi. It was a test to see if the Arab Palestinians were invested in government, peace, well-being and prosperity of their people (as well as their neighbors). They failed that test. They are not invested in any of those things. They are invested only in the goal of destroying Israel, regardless of the cost. That is very useful information.
You can buy women's lingerie/sex toys in one and not in the others. That's why there's never been a UNIFIED Palestine in the 1st place.
With all due respect, you cannot even imagine how stupid this sounds. I mean, it can't have anything to do with living under a military occupation for generations, Right?

What happened to the Palestinian Authority? At one time, there were Pali cops on the beat, prosperity, a govt and leadership. Laws being written. Judges being appointed.

That's WHY Israel was enticed into releasing Gaza to them. You don't release land into the hands of a mob.

Tell me WHEN in all of history that there was a "unified" Palestine governed like a real nation..
What happened to the Palestinian Authority? At one time, there were Pali cops on the beat, prosperity, a govt and leadership. Laws being written. Judges being appointed.

That's WHY Israel was enticed into releasing Gaza to them. You don't release land into the hands of a mob.

Tell me WHEN in all of history that there was a "unified" Palestine governed like a real nation..
This is a solution thread involving Jews, Christians and Muslims joining together in the Palestinian struggle for freedom. Join them or don't
Gaza was the end of appeasement. THAT was the end point of giving land to folks who were not READY to govern and value the peace, well being and prosperity of their people..
That was not giving land. That was leaving a minute percentage of the land that was stolen.

Abi, I love you for all the laughs you give us & pray you will post more often. Hey uh, do you think maybe this might have something to do with the plight of the Palestinians?

Abbas admits he rejected 2008 peace offer from Olmert
What happened to the Palestinian Authority? At one time, there were Pali cops on the beat, prosperity, a govt and leadership. Laws being written. Judges being appointed.

That's WHY Israel was enticed into releasing Gaza to them. You don't release land into the hands of a mob.

Tell me WHEN in all of history that there was a "unified" Palestine governed like a real nation..
This is a solution thread involving Jews, Christians and Muslims joining together in the Palestinian struggle for freedom. Join them or don't

It doesn't take marches to form a nation. It takes leadership, vision, determination and a penchant for PEACE and well being of your own people. You want to run for office in Palestine Abi???
Gaza was the end of appeasement. THAT was the end point of giving land to folks who were not READY to govern and value the peace, well being and prosperity of their people..
That was not giving land. That was leaving a minute percentage of the land that was stolen.

Want to see the videos of Israel DRAGGING Jews OUT of Gaza kicking and screaming? Not only did they give Autonomy to the PA on Gaza.. A process was set up for FUTURE joint efforts at opening airports, seaports, commerce and trade.

Different Pali factions chose to FIGHT over control of the place. Rather than focus on BUILDING a livable space for their people. Don't you KNOW this stuff? How oblivious are you??

It's NOT ALL Israel's fault. There's plenty of failure on the Pali side... Sooner you realize this. The sooner you will be a position to HELP THEM at all. Right now -- you're NOT helping at all...
It doesn't take marches to form a nation. It takes leadership, vision, determination and a penchant for PEACE and well being of your own people. You want to run for office in Palestine Abi???
Like the Jewish people in Europe were allowed to do?

You are clueless when it comes to your own beliefs. You don't even know what peace or freedom is, let alone why you believe the hateful things you do.
It's NOT ALL Israel's fault.
It is, they stole other's land behind an army. Whoever was not murdered or expelled has been forced to live in subhuman conditions for generations now.
What happened to the Palestinian Authority? At one time, there were Pali cops on the beat, prosperity, a govt and leadership. Laws being written. Judges being appointed.

That's WHY Israel was enticed into releasing Gaza to them. You don't release land into the hands of a mob.

Tell me WHEN in all of history that there was a "unified" Palestine governed like a real nation..
This is a solution thread involving Jews, Christians and Muslims joining together in the Palestinian struggle for freedom. Join them or don't

The point flacaltenn is making is that two-year-olds don't need freedom so much as they need guided, benevolent leadership to teach and grow them. You don't give two-year-olds blanket freedom. They have to grow up some first.
You can buy women's lingerie/sex toys in one and not in the others. That's why there's never been a UNIFIED Palestine in the 1st place.
With all due respect, you cannot even imagine how stupid this sounds. I mean, it can't have anything to do with living under a military occupation for generations, Right?

What happened to the Palestinian Authority? At one time, there were Pali cops on the beat, prosperity, a govt and leadership. Laws being written. Judges being appointed.

That's WHY Israel was enticed into releasing Gaza to them. You don't release land into the hands of a mob.

Tell me WHEN in all of history that there was a "unified" Palestine governed like a real nation..

As long as the Palestinians remain divided with the PA & Hamas hating & killing each other over who will rule the Palestinians, there is no hope for peace, thus leaving Israel the winner in control of the land in question.
You can buy women's lingerie/sex toys in one and not in the others. That's why there's never been a UNIFIED Palestine in the 1st place.
With all due respect, you cannot even imagine how stupid this sounds. I mean, it can't have anything to do with living under a military occupation for generations, Right?

What happened to the Palestinian Authority? At one time, there were Pali cops on the beat, prosperity, a govt and leadership. Laws being written. Judges being appointed.

That's WHY Israel was enticed into releasing Gaza to them. You don't release land into the hands of a mob.

Tell me WHEN in all of history that there was a "unified" Palestine governed like a real nation..

As long as the Palestinians remain divided with the PA & Hamas hating & killing each other over who will rule the Palestinians, there is no hope for peace, thus leaving Israel the winner in control of the land in question.

All the neighboring Arab countries have rejected Islamic extremism. Don't want those folks within their borders. So -- if the Palis are gonna INSIST on supporting Islamic extremists -- likely --- they will NEVER have a nation.

Not in that neighborhood.. Hamas is a non-starter. Ask Egypt...

Like Shusha says -- "time to grow up" and stop sending your kids into the streets to confront the IDF security forces. It's their future at stake and time's a wasting. Boot Hamas and move on..
There is no point in having protests without knowing what the underlying goal is. What are you protesting FOR? Not what you are protesting AGAINST but what you are protesting FOR.

Using Gaza as an example, what do you hope to achieve by protesting? Let's say its to "end the blockade".

Okay. Under what conditions will Israel remove the blockade? Under what conditions would it be reasonable for Israel to remove the blockade?

1. Cessation of all hostilities.
2. Cessation of directing funding and materials towards hostilities.
3. Development of infrastructure, government and economy.
4. Recognition of Israel.

Seems to me, then, that Jews and Arabs should be protesting Hamas, not Israel.
Together, as the human race, facing reality without lies and distractions.

Roughly 300 Palestinians and Israelis marched along a major West Bank highway Friday afternoon to demand an end to the occupation and to protest Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The monthly protest march is deliberately held on a road that both Palestinians and Israeli settlers use, with the intention of demonstrating a joint Palestinian-Israeli anti-occupation message in full view of settlers.

The march set out from the “Tunnels Checkpoint,” the main checkpoint for settlers entering Jerusalem from the southern West Bank settlements of Gush Etzion.

The march has been organized by a consortium of peace and anti-occupation organizations in recent months. On Friday the most prominent organization was Combatants for Peace. The main slogan was: “There is another way.”



‘There is another way’: Palestinians, Israelis march together against the occupation | +972 Magazine
How many were beheaded in Syria and Egypt for doing that?
But still not sure it provides a "solution".
When the hate ends, the people join together, the numbers begin to rise and before you know it, you have more people that want peace, than the war mongers can deal with.
You're right.
When Hamas, etc... stop calling for all Jew to drown in the Medditteranean, peace might reign.
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